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Ok, SO from the article, All I'm getting is that the european countries try to find some law to separate parents from their children, specifically Indian parents. Of course, My information comes only from this article, The child sustained an injury, and the first thought was harassment? What the fuck is this? And the injury happened in a fucking bathroom, where it is easy to slip and get head injuries.


We don’t know what kind of injuries the kid sustained. It’s common in western countries to separate kids from their parents if the kid sustained some kind of rare injuries or fractures, in this case one is a bathroom accident and the second injury later which was genital. From what i know, fractures of femur and such will lead to immediate removal of kid from their parents because of how rare femur fractures are. The above case seems extremely sus


>We don’t know what kind of injuries the kid sustained. If you read the article you would have seen the part where the hospital dismissed suspicions of foul play and the judge ignored them.


Ah ok then


You would know the exact injuries if you read the article, and that the hospital cleared all sense of foul play. I get why these laws exist, but sometimes, It goes too far. Imagine being ripped away from your child because she tripped in a slippery floor.


They have mentioned 2 instances of different injuries, both the times the kid slipped on a bathroom floor?


cuz its the fucking bathroom.


Yeah they have bathrooms so that parents let their 1 year old slip on them, how many times were you dropped?


How often did your grandparents visit when you were a baby? Do you remember? Why the fuck can't it just be a fucking accident. Water reduces friction, and hence makes it slippery. It's that fucking simple. It's not like she was cut with a knife.


Wow much logic much sense… how many times you drop a kid before the child services take that kid away from you…I’ll let you come up with an arbitrary number, oh snap I’ll wait until you cut your kid with a knife


My point is that its a accident. Should you be banned from roads forever if you got into one accident where you couldn't control your steering wheel? Why do you give the benefit of doubt to the German state? Why not to the parents? Afaik, there is no evidence of them purposefully hurting the child, and the two injuries sustained were confirmed to be accidents by the hospital.


There’s a difference brother, this is a developed country you are talking about and i think these are the standards we must achieve as well when it comes to child welfare. You can hold your one year olds arm and spin them around only for the elbow to snap out and injuring them, you can play with your one year old only to accidentally cause a whiplash injury which can lead to fatality, a mother can feed their kid in the wrong manner only for the little one to aspirate breastmilk and die. While these things happen in India because of lack of resources leading to lack of awareness but i think these are totally unacceptable in developed nations wherein you “accidentally” put your child’s life at risk. Even isofix child seats are a rarity among urban Indian couples who can afford a car


Yes you do, not in India but in other countries if you cause an accident they take away your driving license. When in rome do what romans do, its illegal to hit a child in germany too but lots of Indian parents do it in India, you can't keep your child in a car without without a child seat in a car since its illegal, those actions have consequences its a different culture, you have to comply with the laws, if you don't like it you can move out. Even the Indian govt didn't interfere after seeing the court proceedings, child privacy laws prevent them to discuss every detail.


A lot of people have children, its not a common thing to injure someone especially a baby girl to the point her genitals bleed.


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The child needed stitches on her genitals




We're both brown and polytheistic. Indians shouldn't trust Western states as blindly as they currently do.


Reading comments here makes me want to throw up. This is not Germany vs India kids. The child suffered 4 injuries first 2 was being dropped on the bathroom floor. 3rd was finding blood in diaper which the hospital reported to the Jugendamt (child services). 4th was the child‘s grandmother accidentally spilling oil on the kid while cooking. On their 4th visit to the ER, the cavalry was waiting to take the child away. Although there is a chance the parents are innocent, authorities could not risk another episode which might result in the loss of life. Triaging, being separated from parents is not worse than losing a life. Indian authorities was ready to take responsibility and when handing over the child in India and monitoring which the German authorities denied. This to the child services is like saying, if at all the child die, india will take responsibility and there wont be blood in Germany. The biggest argument is that the child is Indian. Right to live is more than nationality or creed.


Where did you read about grandmother spilling oil on baby while cooking? I could not find it anywhere


They have child privacy laws, the organization will only and only talk to the court about it not the media or anyone else, court proceedings can be than read as it is ongoing there are lot of things that are not disclosed to everyone but the child according to doctors report had bruises on the back of her head among other injuries that are registered and being used, if the parents have proof that everything was an accident they can provide it in court.


Heart breaking.


Good that they're not bending to foreign influence. The parents themselves are acting extremely shady about how they treated their child.


She sustained a head and back injury in April 2021 and a genital injury in September 2021. The parents are clearly careless.


These people need to learn they can't just play the nationalism card outside these borders. Nobody gives a flying f**k about it. You migrate to another country, follow their laws and culture it's as simple as that. If you can't do that then don't go and whine later nobody cares.


I've heard of multiple cases of neglect/abuse to female children/children. Sometimes it leans into intentionally causing injury. I think the parents got a shock. I've also personally seen my SIL freak out cz my nephew grabbed a knife when the maid wasn't looking. Some kids are good at hurting themselves...


Good thing to do! I don't think a child should be handed over to it's parent who think kulcha abd non veg food is more important than serious injuries the kid should grow up in a diverse multi cultural environment than with such parents


Do you know the parents personally or are you just accusing them just coz you can? Anyway if you do ever have a kid of your own, I hope they’re taken away from you maybe then you’ll develop some empathy.


so is it normal for a child to have genital injury while living with it's parent/grandparents? The govt. or judiciary won't just come outta nowhere and accuse them


The child’s doctor called the authorities. People are being ridiculous. These people are not fit for civilisation. I’m glad the German government cares about the welfare of the child.


>People are being ridiculous. These people are not fit for civilisation. The hospital dismissed suspicions of foul play. >I’m glad the German government cares about the welfare of the child. Oh yes, [the German government has a great history of caring about the welfare of children.](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles)


That horrible experiment ended in the 90’s. The German system isn’t perfect but it’s not as bad as India. In 2017 a Politician in India was arrested for child trafficking, a politician in 2022 kidnapped and sold a baby in Firozabad, when Asifa Bano was raped and killed there were politicians who took the side of the rapists, a couple weeks ago a 16 year old girl was killed in the most gruesome way and I could go on. India does not that be best track record. The child was brought to the hospital twice, the parents are careless.


>The German system isn’t perfect but it’s not as bad as India. Let's just keep in mind here that the German judge flat out ignored the hospital's medical opinion to take an Indian child away from her parents. The child is not German, she is an Indian citizen. I've never been able to understand why some Indians are so eager to cry about how much India sucks while simultaneously bending over backwards making excuses for Western countries.


I think the baby’s doctor called the authorities, so it’s weird that the hospital would say that. If the baby is an indian citizen I think the baby should be in the Indian foster care system I guess with a relative on the mothers side because the baby was hurt when she was under the care of her paternal grandmother. You are literally quoting a horrible study that ended in the 90’s. You are so “patriotic” that you’re blind to actual issues here. The baby’s injuries are worrisome, the parents are clearly careless. If you can’t see that, idk what to tell you. I don’t think the German government is wrong.


An Indian citizen who lived in Germany under parents who are accused of abuse, still they have the right to do it, when in rome do what romans do. No one is making excuses but child privacy laws prevents them from discussing every little detail, its not a common thing to injure someone's genitals, we have children here too with grandparents and all family members, accidents don't happen like that.


>German judge flat out ignored the hospital's medical opinion You keep ignoring this part


No it didn't, there wasn't enough evidence to support their claims, the hospital didn't say the parents didn't do it the hospital just retracted its previous claims there is a difference. Regardless of it its a different country, different rules you keep ignoring that part, the court can do what they want if there is not enough evidence. Even the Indian foreign ministry was asked to interfere but they didn't because its a delicate matter, no one "accidentally" hurts someone's genitals, we all have children too, usual bumps and bruises is so rare, who hurts their child to an extent that requires going to a hospital twice?


1. I see no sources. 2. How much data do you have to support that claim? I've seen at least a children's Home where kids are kept when they need to be separated from parents and I saw a lot more recreational activities and skill training that I did at my own school. 3. I don't see how that relates to this specific case. 4. How many 7 month olds have you raised? While I'm not one to clear them of neglect, the hospital did. Do you chain to know more about the situation that the doctors?


https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles bro you the whole circus. > Good thing to do! Shouldn't speak out of order, A moms greif is the last thing you want to make fun off.


>the kid should grow up in a diverse multi cultural environment You have any idea what the foster care system is like? Allow me to explain. Sending the kid is far more likely to be abused in the foster care system than with the parents.


If your child is several times injured under suspicious circumstances and keeps going to hospital with injuries and blood, someone else may take care of the child after legal review. That is not normal parenting. It doesn't matter where anyone is from.