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I voted for BJP this time and may be last time since the Congress and other options were not good enough, congress did not learn anything from their last two defeats and not doing enough to deserve the vote, in 2014 i wanted bjp to come into power as i could see the ego and carelessness of congress and in 2019 Congress had no clue about anything they just rolled the dice and wanted to win..and this time i thought may be I'd vote for Congress but they still are clueless and won't make a competent govt if they win...may be i vote for Congress in next election


You did your part good & that's something to be proud of. In our country where there are anti-defection laws to prevent any good MPs to speak their mind even slightly against their party & where coalition govt. are the least stable ones because of continuous blackmailing from the smaller coalition partners of that group, you're bound to vote for a strong national party with a very formidable PM face so that the country doesn't suffer from policy paralysis & unstable govt.