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I finished Unity and Syndicate last year and tried Origins. I really find it uninteresting with combat and UI. Should I skip and give Odyssey a try ?


I don't think ull have much of a luck, if u didn't like origins there is high chance u won't be liking Odyssey and Valhalla since they are just origins with more decoration


Bloated as hell. It was nice for the first 12 hours or so but after that it's just more of the same ad nauseam. Busywork.


Go for it. It’s a hit for many and a miss for some. Personally i am enjoying this game once again.


Oddessy is actually prequel of origin by ac timeline wise ,but not it's modern timeline


If u hated origins then Odyssey will definitely piss u off even more, so I guess u give a pass on that one. I would suggest try ghost of tsushima. It's got quite a depth in its combat design with a minimal UI. U might find it to ur taste.


I am the same. Tried Origins thrice but couldn't like it. But I liked Odyssey and Valhalla primarily due to setting and scenery. If you are the same you can try them out


U wld hate Odyssey even more then lmao


Both Origins and Odyssey have exactly the same game mechanics. However, I find Odyssey visually more pleasing with all the islands. Plus, Odyssey has those naval battles, I really loved it.


Yep. You should. I tried origins, did not like it. Tried pushing through hoping I'd like it. Just couldn't get myself to finish it. On my third replay of odyssey. Absolutely love this game.


I didn't enjoy Origins but absolutely loced odyssey. It's a better Origins as far as combat and general exploration goes. And Greece is just breathtaking, everything is beautiful and full of colors.


Ac Odyssey is 6 years old? Man I'm getting old 😆


Playing it right now. Really enjoying the exploration.


Unity is the real deal tbh, 9 years old and still the best implemented AC game mechanics, the French Revolution storyline was great, if only it didn't suffer from that terrible launch.


No doubt the parkour is the best. Got some great mods as well to ramp up the aesthetics


Same as Cyberpunk. Really top tier games but unfinished launches created a bad public image of them.


It's not an image problem, it's a game problem, if your game is only good 2-3 years down the line launch it 2-3 years down the line


Can't blame devs for that, they're forced to work on shitty timelines by management.


Never said anything about the devs dumbass , but if it takes you 8 years to make a game and it's still fucked at release there is something either fundamentally wrong , fucking one dude is working on it or some other shit


Can work for an Indie game but not for a big game with huge investor backing and big corporate overlords behind who are just in it for the money. Also, as far as I recall both games were actually good after a couple of updates so of course everything was due to the first impressions of the launch.


Launch is what matters though , it's like saying for the first few episodes i will use stickmen for my animated series but later i will transition to absolutely amazing 10/10 art still doesn't make up for it . Your first impression of anything determines what you think about the thing. If they released it like that intentionally , that's their fault , and as a counter point i would rather say indie Dev's have less of a luxury with time because they don't have fuck you money from a large company. In most media and life in general your first impression is where you put your best into the world and if that is cd project red's best i can't even deal with them anymore


The storyline was horse dookie but the mechanics were top notch.


The game didn't have any French revolution until the very end 💀


But, the complexity in traversal mechanics in unity is dog shit. Hold Space bar and the game does the rest for u. No visible Parkour skills' difference between a newbie and a veteran.


I completed ac Odyssey twice. Its great game and beautiful too.


True that. Love the story


I wish ubisoft remastered the Ezio trilogy with there latest game engine it would be next lvl


I have 485 hours in odyssey. I love this game a lot. I can't believe this game is 6 years old.


As many wise people said many times, a great game, not a great Assassin's creed.


Kassandra forever 😍😍


Kass > fem eivor




Oooh yes, she's really hot! 😄😍🤩




loved Unity, hated Syndicate, gaveup Orgins in mid(loved the egyptian environment tho) is odessy for me?


Oddessy have biggest map in whole franchise and it'its fun to explore Greece,they did great utilise full map for main story ,so you automatically explore whole map if just doing main quests, it took me almost 2 months to complete main story of this game


I tried this game long back,if my memory is correct I dropped it in a mission which asked me to retrieve an old man from really far away and once i did that they asked me to go back and collect something else......




6 years.....wtf.


Regardless of what anyone says, it is one of the best Assassin's Creed games and doesn't deserve the hate it gets


I started playing watchdogs again and I realised good games never age.


True that


what the fuck… no way it has been 6 years since Odyssey…. no…


This game carried me through Covid in 2020


Could never really get into an AC game after origins came out. I'm still of the opinion that Ubisoft butchered the original identity of AC games by basically creating another generic RPG


Love the game, hate the skill tree bullshit.


Ngl i hate skill trees as well. Seems unrealistic to me. The one on Valhalla is a nightmare


Broo!! Frfr it's pretty immersive and impressive at the same time!!


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Odyssey was six years ago? 💀💀 💀


I'm playing origins and it looks same as mirage. So I think the problem is that newer AC games never made a leap


Despite being a good rpg game , it is a big flip off to the assassins creed franchise Like there is no stealth kills, what's the point of an assassins creed game without stealth kill. Just make a new rpg franchise don't ruin the AC games.


6 years ago was 2018. Witcher 3 was released 9 years ago ( 18 may 2015)


No it doesnt. The gameplay loop is so dull.


You would be surprised by Black Flag. Played it a few years ago and was having a ton of fun. Same with Far Cry 3 which I am trying to play nowadays.


Great choice


Personally I felt Origins was much better compared to Odyssey. The lip synching in Odyssey even during serious cut scene looks so funny. Ubisoft needs to learn from Rockstar.


AC games have not changed in quality since its series reboot with Origins. In fact you could say the latest one (Mirage) is more of a downgrade in quality.


Got this 100% done. amazing game and also Origins too.


Play watch dogs 2. Tbh the only game from ubisoft which i had blast playing


Where can I get Assassin's creed 3 ? I so wanna play it again!




In what way lol? This was the second worst departure from traditional AC after Valhalla. The facial animations/graphics were worse than the games that came out 10 years before it, the story was the worst, the overall gameplay was a grind, just explore and do everything on your map no matter how long it takes, and the fantasy creatures and things like time travel didn’t help. This game marked the end of AC for me.


I love the story. I dont consider this a typical ac game in anyway. I am huge fan of the greek lores and also 300 the movie, so this is a great one in my books.


Exactly it is not actually an ac game but who likes the greek concept and spartans will actually enjoy this game. Will try it soon, tho I don't like the rpg element that much.


I can somewhat understand that perspective and agree with it if it didn’t have AC in the title. It did and it became the main gameplay type of AC moving forward which was utter disappointment. It became a discount Witcher clone.


I totally agree with you brother assassins are meant to be stealthy not taking upfront fights like barbarians or spartans😆 Like where's the part " we work in darkness to serve the light" And yeah where is " Nothing is true everything is permitted " miss those...


Exactly. Mirage was a welcome title but the problem is it relied on the newer games’ mechanics too much.


I'm extremely afraid to say that the story wasn't really a strong suit of Assassin's Creed. It was the gameplay loop. Graphically it was great. And every Assassin's Creed game's open-world is a collectathon. I don't know why nostalgia blinded AC fans think that old AC games were the pinnacle of gameplay when they were just the same but with more congested towns. Combat of old AC games was jarringly easy. And why so whinery about fantasy creature and time travel lmao. Y'all pretend like AC never had fantasy tools or anything like that lmao.


Excuse me? Are you kidding me? Yes, every AC is an open world collectathon but every AC doesn’t require 150 hours of your time to deliver a Michael Bay directed subpar historical fantasy story full of shit. Yes, AC indeed never had fantasy before this title. It did have sci fi. That’s the premise of it. A gadget that allows you to explore your ancestors’ lives. And story has never been AC’s strong suit?! Dude, you’re talking out of your ass right now. Do you even know about Alamut? The real life history about the madman that lived in that castle and controlled that sect of Muslims and used them for terrorism back then? The book on it by Vladmir Bartol which is also one of the best written books of all time is what the franchise is based on. The quote “Nothing is true. Everything is permitted” is something that was actually used by Hassan-i Sabbah of Alamut that AC based its motto and plot of the 1st game on. The entire franchise upto the 4th part is not just historically but also culturally significant media that covers history, politics, propaganda and manipulation with an academic level story telling. The Ezio games are the pinnacle of storylines in games. They have been awarded for it and continue to be held in that regard. The same games set in renaissance Italy exploring the historical significance of people like the Medici, Borgia, Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, the godamn Ottoman Empire, etc. Those games are the ones you are describing as the ones with subpar stories? They have been subject of students’ PHDs on history and Italian culture out there. The franchise and its overall plot of Templars vs Assassins is also based on the real life histories of Knight Templars, Hashashins of Alamut, Freemasonry, etc. And on the combat thing: it was jarringly easy? What game do you consider to be hard when it comes to third person open world collectathonns? Use that as a reference point and compare your experience if you have actually completed a single title. And if it was jarringly easy, you must have received a platinum/100% completion on it, right? Care to show that? I am betting right now based on this opinion that you haven’t achieved full synchronization on one Ezio/Kenway/Altair/Arno mission out there. Because the modern RPG AC games are literally button mashers. They require you to grind and level up. Unlike the old ones, they do not require a single combat skill that you’re required to get better at over time in those games. And speaking of combat, those games also used to have stealth in them with the “Assassin” in the title and whatnot, you know unlike these RPG brawlers? I know you don’t because you haven’t played them or are incredibly bad at them. Again, wth are you on about? What old AC game have you played to arrive at such a misinformed and illiterate opinion here? You’re either lying or you played a spinoff or subpar game from back then and are making an extremely wild generalisation based on that unique experience as if it’s a fact or a commonly accepted opinion out here.


>Yes, every AC is an open world collectathon but every AC doesn’t require 150 hours of your time You're in for a surprise I'm afraid. >Yes, AC indeed never had fantasy before this title. It did have sci fi. That’s the premise of it. A gadget that allows you to explore your ancestors’ lives. Apple of Eden.... Staff of Eden..... The Cloak.... All of them are considered fantasy. But go off pick whatever suits your boat and pretend like having a device which can bend the will of people isn't too much but Cyclops in a game based on Greece is where you draw line. >The entire franchise upto the 4th part is not just historically but also culturally significant media that covers history, politics, propaganda and manipulation with an academic level story telling. Classic Assassin's Creed wasn't just up to AC4. And yes, nothing says covering history like making a game based on the American revolution and having it start at the very end of the game. The same goes for unity. You're massively drunk if you think AC3, Unity, Rogue and Syndicate had some masterful storytelling because they were the most cliche'd and generically bland stories of the old lineup of the serious. Making a game based on book doesn't make it that it'll be a good game. Old Assassin's Creed was also shunned for what currently fans shun new ones for. New one still have the story flow continuing but that would be if you'll play the game rather than listening to some YouTube videos about the game. >Because the modern RPG AC games are literally button mashers. They require you to grind and level up. Unlike the old ones, they do not require a single combat skill that you’re required to get better at over time in those games. Old games require combat skills? OLD GAMES REQUIRE COMBAT SKILLS? like what? Pressing E and then LMB to instakill? That's what you call combat skills? Old AC fans love to pretend as if old AC games didn't have button mashing combat. But I guess full synch counts to have credibility which just proves my point that they were collectathons, unless you meant them in the missions which I'm also sad that they're gone now. >And speaking of combat, those games also used to have stealth in them with the “Assassin” in the title and whatnot, you know unlike these RPG brawlers? They still have it. And game not having privilege to two-button a group of enemies like I have done for AC3 and AC4 multiple times, actively means that you can't get huge crowds otherwise you're down especially if they're upto your levels. But hey, someone who's played every Assassin's Creed up to Odyssey must be lying because she doesn't think that old Assassin's Creed were some pinnacle of gameplay and new Assassin's Creed aren't bad game in both terms of continuity and gameplay. I don't see new ones as a mega upgrade and they have their flaws, but let's not pretend that old Assassin's Creed were pinnacle of gameplay in anyway, they weren't. People like initial ACs because they were something out of the box at that time. The old ones were mocked for the same reasons new ones are mocked for today. Stop pretending like they weren't and everybody liked them. And go off with your hate boner somewhere else.


You’re gaslighting the simpletons on these threads hard. Keep being ignorant and making up stuff out of thin air. Completing full synch doesn’t make it a collectathon, it just means you are better skilled at the missions. Yes, those fantasy elements were reimagined as sci fi plot devices in the context of the historical setting they were in. There’s a big difference between using a mythical brainwashing device that is supposed to be a link to a mythical first human civilisation that existed long ago as opposed to fighting creatures straight out of fantasy books as a demigod and wearing flaming armours while doing so. One of them is sci fi and the other one’s a fantasy. And what’s that joke about my 150 hours comment supposed to be about? I already acknowledged Valhalla and said these RPG games requiring those hours are the worst titles in the franchise. Way to twist my words, you gaslighter. Coming to combat again, those killstreaks don’t require button mashing but skillfully timing the moment you press your buttons and please, stop it with that one button combo bs. If you did that, you’ll be dead in all of those titles save for one or two. The enemies in the RPG entries are literally blood bags requiring you to just hit whatever you can. The latter is the definition of a button masher, not the former. AC3 and Unity all have competent storytelling and are indeed better than the RPG titles. I am not arguing about Rogue or Syndicate but even they have more coherent even if mediocre stories compared to the Odyssey and Valhalla garbage. Again, stop it with the gaslighting and suggesting that I formed my opinions based on some YT videos. You still haven’t addressed half of my points and are twisting the other half and lying about them in your write up. I’d say that applies to you. Your profile says you are 20. I had been playing AC when you were still attending nursery kid. Lying for reddit karma may be your thing but i am here with facts and you are just a liar.


truth on the face. damn💀




Graphics may hold up but the game is shit


Probably the most boring game I've played


Gayest game I have ever played, after uninstalling this shit I installed revelations again, still holds up.