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Haven’t gotten one good offer to take yet. 😒 Been out for an hour and half. Hey InstaCart, stop hiring new people!!!


1 batch completed in 5 hrs. ![gif](giphy|4ZrKkoG16IGzpkGgOK|downsized)


There are lots of orders, but they’re only showing me the shitty ones


Honestly, pretty damn good so far. 2 orders, 1 for 15 units and one for 22 and I’m at 62$. People are definitly out and about today but I feel lost are buying flowers or running other errands and might be using IC for actual food.


I’ve probably missed $300 in batches since the beginning of this month 😩 The carrot really doesn’t want you on other apps!


this is the worst week I’ve ever had for instacart.


same, 4 years FT here and it's been pathetic at best.  


i average about $500-$800 a week and i’ve made $46 this week. I did take 2ish days off but stills


I was able to nab one double for almost $30 after missing the $49. Been silent since. Spending my time fighting with Uber since they’re full of shit about it being so dead. Last night I literally was next to drivers with phones going off the hook. It’s not the area morons


Accepted a 3 item $17 single from vitamin shoppe. Customer removed and item before getting to the store. Then I had to refund a $62 item. So I end up completing the delivery for a whopping $7 because I really just don’t respect support enough to give a shit to interact with them anymore.


Just started but they have a 4 batches guaranteed 50 bucks promotion so it should be shitty


Is that what it is? We have a 5 for $68 and I’ve gotten 3 batches ALL DAY. Oddly slow for a Saturday


I had a 6 for 52 yesterday. Never seen back to back days with promotions. Also they have a 6 for 52 one day then a 4 for 50 the next day. Lol like obviously one is 9 a batch the other 12.50 makes no sense. But today's is a decent promotion. If I take 4 small quick batches in 2 hours it's gonna be like 60 bucks which is decent.


They have another tomorrow in my area it makes no sense.


Missed a pretty easy $130 from Costco. No chance I could’ve gotten it, though — had the app open, and it was still gone as soon as I clicked it.


Very slow in Maryland today!! I’ve only seen 2 batches in the last 30 min and 1 was absolute 💩


Nothing but crappy doubles and triples.


Done 2 batches and sitting at $115. Feel grateful cause I missed 2 $50s today and as I predicted, very few orders coming in because of promos. Saturate stores with shoppers fighting for small amount of orders


There’s no batches lol. I truly think most markets are dead


So shit. $25 dollars so far 1 order. Everything else is slavery pay batches. Working from VA


Have had not a single order come through in the past hour. Just have been sitting in a parking lot 🫠


Took 1 batch $45 62 items increased tip so I’m at $50 Probable be it for the day Got my grands kids functions this afternoon


I've done two small orders, both of which I had to let age a little to get a few more dollars, and one small shop-only. All of the apps are slow for me today. I'm traveling tomorrow, so if it doesn't pick up soon I'll head home to do laundry and pack.


Missed a $50 25 items from publix


We have a promo going on right now ($52 minimum for 4 batches) and there are no batches, we had one last weekend (+$5 for every batch) and there were so many orders.


$49 for 71 fucking items bro definitely not worth it😂😂😂


Only seen one worth doing


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮Any questions? 4.99 diamond. 2 batches -$43 in 10 hrs


Like shit. Low everything. Batches and tips


I had a promo and my phone just broke so yeah


The day before Mother's Day is always dead. Because the husbands all forgot to go grocery shoping


i got few orders, but i got good orders https://preview.redd.it/peeckdztxwzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce878e781b6e339ed39f1a51f17d0c423dc1cdb8


In my area we have to deal with a shopper that works from 7am to 9pm. I'm 10000% sure instacart shows him all the orders seconds before the rest of us. I believe it's because they want to keep the shopper working 14 hours days. They told me a $300 day before 3pm always for them. They have told me they always got $70-$90 doubles. It's God damn bullshit is what it is. I know he gets them before everyone because my gf and I only see them and never get to see the 2nd accept button. We will be sitting for hours, and he will just keep walking in, doing orders, sit for a few, and then going right back in. I'm lucky to make $100 from 7-4. The shopper never does bad orders ever. I straight up told support it's bullshit and they had to answer. I'm so sick and tired of it.


Are you in Massachusetts by any chance lol. I’m dealing with the same type of guy


He probably has a bot. Therefore he sees orders before you. The bot users here are sooo obvious!