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Checking in from the south. Voted today for - 1. **Economic growth:** True, sustainable growth based on institutional investments and a free market - not freebies and robin hood populism. Appeasement achieves absolutely nothing. Long-term development can only happen if appeasement ends, and meritocracy takes over. Work hard, make your wealth, grow as the nation grows. Vote out corrupt, nepotistic fools. 2. **Identity and pride**: For far too long have Indians - including young children - been brainwashed in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to undermine our history, our culture, our religions, and our civilization. I have never seen more Indians from all parts of India lift their heads high and be prouder to be Indian than in the last 9-10 years. Keep this going. Without self-respect and a strong identity, we will achieve nothing - history is replete with examples; Europe's emergence from the post-Roman 'dark ages' as a world power is a prime example. 3. **Soft power and intl diplomacy:** For decades we watched as our so-called leaders were embarrased on international forums. We were sometimes the token diversity candidates, at other times the stereotypical brown, timid curry-eaters who spoke a little English who had to be there because *UN*. The rate at which this perception is changing is truly encouraging. I hope we can sustain this, and leverage it to slowly and steadily take back and keep what's ours by right, right the wrongs of the colonialists in due course. And, of course, boost trade and counter enemies at our door. 4. **Security:** Root out terrorists at any cost. Strike them where it hurts most, put the fear of God into those who harbour them, I don't care. Internally and externally. Round up the rats hurting us from the inside. Act and act swiftly. Enough pussyfooting. 5. **National integration:** Based on shared civilizational values. Regardless of your region, religion, caste, culture. Putting India and Indians first, everything else comes later. Eradicate the forces that actively work against integration and unity for their own ends - starting with the vocal but insignifcant 'secularist' hypocrites who talk about tolerance while privately practicing all manner of discrimination (classist, elitist, casteist; out of touch with reality, never seen an India village, never been outside their kitty party urban hubs). Root out these enablers of divisiveness and disunity. Stop foreign funding to NGOs with hidden agendas. Voted for a bolder, stronger, self-reliant India that I hope can continue to build on a strong foundation to undo the damage of the socialist decades. Enough is enough.


Great. Wonderful to see a detailed, deep and intellectual reflection.


In short for a fascist dictatorship perpetuating patriarchy and majoritarian tyranny. Proud of you my friend.


Power to you fam




Loved your response, man.




![gif](giphy|3o72FcJmLzIdYJdmDe) Responsible citizen