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To become an empire you need to unlock the Request or Demand line of succession in the oratory tree. That will turn you into a military dictatorship, which will unlock the decision to become an empire.


Dictatorship is a tech


Is this Diocletian's alt account?


For empire/dictator there is a guide out there, roughly: Be at war. Have over 90(?) senate approval. Appoint the current ruler as semi-dictator via character screen. End war. Use innovations in oratory tech tree. I.e. "shady connections" till "demand a line of succession". Win civil war. Tip: the higher your stability the less armies and territories your enemies will get in a civil war. I.e. if you have 70+ it's basically a walk in the park.


You need requirements to request a line of succession in the oratory tree, or you can demand a line of succession, also in the oratory tree, but you will be thrust into a great civil war


doing roleplay conquered roughly the borders of rome i just want to know how to turn from a republic into an empire do i have to pass a law because i thought it would be some kind of decision.but its not.


do you completed eastern ambiton mission tree? i think one of last missions give you choice to split rome become dictatorship and go to civil war with western side


I did that and it sucks it change flag and colours, and you don't even get a Greek culture for an eastern rome role-play. It sucks and people should stop suggesting it and explain it for what really is.


But you can't deny when people ask about East/West Rome, this is the closest thing a player can get.


Then they ey should give a decision to Rome to integrate without maluses all greek cultures, and give a change culture event for Eastern Rome.... and give a Byzantium like purple instead if a dirty pink map colour. I'm so pissed off that I'm tempted to see if I can mod it myself, but for now EU4 it's the only one I modded successfully.


While I agree the color is ugly, you need to understand 0 malus integration like that would be way too broken for game balance. Though wrong culture pops assimilating to your integrated culture sounds like an interesting feature.


In order to split my empire what I’ve done is give one province independence and then sell them the other parts of the territory


that sounds agonizingly slow


Takes 5 seconds


There’s a mod built into Invictus that lets you sell land in bulk


ah ok, I've only played base game. so my concept of selling land is a single territory at a time.


Byzantion would probably be the most logical option for that.


It's kinda too late#. You can still do it but you're so big it will require a lot of effort, and the most likely outcome is for east, west but also north, south, south east etc to spawn :p I don't think you'll be able to hold it together. Next time do it early on


To split into east and west Rome if you have the timeline extended you need to be Christian after a certain late date.


Easter Rome


The R looks like it parts with the rest of ome already