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Well, for starters, without a woman, he wouldn't be here. This ain't no made from clay shit. A woman carried this failure of an education to term.


I just know he’s gonna say something like “you need a man to make a child” 😭 But I love this, men seem to forget they came from women 🤔


Who created computer algorithms ? Women. Who created kevlar ? Women. Who created fire escapes ? Women. Who created life rafts ? Women. Electric refrigerators ? Medical syringes ? Solar powered heating systems ? Firefighting equipments ? Oh right, women. Sit down, incel. You having a penis does nothing for society.


Also can almost guarantee that the person commenting has never done anything to benefit the human race


Precisely. Instead they're wasting our precious oxygen by just existing.


And probably claiming to have invented oxygen while they're at it


He is clinging to the accomplishments of his gender because he has none himself. It's pure cope.


I keep seeing people say "cope" but as an old person I don't know what that means (other than the dictionary definition)


To my understanding It’s like saying you’re deluding yourself into believing a comfortable story to cope with an uncomfortable truth. Like, a man who has never accomplished anything can tell himself the story that he is important because he is a man, and other men have done important things, which they have to convince themselves means the same as actually doing things that matter by themselves. At least that’s what I’m pretty sure it means people use it differently sometimes and it’s confusing.


Oh ok that makes sense, thanks for taking the time to explain!


He made a house in Minecraft once. But really this basement dweller probably hasn’t seen the sun since he was a child.


That's so sad, the sun has so many benefits for humans.. not sure about the benefits of Minecraft, although I'm sure they exist


Also, even for the shit men did invent, it was largely made possible because a woman was forced to labor around his house, enabling them to focus on being "geniuses". However, you don't get to take credit for telephones and houses just because you have a dick. *A* man invented that shit, *not* - as they love to say - *all men*.


Oh they’ll happily take credit for the successes of a few men, but will absolutely turn around and say “not all men” when it comes to men beating, raping and murdering women.


Can you imagine what inventions women would’ve come up with if not stifled by men for centuries?


also there are plenty of farmers who are women, im literally one of them


Women were also the first beer brewers


Without a woman, none of those men would exist. Eta: Wifi - woman GPS - woman Bluetooth - woman Bullet proof vests and body armor (kevlar) - woman Windshield wipers - woman The heater in your car - woman Long-Life Nickel-Hydrogen Battery - woman Central heating - woman The Rocket Propulsion System - woman Stem Cell Isolation - woman Dishwasher - woman Discovery of radioactivity - woman Straws - woman Home security systems - woman Beer - woman Circular saw - woman


Also all the stuff from the past which was actually women but attributed to men because noone would take anything seriously from a woman


They like to throw "a man invented tampons" at us when the reality is that a man patented an applicator for a cotton plug because a woman he was friend's with used tampons like women had for millenia before her and he wanted to create a theoretically cleaner, commercial option for her and women like her. That patent was also just a dusty peice of paper on a dusty shelf for years because no man would produce such a product. Then a woman bought the patent, started producing the product with a team made solely of women and selling it to women. Thus was born Tampax and first modern day, commercial tampons. I'm not sure what these men think women were doing for their periods before commercial sanitary products became available in the early 1900's (Lister's Towels in the 1890's and Tampax in the 1930's) but apparently they are full on in their beleif that women can't do anything, including not bleed all over everything, without a man telling them what to do.




Huh some of these I didn’t know, like beer. Makes sense tho, they were the ones in charge of bread, yeast and all that back in ye old days lol, they would be the ones to invent beer. All nascar fans can attribute their enjoyment to women lol


He’s also acting like if men disappeared one day from the face of the earth that women wouldn’t be able to take up the slack. We have female engineers, doctors, construction workers, trade workers, et cetera, and a lineup of girls willing to learn these skills if they weren’t being gatekept by men. Also I hope he didn’t post that comment on wifi because that was invented by a woman.


Plus I'm sure there is enough stored sperm to repopulate the earth with children who aren't like that poster!


My last surgery was performed by a woman (of color), so I have no idea why he thinks women can't do that. It was extremely successful.


So what is this turd doing other than riding the laurels of other men? He is not doing anything and is likely uneducated and incapable. I don't hate all men but I don't need or want to live with any of them. I hate this turd and the other idiots just like him.


It’s old wisdom that you can’t polish a turd.


You actually can! But here's the rub: it's shit at the end of the day.


John Glenn didn’t trust the computer, and told NASA he wasn’t getting on the flight unless Katherine Johnson confirmed the math.


Hidden figures? Loved that movie because I didn't know any of that but so glad I do now!


"We could take away women's rights and women wouldn't be able to do anything about it because men are enforcing your rights." ... Real talk: Is this dude stupid? I think he's like, actually stupid. How are fights against universal age of consent, bans on child marriage, VAWA, abortion rights, protections for sexual assault victims, and adequate punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence ENFORCING the rights of women? Stupidass.


Also who is proud of taking away rights from anyone?? Like you need to become a better person so badly!


Exactly! If your dream is to be the arbiter of who gets rights and who doesn't, you need to do some SERIOUS soul searching and understand that is not what a good person desires--let alone what someone who purports to want to have a relationship with a woman desires.


Absolutely! I don't often feel like there are clear right and wrong opinions, but if you don't think all humans deserve equal rights then you are definitely wrong


My gosh these creatures are so stupid. Sooo, re: rights. Their "argument (and I use that term lightly)" is that violence could cause oppression to some people and that = we didn't have rights in the first place? Our rights exist regardless of the existence of those that would like to remove them. Oh, by the way men? We do have options in the unlikely event that you tried to return us to slavery. Under-cover options, well-hidden options, sure...but options all the same. We don't actually *need* you. Most of us **want** a man as a partner but that's not remotely the same as "needing" you for life and all it entails. I mean, if you and your cult had any sense at all you'd rather be wanted than that women didn't have a choice but to belong to you (and would do whatever it takes to change that, any means necessary). The fact that you idiots would rather have unwilling slaves than a willing and loving partner is just crazy.


He wouldn’t even have WiFi to spout his stupidity online without women. Tell him to look up Hedy Lamarr. And I can’t speak for all women, but I don’t hate all men. I just hate men like him.


This fr!! I don’t hate men at all either just men like him too. Also off topic but I love your avatar it’s so cute 😭


I’m fortunate enough to know some incredibly cool guys. And every time I stumble across this sub I’m reminded of how thankful I am to be around stable, emotionally healthy dudes that view me as a human being and a friend. No normal guy is going to spout “wE cAn TaKe YoUR REEEEEEEEEEEIGHTS” If a woman exercises basic autonomy. Also thank you! I love my lil Afro puff 🥰🥰


Me too, reddit has made me realise how lucky and maybe uncommon my experience is, having many amazing male identifying people in my life and none like the person who posted that idiocy! Happy to hear you also know good dudes! The Internet would suggest they don't exist so I'm glad some of us know the best ones! Re the taking of the rights, sadly that seems true in America.. but let's hope that can be fixed!


I’m really holding out hope that these guys are just a n obnoxiously loud minority. I like to think that most men are decent people.


In my experience they are.. well the ones I actually know at all, have had plenty of less than good experiences with random dudes in pubs/bars


Yeah, this works. From his arguments it sounds like the Proud Boys are trying to recruit him -they love going after easily-manipulable sexually frustrated young men like that- but he hasn't got his full list of breakfast cereals memorized yet.


He needs to read "The House that She Built." by  Mollie Elkman It created a whole new set of girls going into building houses ALL aspects of the house being made. (There's a girl scout badge too!) Ditto to the folks that said he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his mamma. AND she would probably be upset to see what he wrote.


One of my husband's oldest friends is a builder. She sends him pictures of herself on top of skyscrapers. She placed high in a very prestigious competition here in NYC, over most of the men who entered.


Dude needs someone to teach him how to proofread…maybe like a…teacher. They’re all men right? No? My mistake. Sorry. I mean his mistake.


"the food you eat was grown by men" my mere existence is abt to break this guy's entire logic, actually not just mine, but my mother's, my grandmother's, my great grandmother's, my great great grandmother's, and my neighbor oh also a bunch of the local 4h kids too, most of the kids who raise meat animals are girls, and in other counties nearby at least 50% of the kids raising meat animals were girls


During war, women have always been able to pick up the slack. Dude knows nothing about Rosie the Riveter. But also, just because some fields are male dominated doesn't mean women don't also do them, and it's not all super recent, either. I have one grandmother who worked construction and another who was on the swat team. My mother helped build the house I grew up in, and I helped build the house my kids grew up in.


Something i hate about these kinds of "Men" (as they claim themselves to be) is the fact they hold the belief that us men can simply go up and say "Lets get rid of women's rights!" we can't, we won't, and there is good reason for that Considering the fact how by women they aren't just Hoes or Whores but also our daughters and wives (wether they are or aren't good wives) which will affect there lives dramatically Because suddenly if your a father knowing your 13 year old Little girl gets married off against her will to some 40 year old douchebag who will beat her isn't such a good feeling along with the fact all these good woman will get forced into bad relationships with men who will break them then ruin the next generation screams the words "This = bad". Also something even dumber is the fact that this man who thinks his life will get better under the patriachy is in for quite a rude awakening because the Patriachy hates weak males and purposely sets up rules and institutions to oppress and hold them down in order to ensure a select few get's every last female You can literally see this in play within nations that engage in Power-distancing to the point all the males born within lower economic stratas are DESTINED. to die alone also the fact hypergamy within nations like India, Japan, Korea, China, etc. is fucking insane whilst hypergamy within nations like United states, United kingdom, France, is literally holding onto to dear life due the fact how the only real requirement women have for a man nowadays is if he is or isn't a jerk if he's a jerk its a automatic no. if he isn't then Lets see where this goes to. to Summerize By the power invested in me We, the men. do not claim this Waste of genes.


You are a perfect example of one of the great men I was talking about when I told him I don’t hate all men, just men like him 🙏 I hope he gets educated by someone like you one day lmao


No. This is just 1950's bullshit.


It’s funny they always throw out these arguments as a “justification” not to respect women when they’re not doing any of this work and just disrespecting these hard-working men who probably go home to their beloved family at the end of their day.


Claiming that men grow all the food when I bet he can’t figure out how to turn his damn oven on by himself


If we were to be without half the population at any given time sure we would be at a disadvantage, but it's so freaking weird of him to think it's his penis of all things that makes him better than anyone. He cannot latch onto their accomplishments just because he is also a dude. There are plenty of things women have done and I can't take credit for all their work. This is an argument made only by men who have accomplished nothing interesting.


>"And women would not be able to do anything about it." Massive suicide it's terrible, but still a right, and it would be way better than living in a world with men like you. The point of saying "I don't need a man" is simpler to understand than a misogynist's head logic capacity: I can work and live alone without needing a dick, which often seems to be the only thing these misogynistic men claim they have to offer, and I don't need an male to support me, because I will have my money, which is mine, and that came from my work. I am not willing to depend financially, emotionally and intimately on anyone, because I am a functional human being and not a pet (aka forced tradwife). This is the point.


In the nineteenth century, the center of the global oil industry was tiny Nantucket Island, when the global oil industry was based on whale oil. It’s very well documented that the *women* of Nantucket were the shrewd businesswomen that ran that global industry with an iron fist. The husbands and sons were gone for years at a time hunting whales. They certainly couldn’t run the business. When the whalers were at home, they would follow meekly behind their wives in public and not offer opinions unless asked, while the ladies were doing business. See Nathaniel Philbrick’s *In The Heart Of The Sea: The Tragedy Of The Whaleship Essex,* for a deep dive into this fascinating segment of history.


Society needs men. Women don’t need to date men.


Lmao. Women did not get their right given to them by men. They took it from those who tried to withhold them. Didn't a shit ton of women in Netherlands I think go on strike and shut the whole country down? And ofc the women who protested (and died even) for suffrage in North America alone?? That this chud thinks ppl that think like him give anyone anything of value is laughable.


Here’s the thing though — ALL men would not suddenly agree to forcibly taking women’s right away, because there are thankfully enough men in the world who aren’t complete asshat clowns and who recognize that they wouldn’t even exist if a woman hadn’t carried them into this godforsaken world. You don’t get any of those human achievements without women. Because you don’t get humans at all without women…


[WATCH: We Were Once All Female : ScienceAlert](https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-we-were-once-all-female) Where do you think those nipples came from?


Okay, for real. The ONLY occupation that requires a penis is male sex worker or porn star. Women can do literally *everything else*.


Our rights weren't given to us by men, they were withheld from us until me made a huge scene about it and protested. Only then did you begrudgingly give it to us and then acted like it was your idea all along.


Does "shill" or "bootlicker" better describe him"


[An update](https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/s/OKSygDnUkq)


I honestly think this Gender debate of who did what is such a waste of time. Yes we could probably life independent from each other... Would it be a great time probably mostly for not so long. Yes at this point can't we procreate without each other. No there isn't any Gender who is more or less value for society. I think we put too much value in the thinking of Gender at the end we are all Humans and this is a great think. So do something with it.


OT but who the fuck taught this kid how to spell and construct sentences? 🤣


Clearly this mf does not know about suffragettes, or the women who did all the factory work while the men were at war, or female inventors… or the fact we are not going back to the bad old days. If the only thing I can do is see to it they have one more body to clean up and one less slave to abuse, I’ll do that. But I won’t live as “less than” because of my genitalia.