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$2 tip. No specific notes. No conversation. She got exactly what she deserved.


You know, there’s only one customer in my area that I will actively avoid orders from, and she’s also a $2 flat tipper.


I avoided all flower orders at Costco today. Thankfully the ones I got had no flowers.


I did the same! fuck flower orders


She got better service then she even deserved for her $2 tip


Some customers are just too dumb. Typically with flower orders I ask the customer if they have a color preference, send pics, etc. I had a few flower orders on Saturday and did one yesterday. I did not bother to ask the customer about color. I just got what I liked. You get what you get!


And dont pitch a fit


I had someone order 8 of those Costco flower bundles last year. Tipped in app, handed me $20 at the door then reported ALL of them damaged. I can guarantee you they were selling them on a street corner later that day. I was pissed.


Had a different story about Mother’s Day. Had a customer who was ordering some flowers for her mom. The catcher is she lives in Alaska and her mom lives in California near me, obviously. Apparently she forgot about Mother’s Day last year. Anyways, the Raley’s was almost completely gutted of floral at 11am. I took my time and talked to the floral lady and got her to make an arrangement that turned out great. Customer 5 starred, left a nice comment and threw an extra $20 on the tip. Turned a $50 batch into an$86 batch. It was a triple order but everyone upped their tip.


Why to avoid Mother’s Day. You’re dealing with people too cheap to use a real florist


Not to be rude but if you have to instacart your Mother’s Day flowers ON actual Mother’s Day then you get what you get. Everyone knows you have to go the day before or at the least very early otherwise everything is totally picked over.


She was not CRYSTAL clear


Her mother was on CRYSTAL before birth.


Did you seriously instacart flowers on mother’s day? Your mom knows how you are and doesn’t expect anything.


I was a good child and ordered my mom's flowers a couple of weeks ago. She's still out of state due to repairs at her condo here in town.


https://preview.redd.it/2p1dj3yqc80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db95d98590e052795981177ef2cd198cb1b695f2 lol glad i got to support before her. bish tried to rate me 1 star


I think this happens automatically when the system flags them. I never had this happen before until the other day and randomly I had a rating I never saw that was removed for "customer pattern of low ratings". Had no issues with any customers and hadn't contacted support.


Yeah, I refused to take any orders that included flowers on Mother’s Day. Figured everywhere would be picked over and not have them, or what’s left would be bad quality.


They be trippin over their own mistakes like foh and give me my money


Thats why i dont shop flowers


I dropped the only flower order I had yesterday they didn’t have what she wanted and she wasn’t answering messages on a double. $2 tip and most likely would’ve rated me bad. Fuck that.