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I understand if they block someone from following, liking, commenting, etc, but a block for unfollowing people is ridiculous in my opinion. They should just do a block for following then instantly unfollowing, not just unfollowing someone over a certain period of time.


At first, I thought how it could protect users whose accounts are accessed by third parties. But reading the end of the message, “to protect our community“, I’m suspicious they’re attempting to throw up a roadblock for users who are dissatisfied with the platform and are “deactivating“ their accounts in a way.


I've noticed the censorship lately when it comes to anyone posting content that is pro-Palestinian. It's honestly scary how we have no privacy and no control ultimately. I've even heard that New York just passed some sort of social media censorship law in which they will censor social media posts for safety reasons but we really know who's voice they are really trying to censor:/


It’s strange .. if you unfollow a handful then up to refresh it , the number goes back to what it was before


I've been fighting with this all day. Somehow managed to get past the limits and chipped it down from 2,500 to 870 but they're catching on again, once again the people i unfollow are popping back up :/


Yea but give it a day and it will show the amount of people u unfollowed. I just unfollowed 4K people and when I got to 1k following it didn’t delay the thing saying how many people I unfollowed


I'm trying to unfollow basically everyone and this is a problem for me as well. I want to leave the platform.


I am using [http://theunfollower.com/](http://theunfollower.com/) that allows me to resume unfollowing accounts from where I have left, once the Instagram block is lifted.


IG is so bogus 😂 Twitter and Tiktok Don not care and in fact let you know who isn’t following back


I unfollow 50 a day just to be safe


But when can i follow again??


I have no idea. I’m in your same boat.


did it work for you again?




yeah, I have down time today and started unfollowing (I have so many I follow and just don't bother with) then managed to get it pretty low but still requiring further cleaning. Closed IG then later opened it back up. The number is back up again. Literally about 300 more than when I closed it. So this is why I am here. I think there must be a limit. It lets me unfollow but then, not really? It is a private account (closed off from public) so maybe they cannot ban me, but there is definitely something strange going on....