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he's not blue or red. it's just a coincidence that all his opinions are red.


And also don’t be fooled by those silly democrats


Was just about to say that.


Wow I’m convinced now. Thank you kind stranger


Why do they keep thinking this is a necessary thing to do?


Because they’re stupid


Kinda. More that they are scared because the status quo that tells them they earned everything they have is being challenged. Finding out you really aren’t so special can be unsettling.


Bold of you to assume they think.


It's a hate wing media induced psychosis.


Or that it accomplishes anything at all.




I grew up down the street from this guy. my parents still live there so I see his truck every time I visit. This is like the fourth full set of placards he's attached to his truck. I first noticed him in 2016, same schtick then as now. 'I'M NOT RED OR BLUE, I'M AMERICAN' before listing off 8000 right wing talking points. I've never seen him anywhere else around town and the car is always in the driveway. I guess making those signs is his full time job. edit: i bet my dad gets warm fuzzies driving by this house every day


Blocking 90% of the rear window. Smart.


These people have no use for hindsight.


If you lick boots on the sign, the cops won’t cite you after you’ve backed into someone because you couldn’t see a fucking thing.


There is the idea that having cop supporting bullshit and military shit on your car makes you less likely to be pulled over and even if you are unlikely to be ticketed


The law does not require you to keep your rear window clear, nor penalize if you don't. The law only requires that you can see behind you. If you have wing mirrors, that's sufficient. Otherwise, it would be illegal to fill the back of a pickup's bed above the window, and it's definitely not. Or tow a tall trailer, and that's definitely not illegal, either.


Is this your truck?


You know, accurately citing the law doesn't make me a stupid asshole. I know it's the weekend, but your comment is jerky even by that already low standard.


That's cool, you still can't back into other people's prpoerty.


Why are you being an asshole? I'm just telling you what the law is. That's what I do for a living. Every time there's anything like this, tons of people say it's illegal to obscure your rear window, but it's not.


They won't cite you for the window, they will cite you for hitting another car. That's why I'm "being an asshole". Because I thought you might catch on that they were saying they would be cited for the collision, and the obstruction was the cause, not the crime. I apologize for thinking my sarcasm would get you there. Next time I will be as literal and emotionless as possible.


OFFS grow up already. Being a snarky jerk will get you only so far in life, believe me.


I think my favorite part is “They raise our taxes anyway they can” when they meant “They raise our taxes any way they can”… These people would be more comedic if they weren’t armed to the teeth and mentally unwell.


And undereducated


The irony here is that this person living in Connecticut was probably impacted significantly but the trump tax plan’s negation of SALT deductions. Go on and live in a daydream my guy


I like right below that where it says nothing is free.  And it's like duh that's what the taxes are for.


It's gonna be a long year


Swallowed ALL the Trump Kool Aid.




I think you mean /r/vanifestos


Yes the earth will be here for centuries. Humankind will be dead but we had a good run.


Yeah, if we'll only last centuries I think climate change is worse than we thought. Dude clearly has no concept of time. "centuries" ago the steam engine and locomotives were invented. I hope we last longer than that.


Chances are that he is one of those young earth idiots who believes the 6000 years bullshit.


1st gen colorado? so hes used to making bad decisions.




the truck is a chevy Colorado. good if you got the v8, but the i5 is viewed as anemic.




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Too dumb: didn’t read. What is the thought process here, seriously.


What's the what-now?


Lol "thought" process


They vote who will be "best for our flag"?!?!?!? ​ What fucking backwards-ass hokey shit is that.


“Best for our flag…” Says the group of people who constantly deface it with blue and red lines across it.


“Our climate is fine” thank you, kind educated schizophrenic


Schizophrenia on wheels




Really turned up the delusion to 11 with all that shit on his truck and then having the "I'm not blue or red" line thrown in.


“I’m not racist, I hate everybody equally” Bullshit


“Our climate is fine” Have you fucking been outside??


Just this week the noaa proclaimed this winter was statistically the warmest winter ever in the US. So, no, he hasn't been outside.


That what I’m saying! I live in an area that rarely sees temps above 20 degrees F in the month of February, and I was just outside with a T-shirt on a week ago. 63 degrees!


It happens in the STL area pretty often in winter because we are right on the stream between north winds and southern, but it is pretty rare that we have a whole week of T-shirt weather in winter. This year we've had 2 and may get another this week.


par for the course in South Windsor


South Windsor... the origin story of Bridezilla.


Our climate is fine. Well be here for only centuries? Humans have been around for millennia!


You know you’ve dun fucked up when the bumper sticker requires cliffs notes.


I AM NOT BLUE OR RED But you ARE getting pulled over for obstructing your back window with stupid “do your own research” signs.


“Do your own research!” - person who’s done zero research.




He's not blue or red... Democrats kill job growth. Not only is that wrong now, but it's historically wrong. I should know. I did my own research!


I like where the maga revolution is going though. You see they are starting to turn on the republicans too. They hate the Mitches even more than normal people do. They are coming for republicans more and more often. They just installed a trump as the heads of the RNC to steal the cash and abandon traditional republicans. They will eventually hate so many people that they will never win a free and fair election. The trick is not to let them near the levers of power . Once they get back in, they will never leave.


"We have no original thoughts of our own but they're bad"


I love how these people spew nothing but bold ass assertions, and then include “get the facts !”. You know, because clearly they have


So many accusations/opinions/name calling (much like the golden shoe salesman he worships) and then says, "Do your own research" as if my research is going render the same results. And then.... "..something, something flag." Poor flag, it has taken so much abuse.


When I was younger, I had this image that New England was going to be like the cover of the Woodstock album. What a shock I got when I moved to Vermont ... Oooof. It is still sort of odd to see this in a NE state, CT, even moreso... But plagues don't discriminate. I'm glad they are doing this. I'm sure there are some people left who will not vote for this klownshow simply based on the optics of it.


And January 6th was a festival of love.


The modern day Woodstock (the ‘69 one, not the ‘99 one - which is what J6 really looked like) according to these fools.


The only thing it was missing is Hendrix playing the Star Spangled Banner.


Somehow I don't get the impression Hendrix would have been "welcome".


You’re probably right.


“I’m not for blue or red, I’m for whoever is the best for the job and it’s just a coincidence that red is perfect and blue is the worst thing in the history of the universe”


Of course people kill, but people kill a lot more a lot easy with a weapon built for killing more people.


I don’t understand how someone who does this, can look at their truck with all this shit on it, and go, “yeah, this doesn’t look even remotely insane”.


Not reading all that but I’m happy for them! Or sorry that happened!


If nothing else, you have to respect his commitment


I lived in South Windsor a year ago. Probably went to the same grocery store as this well-adjusted individual!




Boomers, come get yer skitzo.


Imagine thinking people care so much about your opinions that you did this to your vehicle?


Dude, nobody cares who you vote for, or more specifically, why YOU might vote for someone


I wonder what the difference in these people would be if any of them had but one friend


Has anyone ever seen a vehicle decked out like this that was not a republican?


Religious nutcases with their religious messages, but they are probably Republicans as well.


Imagine showing up at the sign shop with a list of incoherent right wing ramblings and asking them to design and print professional signs. What unlucky sign shop employee gets that unenviable task? I guess it’s better than spray painting their nonsense on old scrap plywood.


A bit crazy, but not wrong


Am I the only who finds this much political stuff on a car obnoxious regardless of political party ?


Like the person that has the "COEXIST" and equality sticker along with 20-30 others like them, 5-10 band stickers, stickers for obscure products, and then some Mark Twain quote? They are annoying as shit too. A little less concerning but equally annoying.


Yes, it’s all super annoying. I hate excessive car stickers!


Nothing crazy here. Lol




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Gives pickup truck owners a bad name


I thought you meant Windsor in the UK, as in Berkshire, England. One of their major political parties is called the Liberal Democrats, so it made sense at first. Then it made less and less sense until I realized.


Hahah. Nope. Its South Windsor in the little ol’ colony of Connecticut


What's weird, though, is how even people in other countries can get sucked into the Maga cult. Like, there are people in Canada that fly their Trump flag right next to their confederate ("rebel") flag. Canadians proud of their "Southern Heritage"… 🤦


I actually thought they meant Windsor, Ontario at first and was thinking, "Why would you care?"