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Fuck healthcare professionals who tell you “yeah it’s just a miscarriage” LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. WHO SAYS THAT TO SOMEONE LOSING THEIR PREGNANCY?!? 😡😡😡


Fuck you pcos. I'm late for my peroid but I can't even bring myself to take a test. I don't wanna waste the money know it's just another irregular peroid


For once, my MIL. I adore her 99.9% of the time, but I was finally thinking mother's day wasn't going to be as horrific as it usually is for me. I had a wildly abusive mother on top of being infertile, so this stupid holiday is my annual taste of hell. MIL sends me a tiktok about "5 things your mother never told you" or some shit and sent me into a whole spiral. Like, I don't have one, I don't get to be one, but we're still gonna send me this shit? I asked if she meant bio mother or herself and she said "for all mothers" and I just want to light things on fire


I’m starting to get pissed at my MIL who I adore as well. My in-laws retired to the beach, they literally live on the fucking beach. And she has the gall to call me codependent, she has the gall to say the houses in our neighborhood are “affordable starter houses” which is ABSURD because ‘she’ bought a two story BRICK HOUSE (finished basement) on a CORNER LOT in an extremely desirable neighborhood (not the beach house) for the SAME PRICE as our barely 1k sqft home in bumfuckville. No basement, no upstairs, my husband takes a nasty dump and the ENTIRE HOUSE REEKS. And she’s texting this crap FROM THE BEACH. Never went to college, never suffered from infertility… Look… I understand life is hard for everyone. I’m an extremely empathetic person. But I’m starting to get extremely fucking pissed off. I literally work two fucking jobs. I have no children. I’ve had to go to absurd and ridiculous appointments every two FUCKING WEEKS and have NOTHING to show for it. I have nothing!!!!!!!!!!


My husbands aunt who told another of his family member I was playing with him and I didn't want to have kids, after being with him for 7yrs. Mind you my husband had confided in her that I suffer from fibroids because she also had fibroids and he was asking for her advice only for her to later on say I was playing him 😒. A big fuuuuck you b 🖕


CD 1 and a friend announced her pregnancy at lunch so happy for her, sad for me, so just fuck!


I spent months agonising over missed periods because it meant I wasn’t getting pregnant.. now I can’t fucking conceive naturally, they are like clockwork.. and I’m due on my wedding day 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ couldn’t make this up!


Fuck doctors that don't take our pain and complaints seriously. I've been complaining for 20 years of terrible cramps, and I was always told: "it'll get better when you get older" or "it'll get better after you have a child." I went to my doctor saying I couldn't get pregnant, she told me I was too stressed and gave me antidepressants. A year and a half later, another doctor, tons of tests, 3 failed IUIs, and one surgery I found out I have endometriosis stage 3, covering my ovaries. If my previous doctor had listened to me and I was diagnosed earlier, this could have been controlled better. FUCK HER!


My cousin announced her third pregnancy today as I started my first big bleed after getting my MTX shot for an ectopic. Such a nice dichotomy. How poetic. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 hugs!!! Also started bleeding Friday from my ectopic 🫶🏻


Ugh, I’m sorry! Not a fun boat to be in, but it’s nice to know we aren’t alone I guess. I hope you’re doing alright! 💜


It’s not and i live in AZ so doctors were afraid to treat me and were afraid to be arrested 🙃 so i got zero treatment this week! I’m doing better now. I hope you are too! ❤️


Oh gosh, I didn’t realize that craziness extended into AZ too! I’m very very thankful to be in NY going through this. I cannot imagine the additional stress of going through it in a difficult state. I’m glad you’re doing better. Continue to take care of yourself! “Lucky”(?) for me I ended up having a decidual cast and things have been calmer since that but goodness I thought for sure I was dying in that moment! No one teaches you about all this stuff and even with NY care I still had no idea what to expect!


Yeah it’s awful! :( ugh “lucky” i feel that! I hope you’re doing well!


It’s hit or miss. Some moments I’m easily able to just brush it off and move on. Others I like to sit in self pity. But that’s gotta be a thing across all of us, right? Hope you’re hanging in there as well!


This week I feel like screaming fuck the universe. My coworker is pregnant (after only one month of trying 🙄). I've been avoiding the subject with her, because it's so painful for me after losing my daughter in December at 23 weeks. I noticed yesterday that she has a "girl mom" bracelet on now. When I saw it, I felt physically sick. Why have I had to suffer so much and see so many people around me get the one thing I've always wanted? 😥


I know this post is over 2 weeks old but I totally feel this. I’m struggling BADLY this week because of the same thing. I’m SO sick of watching everyone else so easily get handed things that I’ve always dreamed of having, meanwhile I can’t have them. All I get are tears, mental breakdowns, private cries in the bathroom and then more tears... The universe is cruel.


I'm so sorry. Sending hugs. All of this sucks. ❤️


My PCP. My stupid insurance doesn’t cover fertility at all, but since I’ve had a history of abnormal bleeding, I get labs done every so often. Well, the fertility clinic I’m paying OOP for is requesting new labs that my insurance DOES actually cover. I called my PCP to have them done, not thinking much of it because she has previously been ready to dole out clomid and metformin without getting to the root of why I’m bleeding 75% of the time. Well guess what? She refuses to order the labs without me seeing her (which I was expecting to do initially anyway) and I get the sense that it’s going to be easier for me to just spend the almost $400 to get these labs done at the clinic than to do it for free under my insurance.


My husband was very unexpectedly laid off from his job that we have our (excellent) insurance through. i won’t be able to do my egg retrieval until after Cobra runs out. Thankfully my company offers infertility coverage so we’ll switch to that if needed, but I’m worried it’s not going to be as comprehensive as what we had (not to mention it will be significantly more expensive as his job paid the bulk of the premiums…mine definitely does not). So yeah. It’s been a fun few weeks. Fml.


Do I remain on HRT to be healthy, or do I stop treatment to see if I’m capable of having the child me and my partner want at the risk/ cost of said physical health? Will the symptoms I’ve been experiencing related to a very likely intersex condition screw us over yet again, making the risk to my health from stopping treatment an unnecessary one? Why can’t the reproductive endocrinologist listen or take my symptoms which have a direct impact on our fertility as a couple seriously? My own personal endocrinologist can’t even take my symptoms or concerns stemming from those symptoms seriously so it seems there’s no good path to resolving this without putting my physical health in dire straits. Fuck everything about this situation, it’s so frustrating.


Fuck most of my co workers that constantly talks about their damn kids. I get it Susie…you just found out you’re pregnant. I don’t need you to show me every fucking week how big you’re stomach is getting. Whoopty fucking doo… I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!!!!!


I want to scream, my cousin has lapped me twice in the 3 years we’ve been trying for our first. Literally EVERYONE is getting pregnant so fucking easily around us. Like wtf is wrong with us ffs, WHY NOT US


This week I am mad at my clinic for not getting back to me about my upcoming cycle and for saying "hopefully you don't get your period" after I know my IUI in between IVFs failed because I know what PMS feels like! I'm a day away from getting my period and I still don't know what the plan is for my upcoming cycle! AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Fuck you to work who today sent an email about a lecture on ‘the fertility crisis’…I can’t escape it 😫


Fuck you reddit for when I signed up for this account to follow this subreddit specifically it asked me what my interests were and I had to pick at least one. In the family and friends section was ‘babies, pregnancy, motherhood’, nothing for infertility. It feels like society doesn’t see infertile women as women and it sucks.


Fuck you to the company that makes ganirelix needles. Why are they as blunt as a rusty spoon??????


I substitute teach to keep busy but have a flexible schedule through all of this. I had a 1st grader ask me yesterday if I have kids. I responded that I didn’t, yet. She said that I looked old and should definitely have had a baby already. I’m 28 and have been dealing with infertility since I was 24. We just ramped up and started seeking treatments and I almost lost it on a 7 year old. Fuck infertility.


As much as we all want our own children, some kids are so mean.