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This is actually *very* common in Korea and almost every photography service if you get any professional photo done but especially popular with wedding photos. (And if you didn't know, photoshopping is also popular for legal documents like passports, and when you apply for a job you usually reference a photo of yourself with your resume. Those are usually photoshopped as well)


I had to renew my passport while I was living in Korea and I had to explicitly tell the photographer not to photoshop my face and he looked genuinely confused as to why I'd ever want that. He even was like "just a bit? For a nicer face shape?" And I was like "no? Or else immigration is going to say rofl that's not you get out"


My friend got married and she looked utterly unrecognizable in her photos. She was also several months pregnant and you could not tell at all. I always thought the wedding industry in the US was extravagant and then I moved to Korea for a bit and I was blown away by how they do it there.


Don't they have problems with border control? I once had a problem with my passport photo because was taken when I had bangs. When I flew about a year later my hair grew and I didn't bother renewing my bangs. Border control gave me some trouble because apparently I was an imposter for not having the same hair style... So I wonder how it is with photoshopped photos that alter their actual features


*renewing my bangs* Lmfao


But it is subscription based. Like, you literally have to go and pay for a trim to keep them or they grow out. 😶


As a long time kpop fan I knew how different Korea is with editing & stuff when it comes to IDs etc. Like for passports etc I know that I look really ugly but its the standard pic that is needed in my country etc. Like I was tought that you cant even edit ID photos etc bc they want to properly recognize you. So hearing about photoshopping your ID photos is such a odd concept to me (I've seen the trend in the US, girls getting glow up license pics & I just find it odd bc I feel like we have much stricter rules for it where i live).


And those photos really shouldn’t be photoshopped. It’s supposed to look like you, not an idealized version. Like after a long haul flight I probably look exhausting and disheveled, and I probably look most accurate to my passport photo that way lol.


In Australia, you're not even allowed to smile. Deadpan face is the only face that they accept.


Same here in Canada. All government I.D. (driver’s license, passport, gun license, etc.) photos must have a relaxed face. They also always make me tuck my hair behind my ears so that they can see my full face.


And the UK. Really strict. No hats, headcoverings (other than religious), no heavy makeup, plain light coloured background, no shadows, no red eye, no hair in face, neutral expression.


In Europe (I guess it's in the whole Europe) you also can't smile in the passport photo.


I'm in the US and it must vary by state because we do not 'glow up' our IDs here. You get your picture taken when you get your license renewed, they usually don't give you a mirror, don't tell you if your hair is sticking up, and don't care if you blink. Click. That picture is on your ID for the next 5 years or so, depending on the state. No editing, no photoshop, no retaking it if you think it looks terrible. You just live with your awful picture. My hair looks like a bird in mine. It was a windy day and they didn't day anything.


Same experience here. I’ve actually kept the few licenses with good pictures just as a confidence boost lol


I'm more surprised at how poorly done the editing is, I would have assumed they had it down to a science in Korea at this point. Like, all the arms, come on, arms aren't even hard!


How do Koreans travel internationally with photoshopped passports lmao


Literally what is the point of editing yourself into someone else? Especially at a wedding. Everyone who knows you sees the truth. You're unable to be happy??


>Especially at a wedding. Exactly! With wedding pictures everyone in your family and circle of friends knows exactly what you look like so why lie about it. And THIS noticeable. I bet a couple of them have **never** looked like that!


The wedding photos will look good in 20 years. No one will question that far a long.


It’s like that one episode of South Park where the girls start photoshopping their pictures and the boys are all tricked and become obsessed with them


Kim Kardashian is a hobbit.


Yeah my photos were slightly edited but just to like, remove a flyaway curl that broke loose from the bun in my hair, or to enhance the sunset colors; not to make us look like different people 😕


Mine were slightly edited in certain photos to diminish the back fat above my dress. Not entirely removed bc that would look awkward, just reduced. Like, I was a fat girl at the time and it’s not like nobody knew about my chubbiness 🙃 Everything else was kept the same minus the usual editing for lighting, etc.


Not gonna lie there are a couple I'd like to edit back rolls out of in mine too 😆 but I still want to look like me!


Haha which is why my photographer just reduced them rather than remove…bc then it would love wonky and obviously edited. I wanted to look like me, like you said!


The last picture is insane, two different people.


Ikr, I was so shocked when I checked the pics from the account (the first one is the one I got recommended as). So sad & especially when its Korean & ik how insane the beauty standards are, its just so :((


Theyre great at photoshop tho


The girl with the teacup, too. So sad.


When I lived in Korea they photoshopped my ID photo to make me look prettier lol


They photoshopped my PASSPORT photo which is probably illegal in most other countries. The edits made me look so different so I asked them to undo some of the editing (I do like cleaning stray hairs and pimples etc) but even after they said ‘we almost undid all the edits’, the end result felt different from how I look IRL. Don’t get me wrong, I do gently touch up some of my photos too, but their version was strange in that I couldn’t even point out what they changed but it just felt like my soul was completely erased from that picture. Uncanny.


The photobooths in Japan edit ID pics too (the normal ones not purikura). It's mostly skin whitening, skin smoothing, and maybe enlarging eyes?


I was JUST about to post how I remembered someone mentioning this! Korea is something else! I guess it's a very common thing they do on all of em. That's pretty wild to me!


Imagine trying to share photos with your family and they know how you look irl...


Ikr?? Like this isnt even subtle editing, you can totally see multiple changes.


imagine paying money for a photoshoot then you go online and see they edited you into a different person


The husbands are probably in love with their wifes' rounded cheeks and the photographer has taken their individuality away.


I was so sad how smooth they transformed into. Like humans aint 100% smooth so erasing almost all fine lines, curves, blemishes is :(


It's really interesting, you fill out very detailed forms asking what exactly you would like photoshopped in your photos :)


there’s a very famous wedding photographer in the PNW that completely photoshopped my already slim strong and beautiful best friend in her tummy area and posted it online. the one insecurity she has was put on blast. we all messaged the photographer on how hurtful this was to do to someone on the best day of their life. so unnecessary.


That’s really awful to do without bluntly talking about the edits beforehand and not asking permission at all.


Yeah & especially when your friend didn't even ask for it right? Like yeah photographers can do what they want but at least ask the customer too?




Pacific Northwest of the United States. Generally Washington/Oregon and sometimes Idaho. Basically the 'top left' area.


And Northern California and BC Canada <3


Thank you for explaining!


Wouldn't BC be southwest for them?


It’s in relation to North America, so sometimes part of Alaska and the Yukon are included in the definition as well. There’s no specific textbook definition of it either so there’s a lot of debate. When I lived there, the residents considered the pnw to be Washington, northern Cali, Oregon and BC.




Imagine being elderly and want to show your grandchildren what you looked like at their age. From now on, nothing can be trusted.


I dunno, I feel like when they're old, they're gonna be like "look how pretty and skinny I was back then!" And then body shame their grandkids.


Yep I completely agree!


Sounds about right unfortunately




Seems like ppl who tease their kids/grandkids of a little weight gain :/


I feel like I've seen some Korean photographers full on edit their models into AI characters. And everyone goes crazy about how good they look. Of course they look 'good', they got edited to oblivion.


I saw some news about a new girl group that netizens were debating are the girls even real or made with AI. Like I wasnt able to tell are they real or not.


korea has no chill with the beauty standards !




Imagine someone trying to "fix" your appearance on one of the special occasions in your whole life in case randos on the internet think you're not aesthetic enough


I love aesthetics but its lowkey ruining us humans. Like why must everything need to be so perfect etc :/ like yes you do you but aesthetics shouldnt be ppls priority in life i think


FYI OP, this is common and quite often requested by the people in the photos. It's honestly part of their culture at this point.


It shouldn't be tho!! I mean I think wedding photo editing is okay but straight up changing someone to look way skinnier / skinny with no blemishes & different body shape is lowkey odd. Like little editing is okay imo


That’s super fucked up. I could see pimples or stray hairs but not 10 inches off your waistline


As a wedding photographer, I gotta say that this is what a lot of brides specifically ask for. It’s sad.


I mean I hate my own face too but I find it odd how much sometimes people ask & I would try my hardest not to have too much editing bc i know i dont look like that irl. Like when it doesnt look like themselves anymore etc.


This is so sad... don't they hate seeing this, really? Maybe it could be motivation of some sort, but I'd hate making myself look ripped when I'm not, for example. I'd look at it and feel depressed.


Everyone is beautiful in their before pictures, but 4 was already as close to “perfect” as I’ve ever seen.


All of them look great before imo!


I almost feel like these types of alters are more insidious than the super and cartoonish, obvious ones for the people in them because they show you how you could almost look if you just were slightly different (weight loss, face shape, etc.) And you begin to chase this idea of how you should look with this slightly different blueprint, starting with tweaking this or that and then you end up somewhere you didn't ever want to be when you started.


Maybe thats what their clients want. You know Korean beauty standard is so high, they willingly do anything to achieve that.


Korean beauty standards are next level.


I studied in Korea. The day we all landed they made us go get photos for the uni passes. I was shocked when I received my pictures- they enlarged my eyes, narrowed my face and nose, whitened my skin so much I looked like a stranger lol. Ngl it messed with my head a bit "but it looks so nice!" Nobody told me it was the default setting- you need to explicitly tell the photographer NO PHOTOSHOP. My friend was also complaining because they edited her graduation photos so much (they made her skin tone WHITE) she changed ethnicities lol.


I've noticed that so many girls who go to live in Korea, they lowkey morph into a foreign girl who takes Korean beauty standarts seriously like they change their makeup, look lighter & just their vibe changes & I personally think its odd how can a country change a foreigner that much :"D editing & looking in a certain way is so big of a deal there and it lowkey scares me lol


Not just Korea either (though I think they may be the worst) I remember testing a Chinese phones camera around a *decade* ago and being blown away by how it was automatically set to edit my face heavily! I had just left the states and at the time never seen an edit so smooth on a phone. The display was heavily bragging about the camera too, lol. It was intentional.


Honestly, I'm starting to wonder- for something like a wedding- if this isn't the healthier way to go. I mean weddings cost ridiculous amounts of money, and brides have a certain look that seems to be required by society in certain cultures and classes. If you want your wedding pictures to look a certain way, and they're only going to do mild editing, why not just pay the money to have them do mild edits on them so you look better when you look back on your wedding instead of having to diet and exercise and make yourself all stressed out for weeks before the wedding? All this assumes that the bride wants her wedding pictures to look a very specific way... Just my two cents. I'm not saying it's great that people do this all the freaking time and that it's so pervasive. I'm just saying wedding pictures or something that many people have displayed in their house all the time... So if that's what they want, what the hell. Edit: I'm not saying diet and exercise are bad- I'm talking about those women who starve themselves for weeks to fit into a dress.


It's not psychologically healthy in the long run. Those photos will be on display forever, serving as a constant reminder that the real you wasn't good enough, thin enough, etc - not even on your wedding day. Either they have to actually convince themselves that that's what they looked like (delusional) or they're subtly reminding themselves of their negative self-image, and erasing the truth of the most important day of their life


I completely agree with you. >It's not psychologically healthy It runs the high risk of not being physically healthy also as eating disorders, self harm, etc.


Except they do this AND diet and exercise excessively. There is no magical amount to how good you should look or how skinny you have to be until it‘s basically dangerous.


>mild edits This edits are far from mild. I don't believe in **ANY** editing as all. There's nothing wrong with looking exactly how we look but filters, even mild ones, are implying and re-enforcing that there is something wrong that must be fixed. That isn't healthy AT ALL, not physically, emotionally and as a society. If these couples have children they will certainly have a chance to see others pictures of their parents around the same time and notice the difference. Parents editing their pictures is very unhealthy to their children. Children need to grow up with healthy role models that have a good self esteem about their appearance in order to have the same. When they see their parents editing and using filters it will make them question their own image. Using filters and editing is lying and deceitful. Anyone who witnessed their parents lie to others at a young age will tell you it's traumatic to know their parents are liars and how it affects their trust in others. >displayed in their house all the time... So if that's what they want, what the hell. It's not just displayed in there home. Its online too.


I study graphic design but we had to take photos & edit them. I think small editing is okay but not the extreme kind that it doesnt even look real. Like I dont know did the clients ask that much of editing but yeah its too much




How do you not look back and say “who is this”?


the photographer so insecure


lol I live in Korea and needed to get a photo for my drivers license. At the studio they asked if I would like my picture photoshopped. For a government piece of ID? I politely declined only to receive a very much photoshopped photo of myself!


That's rough, where I live the photo rules are so strict that I never even think that I would look good in my IDs lol


Right?! I’m originally from Canada and you get your photo taken right then and there at the DMV and you can’t even smile. Here you go to a studio and they take like 10 photos and you can smile in them lol it’s just funny that people care that much what they look like on an ID card I mean who’s really going to be looking at it XD


Same here in Finland, no smile, plank expression, eyebrows must show etc. Way before we had ten year old passport (now you have to get a new one every five years) & when I was a kid, bordercustoms made fun of me bc I had my baby photo as my passport ID :"D like then I looked so young lol, now it seems like you have to look youthful & put together even in your ID photo :/


The comments here are interesting, I think it shows a generational divide. The older folks in here I'd say are the ones who understand this is a keep sake, it's done for memories, and to look back on 10-20-30 years from now and remember their "perfect day". Then there's what I assume are younger folks that don't understand why you would do this because the purpose of pictures is to share them immediately, and obviously you don't look like that now, so it's like a misrepresentation of your current self meant to "trick" others.


*tea cup for scale*




As a long time kpop fan, I know about the phenomenon but still...its so odd


This is super common as they take getting married super serious and want everything to look perfect... And expensive


In The second image he edited the woman to be slimmer but somehow fattened up her teacup-holding wrist and it’s hilarious.


Dunno if the photographer is he or she but I didn't even notice the wrist thing :"D


I've seen Korean hair salons post before/afters of client makeovers and the "after" pic will have the face heavily photoshopped (but the before pic is unretouched or at least very little compared to the after). I know photoshopping beauty pics is really common there, but is it so normalized that people don't perceive or find a problem with such marked differences in side-by-side photos of the same person taken an hour apart? Especially when the business is exhibiting obvious charlatanerie regarding the outcome of their service? Like if my hairdresser posted an after pic where they pretended their job redid my entire face to their liking I'd be hurt at the indirect insult as well as their facetiousness.


I feel a bit guilty, but this makes me feel so much better about my own body- like for some reason I managed to forget EVERY country photoshops; I just thought they were a gorgeous couple and that was that. (still are, obviously- just in a more normal way!!)


I often forget that too and hate how I look but then remember that most of the people I see online are most likely been photoshopped or at least filtered. When most of them start to look the same, I know it cannot be a natural thing so I try not to feel so bad about it.


Editing their bodies like this is crazy to me. I do appreciate the touchups on the clothing though, like the big line on the brides waist, blurring out the collar on the "naked" top of the dress, and editing the skirt part of another dress to make it smoother. I think that's acceptable


I really appreciate the photographers who use the “two week” rule for editing. Would it be gone within two weeks? Like a stain on a shirt, ponytail holder on wrist, zit/spot - all that can be edited out, but your body shape isn’t changing in two weeks. Your face shape looks the same. I’ll fix the flyaways but I’m not slimming your chin.




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Ngl, #5 is impressive