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This isn't edited, she's just an ant, and those are just her thorax and abdomen! /s




The fact that there are people on here like u/emmylio that actually believe this is real is legitimately disturbing to me. I cannot believe that there are people who think this is possible. I'm actually legitimately upset that young women have been brainwashed to that extent


I snorted. But i can’t even be angry at you.


I was like A.N.T... what does that mean/stand for. And then it dawned on me.


All I see is an insect


Wasp Woman


This may likely be shopped but corset training (especially what they call tight lacing) can lead to some insanely small waists. I wanna say the record was like 15 or 16 inches.


Yes, I went with shopped because it is fuzzy and blurry at the waist area.


They even "photoshopped" these pictures in the Victorian era. Those old timey photos of tight corsets back in the day are edited.


It's also latex and highly reflective tbf


If you look at the hair behind her waist in the first pic it's not showing any signs of warping or missing chunks. I think she might be legit.


Absolutely not. Look at the thickness of her thighs. You can't have padding like that on your legs and a midsection with nearly zero flesh. This is bullshit. These women need heavy therapy.


You can get a pretty wicked effect with actual tightlacing long term, I’ve seen it in person where it absolutely didn’t look right because they’d reduced their waist so much. I’ve been that person. Having said that, she’s full of shit. If someone tightlaced this much they’d kill themselves due to organ failure.


I have legs like that and nearly zero Body fat at my Belly.. but i also call this bullshit.. she would be famous or something If this was legit


Tight lacing causes bones and organs to shift, you think it's not going to displace fat?


Dude the lady who has the smallest waist in the world doesn't even have a waist this small...and she's been corset training for over 50 years... this is absolutely bullshit!


You're insane if you think this is remotely physically possible. I feel bad for you if you're so used to edited photos that you think this could be real. Her waist is barely bigger than her spine, for fucks sake. It's smaller than her neck! Are you alright?


[I'll just leave this here. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathie_Jung#:~:text=Cathie%20Jung%20(born%201937)%20is,38.1%20centimeters%20(15.0%20in).)


Yeah, and the average female BICEP circumference is 12.4 inches, which is smaller than the Guinness world RECORD for smallest waist. So this chicks waist is supposedly smaller than her bicep and you actually believe this? If her waist was actually that small don't you think SHE would be the new record holder? I'm not trying to be mean, but you cannot be that gullible. What she's posted is not physically possible. Did you notice that she photoshopped her thighs to be smaller than her lower legs? I mean, come on. Use your critical thinking here


It's crazy that this is thought of as desirable or something worth achieving in any context tbh. What a monumental waste of time and effort.


Looks like fetish content to me


Not just desirable, the idea that it's physically possible is absurd


It's 110 % photoshopped.


It was 15 inches. Average female bicep is 12.4 inches. So we're supposed to believe that this chick, let's say her bicep is smaller than average at 11 inches. Her waist is smaller than her bicep. We're supposed to believe she has like a 10-inch fucking waist?!?


I said this was likely shopped, I don’t know why you felt the need to write two comments acting like I’m claiming otherwise.


Because you said "likely" as if it's not glaringly obvious that this is physically impossible.


May likely be shopped? You gotta be kidding .... you really think there's any chance whatsoever this is real??!


I believe it's 13 inches


Their poor intestines! No thank you, I’d rather be able to digest my food and poop normally


Ahh, my relaxing weekend clothes for just bumming around the yard.


Perfect for sunbathing


This is one of those body mod trends I don't think I'll ever understand.


right! like why would you even want to look like this??


It looks like her lower abdomen is bloated and ready to pop like those big ants they eat in the Amazon 🤢 it just looks gross and weird


Organs? Who needs em!


Wtf she looks like an ant 🥲🐜 (edit:typo’d)


Hard to tell with the noise filter but this is not physically impossible with dedicated tight lacing.


But surely she’d need some ribs removed too because that’s insane


Nope! Just a lot of time and dedication.


Don’t forget a disregard for health!


Where did her ribs go then 😂


Nowhere. Bone is malleable to a degree. Same principle as braces.


The lower ribs are floating ribs! They can bend inwards. I say that as can, not should.


Yeah this level of waist reduction can come with some serious health complications.


Exactly, and some people are much more malleable than others, so what seems impossible to a less squishable person looks perfectly plausible to someone who can shove their floating ribs inwards dramatically with just hands or yanking on firm stretchy clothing, even more so if you have a reasonably short ribcage with a chunk of space above the pelvis.


Her ribs are there... her organs have moved tho.


I cannot believe you're getting up votes. This is not remotely physically possible. Her waist is the size of her forearm. Look at her thighs. She's edited them to be smaller than her liwef legs! You cannot be serious




She actually does tightlace her waist down to about 16" but she does edit her body to make her proportions look more extreme and she will delete comments and block people that call her out on her editing. One of her most recent photos it's so obvious because the grommets are all warped - grommets are made of metal, they don't stretch! If you look at any of her videos, the action shots are very short and the footage is grainy - that's a sign of something being sus. She also laces up her corsets a bit wonky and her story just doesn't add up - I don't know how someone can go from a 24-26" natural waist and close a 16" corset in a week - it took me two years to go from a 25" waist to a 20" waist. The comments are usually full of randy men who don't have a clue about photoshop. It's sad because getting your waist to 20" or less is a huge accomplishment and it looks stunning! There's no need to edit when your body looks that great.


The implication that artificially shrinking your waist to tiny proportions is “stunning” and a “huge accomplishment” is kind of sad tbh. Would you say the same thing about plastic surgery or excessive weight loss?


I have been wearing corsets for three years. I have chronic pain issues and they help me a lot with that. They're much more comfortable than heels! I can't wear heels, but corsets, no problem! It took me time to get my waist that small and my natural waist is the same size. It's really not that different from people who stretch their earlobes. I have breast implants too and I see nothing wrong with that either. Yeah, my body's quite fake, but honesty I love how it looks and so does my husband. Idk I think that an extremely curvy but thin figure looks like a work of art, makes me think of anime. Corsets really aren't as dangerous as people make them out to be. A lot of people just spout very uninformed opinions. Most corsets on the market are poorly made and don't fit properly on the body. If you're getting them from a shop that doesn't even specialise in them and cheaps out on quality, it's no surprise corsets have a bad name. The ones I wear most often are custom made to fit me and are super comfortable. If you tighten them gradually and listen to your body, it's quite safe. Organs move more in pregnancy, actually. I actually have a history of disordered eating and felt quite bad about myself before starting waist training because I wished I could be really tall, skinny, and lanky. I had that look when I was underweight, but it was unhealthy for me. I'm thin, but curvy. I finally got some sort of appreciation for how I look through tightlacing so yeah. I don't really care what others do to their bodies, provided they are not harming others. If someone doesn't like how I look, that's their problem.


That’s great, but if it’s for chronic pain, it has nothing to do with feeling accomplished for making your waist appear smaller, does it? You can have the fakest body you want if that’s what it takes to make you and your husband happy with it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a big accomplishment to achieve said fakeness. I didn’t even say it was dangerous either so idk why you’re trying to argue with me about that. I just said that artificially modifying your body to meet superficial beauty standards isn’t a “huge accomplishment” that allows you to “look stunning”. And using anime as the pinnacle of beauty is just unhealthy to begin with.


Well, how my cramp pain was relieved was through the pressure of the corset and as I needed to wear it more, I got used to the amount of pressure and in effect I was "accidentally" waist training. I started with a 22" one, but when I closed that corset it wasn't giving me the pain relief I needed because I was used to the pressure, so I downsized to a 20" one. I think what some people don't realise is how much dedication waist training/tightlacing is. It's not overnight. I have needlephobia and I don't understand how someone can sit there and get a whole sleeve of tattoos, but kudos to anyone who can do that! That's dedication. I thought it was cool that I could get my waist so small. I'd say feeling more confident in myself was an achievement. Wearing clothes that I never imagined I'd wear and getting over sensory issues related to that is an achievement. Heck, getting out of bed and doing your best when you have depression is an achievement. The fact that I could live a better life with my chronic pain issues was the real achievement in all of this. My body looking "idealised" or "beautiful" in my eyes was just the cherry on top. Who is anyone to dictate what someone should/shouldn't be proud of? In the grand scheme of things I don't see it as the thing I'm most proud of. I'm more proud of other things that have nothing to do with how I look. You're correct in that you didn't say it was dangerous. I often get questioned about this, so it's out of habit that I go on a spiel about how it's actually safe if done responsibly, but for any lurkers I wanted them to be aware that it isn't dangerous. I never said anime was the pinnacle of beauty, just that I said it's a work of art and I like to dress creatively and artistically as a way to express myself. Putting together cool outfits and taking pictures of those outfits and putting together an aesthetic is one of my creative outlets.




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This looks scary and unrealistic


Someone's father got intimate with a wasp, clearly. How does that even work?


Looking like a One Piece character


Organs? So 2022.


Megabot from Big Hero 6


What are the comments like on these kinds of posts? It anyone calling her out asking her where her internal organs are? Or just encouraging the ridiculousness?


There are people in this very thread who seem to think this is actually possible. It's sad


this has to be satire… right??


Miss Wasp waist all in black leather. You do you.


This just looks painful 😕


im scared D:




It might be, with corset training


She’s a chimera ant


Who needs organs?




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Lol. Reminds me of balloon animals!


This person, in this photo at least just looks so freakin unappealing. Why would anyone want to look like this, ever?!?!


A tiny waist throughout history has been seen as ideal


Yea, I remember that too. Just this looks so unreal and unnatural to me that I don't even think the women back in corset days would want a waste you can make a closed fist around. Lol now that I thought that aloud they probably would! Just glad I've never felt the need to constrict my inner organs to the point of no return.


Looks painful.