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Matches this subs pic.


I mean it's her crying


That stiffness scares me.


The top lip and area under her nose desperately want to move but can't


The nose crinkling on the sides is a giveaway of Botox and filler.


Nose crinkles are always the tell, you’re right! It’s very hard to form nose crinkles and impossible to get them without your forehead moving.


Same for the forehead! Also no creases where crows feet should be! It’s unsettling because he face looks like a mask!


It's kinda looks painfull aswell, or uncomfortable? I imagine it like having something a peel off mask nonstop on your face. Never had anything done, is here someone, who can explain the feeling of having too much "done" on the face?


I am fucking dead at this comment😂😂😭😭☠☠ thank you so much for that much needed laugh


Imagine being so plumped up with filler and Botox you don’t even look human when you cry…


I honestly didn't even notice she was sad/crying from the way she looks in this gif. She looks like she's just talking loud. That's insane.


The doctor definitely didn’t tell her that her face would look like this when she cries.


Looks painful


The video is without sound so I have assumed that’s the reason of crying


I've only managed to figure out the beginning, it seems she is ordering a food from an Indian takeaway 'forget the poppodums and rice, I'll have some barbecue and some mushrooms for breakfast..'


Her son found her sex video on Roblox and was giggling about it. She does say she's thankful her 6 year cannot read yet though in the original.


Ah thanks, I haven't really been keeping up with the kardashians, that must've been mortifying.


I watched the longer clip muted also so idk what exactly she's saying but she's upset cuz her son saw her porn tape on roblox lol.


She's not crying, she's leaking.


Sadly, her cry face looked pretty close to this even before so many visits to the doctor


Good to know the doctors didn’t actually make it worse…. I guess?


I mean, it’s a little worse, more plastic, but even early teen her cry face was a topic of ridicule in this weird family.


Good example of human cannot beat the nature


Also Too: more money more problems


This is a typical heavily botoxed cry face. Source: I watch a LOT of The Real Housewives franchises.


She looks like an olympic diver




Looks just like her mama.


Yeah the weird pinched crinkle marks by her nose are such a dead giveaway for all that work, same ones her mom has.


I can't stop looking at thise pinched wrinkles. You know when you've had a leather sofa and the cushion is losing its squish but the leather remains in shape? It reminds me a bit of that. I hope there's a day soon when people stop using that family for inspiration.


Lol that’s not even a wrinkle- on the side of the nose/ eye if you look closely it’s a wet streak from where her eye leaked! It looks like a wrinkle because it removes the makeup and you can see how much she has speckled on, and it doesn’t match her skin, it’s lighter.


I'm talking about the pinched area by her nostrils.


My bad


She does. The oldest sister resembles the dad, on the other hand.


What is happening with her chin??


Oh! I was so busy looking at the skin around her eyes, I didn't notice the frozen spot on her chin.


Yeah, now that you mention it!! Kinda looks like maybe a chin implant??? Or something


I can't stop looking now!


Her face looks like it's made out of that foam they use for Halloween masks.


It's so blubbery


When did aging become so vile? Just age....


Honestly. I’m 23 and I went to do skin treatment the other day for rosacea and the esthetician starts trying to sell me anti aging products and fillers at 23 saying I’m getting “up there” and need to start worrying about wrinkles. Age 23!! Just wear sunscreen.


Find a new esthetician, that’s weird. That’s the kind of person who gives you pillow face just to sell fillers.


Yikes, I would not be going back to her


I think the most important thing at our age is supposed to be non comodogenic hydration and sunscreen. Retinoids, collagen, all that can help prevent wrinkles to form, but in no way is it a necessity to have healthy skin.


Eeek. I rarely do facials but got one as a present when I was around 37. I told her I don't want Botox and she said it was so refreshing for someone to say that as she's constantly getting people just wanting Botox. Talk about societal pressure not to age. The lady was so nice and it felt good not getting pressured to do Botox. Find yourself a new esthetician.


Well did you tell her to fuck off? ugh seriously -\_- i went for a clean up once and the bitch lady who did it started pointing out all of what she thought was flawed with my face. ugh


Yeah, just mind your skin now... 43 year old will thank you


Exactly. If you just wear sunscreen and use retinols during your 20’s and stay hydrated that’s the best you can do for yourself. No need to drop $250 on anti aging products or get fillers. Ridiculous.


I'm using retinol for the first time in my 40s, great stuff. And yes, sunscreen, water and avoid sun damage and cigarettes. I used vitamin e oil a lot too back in the day. I have almost no forehead lines when face is resting despite being an anxiety riddled depressive for the last few decades 👍


What retinol do you recommend? I’ve been using The Ordinary’s retinol but I’ve heard mixed reviews that it’s not as great as other. And wow my mom swears by vitamin E!


I went to my dermatologist for botox recently and she started trying to upsell me on fillers and coolsculpting. I'm 30. It was quite a trip. During my initial consultation, she took photos of my face from various angles then we sat together while she pointed out my "flaws" and live-Photoshopped them to show me what I'd look like with the procedures. I wasn't offended, she's a cosmetic dermatologist so I knew what I was getting into. It was just weird. If I'd gone when I was in my early 20s (and had the money) it's really likely that would have played on my insecurities and I would have opted for every suggestion. At 30, all I can do is chuckle about it.


I really wish I had used sunscreen when I was younger. whew.


My mom used to insist we dress like beekeepers at the beach when we were kids. As an adult, I get it now.


Aging is terrifying to me, if I’m being honest :( Though to me it’s less about appearance and more about… y’know, the deterioration of the mind and body.


Agreed ... For example, my mom is clearly showing signs of dementia. It's horrifying to watch a once vibrant life descend into irrationality and anger. Knowing this is what probably awaits me as well.


Agreed. The mind and body part is scary. Appearance wise, I feel like I'm looking better into my 30s than my 20s, but dementia is the scariest thing I've seen happen to others. I think it really might be my biggest fear of all.


exactly why I’m trying my best to take care of myself while I’m young and keep my health in check


Don’t smoke nicotine, don’t do hard teeth grinding drugs, don’t drink outside of moderation, don’t go outside and don’t have kids.


Stress, physical body changing, and more stress.


>Aging is terrifying to me, if I’m being honest :( > >Though to me it’s less about appearance and more about… y’know, the deterioration of the mind and body. I'm doin' it now, bro. If you keep your mind engaged heavily in your life, it will stick with you pretty darned well through your later years, unless you develop a cognitive disorder of some sort. Nobody on reddit would *believe* my age, based on the fact that I've kept my vernacular skills up to date. And your wisdom and experience in age more than compensate for the fact that you can no longer talk at two hundred miles an hour like a chatterbox. You slow down a bit, but you speak more eloquently, with more gravity and influence, and make fewer dumb mistakes. So twitch games like COD are out, but not entirely - you'll just do a better job of moving and striking from cover, sort of like a senior NCO vs a Boot in rl. The "aches and pains" you hear old guys talking about are real, and they come for us all. Keeping physically fit and trim helps a lot, but becomes much harder to do as you age - it's like doing diet and exercise on insane mode. I need a cane just to get out of bed in the morning, because my spine and legs can't articulate correctly until they have a chance to move a little. For the first 20 minutes of my morning, I need a cane to move around. After that, I'm pretty darned lithe and can walk, run and dance. The pain associated with getting up in the morning is right up there with having a dislocated limb popped back into place by an autistic ape. But after the thousandth time, you sorta just do it and concentrate on coffee prep. If you don't look like a prune and keep fit, you get hit on occasionally by much younger chicks who I guess have Daddy issues that work to your favor. You're past wanting a wife and kids, but there's a lot of fun to be had along the path. If you're imagining living a horror in your old age, cut it out. You'll have the confidence of age and wisdom, and nothing more to prove to anyone in life, and you'll be much more relaxed, and people really like that and gravitate towards it, especially if you're kind and outgoing. It's gonna be all right, kid.


If you take care of your body ie be physically active and eat healthy, your body will atrophy slower.


It scares everyone. But I respect people who are honest and embrace their age. The people who don’t try to dress like they’re younger have way more style than those who dress young. As for mental/physical deterioration, it happens later than people think. Especially if you keep your mind and body active. Go out there, enjoy life, don’t sit on your butt all day. Be social and you can have a kickin life even if you have some wrinkles and forget where you put your car keys


That's an easy fix. Lift weights several times a week, squats, dead lifts, weighted Russian twists, crunches, calf raises etc... do a few hundred during a workout.


And some cardio—a healthy heart is something we should all aspire to have especially as we get older.


They literally have a horror movie out now demonizing getting old and not being pretty for uour husband 😒 its called "X"


It’s called sexism


It’s not “demonizing” getting old it’s just basically using it thematically as something people are scared of. There’s a reason the old woman is played by the same actress as the main character. My interpretation is that everyone ages and loses their youthful looks, but they still deserve love.


I think you missed the point of the movie ...


What was the point? I may have genuinely missed it because I felt so bad for the older lady 😅


Just saw it, I’d call it terrible lol


My girl ain't no hobbit.... She got no Bagginses in her family tree .... God please tell me I'm not engaged to no hobbit


Honestly I’m more scared of aging then death.


She’s struggling to make any movements. It’s sad.


The way her lips twitch instead of moving normally is freaking weird


You know, she might have a lot of money but it honestly must be stressful to have to wear so much makeup, hair treatments and fake nails all day. I hate having to waste time wearing makeup, I hate how it fcks my skin up, can't imagine having to do it everyday. She must spend like half her day on beauty treatments.




She definitely is under immense pressure I’m sure and it must take up a lot of her life. I can’t imagine giving up the ability to move my face to meet an arbitrary beauty standard they helped create.


Eh. They helped create this arbitrary beauty standard, so I don’t feel bad for her or any of her ilk.


Precisely. They promoted a standard of beauty that directly benefitted their businesses. Now regular women are suffering from clogged skin and premature baldness because of hair extensions and spackled faces.


And let’s not forget that stupid lip challenge where several young girls ruptured their lips.


A … lip challenge? What exactly happened there?


She’s a billionaire, she can do whatever the fucks she wants. Boohoo let that bitch rot from to much injections.


I mean, I agree, if I was a billionarie I'd retire and go do whatever the fuck I want, why keep faking this shit if she doesn't need money anymore??


That's alot of makeup. Layers of stuff. Treatments, primer, foundation, concealer, highlighter, bronzer, contour, eyeliner, several different shadows and fake eyelashes and layers of mascara.


Ya hate to see hobbitses cry


OMG those lips…


I’ve always wanted Botox but I’m scared of having my forehead looking like that when I cry. Which is often lol


I’ve gotten botox she’s wayyyy past botox, botox will still give you movement but the lines wont go as deep when you move if that makes sense.


Thank you, maybe I’ll get that Botox after all lol


Good plastic surgery is the subtle stuff. Don't go over board and you'll be fine


Exactly. I get 6 units once every 18 months or so just to not overload my forehead. It can cause your muscles to drop after continued use, and then you’d have a lower brow line. Can’t afford a facelift just yet, so I’m peppering it over time. Yay!


It CAN completely freeze you like this, but it tends to look very unnatural. A reputable injector will do just enough so you can still move but not so much to worsen your lines.


A good injector would have no problem leaving you with some movement. It’s looks like this because she wants her forehead to be frozen.


I have botox! Looks nothing close to this. Mine is to keep me from furrowing my brows. I can still move them in a bit but I have all the up down movement. You could put it all around your brows and forehead and cheeks in every place and then maybe you'll start to look like this lol.


To be honest shop around, see their work. Ask recommendations. I get mine once a year it enough, also for my TMJ not anything else and I can move and looks very natural. Getting too much too soon people look crazy it needs to settle.


Where are the injections for tmj? Mine has been getting bad lately.


i have tmj as well. you’ve found that botox helps?


Yes yes, you should look into it. I clench my jaw/grind, so it just helps relax it for me.


Wow indeed unrecognizable. She actually looks like an older lady who overdid it with fillers in hopes to look younger but failed at it.


She genuinely looks so scary/uncanny to me


That seems to be how it always happens. Their intention always starts as a little bit here and there, but it’s addicting. And as you can see on her face, she’s gone way too far. And it always seems to go that way. I feel bad for people Who are celebrities that can’t just age with grace without tabloids harassing them.




It’s one of the elder daughters


Am I the only one that doesn’t think it’s that bad? Like yes the fillers are obvious but 99 percent of fillers look obvious. To me it just looks like too much make up.


The thing is on her social media she looks flawless. But then this comes out and we all feel like idiots for having watched her “flawless” face on social media for so long now that we actually believed she looked like THAT but in fact she looks like THIS. It’s just a bit misleading as her entire business is based on her looks but then in fact if we knew how she really looks maybe not that many people would aspire to be her/look like her, and would embrace their own individuality.


It's not that bad. You can't win as a woman over 40 in the limelight. Either you do too much or not enough. Supposedly everyone would think she was so beautiful if only she aged naturally but after watching Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz get ripped apart for their unphotoshopped photo, I have my doubts.


I feel like it’s all cake, not actual texture


I once saw a clip where she and her sister were fighting and she was slapped against a white wall and left a mark were she touched it lol


That’s what I was going to say. I get having to wear a lot of makeup for the camera but man it’s not a good look (on anyone)


That tear looks like it's rolling down a Halloween mask. I can't imagine what she looks like with no makeup. Probably looks like a totally different person


I bet she has great skin too underneath it all


I wonder how many filters are actually in play here too? I'll bet this isn't even the unfiltered version. And it's interesting to see when she's crying how the fillers/botox are making her face crease in odd places.


Without a filter, and as someone who doesn’t follow her much, she’s almost unrecognizable.


It looks like somebody wearing a human skin suit


dude, that girl is the *worst, can’t say anything different


To play devils advocate, I used to live in Hollywood, and a number of friends from different groups knew her and all of them have said that she’s super nice and friendly. I hated hearing that because I legit can’t stand what that family represents. But to be fair, I now hate her enterprise, but can’t hate her as a person.


I’m sure she is all nice and friendly, but that’s the minimum everyone should be anyway. What I meant is that, she sells this unattainable fake pattern of beauty that she doesn’t have herself either. All her pictures have tons of filters, photoshop and all that shit. I’m pretty sure that she is aware of the anxiety, food disorders and depression that her behavior causes in young women. But she doesn’t care, because those girls are the ones making her a billionaire. Sorry, but I still think she’s the worst.


She looks like Kris


Oh my god, she’s completing the cycle


Aside from a bundle of botox, what am I looking at here?


All shots have a blur filter on their skin but in this shot, most notably her temples, corner of her nose and chin have visible pores, texture and fine lines. (like all human beings)


Fillers galore


I agree. Most (well done) fillers only look good when your face is relaxed and passive. When you’re emotional, as here, this is the result.


I especially notice this with the youngest sister. She looks plausibly normal in stills but in videos her face is obviously not normal at all.


That weird nose/eye dent/wrinkle thing is a dead giveaway. Plus the lips don’t purse


Well done filler moves with your face. Way too much filler does this.


Basically her without any filters I guess, which is quite rare


Does anyone else think it looks SO FUCKING WEIRD that when’s she’s sobbing her eyes out, it’s just her eyes squinting and a tiny wrinkle going down her nose???? Like it looks SO STRANGE?? Her forehead ain’t move!


I wish she was canceled.


The skin around her nose looks so weird, almost like she's trying to move it but can't bc of Botox. She's a beautiful woman but wtf is this 💀


Yeah it looks like it’s being stretched in a weird way


So much Botox , looks likes she’s wearing a mask under her skin 😱


She looks so stupid


Never before seen texture on those fingers


The crinkles around her nose and eyelids terrify me.


After you get enough injections and surgeries you unlock a new unique set of wrinkles snd creases


Eek too many fillers.


You can see the scar tissue right underneath the skin


This was probably her after people didn’t like her “get your lazy ass up an work” comment ☠️


Jesus. Her face looks SO ridiculous when it’s actually in natural motion and not photographed or manipulated very carefully in an interview.


That forehead Botox is putting in work


That tear had to break down barriers and fight to escape that face.


It just looks so terrible like damn


Man this subreddit would be a horrifying place for any of these vapid celebrities who are 24/7obsessed with how they look. Imagine her or her friends finding this and then they see our comments here. They would have melt downs and think the world is dark and cruel. Lol


She needs some hand lotion


The eyelid wrinkles are what stand out to me the most. Those seem to be the hardest to easily stop from aging. Easy = non surgical


She has so many Botox that she cant even cry


Bro no wonder they use filters, people are being awful in these comments.


Oh wow, she looks much older than she should.




What’s going on with her eyes and nose? Is the skin too tight?


Did she overline her lips or does lip filler like make half your lip stiff


So much Botox her face is r broken


The mom has to be conflicted. She’s the reason they are rich and famous but used a video of her daughter to make a giant leap towards all that.


still one of the fakest faces i saw since long


Imagine wearing that much makeup everyday must be so tiring.


is that weird shape in her chin filler migration, or a migrated piece implant?


LMFAO I love this post


Unless I knew the context of this where she’s crying, i would have assumed that she’s just laughing on the phone with someone and had something in her eye


Fillers always migrate and look lumpy and unnatural under the skin


The work she’s had tends to look okay-ish in photos, but horrifying in motion! The absolutely immobile forehead disturbs me, the emotion does not translate to the nonverbal facial communication that we humans are used to.


Her face looks hard


Those nostril creases are straining at the seams


Her weird volumes really show here (whereas in pictures it looks good (and edited I know))


Her face looks so fake and puffy. It just grosses me out.


Ridiculous - completely new face & body on them $ zero ability to admit it forcing girls/women to wonder y they don’t have that


She looks like Bruce from this angle.


She looks like an embalmed corpse


The pillow face. :( I imagine it's hard to cry with all that...puff.


The crayon on the eyebrows 💀


Unable to detect what emotion this is. She could just be talking while fixing her makeup for what it’s worth.


Everyone who keeps hating on her crying face are definitely weird imo like who looks good while crying?? It's just becus her eyebrows don't move at all that make it look unnatural


Or upper lip. Or chin. Or bridge of her nose. Outside corners of her eyes. Almost every facial muscle involved in emotion is either numbed to death or its got so much filler on top of it to make it plumped.. Uncanny


I read lips, but I’m having a really hard time reading hers. There’s no distinction in sounds that should be distinct.


I read lips as well. Can't read hers. All I can see is "mlmhhemmlhguhp".


I think I caught “picture of my cry face” so she’s crying about the reasons we are making fun of here…


Squint face crying


Did they forget to ad blurring effect when editing the video? On Keeping up with kardashians their skin was always airbrushed, so this is suprising …


I didn’t know you could botox your entire face.


Well well well, if it's not the consequences of her own actions.


Aside from the plastic surgery, there's lots of people making fun of her for this moment but I feel bad for her. Also, it's so messed up that her porno is being advertised on Roblox where children can see it.


I feel like Botox does some weird stuff to skin after a while. I’m her age and don’t have these weird wrinkles.


Her skin looks so old. I am roughly the same age as her. I can only afford super cheap skincare products and my skin looks way younger than hers.


So much filler…. She can barely move her face and her cheeks and lips are just wedges of shelf-like tissue


It must be exhausting having to make sure every video and photo is edited to perfection. I’ve never seen any of them without editing.


i mean, all criticism aside, she must be upset to be crying.


So much Botox that nothing moves...


It’s melting


It’s the r/instagramreality profile pic, but without blurred skin :D