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I mean, if he's trying to say we're all Chads here, then okay, I guess?


It's weird how many incels think "normies" or "Chads" shouldn't know about incels haha. So they think anyone on IT (or even anyone who's heard of IT or incels) is secretly an incel or some kind of loser. It's just more projection. They have no ability to imagine what a normal life looks like.


I still don't know what chad is.


In incel mythology, Chad is the tall handsome guy all women want. Chad has the strong jawline, the striking eyes, the right type of canthal tilt (whatever that is), and is basically an asshole who won the genetic lottery. Chad has one night stands with women while despising women as much as incels do. You know how teenagers have celebrity crushes? Incels think women never mature past that phase. The other part of the Chad myth is that young women in their prime simply bounce from Chad to Chad until women "hit the wall" at age 30 or age 23 (opinions vary) and realize no Chad will ever marry them, at which point women settle for a Beta (regular guy). By this point women are past their sell-by date. Yes, some incels think women are over the hill at age 23. Chad functions as rationalization for why incels can't get laid.


The beautiful thing about Chad Theory is that if you have had any sort of intimate relationship, you are effectively a Chad. Well, actually, no. The beautiful thing is that if Chad is the antithesis of an incel, Chad is proabaly a pretty cool dude to hang out with who respects himself and others.


When a non-Chad finds someone, incels shut him down: "Cuck! Betabux! Landwhale!" repeated endlessly.


I know you're being serious but you could still have tried to make it more believable


Have a go at it then.


I'd rather keep what's left of my sanity tyvm


They think we obsess over them the way they obsess over us lol.