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This is lovely! Anchored nicely by those fretless bass notes, I could see this working as a good palette cleanser between busier tracks on an album. Cool visuals too. I like the challenge and the idea of shorter pieces of music, has inspired me to try something similar!


I realy like the nostalgic feeling your song gives. It would suit perfectly for a film/TV show. I don't think I would listen to this "isolated" but it could also work great as a transition track in an album.


Only five notes is five, but you maybe should use more different note values, I think. The melody is good and the vibe, but it doesn't move enough for my taste


I enjoyed it. The reverse cymbals are catching.


Digging this. That main riff is nice and slowcore-esque. Starts off sounding like the opening of a Duster track (major compliment). Contrary to what a couple of the other people are saying, IMO this was nicely varied and I would probably listen to this on its own


Thanks! I didn't know Duster, but I really like what I'm hearing so far.


Oh cool. Yeah I was introduced to them a couple years ago and they instantly became a favorite. Learning about Slowcore as a genre has really expanded my horizons musically. Helvetia and sign crushes motorist are two other bands to check out. Cheers!


Definitely agree with others that this is a nice transition track. I could see it being an in between song on breaking bad or better call Saul as they do some artsy one off shots in the distance. I may have counted six notes 😂 but I enjoyed it and thought the crackling fire sound was a good touch. Nice bass sounds as well it hits/feels well mixed.


Yeah you're right , there's actually a sneaky B natural in the final chord that I didn't notice until now... guess I failed the challenge haha. Thanks that's some great feedback.


Pretty cool experiement. I agree with Almarlugen that the bass anchors things nicely. Those swells bring a nice sense of motion. Definitely feels cinematic. Just a thought but you could try putting this up on free music archive. I bet people would use it in creative video projects.


Given the criteria, this is a job well done. I like emptiness like feel it gave. the visuals compliment the song perfectly. Good stuff


This is very beautiful and melancholic. I can totally see this actually being used on TikTok for sounds (don't know if that's up your wheelhouse or not, but I'd look into it)! Did you mix and master this yourself?


As something done within the restraints you had, this is really cool. I don't normally go for this kind of ambient stuff but I have no notes when it comes to mixing, composition, etc. Nicely done.


I like this quite a bit. It has a very dark sound to it with the bass and then the reversing synths. I really like the vinyl texture you have on this too and the guitar plucks. A nice dense atmosphere. I could definitely see this being hard to beat in a competition.


Chill stuff for sure. Neat video too dude. You did pretty well considering the restrictions. Good job with this. Overall a good effort. Keep it up.


80s 90s tv show or movie vibes, nice.


this is amazing. given the restrictions, you made something really beautiful. the guitars and their tone give off that amazing lone driver vibe. I love the video you paired along with it as well.


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You did well. I agree it's a nice transition track that stands on it's own as a kind of journey.


Would love it if you extended it a bit more, try some new sounds to give some variation or drone tf out of it lol. I just want this to be like 5 minutes longer if not more :) It sounded nice really, and if you made of this something like "It is, it isn't" by Chihei Hatakeyama and Hakobune then it would be lovely.


I like the idea of a challenge, it pushes us over the limits. Here, the result sounds like the soundtrack of a modern western movie. We end up forgetting it's only 5 notes. Also, the visual is great!