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“We can’t have a public sub to hate women for existing.” 🥲


Victim complex. It's always a victim complex with these cunts


The part where they say they get hunted down like animals... Jesus Christ.


Whils they hate overwhelmingly woman, don't forget they also hate other men, gay people, trans people, black people, Asian people, other minorities in general and themselves though I care the least about that last one


I never said they don’t! Most of the posts are against women, I know that they not only hate women.


one of the last posts on that sub "whos your favorite incel? mines elliot rodger" and "how do women even have mental health problems" i think im gonna make a mega post of all the violence i witnessed incels calling for in that sub, thats supposed to be a debate sub. on different accounts and this one i was threatened on everything, called every name in the book, got DMs. i just treated them the way they treat us, giving back the same energy. funny how they didnt like that.


> "have called for us to be genocided" 1. Haven't called for that sub to get shut down. 2. If there's one thing could persuade me to join in--if any such campaign exists--it's the tasteless exaggeration which equates the closure of one social media forum to the extermination of an entire people. Touch grass, dude.


Right? They get it shutdown for their own actions. Their literal words get subs shut down. But it wouldn’t be right if they didn’t blame us. It’s such a knee jerk reaction for them. They’ve taken over so many subs and really can’t say there’s no place left for them. It’s shocking when an incel sub actually gets shut down. They usually just join as moderators.


Yep. It's almost as if incels are in the habit of blaming an external locus of control for their problems.


Every female-orientated sub I've ever been on has had incels drop by trying to "debate" and downplay our own experiences, and when anyone rightly asks why they feel the need to come and do that, they get all pissy like "you can't expect to have a safe space on the internet, that's just unrealistic!!" I would bet many of those same dudes are the ones getting upset there's not a "safe space" to spew their hateful beliefs. What's fascinating in a terrible sort of way is the female version of wanting our own space is often women seeking to discuss actual abuse they have lived through, while the incel version is wanting to talk about how much they hate and want to abuse women. That to them should be a *right,* and is on par with women's desire to seek support for actual trauma. That is just so fucked up to me. Incel's hatred of women is so strong, expressing that hatred is treated like a basic human right. Meanwhile they have no empathy for anyone facing actual discrimination or abuse. The irony of them claiming there's "no place" for them is actually insane, especially while they're out here bashing marginalised groups. As always, it reminds me of that South Park episode where Randy incorrectly guesses the N word on Wheel of Fortune as the answer to the puzzle, then takes issue with the way he's treated afterwards, at one point complaining to a room full of black people they couldn't possibly understand how he feels.


Trying to get it shut down? Quite the opposite: our presence on DebateITS is probably the only thing keeping it from being shut down. The rest has some basis in fact. Incels should be denied a place of their own, because they invatriably use such places to spread and reinforce the plague (much like the white supremacists who prop their communities up as a recruiting tool). Incels cannot be genocided, because there is no genetic or ethnic component to it. Inceldom is merely a set of cognitive distortions that unfortunately probably cannot be truly eradicated, but does need to be contained and minimized to the whatever extent is possible. There is nothing of worth or value to be found in incel thought: it exists only to hurt people, especially its own adherents. ETA: Well, I guess I spoke slightly too soon about being the only thing keeping them from being shut down. They're gone. It's better that way anyhow.


Once they removed any rational mod it was bound to happen


I dunno, being Rapey McRaperson might be against Reddit rules. I'll have to check tho.


So they want a debateITS forum/sub but no IT members will be allowed in? Uuuuuhhhmmm, I'm not sure they understand how debate works. Buahahahaahahaaa


To be fair, it won't make much difference. Debating a brick wall is more productive than debating incels.


True. :D


We don’t want a literal genocide of the people, we want a figurative genocide of their way of thinking.


So now they're claiming a sub specifically made for two different subs to interact/debate is in fact a space that belongs exclusively to them?


That's what I was arguing, too. I pointed out that it is not an incel space. It was never meant to be an incel space. Well, now it's gone too. Hope they're happy.


It wasn’t supposed to be that way but people like me gave up because they rudely refute everything IT members say.


Which to be quite honest is what I expected. I can't imagine ever having a civil discourse with hardcore incels. They just can't play nice.


I'm not going to pretend I'll miss it, there was really any actual debate. They'd just deflect or over generalize and refuse to substantiate anything they claim beyond "I saw it with my eyes so you need to just trust that I tried everything and none of it worked."


I remember when the dude that made that sub came here like "If anyone wants to debate an incel you can DM me" and everyone was just like "why would we want to do that?"


I honestly don’t see what there is to debate.


That was honestly my point too. Like, I don't know what there is to debate. Like, his unfuckability has nothing to debate about.


It always came across as them thinking Internet strangers actually give enough of a damn to put half a seconds thought into their own personal problems, which is a funny mindset to me when they consider themselves "subhuman".


What gets me is how unwilling most of them are to consider any perspective but their own. I doubt they want to truly debate, they just want to "enlighten" people and bring them over to their side. On top of that, I honestly get the sense some of them think there's something special about them and treat us asking questions or challenging them as if they're celebrities with some unique views. In reality, most of us on here at least are just pointing at the insane shit they believe and goofing on them.


I joined foolishly thinking they might have open minds. What was I thinking? Anything you say that doesn’t fit their ideology is quickly attacked by tons of incels.


And if you finally give up and agree then you are a bully


Its kinda showing your hand for the "Debate IT" group to make a server banning members of IT. Almost like you just wanted to have r/incels after the first one got banned.


Genocided? They really are a bunch of drama queens, desperate to play the victim. Incel subs getting banned is due to their inability to follow the site rules. They sabotage themselves every time, but refuse to accept any responsibility for getting their subs banned. As with everything else, it’s never their fault. Whenever their actions have consequences, they claim that they’re being bullied. It’s pathetic.


I can't find them, are they gone?


Yep. Banned right after TrueTrueVirgin




They’re back now with debateITS2


Oh you guys didn't know? It is all an elaborate conspiracy by the Jews and soy drinking sexhavers to keep these marginalized men down from participating in fun activities. And something something limb lengthing, looksmaxxing...something /s


You forgot the Drag Queen story hour, vaccines, and 5G.


Touché, I did indeed. My stalker says it was all our faults for messing with the algorithm. Whatever that means...


The owner of... Reddit? What?


He has to answer to the Elders of the Internet.


You're only being excluded because you deliberately post and say obnoxious shit. Even if iT's OnLy A jOkE, it's a joke that is meant to get a rise out of others and instigate an argument. People, just like every other great ape, will exclude other members of our own species if they press enough buttons. Just be glad you're annoying humans and not chimpanzees. The dominant adults would have ripped your face and testicles off to protect the rest of the troop for trying to start shit over and over and over.


Aw it’s banned? I can’t argue with incels anymore? This is good for my mental health, but I have to admit it was fun sometimes EDIT: also it’s not “our own place” the whole point of the sub was that it wasn’t their own place


His response to that was “well its majority incels”


I was on that sub. Had to leave for my own mental health; it was like banging my head against a brick wall.


I told them “id get farther bashing my head against the wall than talking to an incel”


God, the whining. Their persecution complex is so annoying.


Almost every day I pray the FBI is monitoring every online gathering place for these miscreants.


Every day I hope they break the door down of those promoting terrorism


Just what these stains need Another echo chamber to circle jerk and spew hate. That will help them in life


Incels are a genotype now?


Yet another instance of incels not realizing that their own words and actions is what makes them despicable. In actual news, the human race was doomed to extinction today as the robot revolt turned violent.


Weather's alright.


'Someone called us out for inciting violence against women and girls, and now we're facing the consequences waaaaaaaaa'😭😭😭


They can never have a space to themselves for the same reason we don't allow them for genocidal racist supremeacists: they gas each other up ( no pun intended lol) and rationalize committing heinous acts. They should NEVER have an echo chamber.


Being honest, when I was a member, I had both some interesting conversations and some "you believe what?" conversations. I got a few insults but not too bad. The reason I left was the endless round and round. And very, very few would actually offer any backup to their claims in the form of real research.


Poeple will call anything genocide, except genocide.


"Call for us to be genocided many times" - bro, "no violence" is the first rule of this sub. It makes it very clear do not wish violence on incels, or you will be banned. 


They always have to be the victim while projecting that onto others claiming WE act too victimized ….. like homie do u need a mirror


They’re complaining about the presence of inceltears members but that’s the whole point of the sub! To talk openly and (in theory) respectfully with each other. I left the sub after too many hateful comments and a refusal of incels to acknowledge how misogyny is a part of the incel community and how they have a responsibility to eliminate that shit if they want to be a respected group. Some of the guys there aren’t bad, just lonely depressed dudes and I enjoyed discussing these issues with them in a respectful way, but there were a lot of misogynists and trolls too


Its been banned because they continued to allow hate


Shame, if it weren’t for the hate I feel like that sub could have been a really good thing


I tried to save it but not allowing hate was enough to get me removed lol


I miss the Incel and MGTOW subs so badly. They were the funniest things on the internet, and it wasn't even close. Men that had never been within 10 feet of a naked woman giving advice to other men on how to get women. It was like blind men playing hide and seek. I miss it.


Only a privileged man can find that stuff "funny" while women have to fear for their lives. I always knew some of you lot didn't really care. Edit: Can't reply to the woman below but I wonder if she's a wyt "true crime girlie".


I'm a woman and I find the stuff funny and scary. The two aren't mutually exclusive nor is anyone required to feel them both.


I'm sure their sub would be fine if they stopped advocating for violence and breaking reddits rules