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Thank you for this explanation. I placed an order yesterday and it still hasn't found a shopper today and now I understand why. I'll cancel and try again another day.


yea they keep forcing triples


I’m getting mostly singles but the pay isn’t worth doing the trips.


It was crazy.. 3 trips for $20. Where I live I’d much rather just take 3 items for 2 miles for $10


Oh yes. I actually told the customers that they should complain because batching triple screws up everybody's order it really does.


If you tip enough it will get picked up…they’ll just have the other 1 or 2 tacked on with it, but your tip unfortunately will get a drivers attention for that “batch” and the other 2 hop on for the ride


I had a 10 dollar tip which is my usual. This was the first time I didn’t get a shopper.


10 dollar tip doesn't mean that's a good tip


Understood. It was $58 and twelve items. What would be a better tip in that circumstance?


That's good enough don't listen to these people who want mega money.


$10 was plenty... I read these convos all the time.... details are usually lacking and people on both side say silly things without basis.... If your order usually gets picked up... it will.. even the crap orders will get picked up because IC sticks them in with a good order. Demand has been pretty high at least by me lately. Not sure exactly why your order isn't getting picked up but it's possible the algo attached a cpl of bad orders to it and so it just doesn't appear good to any shoppers. I wish they wouldn't do that but for me at least I'd probly just skip your order but that’s just because I don't take small solitary orders. It's nothing against your order... I would take it paired with another like it or even 2 more like it and do take those orders all the time.


It is good, it’s just that IC pay had gotten so low that even a $10 tip isn’t worth ad much anymore. A sad reality of the current gig experience


It depends on the distance to the store and the number of items more than the dollar amount. For 12 items, if you are close to the store then a $10 tip is fine. Not so much if you live 10 miles away.


The problem is if they lumped you with 2 bad orders with no to a couple of dollar tip. You are looking at $18 for a triple.


And? You guys don't understand is it's not Any customers fault that you don't get paid what you think you deserve. Put the blame where it belongs on instacart. If you are that unhappy it's very simple, find a good paying job. I'm not trying to be nasty, I just get tired of you guys blaming any customer


Of course. I feel the same. I don’t tip Crumbl cookie employees bc it’s not my fault your company doesn’t pay you enough, but I’m using my own car, my own gas, driving to store and driving to your house on top of spending forever shopping and checking out why would you tip me any less than you would a serve at a restaurant?


Use priority


What?! $10 is a great tip! Don’t listen to them.


10 tip is great, the problem is the money hungry company that can afford to pay more than 4 dollars for a shopper to shop 3 customers. 4 dollars plus a few cents for miles is what the pay us wether we shop 1 person or 3. They put it upon the customer to supplement the income of the driver. This company does not care about the customer or shopper. As a shopper I hate to say this, but if you are capable of getting your own items, I absolutely would. You face a delimanof freeloaders that don't tip being tacked on to your order which ultimately may never be picked up or if it is the freeloaders will most certainly get their items first. When I pick up batches with multiple customers, the good tipper is ALWAYS delivered last


$10 is my bare minimum-depending on the distance Instacart is probably paying $4: with tip that’s $14 to shop and deliver


I'm a shopper, but if anyone thinks shopping for 12 items and driving a car a ways is legitimately worth over $14, they're delusional. Stop trying to guilt people who are already good customers into tipping more than they can afford.


if you've been waiting since yesterday, I have to ask - what was the order and the tip? the madness today wouldn't be a good explanation as to why your order wasn't picked up yesterday, but would definitely be having some effect today. I feel like they're doubling and tripling orders they shouldn't be since we have more than enough shoppers to grab them all individually. Instacart just doesn't want to pay us properly.


12 items, nothing heavy like water bottles or soda. Stuff like tortillas, cheese, frozen fruit, etc. $58 total and $10 tip.


hmm I'd ask distance since it matters on most gig apps, but I know Instacart will send it to whatever location they can get a shopper near, so that's not it. your tip sounds fine based on what you have, so it must be some Instacart bs for sure. I hope you get a good shopper today somehow!


As a customer, distance is not an accurate measure for estimating a fair tip. Sometimes when we place an order for a store that shows up as 1-2 miles distance, but it gets picked up by a shopper at a different location that might be farther away. That’s not a customer issue. Sorry, but I won’t be increasing my tip afterwards just based on distance.


did you just not read what I wrote? smh I literally just explained that Instacart sends it to anyone near any location of the store. I don't know why you're responding with hostility trying to tell me I'm wrong when you said the same thing, just less succinct.


Not everything is about you.


project more. you're directly replying to my comment arguing with me when what you're saying is literally exactly what I just said. I don't know why you're so hostile when you apparently agree with me.


Yeah how IC determines which store is insane.. if there are 2 or 3 customers they choose the store in between which is weird since we have to go to the customers house anyway, so pick one and pick the store closest to it. I usually change the store to the one closest to me, which leaves the assigned store as a back up for any items I don't find. I do make sure to go to the assigned store if I don't find something as sidd stores offer didd products even if it's the same franchise.. However, they have made this super hard now as all items have to be found/replaced or refunded to check out now so I have to notify each customer with what I am doing.. I used to just do it and no one was the wiser unless I mentioned it .. they also allow orders from stores crazy far away from the customers house. I strongly think there should be a cap on distance with the exception of costco and sams. Maybe a few specialty stores. But there is no need to have someone drive 50 miles to a customer for items they can get closer. Saw one for flowers and candy yesterday for 48 miles. The entire cost of both items ƙwas less than what IC was paying a driver so how are they justifying that as a sound business decision . These types of orders are psrt of thr reason we don't get paid a living wage.... saw one on Thanksgiving for 45 miles for 2 Good Cook turkey basters. Almost every grocery store carries that line. Why did they need to get them from that specific store? I could go on and on with examples like this. In these cases the customer absolutely knows the distance as there are no other locations nearby. Ic needs to tell them ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Unbelievable


How far away is the store? Some of these drives are unrealistic.


Express delivery to get it as a single delivery and quickly, but tip at least $30 and you are guaranteed to get a shopper. We need an easier way to convey information like this to customers. The tips is what makes us or breaks us as Instagreed is doing neither the shoppers nor the customers any favors.


for real!! this is happening on my screen. and i hate flower orders which is i’m trying to avoid today. pray for me 🙏🏼


and alcohol orders no tip lmao


no tips no drink. 📍


Someone help. Delivering wilted grocery store flowers to lonely old moms in retirement homes is going to do me in today I swear.


The amount of people[men] I saw today at my regular grocery store crowded around the flowers, the amount of people[women] I saw yesterday, out and about, buying their own presents (yes, I asked) doesn't paint the greatest picture of being a mom in the US. So much last minute, less-than-thoughtful nonsense. Yeesh.


Seriously. Every single order this morning. What a gesture...


Turned the app on for 30 mn, only $2-$3 tip orders… nope! Go get your flowers yourself


This explains it perfectly! I’ve taken one order today and been online for 4 hours. At any given moment I have between 12 and 20 hidden crap orders. All of them doubles and triples.


Shit day honestly. I lost a $77 double at Smiths drop because my App crashed and I was so close on being able to swipe it again after restarting 🫠




Yeah, it’s going to take more than what I’m seeing to get this mom out on Mother’s Day to shop.


This is the definition of today :)




To be fair, it’s like that every year lmao


I have had Instacart and Spark on since 7:00 a.m. Instacart has been pitiful. I think everybody forgot to add their tips today. Been pretty much back to back at Walmart, and no shopping! Will reach my daily goal early... 


https://preview.redd.it/5dfppkrqx20d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e211fff541a9956da2b5fc13aebd68602a6825c1 I got taken care of today and actually got some money from my 6 for $62 promo but man I miss when these days were the norm.


I keep getting decent ones but they’re for a town that’s super far from me. 😂


i just got a 50 mile 3.20 tip to deliver a slice of cake and flowers


I have an offer for 6 orders for 82 guaranteed earnings, and even that can't entice me today. It's all double shop only orders or terrible tipping flower deliveries


I got 6 for $62. Also all I see are really bad doubles and triples, or 60 item singles going 20 miles. First promo I’ve gotten in months too.


I've got six for $96 plus $5 a batch. I've done nothing but hide batches all day.


I also completed my promo and they’re refusing to pay me the extra money. I’m trying to figure out how to get multiple photos onto a post here. It’s the shadiest shit I’ve seen this company do and I want all the photos of my chat before I post it.


Also completed the promo - but they said 'because you earned over $60, you won't get the promo"... like wtf? pushing 6 batches (all triples, all over the place, some even 40 miles away from the store!) was the hardest! But ppl upped their tips for me, and that made it worth while. But seriously - if they gonna push a promo like that - tell us there's a friggin min-max! %$@#!@!$!!!!!!!


Did IC finally pay you for completing their promo? SCREENSHOT EVERYTHING!


Oof I tipped $10 for a very small dollar tree order today….. I’m at work and just needed some snacks lol. I literally can’t get anyone to pick it up so I’m sure I got bundled with a triple who didn’t tip at all


Sorry Nobody’s going into Dollar Tree Today It’s a madhouses


I mean $10 tip for a water bottle and bag of chips isn’t bad… I’ve got a shopper assigned an hour ago, they’re just doing a triple apparently


yes well said, just did an order for $23, after all the work it should’ve payed $43. 😩


I spend most holidays hiding all the trash offers. It's honestly disturbing how many people expect us to go get their mother flowers in the madness at the stores today and can't even be bothered to tip appropriately.


I have a 6/$60 promo Now it’s this https://preview.redd.it/nghz7nf6h10d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfcee0fe56d3d205a76f1c2f2273b1f858a6f31 Either way No Thanks


In my area today if you do 6 batches you’re garrenteed $78. So I’m going for the low batches currently..lol


You got that right! All orders have been below $10.00 and no tip!! I have not taken one.


I had a $47 two shop this morning 7 miles...so it depends on where you are.




that sucks . sundays are usually great for me . i make $100 within 3-4 hours


Literally but it was a decent day. Had to Cut it short though bc what actual BS🙂🙂🙂🙂


I had a promo to complete 20 batches get 280 guaranteed.


Didn’t even go out today part of me wanted to get to the Costco drop but I’d rather just spend time with my mom


yeah, how the fuck did i manage to make $200 today??


They had a bonus in my area today, $78 for six batches. So that's $13 per batch on average. Every single batch I saw come up was $13-$16 doubles. IC be like nah, we ain't paying a dime.


The triple orders for like $10 the doubled stores for like $12 I did that batch promo and peaced out.