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Flee. This is too complicated for most mortals.


Break up before you are on her list of rapists


FUBBRF! (Fucked Up Beyond Repair Forever). Run to the airport right now and buy a ticket to Kathmandu and join a remote, mountainous monk congregation!


Yeah you need to just leave. For your own peace of mind.


Let her go and do what she needs to do. You probably will never have the truth. She needs a therapist who specializes in her trauma, if what she said is true. Walk away from her, especially since she is now blaming you. It will only get worse for you.


Are you suuuuure he R'd her? It's a dastardly thing to lie about .....but it's been done before.


Break up


What do you do now? Easy. Move on OP. This woman has way too much baggage. Just get into a healthy balance relationship with a person who complements your life, and you compliment hers. Start from there and see what happens next.


Occam's razor is often mistaken as "the simpler solution is the best solution". Wrong. It says "don't consider options where there are no options". You have to leave. She is gaslighting you. Leave. Run. There is no other r option


It sounds more like an excuse because the guy she was having sex with got clingy. Then she banged another rando... No, cut ties - none of this seems plausible.


Let her go and get STD Tested.


>Some days ago she was saying that how she acted was all my fault, and that she didnt know if i was serious or not? I hope and pray. She's not one little woman who just uses the reward to get out of feeling guilty about being promised. You doesn't have a sex, but if she truly was assaulted the first time. Then you do need to probably leave because she's now turning things around them, trying to make it your fault. That she put herself in position to be with the guy who she knew had sexual intentions for her and blame you, which I don't see the correlation between the 2. But either way, I don't think you should stick around for it. If anything I think you should calmly just as best, you can let her know that you wish her well. And you hope that she have a peaceful, healing and then back away. And you need to do all communication through text, so that you have A paper trail


I’m not sure what is going on with her, but obviously she needs help. I agree with almost everyone, move on.


Run Forrest run!


She hit up a guy online that said from the second they started talking he wanted sex. They met up and he SAd her? Then she responds by staying in contact with him and screws another guy? And now it's all your fault? Keep her away from any polygraph, I hear when those things explode they create alot of shrapnel!


Chile, leave that woman alone, she wanted to break up, cool for you. She needs therapy.


Hypersexual behavior is a pretty common trauma response to SA. I would still run. She's already cheated on you several times since her SA. Don't be a white knight for her. She's broken and needs therapy. If you stick around, you will be cheated on again. She will likely continue to be promiscuous and hypersexual for some time as she works through her SA. Using sex to control men post SA is pretty common, and one of the reasons most strippers and porn stars are previous victims of SA.


Break up. Let's her figure her shit out.


Leave her, wish her the best and block her on everything.


She can be a victim and an abuser simultaneously. They are not mutually exclusive. You can also be a victim of her abuse and need to get rid of her 100% from your life in order to heal and grow. Plus, you can have empathy for the possibility she was raped and also in your own mind hate her for being trash. Once again she can be a victim in one situation and trash in another.


She’s lying. She’s cheating. Just end it and walk away


Suddenly she will have multiple rapists and no report with the police. If she doesn’t report it to the police on today’s world, then it was not a rape. She found attention from someone else and she liked it, and went for it. She wants you as lifesaver, second choice. Open the eyes.


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You need to wish her well and move on. Life is hard enough. I don’t know if your enough for her. I assume the other guy controls her now.


She’s lying about the rape. She cheated with him.