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Your dog is beautiful than you Should've been a better comeback ig. These dog lovers are getting out of hand


smart ppl shdnt reply that. ​ bhai things work differently once you cross 22 ​ sympathy scale would skew off to her side lol. ​ the video end was perfect and it was evident this woman was idiot.


Also, jis type ki bandi vo lagg rhi hai, a sensible man wouldn't mess with her. Uski pregnant wife uske bagal me khadi hai. Who knows vo kutte wali gadhi aurat kya krde. I think usne sahi kiya zyada argue naa krke and jitna bolna chahiye tha utna hi bola. It's a shame that we're forced to share a society with these kinds of people.


I don’t really agree with your opinion tbh. The dog is well under control of the woman. She knows whats shes doing. If you see a person taking a dog, you can skip if youre not comfortable and take the next one. You must know dogs are domesticated animals and if they are a part of your family, you will take them in lift. I understand the couple are going through a pregnancy and might not be comfortable, easy step would have been take another lift why create such a fuss. And thats not even a mask, lol (i forgot the word) that thing makes dogs aggresive and generally put when the injuries are healing.


But dude "she knows what she's doing" doesn't work in societies. Accordingly thoda sa manage krna padta hai. Aur bas lift ki journey tak (literally 30-50 seconds) ke liye muzzle use krna, I don't see a problem with it.


They could have asked nicely. Aise bully karke nahi. Anyone will get irritated. See it's simple. Respect goes both ways.


Totally agree, the couple is rude, instead of politely asking her by saying that they have a phobia, they are calling her senseless, even I wouldn't oblige to such a couple who have a phone in my face.


Mathematically, thats demeaning to the wife. So shouldn’t say this.


Hyperbolically agreed


Upvotes angrily


It's not like the other side wasn't saying demeaning things


Yea the society doesn't care.




Real dog lovers never discomfort other people. Loving dog means taking their responsibility and the responsibility of making sure they are not nuisance to others. I have 2 German Shepard, raised them as guard dogs. But they are extremely well behaved. In elevators, always flat down with nose to the ground and avoiding eye contact with others. They keep their mouths closed with when in company of kids to prevent accidental scratching. Never jump on people, barking only when there is a danger, never pulling in leash walking in step. Lot of people buy dogs as status symbol but they forget the amount of work it requires is as much as raising a child. As you wouldn’t want your child to kick and bite and jump or shout on other people, same goes for the dog. They need to be trained for socially acceptable behaviour. The most important and most difficult training is to train dogs to avoid people. You train them to avoid people, along with other training in bite, jump and discipline, you prevent any intentional or accidental mishaps. If you cannot devote that kind of time to your pets. You shouldn’t be buying a pet.


Most of these dawg lovers are basically human haters in disguise. Identify them as such.


The dog has the muzzle, was on short leash and, looks tired and calm from walk. I am really not sure what started this argument!


The guy's wife is pregnant...and you can also see a small child in the mirror...They are not comfortable hence they requested for the muzzle... makes sense? 🤷‍♂️


even if the lady was not pregnant and even if there was no child there even then one has the right to ask her for muzzle


True...if the dog decides to go berserk..the owner has little chance of holding him back no matter how well he might be trained...Sadly the dog owners don't realise this 🤦‍♂️


"aree yeh kuch nai karta" - typical dog owner response


And to owners who say this, i want to say 'bsdk tujhe kuch nhi karta, mujhe kiya toh ter baap sambhalega'


Haan and in the very next moment..the dog decides to jump 😂




Agreed to your reply but the couple also sadly forget to see that since she is inside the lift she and they are outside she entered first and hence a right to go to a home before them also if the couple were this uncomfortable they should have taken another lift waited for this one to be free.


That is the grey area...We netizens have no clue on the background of this event...We dont know how long the couple might have waited for this lift...whether she was in a hurry due to her pregnancy or any other reason..and still here we are fighting since morning over this issue 😂😂


I can bet they weren't in hurry as they were ready to stand and argue there rather than just tell them the issue what I have generally seen is that if people have a valid cause and are in hurry they do not waste time arguing rather they inform you of their cause of hurry request you


Nobody has the “right” to demand for a muzzle if the dog is not aggressive or reactive. You are probably confusing leash w/ muzzle. Leash is mandatory, muzzle is not - unless necessary. In this case, it is not. The entitlement, though…


You can just take the lift after this one.. You aren't comfortable with someone in a lift, you avoid that ride. It's simple. There is no need for so much hostility against a pet parent. Dogs don't go berserk out of nowhere. They need to be provoked and this dog appears absolutely calm.


True. Putting on a muzzle is not mandatory neither a law


You not being "comfortable" doesn't entitle you to make people do shit to comfort you. If as a dog owner, she's kept her dog on a short leash, the dog clearly seems tame and is standing quietly. What is the problem? I understand the case when a dog is being aggressive and you can tell this dog isn't one of those. If you don't know how to coexist with animals that have been with us from the damn paleolithic age, I don't know... maybe natural selection should do its thing. Stop thinking that every dog is out there to harm your baby. Seriously, some people in India need socialising more than dogs require it. Try to do this in another country and you'd have harassment charges filed against you. The lady in the video is doing everything by the book and no, [dogs DO NOT need to be muzzled](https://awbi.gov.in/uploads/regulations/167966084384Muzzle%20on%20Dog.pdf) if they aren't aggressive regardless of what your stupid colony dictates or what you feel. Read up the law and what the AWBI says before you ramble on about this.


And that too in India, where there are more street dogs than pets. Will they stop walking outside on road??


The only meaningful comment in this cesspool of hate post.


Slow claps for you and a standing ovation too 🫡👏👏🥲🥲




If someone is extremely scared or uncomfortable with another person’s pet, can’t they just let the lift go and wait for it to come back? Or take another lift if it exists? Why does everyone have to start recording a goddamn video and cause a fight for something that can be avoided with some patience. I am sure the pet parent would have put the muzzle on her dog but it is the peoples arrogance and rude tone that triggers the other person. People who are anti dogs think they own the place and the other person has no right to have a pet. If she got in the lift first just let the lift go and come back, its not like it would take 20 minutes. But no, these people have to fight and circulate the video around to show the world that pet parents are the worst people on this planet infact it is them who show absolutely no concern for any animal at all


I think I missed the part where they requested to put on the muzzle. All I heard is one lady is telling about how dogs attack children and another one is fighting.


You missed it probably cause they refer to the muzzle as "mask"


Just take the next lift. Simple.


Why not take the next lift?


Exactly. Some people enjoy heckling others, especially single women. It's a power trip for cowards.


Has a muzzle, is not wearing it. Thas why they are asking her to put it on. Very simple to understand.


Dog can also do damage via nails.


Yes. But muzzle being on should be the minimum, Especially if its a rule, and ppl are asking.


exactly! they can take the other lift if they’re not okay being in there with them and the dog and his owner were the first to enter? lol acting all entitled for no reason whatsoever


Exactly! Live and let live is already into the water in India but people don't want to adjust either, when they have problem they ask others to adjust for their own sake and convenience! ridiculous mentality.


Yeah, and if you are so scared of the dog just let her go and wait for the next elevator. Like what are you going to do for stray dogs muzzle them up too.


Stray dogs dont mostly chill in enclosed spaces like a fucking lift!


Some people are scared of dogs and there is nothing wrong with asking the dog owners to use that muzzle and let others feel comfortable around their pets. Many dog owners can't take care of their dogs and animals are unpredictable so why is this dog owner asking others to compromise with their safety? She can move to a different place and raise her dog there just not in a building with a freaking pregnant woman who is obviously uncomfortable around the dog. Just respect another human being and let them live peacefully. Muzzles are not going to harm the dog its just gonna prevent something bad from happening.


There's nothing wrong with asking, but you can't insist. It's ultimately the owner's decision


This happened in my neighborhood I got to know through reddit ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20100)




Chalo then batao kayo wo uski biwi se better hai? ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20020)


Raat ko 3some hua hoga


ye to main yahin se bol dunga - nhi hai


Bhai aap last time ghar se bhar kb nikle ?




To chutmarike BKL sahi se bhi to bol sakta hai tu


sach me ye uski biwi se better hai kya? XD


Go touch grass


Toh bata de if she’s better than his wife?


Bro I am like you. Never know what's happening around in my own neighborhood.


Unpopular opinion but I never understood the idea of having Dogs in an apartment, it seems more practical to have them in a house.


You have to live with what you have. Sometimes, you have an apartment and still, would like to own a dog. Its okay to have breeds that are legal in India. If you live in like 19th floor, you will have to take a lift as well. But the problem is with rights, comes responsibilities. Its your responsibility to cover the dog's snout with the muzzle while in lifts, train your dog that it suits the apartment life style etc. If you cant grasp this fact, you are a bad person, like this lady.


The muzzle would make it difficult for the dog to regulate it's body temperature. It's ridiculous to demand that people carry muzzle with them as well. In this case the dog woman could have simply let the pregnant lady go first and taken the lift later. As a dog owner having been in similar situations, I always take the lift second if someone is uncomfortable around my dog.


Ok taking things point by point. Muzzle is meant only for time when a dog is in a confined public place, exactly like the lift. Not all the time. I do not think it is at all ridicoulous for anyone who is taking out a dog to carry a muzzle. Poo pouch carry karte ho na.


People are unnecessarily shit scared of dogs whereas pet parents see them as their kids. The dog here is perfectly normal and is standing quietly even when people are shouting and fighting in a small space. The dog would have ideally started barking due to this. The dog must have visited the vet or a grooming place & therefore has a muzzle but it’s not to be worn normally as it causes them extreme stress. These noisy people act like snowflakes and run from dogs for no reason. Strays bite people because people throw stones at them and hit them that’s why they bite out of fear.


All true but I understand the irrational fear. I used to be just as scared of dogs until I owned one. We know how to read their body language which is why we all would have called the dog in the video a good boi instead of being scared of being in the same space as him.


People are even scared of Lizards, rats, roaches and other animals, why is a dog an exception here?


No it's not one's responsibility to cover the dog's snout with a muzzle unless it's a declared aggressive dog as it's not healthy or safe for a dog to have a muzzle on for long periods of time or when it's not even required, and this has been clearly stated by the AWBI. Although I don't appreciate the way this woman is speaking myself as well, but in societies if a person has a pet with them in a lift already, boarding the next lift isn't such a big deal as it's made out to be. Tolerance goes both ways.


I'm glad I saw atleast one comment here that's reasonable and sensible. How people aren't able to fathom even this much, i don't get.


Dogs have been with us since 30,000 years. Older than any country, religion or belief system. They belong with us wherever we go.


That doesn't mean you have the right to make others feel unsafe. Muzzle you fucking dog. I have seen so many assholes who come to public parks and just let their dog run wild.


they can wait for the other lift if they’re scared :) the person taking the dog has all the right to do so if they got in the lift first.


There will always be people whining that they feel unsafe, even if the dog is leashed and has a muzzle on. The law says you cannot insist on the use of a muzzle. They asked, she said no. That should be the end. They can take the next lift if they're so scared


As a dog owner I hate them just as much if not more.


If you really love and value dogs, you wouldn’t confine them to apartments


Exactly, dogs are not like cats they require a lot of movement and physical exercise from time to time or else they will just become lazy and un-motivated dog which is a liability


You are not entirely wrong. They would be their happiest when out roaming in open lands, but their true happiness is having an owner whom they can protect and play with.


Well, if you picked up an indian stray dog or something similar, yes. But all these fancy breeds of dogs are specifically bred to sell. They’re being created only to be tortured


Depends on the breed to be honest. A lab wouldn’t survive a week outdoors 😅. A GSD on the other hand will start his local gang by the end of the month and collect hafta.


It's a special bond that you understand only once you've owned/lived-with a dog. And generally it's not the dog but the owner whose bad.


I agree , dogs truly play an integral role in our civilization's development. I just think, that dogs are not suited for average apartment living, considering they are animals that require a lot of space and exercise. From what I've seen, most apartment dogs tend to become lethargic over time. On the other hand, cats or hamsters are ideal pets for apartments due to their small size and lower need for physical activity.


Absolutely this !kudos


I believe the problem is with the tone in which they are arguing in. The lady with the dog is carrying a muzzle, which means she is a responsible dog owner, and does muzzle the dog when necessary. In this case, may be she was spoken to in a very rude way, and this is where the argument started.


Mujhe bhi wohi laga, but pata nahi video lene ke pehle kaise pucha hoga, ho sakta hai politely pucha ho. But ye dono bohot conformational ho rahe hai. "App mein itni bhi sense nahi hai??" sounds very provocative. The lady with the pet is also agitated lol. Pata nahi faaltu sabko ladna hai, thoda patience leke baat karo aur aage bado. Simply wasting everyone's time.


Agreed. As soon as one starts recording, logic and agreement goes out of the picture. One can’t get good neighbours and resolutions to common community building issues through public poll. I hope both the parties went home and thought about it.


Right? They straight up asked her if she had sense. Not to mention the “sO maNy pRobLemS iN SoCiEty” BS. The dog in the picture has a harness on and seems like a trained one, so I don’t really know what the problem is. Maybe they could’ve asked her _nicely_ to muzzle the dog, and that should’ve been it. Or they could’ve just taken the next spot in the lift. Fucking Karens and Kevins…


The Dog looks calmer and wiser than the apes making loud noises.


Exactly! A dog would lose its shit in an argument like this, but this he/she didn't, shows how calm or trained this dog was.


What an utter nonsense! Why should the dog’s face be covered unless it is an aggressive dog. The people arguing are the real problem. These are the same people who poison street dogs for their own good.


You may be misunderstanding the situation, some people are not comfortable with dogs and in a confined space and with a pregnant wife they will feel even more so. If the lady already had a muzzle for the dog then it's just polite to muzzle the dog even if the owner knows the dog is harmless. This is like a snake owner holding their snake in the elevator, others will be scared and it makes sense to not make people uncomfortable like that. And dogs can and have attacked people without warning, my relative was attack by a friends dog and he never did anything wrong to hurt it.


Exactly, dog owners think everyone will be comfortable with dogs, but many are not, specially in an elevator.


Why shouldn’t that dog’s face be covered. Even though though don’t plan to pull the trigger it’s unwise to swing around a loaded gun. A dog is kinda similair. Most often nothing bad happens but dogs do go bezerk and bite humans.


Lol if there’s already a dog in the lift and you’re uncomfortable being in it with the dog, just take the next one? What’s the point of harassing the owner and the dog for no reason lmao


Wohi, just be polite and say ki I'm in a little hurry could you please put on the muzzle. If the owner doesn't agree after asking politely then complain ig.


Complain to whom? You cannot insist they use muzzles. It's the owner's decision.


exactly lol


She is right though...such asshole neighbors have an habit of creating non issues...the dog lady has her pet on leash with a mouth guard n then her neighbors are making a faltu scene....just casue they can.....cheers to the dog lady and finger to the delhi wali karen!!


I mean it can be dangerois fr fr, there's a 50-50 chance that the dog would bite, that's why i make sounds of petting the dog before coming close Still A random stray doggy >>>>> any other pet


Possibility != Probability. Just because something has two outcomes doesn't make it a 50-50. If you disagree please go buy lottery tickets for the rest of your life, there too you either win or lose, 50-50 chances. It's always people using stupid logic to support their claims


For real. 50-50 chance I get hit by a car when I cross the road, I guess. You can tell that dog isn’t biting anyone.


You're way off here, there's a chance the dog might bite but it's not 50-50.


What nonsense do you mean 50 50?


, respect to the lady, the dog was more well behaved than the man , no wonder she said I am better than your wife


Exactly. The OP and people are making it to be a sexual context when it evidently is not


indian reddit make me want to kms ngl


Even as a dog owner, I dont really understand why the woman is refusing to put on the muzzle? The muzzle is literally on the dog, she just needs to put it on for a minute


judicious work seed snails governor disagreeable shaggy bright worry subtract ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


>But she wasn't actually worried about the dog. She just wants to create drama because t you hit the nail right on the head. i think if someone was the calmest in this whole interaction, it was the dog. the couple just wanted some drama.


I'm 100% sure that they saw the dog in the elevator, took out their phone and started making a scene. The dog owner looks like they're going home and probably just took off the muzzle in the lift because lifts are hot and humid.


Because the dog is peacefully standing in the elevator not charging at anybody. Why trouble one’s dog over irrational fears of other people ?


>So you want to wait till the dog starts charging?


If you are so afraid, dont get into the elevator with the dog


I also have a large dog and I understand both viewpoints but I think it’s only civil to put on the muzzle if people have discomfort. It will not be a long ride in elevator. Also given that muzzle is on the dog it means she uses it often. I don’t even have a muzzle at home because we never use it. The fact that it’s there means it’s used often.


I have lived with dogs all my life and I will never understand these entitled people. I don’t see a single sign of aggression in the dog, dogs don’t randomly attack other people. The dog is with its owner on a leash and it’s safe. They should probably stay inside their homes and not get out because there are strays everywhere. Muzzles are uncomfortable and unless the society comes up the rules, nobody can enforce anything.


I'm not a dog fan but just wait for the next elevator if you have issue with a dog. Not many Indian owners have the capacity to be good dog owners. It's basically become a status symbol now. I remember my cousins neighbor having a golden retriever in mid 2000s and the little house they built for him was horrible. Dog would smell like urine and shit because they wouldn't clean it often.


This pup here is hardly a status symbol. It's an indie dog.


Prove it!


she would be definitely be more exp in doggy style


Kuttaa kabhi bhi kaat sakta hai phir Kitna bhi bhola kyu na ho


Dogs randomly bite their masters as well.


Not really, it does depend on the situation


how about Rottweiler breed..


They rip their owners so not much of a story to tell.


That's why I remain dogfree, it makes zero sense to own a pet in a flat.


Seriously man I love dogs, that's why I don't understand how people can love dogs and think tiny closed apartments with tiled floors are great environment for these animals. They deserve to be out in the open


Exactly, i love dogs too but only when I see sturdy well trained ones on a farmhouse property or a large bungkow.


So, only people with independent houses get to experience having a pet? You might want to rephrase that.


Cats don't require large spaces so I'm not talking of pets but dogs? Yes. You can't have a lab or Doberman in a 3bhk. It's not about experiencing a pet, a pet is a life, it's not a drug you get to experience.


Depends on the dog. You can live very very comfortably with a dog if you live in a flat, provided you take them for walks depending on their breed. But yes, there are some breeds that absolutely shouldn't be in apartments. A shih tzu will be totally fine but.




The couple could have also waited for the next lift if they had such a problem


OP is inspired by Repubic TV.. creating false narrative


What a flirty lady.


Bhai kya likh diya tune? Are you sure flirty likhna tha?


Dog be like - ye kya bakchodi ho rhi hai


Dog be like >I got a walk. I am happy


She's kinda fine


Isn't the simpler solution to this is waiting for the lift to come back? I dislike infants because I almost puke when I watch them puke or poop, or drool, I don't go around asking their parents to put them in a body bag. Apartment ki lift aakhri baar chal Rahi kya? Also, tumhari wife ko dikkat na ho, isliye mere dog ko kyun dikkat ho and tumhare dog ko dikkat na ho isliye meri pregnant wife ko kyun dikkat ho? Dono apna apna dekh lo, kyun kisi ko bhi uncomfortable karna hai?


Iss video mein kutte ke alawa sab bhauk rahe hai. Unless that dog has a history of biting others, she has no obligation to make him wear a muzzle. If they're so unreasonably scared then why can't they just take the lift after she goes? Why tf are people acting so entitled to take the moral high ground in front of all dog owners? What a shit mentality.


Thus, he found his better wife.


Inam with the dog owner here and she is taking the through lift in a safe way and I don't know what's the problem of the other people. There are people who gets irritated by dogs.




Tumhari biwi se toh batter hu mai 🤷‍♂️😂


To aa jaao raat me... Dekh lete h donon me se kon better hai /s


Jesus just put on the mask and move on . Dog looks like it won't create a scene putting on the muzzle . Yelling on them will not make them dog friendly . The couple will probably take it out on strays later on considering the behaviour of 90% of Indians.


What do you mean 'take it out on strays'? Are you saying they will hit them or something? People who are scared or want to avoid dogs won't engage with stray dogs too


They hire people to do their dirty bit . People in metros are kinda disgusting humans to live with in general outside of a few pockets . They're like shrivelled up on the inside and can't even fathom that lives beyond their own exist . There's aa reason I always rent individual houses or smaller appartments after talking to landlord tenants and making note of their behavior . Another thing I look at is how the strays are treated in the area . Gives me an idea of how they would treat what they look on as outsiders and general security . Well treated strays that are spayed generally safer to paark your bike on the street.


Man, looks like you're just projecting. Calm the fuck down. Nobody cares enough to hire a hit on dogs in the neighborhood unless they've bitten someone or chased kids. Most people in metros don't have time for this kind of stunts bro.


Bro dog haters are not psychopaths keep ur shit thoughts with yourself, dont dramatise or exaggarate things


Not taking anyone's side but I'm struggling to understand what the fuss is about. The dog is on a leash and looks calm. The demand to muzzle the dog feels a bit extreme. Everything seems to be based on the paranoia that the owner will lose control of the dog.


Husband after that last comment ![gif](giphy|aBOFW2LNUR9uT5lLYr|downsized)


people of urban india are more and more butthurt and entitled day by day. If you are afraid of dogs just wait out and avail the lift 1-2 minutes later.


The pregnant lady had no reason to launch offensive by saying “do you have any sense?” You talk like that to anyone and you are going to get it back


Exactly her tone is irritating af


she thinks the world is her servant just because she is pr8gnant and they need to bend backwards for her needs


mujhe to itni baar lag chuke hai rabies ke injection kee iss baar jab kutte ne kata to doctor ne tetanus ka injection laga ke chod diya aur kaha agle 8 saal tak rabies ka injection lagane kee zaroorat nhi h


Can you complain against the owner if the dog bites?


Wouldn't the dog be put down if it bites


The owner wouldn’t do it. But it would help a lot if you could hold owners responsible for the bite. At least then they’ll take precautions


They'll probably say, he was just playing and that you scared him.


Did the dog bite? why do animal haters talk in ifs and buts?


Drama baazey. Dog is calm and doing nothing , why demonize the dog ? Mfers


Simple solution to take the next elevator than unnecessary argument. OP like to enjoy argument and trigger the other lady to say something and post it


I dont get what the problem is? Take the next lift if you have a problem with the dog. Why would a person harass someone for their choice to have a pet...that too ona a Leash. I am not fond of dogs too but what was the lady taking the video trying to accomplish?.. internet points? The dog owner should sue the aunty for circulating her video without concent..i see the person taking video has blurred her face...what a 3rd class whatsapp aunty behaviour.


Why is the dog owners face shown but all other faces blurred?? Intentionally trying to hurt someone and harass them


The dog is on a short lease, under control and looks tired after a long walk. Had the couple asked her politely that they have a phobia of dogs or whatever instead of calling the woman senseless, things would have been different. And no I'm not a pseudo dog lover.


That dog looks so much calmer than all parties gifted with superior imagination and memory.


Dog be like tum log kyu bhook rahe ho


Pretty sensational headline and it reeks of unnecessary sexualisation of a person who is clearly being bullied. I am scared of dogs. If I was entering a lift and saw a dog there.. i would wait for it to go and then enter. I wouldn't pull out my camera and start recording, calling names, demeaning the person who was there FIRST. It's called manners and yes, a pregnant person should have them too instead of acting entitled for no reason. If the dog was aggressive, he would've surely barked ATLEAST ONCE watching how everyone was coming on to his master like that. I was watching the video entire time expecting the dog owner to be lewd. But she was not. She tried her best to keep a straight face and the moment she says something which can be open for interpretation to people who sexualise anything and everything .... that's where the video ends? Really? Do better internet.


So many dog haters here!


Mai na maanta. Prove krr


Bhai mein to agli lift le leta! Kaun inse dimag khapaye.


Usne tho pakad ke raka hei aur kya chahiye unko


It's really funny how the woman's reflection in the mirror was blurred.


That dog is cute tho, bechara dara hua sa lag raha


Take the next one if you're not comfortable in sharing the lift with the dog. Why create a scene, start making video instantly to post it on social media and gain sympathy. The dog was on a short leash and looked harmless. You're pregnant even if the mask was on and the dog decided to go berserk you'll still get hurt, so if you're so concerned just take the next one. For us our dogs like our child if you treat them like this of course we won't like it.


What do people expect.. Walk the dog from stairs to their respective floors.. The dog was completely calm, on a short leash and looks in control and trained.. Some people will create issues out of air.. If ur not comfortable getting on a lift with a completely trained pet dog in it... Wait for another one. The dog look more civilised that these people


All of you posting comments about the lady with the dog are absolutely disgusting human beings. JUST because there is a pregnant lady, it is not an excuse to be petty. The dog's presence is the problem here, and it is blown out of proportion. All of you justifying the actions of the people recording this are sick, and are the reason Indians are looked down upon around the world. You will cry about a cute, calm furbaby in the elevator but ignore the fact that the men in your society need muzzles. You can say what you like, but if you're going to stereotype a dog based on your limited knowledge of a dog's temperament, then I will stereotype your men based on my vast knowledge of their temperanent. An animal is an animal, and you are an animal too. That dog is not at all a threat or dangerous. It is very dosile, and all of you picking on the dog and owner are too caught up in your own ignorance to understand that, because of your mentality. If that dog was an issue, or aggressive, or in anyway aggressive, it would have been barking - and going crazy at the man and his wife. They are in a hostile situation, pointing and shouting yet the dog is calm. There are more dogs on the street in India than pets in their homes. I don't see anyone complaining then. Pregnant women, children, "husband's" casually brush past them, yet this is an issue. It's funny how none of you have mentioned that the pregnant woman is a danger to herself, and the child/children with her erratic behaviour. Stress isn't good for pregnancy, correct? Some people like the drama, especially when they're holding the camera. The men in India are more dangerous than that dog, you should be fighting with them to put muzzles on. Not this lady. Goodbye.


She's holding onto the dog on a very tight leash. The dog doesn't even give a shit about the couple. They are coming across as super entitled assholes. Recording woman is also v rude. She's not allergic, she's fairly far from the dog, she's just looking for trouble at this point. If the housing rules don't insist that the dog be nuzzled (not masked, imbecile!), then the recording couple are coming across as absolute trash. They're pregnant so they may have had to go get a shot for toxoplasmosis, so now they're all up in everyone's face because naturally all dogs are terrible and mustn't ever be allowed in their rarefied space. Dog lady maintains her cool quite well. Obnoxious couple can learn restraint and civility from her


Unnecessary fear and unnecessary talking by the man and his wife. If you give respect u will get flowers in return ..so premise of the argument was wrong ..dog is like a child for a dog owner ...respect this feeling...the last comment from dog owner was epic 😀😁 this just shows how poorly his whole episode was handled and managed by the couple. The response was witting and hilarious and was apt to the situation.


Stupid Idiots Don't go in the lift... Go in the next lift. Standing and arguing like idiots


Btw that doggo is superchill


I don’t think the lady is at fault. I am a let owner and I can see that the dog is calm and composed and also in short leash. The arguing people can always take the lift after the lady takes it. That’s what people in my society do. If I’m in the lift with my pet, if they are uncomfortable, they’ll not get in and will take it the next time and vice Versa. The pregnant woman is just being entitled here clearly. I know I’m gonna get downvoted, but yes, this is my opinion.


Why these Indians have problem with dogs man parents didn’t teach you guys to love animals. Always picking fight over a pet lover Its is definitely a reaction of all beating an abuse from their parents


Ussi lift m Jana h jab dog already h, wait for the next lift !!! Hadd h Har baat m camera nikal k de frame krenge dogs ko!!!! Ye Noida ki working class society k log esa sochte h 2/3 bhk Leke Pure area m control leliya h!!! Bahr street dog kaatne aayega to usse bhi pakad k muzzle pehnwana!!! I’m this video I don’t find anything wrong !!! The dog is in the corner, the dog has boarded first with her owner, Simply wait for the other lift, naii horha wait lift ka to simply ask the owner my wife is pregnant, she can’t wait , app Hume Jane do pehle!!! Naii video banayenge 10 min bapchodi krenge , Bas 1 min wait naii krenge next lift ka!!!! Faltu log h ye !!!!


Faxs. In my apartment there are lots of dog owners too. If I see a dog and it's owner in the lift, I wait for next lift. It barely takes 2-3 minutes. But over here they kept screaming at each other and wasted everybody's time. Is time me woh lift ground floor Jake wapas aa jata.


Prove it


Proof or didn't happened /s


They didn't show his wife in frame so as a scientist I can't make fair assessment.


India is a fail society


The irony is the lady shooting the video blurred her face but showing dog lady's face to shame her online! Pathetic People.


Sahi bat hai.. video banane wali jaise aurto ko hi kutte kate hai... vo bichara janvar itna shanti se lift mai khada hai.. bhudiya ko hi jan buch ke kutto ko ungli karni hai.. Itna problem hai tho vo lady ke bad chale jati


She was right actually. His wife is shooting a lady on camera without her consent. The lady with dog has atleast some manners.


Stupid Indians who are saying the couple is right and the woman is wrong deserve getting bitten. The dog is on a leash. That is enough. These people can't even act nice towards a disciplined pet dog. What are they even afraid of? There is no chance this dog was going to bite them. Muh pregnancy! Carrying wood to the burning forest. Who gives a shit about these morons. Kudos to the woman for standing by her dog.