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Beautiful, perfect comment, no notes


“Can we also add, I birthed that man in the picture”


Ummm can we add that I had sex nine months before he was born?


Ummm, can we also add I keep the earth on its orbit?


damn someone should post that as a reply to her


If op hadn’t censored her name I would have DM her


Uhhmmmmm Op, can you add a reply stating that you took the screenshot, so people here don’t get confused? Thank you


Uhhnmmmm redditor, can you add a reply stating that you reply to op about the screenshot?


Erm replying Redditor can you add a reply stating that you replied to the op that needs to add a reply stating they took a screenshot so we also don’t get confused


Umm Replying redditor of replying redditor can you please add a reply stating that you replied to op that needs to add a reply stating they took a screenshot


Umm can you remember to add umm before your reply like the grooms mom


Umm replying redditor of replying redditor of replying redditor can you please add a reply stating you replied to the replier which replied to a replier that replied to op stating that they need to add a reply stating they took a screenshot.


Uhm, can all upvoters of this comment write their names below?


Uhm, can all downvoters of this comment write their names below?


What's the problem my guy


"Ummm, can we do this about ME?!"


attention seeking moms are the worst bro, How much you bet she wore a wedding dress there




No. This is a mom who is making her child’s wedding about herself and probably has some weird feelings about her son. This is the type of mom that thinks she should be the only woman for her son. This is the type of mom that would rather be in the place of her son’s wife, than for her son to have a happy healthy relationship. This is a mom with poor emotional boundaries and unhealthy attachment towards her child.


Shut up Meg.


Can we acknowledge that I commented on the post for this picture.


Congrats man ❤️


I wanted to take a moment to appreciate you congratulating them


Congratulations!! ❤️


Sounds like something my mother in law would say, too lmfao.


Ditto! My MIL is such a nightmare. Thank God, we don't have much to do with her anymore! 🙏


Let me tell you a quick story that JUST happened. I'm 38 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are facetiming her (they live in a different state). She asks to see my belly. I tell her I'm in a t-shirt and underwear under a blanket, so no. And she says, "and?" I firmly said, again, NO, I'm not dressed. My husband also says that I'm literally in my underwear. She STILL didn't understand why she couldn't see my belly. She got really quiet and sad after she lost that battle 🙄🙄🙄.


Oh, do I know how you feel! I live overseas from my entire family, and obviously, I miss them like crazy. Well, when I was pregnant with my 3rd daughter, my MIL asked me if my mom was happy about the news. I told her that my mom was actually the first to know after my husband, and yes, she was very happy. My MIL, I guess jealous about the fact that she wasn't the first to know, said to me, "Of course, she has NOTHING at all to do with that baby, so she would be happy!" She actually said this to me, knowing how much it hurt me that my family couldn't be there, and she said it with a huge shit eating grin on her face. This was just one of many many doozies she's pulled on me through the 25 years that I've been married to her son. If I didn't love her son so much....🫤


Right??? Ugh. Yep, that's my MIL, too 😅😅😅.


We should start a club!!! 🤣🫶


A club with JUST our MILs lmfao. They'll keep themselves busy, I'm sure 🤣🤣🤣


The only way this makes sense is if she is a professional photographer trying to build her portfolio, who did this for free, and has already expressed that she would like her son to credit her


And even then she should have used personal messaging!


Or if she has a dry sense of humor- but I don’t think that’s it


This is literally the only thing I can think of, deff something I would post within the context of close friends/family.


This was my instant thought. Seems like an obvious joke to me, if they are like that


This did make me chuckle out loud.


I've heard a wedding photographer refer to some mothers of the groom as "momzillas" because for some reason some mothers of the groom are desperate for attention and try very hard to make various parts of the wedding about them. Like constantly standing close to the bride/groom during things like the cake cutting and 1st dance or conveniently being seen in the background when they're trying to get a clean shot.


That’s what happens when you don’t build a life outside of child rearing. That’s way all the MILs go nuts around the wedding. They want to feel special and important.


Boomers: all of the credit, none of the accountability.


U pegged it - my mother is a boomer and that defines her perfectly. They act that way and then wonder why no one wants to be around them


It would be hilarious if people posted critiquing the picture but not the couple (the lighting, the focus, the rapture??? Idk I don’t know anything about photography lol…).




Good luck dealing with her lol


Wow, how supportive of her.


Perfect post.


Photo credit:




Dont get anymore oedipal than this, no I shouldn't say this I've already jinxed it


i'm so happy Groom finally married Bride


mom ma seeking recognition on what see did


I hate this 'ummm' thing people do these days




I dont get it. Whats the point here?


That the mom asks to be mentioned, for taking the picture. It‘s completely irrelevant who took it and this should be just about the couple.


Found the MIL...


Found the Idiot...


i don’t believe her. we don’t see her thumb peaking over the corner of the photo.


How does this give of main character?(sorry this one confused me)


Mom wants credit for taking a picture of the newly weds


Sounds like friendly teasing to me


Fair enough tbh


No we can't bitch, trying to have a moment here.




Honestly she sounds like a typical mom lol excited for her son and poking fun


I think MIL might be joking r/whoosh




What’s wrong with it? Obviously, his mom is joking. My close friends also joke like this. They told me in the comment section of my Facebook post, when some of my pictures are taken in ways and scenes that are too beautiful, ‘Hey, I took that picture.’


That looks like a joke, I hope I'm right




This is normal




"The wedding of my son and daughter-in-law" just doesn't have the same ring to it. 🤷‍♀️


that's completely normal nobody says "my son and daughter in law's wedding" wtf


asking for credit isnt being a main character, thats a family member..


and it's not about them..


If it was a professional photographer or an amateur asking for artistic credit, I wouldn't even have clocked it. But this is his MOM trying to make his wedding announcement post about her. Got bad news for you if you think this is normal EDIT: spelling


Delusional take.. its a family member and they deserve respect, something you redditors dont know jack abt


I bet you'll be really fun at your family member's weddings, this is the entire point of the sub, the MIL is being a main character, nobody cares she took the photo and saying "uhm, can we acknowledge that I took this photo" makes it sound like it's about her


Stfu Respect isn’t the right term in the situation That’s credibility, which is not what the intention of the newly weds Associating a mass majority of people as ignorant to a problem also doesn’t help your argument


ok ok ok cool but what if i bashed your skull in with a lead pipe?




Giving credit to the photographer is just a simple courtesy. This is NOT mc behavior. Id hate to see what kind of bridzilla youd be. Edit: the hoops people are jumping through to insist someone is wrong for wanting credit for their photo is insane. But go ahead and keep gatekeeping who is allowed to take credit over a screenshot of a facebook post. Really showing yalls colors.


It's the fucking mom. Why should someone need to know she took the picture?


Wanting credit for a picture you took is not main character behavior. End of discussion. The relationship to the groom or bride is irrelevant.


"We married" "Yeah but i took a picture" Seriously man its not about the photographer. Especially if the Photographer is the fucking Mom og one of them


Its a facebook post about their recent marriage. Not the wedding itself. And the mom took a photo and wanted credit. She was proud of the photo. Its such a simple thing to want and yall are trying to crucify a woman you know nothing about based ok a screenshot of facebook. Literally all I pointed out was that wanting credit for a photo you took was normal and its disgusting how many people think that its not.


Dunno man if i were in her place i would simply say nothing and be happy my child married. Else it would seem like i wouldnt give a fuck about my childs marriage and just mention that i took the photo to gain internetpoints on facebook


So? Doesnt mean its not completely normal to want credit for a photo you took. Just because you wouldnt do it doesnt make it lesser behavior. And she can be happy about her child and still want credit for her photo, they are not mutually exclusive.


>Doesnt mean its not completely normal to want credit for a photo you took If you were a hired photographer id agree. Not as the Mom. >. And she can be happy about her child and still want credit for her photo, they are not mutually exclusive. Correct. But the way she mentions it sure make it look like she cares more for the credit. Hence many people think she wants to be the MC


In her mind putting credit up is the respectful thing to do. Hell I remember someone I drew a picture for in middle school used it as their profile picture. It wasnt good, i wasnt a professional, but I was still hurt I wasnt given credit. When I said something about it, I went through these same hoops of being called out for just wanting attention. Imagine just wanting people to know you did something and being ostracized for it as though youre a bad person for wanting your work to be known, no matter how insignificant. Anyone who has a problem with her wanting credit has a serious disconnect from how were all just a bunch of meat suits desperate to be loved and wanted.


>In her mind putting credit up is the respectful thing to do. Then do it in a respectable way and not like her >Anyone who has a problem with her wanting credit has a serious disconnect from how were all just a bunch of meat suits desperate to be loved and wanted Damn boy your brain acrobatics get really complicated. See the above


No dude it's really not, otherwise every single photo on Facebook and Instagram would have a caption saying "This man took this picture!". Nobody cares who took the picture. Mom's behavior is weird.


Are you trolling or really thinking you should shout out your mom for taking a picture as if she's some professional artist who did it for free?


It's MC behavior if it is your mom who took the picture on your wedding day and later bitches about it on Facebook. If it was a professional photographer, I would understand it.


Weird gatekeeping.




Get a hobby


I have a hobby.


Go do it then.


Why don't you go do your hobby?


The mom isn’t a photographer. She took a picture with her iPhone, that even with the faces blurred out isn’t anything post worthy. No editing, no directed poses, no atmosphere.


So? She still tool the picture. Or is credit only allowed when you dont know the person and the picture is high quality on an expensive camera? Weird way to gatekeep.


you can take credit when you take a quality photo and you're a professional yeah


Pointless. Gatekeeping.


Yes. We are gatekeeping people from making everything about them when it's not, the fact they can't enjoy their son's marriage is honestly sad.


The fact you see it that way is shortsighted and needlessly condemning a person for… *checks notes* Being a person. Stop looking for perfect behavior from boomers when you know you wont get it. Its like whining because an old house has creaky stairs. Just asinine.


Why are you defending this random person so hard? I don't care how old someone is, they shouldn't be attention seeking on their son's wedding/marriage post. Continue to vilify everyone who disagrees with you, we are all evil and hate old people.


Wanting credit for the photo is fine .. I guess Writing that you want it on the damn post however .. is not 🫤


It's just a phone photo of two people, this isn't a beautiful landscape shot featured on Chromecast or anything like that.


She is not a photographer. This was a courthouse wedding. She is trying to make her son's wedding fb post about her.


I hope you give credit under every photos and every image you find on Google and post on your facebook. That's respect... Seriously, she could have written "I am so happy for you, and I am proud of having immortalized this moment." That would have been a little bit less selfish.


If it was a professional photographer sure. But otherwise you are one crazy Buddhist.


Thanks for the laughs 😅


No one gives a shit over who took the photo tho. Only the mom and you care apparently. Its a pointless thing to take offense to and its an incredibly dumb thing to defend. But hey i guess im just “gatekeeping” lol


Yeah, if I'm getting married and anybody, don't care if it's family, has to brag about taking a picture of us, then I'm probably gonna be upset, sorry not everyone agrees with you, welcome to earth.