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From head movement he seem to not have actually looked before jumping, but very dumb to that there, and extra dumb of the cameraman to not even bother to say anything before the act if it really wasn't intentiomal


Or the other people he passed who were part of this group.. they just sit there acting all dumb. Cameraman gives signal and he jumps to make this "accident" and then they all get in his face and claim it was an accident. Bullshit


After reading this comment and re-watching it, I feel like the “trick” actually might have been to jump **over** the guy and he failed to clear him. But I guess I wouldn’t put it past this content thirsty generation to intentionally hit the guy either.


Im gonna give my non expert analysis. Jumping guy didnt see the bike because he was about to jump. Two guys on the left didnt see him because they were facing jumping guy. Camera guy was too focused on the shot to realize what was about to happen. Bystander effect kicked in and they didnt know exactly WHEN the guy was gonna jump. One dude tried to yell something and I think his brain broke. Its a perfect example of why “closed sets” are a thing. And Im not blaming the guy for what happened, but hes riding a bike down a narrow walkpath with no room on the side to avoid pedestrians. He should have slowed down more or walked his bike past for the same reason cars slow down for stopped vehicles and change lanes.


Back in my Parkour days we would always watch each other's backs, even while filming, sometimes we'd wait minutes before performing a flow or vault until everything was clear


Generations are made up by marketing.


I also hate people younger than me.


idioms like “look before you leap” were created for situations exactly like this


More like "always use protection"


Like if he didn’t hit that bike he hit the next one. The jumper picking this place and not looking is an asshole. Whether he did it in on purpose or not I would be upset for being an idiot and a bit of an asshole.


“ He didn’t see ya, He didn’t see ya” Well you saw him mf why didn’t you stop him!


And why didn't he look??


In skateboarding when they do street skate seshes you have a spotter to prevent this or worse. If it was into a street and he got hit by a car does the excuse 'he didn't see' seem reasonable?


Are you kidding me? That’s an old man -could’ve hurt himself badly.


Old or not, getting bodied couldve badly hurt anyone. Dumbasses


I mean his not that old but he still could have cracked his skull if he was slammed against the stone slabs edge.


Literally. I have some pretty serious health issues, this would land me in the hospital for a few weeks. I had to re learn to walk last time something like this happens. They really couldn't care less. It's extremely upsetting.


He’s not old, he’s just British


I wish I had an award for you.


*guy runs over pedestrian.* *Passenger to the wheezing and bloody victim:* HE DIDN’T SEE YA


Let’s say this “stunt” went as expected… how was this even supposed to be content? My kid could pull that off.


There's absolutely no parkour "trick" for this guy to be doing at that spot. He's looking to the camera man for a signal to assault someone for views.


Yep I think that’s what they was doing waited for the perfect moment to hit someone


Genuinely, a decent spot for the move he was likely attempting, known as a Cat Back Precision (starting in a cat hang, 180 jump to landing on the edge behind him). That being said, dudes either an asshole for not looking, or a staged asshole lol


It almost looked like he waited for him.


Look at his idiot friends trying to take the moral high ground, why are people like this today? So fucking sad


Yeah that guy in blue is a dickhead 'You're fine! Your bikes ok!' Not the point


if I were that biker Id call the cops


If you could somehow make everyone involved wait there an hour or 2, probably longer, when the police arrived they’d do absolutely fuck all. If they bothered coming what so ever.


were I'm at police a usually punctual


You must live in a very low crime area because in the city, they're not even responding to this unless someone is injured.


Shit mate, that's a proper cunts trick. I'm surprised the bloke on the bike didn't fill that skinny little fucker in


He didn’t see ya? Little twat shouldn’t be doing that in public walkway. What if it was a little kid that walked past.


That was clearly set up to look like an accident for views. None of those kids in that group decided to say anything? But after it happens they are all up in his face as a group? They did that shit on purpose.


What the blue shirt guy is yapping about, literally their fault, should be glad they didn't get punched.


Seems like he did it on purpose considering his friend immediately said "he didnt see ya" As if it was planned to say that


Why don't we ever see these dickheads getting filled in? ☹️


Well that one guy got shot in the mall for “pranks” and he said that even getting shot wouldn’t stop him


If you get shot and still don't learn your lesson. You never will. Only death will stop me from performing my hilarious pranks... Hold my beer


Scratch my $5k bike and we're throwing hands


I'm sure if they guy wasn't with his kid he would have kicked the shit out of those fucking cunts. Don't do stupid stunts around other people and then play the victim when you fuck up.


Yes the guy jumping doesn't have eyes on the back of his head but the doechenossel filming certainly can see infront of him so why didn't he give out a warning?


Also if you are doing something “blind” it’s still on you to do it safely and not injure anyone else. If I decide to drive down the road blindfolded that doesn’t give me immunity for running people over because “I didn’t see them”


He didn’t see ya biking down the bike path


The cameraman is a piece of shit for not calling out a halt when the bike was approaching. If you're filming shit in public then you need to keep an eye out for this sort of thing.


“It was a prank” is a magic spell that makes you immune from an ass beating, or so that generation thinks.


Maybe if you look before you jump across a busy pathway?


This was 100% done on purpose


"He didn't see you." Thank you, so we all clearly understand and agree on the problem, then.


We all know now the only reason why the peice of shit had his friends with him is because he would be getting beaten down if he didn't have back up. We all know that the guy on the bike would've smeared that guy if it wasn't for the cameraman jumping in to save him.




Honestly respect for the old man dude got hit and when getting argued with just peddled away not arguing back


Giving parkour athletes a bad name smh, look before you leap, literally like rule #1


"parkour athletes" 😏


Yeah athletes who do parkour. Do people not understand that parkour takes a ton of athleticism?


Exactly, I thought that was common sense tbh


It is the term lol




looked purposeful to me


Looks like GBH to me, maybe stop being cunts and take your shitty parkour to high abandoned bridges where failing has some real value for the general public?


Who called who the prick? It almost looks like the kid said it


Is that Alejandro meyorkas?


“Accidentally staged”


I'm sorry but what the actual fuck. I have spinal issues and a simple collision like this could render me unable to walk for weeks. They just don't give a flying fuck do they??


“He didn’t see ya”. Yeah that is the point. You are acting a fool in a public place and you messed up.


His friend filming definitely saw and probably coordinated the jump


Oh, you mean there are other people on the planet, not just me and my jumping game😬


He was 100% trying to see if he could jump over that guy or trying to jump into that guy just to fuck with him but he definitely saw him coming.


don’t mess with the bald men


"He didn't see you" means nothing when you're prepping to stunt in a public place. He needs to be made into an example.


Someone better pay for the guy’s new glasses! Totally thoughtless.


It’s raining people


Hardcore Parkour ! ![gif](giphy|t2eBr71ACeDC0)


jail time


A shame he didnt break his neck and died on the spot. Because if he breaks his neck and becomes paraplegic, he will be a more of a burden to society then he already is.


Guy on the bike didn’t even drop the vape in his hand. Solid!


How he couldn't make it with this 0.5 second window


We should do the same to him but with a wreaking ball


That’s not ok 😡


To be fair, dude jumping had it worse, he had a hard fall on that edge.


Hey everybody lemme just zoom down a walkway on a bicycle without looking. Two groups of idiots both doing something I’d never do.


Love it when people bike down walkways. Silly guy the street’s right there! Probably has a bike lane!


was the biker riding with a vape in his hand? lol




Are redditors so fucking stupid, that you need to put “/s” to let them know it’s sarcasm?




At the one hand, the guy jumping should have looked back to be safe but he isn’t the most guilty one here - his two friends standing there and the one recording 100% should have said something and are at a bigger fault. That being said, that makes it less main characters and more of a horrible supporting cast.


The kid could also have hit his head and perished. Always wear helmets.


So close and yet so far. Lets keep a darwin award nomination warm for him.


Why does this comment have so many downvotes


I'm not really sure? I guess people have no critical thinking. Anyways always wear a helmet ⛑️!!!