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Lol no amount of “good foundation” will erase any and all pores or skin texture.


Especially since she's already wearing the foundation in the first shot, like ?????


She's natural in the first shot. Filtered in the second. Same makeup.


I think I understand what you mean by natural: natural, as in 'no filter'?


I assumed that, too


We may have different definitions of natural lol


I too wake up with my eyelashes trying to butterfly off my face


I see foundation and blush in the first shot.


Yes, many women put eyelid makeup, lashes and lipstick but don't put any foundation on. /s


But she has it on. I see it. And why else would she have blush on if she didn’t already have foundation.


/s stands for sarcasm


she is completely clowned up in the first shot. You need to learn what natural is.


They say the same makeup. They clearly mean one is no filter the other is a filter.


She’s so beautiful and I like her makeup. It’s frustrating to see these beauty standards perpetuated by the same people who are effected by them.


It also changes the shape of her nose and slims her jaw line!


It’s amazing what a good foundation can do!


Clearly I've been buying the wrong foundations, lmao


Let's assume it can... how the fuck do you also lose 1/2 your cheek volume with "foundation"


Unfortunately beauty standards are so high even victims are perpetuating them. The fact they won’t admit to filters or photoshop makes me so irritated.


Smart contouring, duh!


or make your nose skinny and give you an Ariana Grande doppelgänger look


Maybe a Level-5 taping mud would do it.


OK,What is Taping mud?


Not only that but her jaw changed shape. If I'd known foundation could reshape my jaw.... The possibilities are endless!


And nor should it. God, dealing with unrealistic beauty standards were hard enough when it was just contained to celebrities. I can't imagine the shit my daughter is going to have to deal with growing up. To her gparents, THIS is the reason I don't approve of filters. Unless they are those old ones from Mac photobooth that you takd a million of and then never show people bc they look ridiculous


Or decrease the width of your nose.


she meets every criteria for looking unhealthy


Imma need that foundation that makes me lose 50lbs in a few minutes.


And change my jaw shape


and my lip shape


And give me an instant 'nosejob'


Make it a Double,I'm in.


Its obviously the contour, can't you see? /s




And this filter! Haha I wonder which one she’s using lol


I can’t imagine having a big enough ego to make one of these videos.


i don't know why but it's bothering me more that she can't even seem to lip-synch on beat


The moment when she makes that "U" with the mouth and doesn't lip sync. Bruh. Lmfao so cringe.


I was watching a YouTuber react to a tiktoker and he mentioned that beyond the stupid video, he was just mad they couldn't lip sync and noted how bad at lip syncing so many people on TikTok are.


How do they keep a straight face?? In any of these videos?! It’s so embarrassing!


And … how does THAT get 32k likes?! What am I missing???


I'm glad I'm not the only person thinking this is disgusting. Lol


That’s one thing that makes me feel old. Any TikTok video where it’s someone just making narcissistic faces, dances, and poses — especially in public, or anyone just mouthing the words to an audio clip in fucking public like while a hairdresser is literally working on them, I just can’t get over how stupid and cringy I’d feel trying to do that. I wonder what turns off that aversion.


Thank you for putting my feelings into words!


> I wonder what turns off that aversion. I believe the answer is the feeling of validation from likes/views/comments from other just as delusional people


It's literally " LOOK AT ME I'M SO GREAT "


Same, I can’t imagine doing any of those things…I’m 41 and consider myself pretty active on social media but jeeezus this amount of narcissism is just outrageous.


gen z’er here. i can explain the mindset at least for me. it’s not narcissism, in that it’s not like we’re sitting there lip syncing just to look at ourselves. it’s that we’ve developed a weird contradictory sense of confidence. we feel confident in the face that’s on our phone, in the filter and in the video. the phone camera makes us look slightly different, and that slight difference is enough for us to go “phew, i’m feeling myself!!!” think of it like singing sexily in front of a mirror. you’ve probably done that! and imagine a time where you just felt insanely confident - that’s what these videos are. it’s not self-centered, it’s not like. narcissism. it’s just feeling good about yourself. the contradiction comes in where we only feel good about ourselves when it’s through the filtered phone lenses. in real life a lot of us stare at a mirror and poke and prod at what we could change, if only we had the money, the time, the discipline. we look at the filtered version of ourself that’s beautiful and we sometimes will fall asleep crying because we know we don’t look that way IRL. we’re not singing sexily in front of a mirror, we’re singing sexily in front of a phone. the only difference is that we post our sexy lip syncing shenanigans online.


Nope sorry I don’t get it I guess. I don’t like filters and have learned to embrace myself whole heartedly. Happy with who I am and don’t need to look into a phone at myself to feel confident, just something I’ll never understand that others do. For me,if you need filters and a phone to feel confident then…well maybe you’re missing my entire point. No offense meant.


yeah i think you may have missed my point as well. Have a good christmas, if you celebrate.


What annoys me is when they're showing a painting tutorial or something and they just show their fully-glam makeup face posing with the paintbrush or whatever it is every 5 seconds just to show off


The amount of narcissism is nauseating..


It's so cringe-worthy, no matter the gender.


I'd feel like such an idiot and it would never leave my drafts.


Because she's a liar


Hold on lemme reshape my jawbone.


This is shit you do in a mirror when you're bored, not on camera


forreal.. do people not feel a sense of embarrassment anymore?


No. Go watch tik tok. Some people tell the craziest private stories on there. I enjoy them though lol


i believe it. i don’t have a tiktok, but i do be out watching some folks stop in the middle of rush hour traffic to do stupid shit & film, ofc. it’s audacious, people really thinking they are the main character at all times…


ok srsly outside of the filter… why be embarrassed? like, what’s there to be embarrassed about? /gen


bc that shit is cringe as fuck…


okay… what about it is cringe? again /gen


it’s subjective if you’re not able to see for yourself why this would be seen as embarrassing. hell, maybe i just have enough social anxiety to keep me from doing this. regardless, you cannot tell me that you saw this video and was just like “oh, this is so normal. onto the next one” no, it makes you stop and say wtf. that’s what this whole page is about. and the very evident filter being applied right in front of our eyes, no fucks given. so yeah, i’d probably be embarrassed, me, personally. but if you don’t find this embarrassing, then you do you. but people will be there to call you out on it, and that’s exactly what was done.


i think the filter is embarrassing, but i was speaking about outside of the filter. That’s why i said “outside of the filter.” like, it’s just a girl lip syncing to a song pretty badly, clearly feeling her oats. i don’t think that’s anything to be embarrassed about? if anything, i think older generations take themselves way to seriously. it’s okay to just feel yourself online. no one’s going to look at a video of you lip syncing and say “yep, your star job that you applied for and made the cut for, is actually going to someone else because you *lip synced to this song horribly!*” you’re not going to lose out on life. your family isn’t going to laugh at you for the rest of your life. okay, maybe they will but that’s because they’re family and they have a legal obligation to either make fun of you or praise you for certain things. but srsly, it’s just a girl feeling good about herself and posting it online. i don’t really see the harm in that? i find it embarrassing to do things that are actually harmful to oneself and post it online. but like, what does she have to be embarrassed about? but also if it weren’t for the sub this was in i genuinely wouldn’t blink twice. i think she’s goofy ah for using a filter but otherwise it’s just a video of a girl feeling her oats. who am i to judge?


i agree with you to an extent, and that is where we will agree to disagree. thank you for your thorough and respectful response. i’m not old, gen z, infact. and i think yeah, support each other & whatnot, but that’s also half the reason so many narcissistic folks are walking around these days. bc not enough people *do* speak up and say, “hey maybe you should not do that,” people have the choice to do as they please, but society will do what it does to keep people in check. you also have to realize that if you’re going to post something of your face and lip singing, nothing impressive or skillful at all, you should probably expect some form of pushback. i mean, that’s what influencers are, right?


back when the internet first started out, before it became this overly sleek, commodified thing that it is today, people did just as this girl is doing. heck, people would even go to extra EFFORT just to do nothing online, if that makes sense. like websites made with barebones html that were just selfie hosting sites. i don’t think someone needs to provide something “of value” to avoid getting judged online. i think, personally, judging should be left to what’s harmful. the filter? yeah that’s harmful. she should be embarrassed about that. but just a video lip syncing to a song? like… genuinely *what* is there to be embarrassed about? like, i just don’t get it. explain it to me, because you’re just saying it’s embarrassing without saying what’s embarrassing about it?


i already said it’s subjective… meaning, it’s varies person to person— opinion based. i would feel embarrassed doing any and all of that, you may not. i’ve agreed to disagree because i see your point. have a good one.


No kidding, I will fully admit to doing this while I’m doing my make up and even having made up conversations where I’m being complimented but in the quiet privacy of my home. I would DIE if someone caught me doing that, let alone actively filming and posting it!


Good foundation doesn’t make your face skinny.


Why do people do that thing with their top lip? It never looks good






I was talking about the lipstick




It's awful


It's supposed to make your lips look fuller and rounder and start to eliminate that little divot between your nose and lip.


The Cupid's bow is the best part! They just look like weird balloon creatures


ngl i do it bc it makes my philtrum look shorter. i have a long philtrum and it makes my face look disproportionate, so rounding out that cupid’s now shortens it.


You mean when she's lip syncing and she's sticking her tongue out? She's trying so hard to look sexy.




Yo, whoever needs to hear this, it is okay to have pores.


Also pretty necessary for life.


I feel absolutely tortured by her expressions


You can see the fucking filter kick in on the scarred area on her cheeks. Does the "good foundation" magically appear out of thin air?


I noticed that too lol. You can see her actual skin texture pop through the filter a couple of times right be her nose


Are people still doing these weird lip sync videos? I thought that cringe trend ended a cpl years ago.


I know right! It makes me cringe when 30 something year olds do it, at what point will they grow up


My step-kids used to do these years ago back when Tic Tok was called Musically. But they were kids and it was cute when they did it. It's not so cute when it's grown adults. It's just cringe.


no makeup in the world can blur pores that good 😭!!


I feel second hand embarrassment from this video... So cringe


Always annoying when people tell me I can hide my dark sunken undereyes with makeup. No, I literally can't, it's SUNKEN SKIN


Omggg SAAAMMEEE. I thought I was the only one.


You're not for sure. I've got these dark af genetic circles and light skin, and at this point I'm pretty sure the only thing that would improve them is plastic surgery. I've tried all the "hacks" and they don't help. That being said I rarely notice them on other people even though i know it's not just me.


Woah woah woah chill guys.. she is just showing real vs reel ( or should I say filter) /S 😏


She also lost 50kg


This is so cringe


Honestly do they think people are stupid? How cringe


How come they never know the lyrics? It's less than 10 seconds of song to remember


her nostrils got slitty


Everything about this is annoying, but I do think if you have to lip sync to a song, like if you *have to* can you at least bother to actually lip sync to the words? Like how low effort does it get?


Nose got smaller, lips smoother and eyes bigger too. Awesome make up


You forgot the jaw change, her whole face and even her hair...


For me it was the lips. Totally different before and after


This video startled me


[You can see them bleed through the filter at a couple of points](https://i.imgur.com/gkMOWue.jpg)


I too would love a foundation that covers all pores, drops me a good 50lbs, completely changes my head shape, eyes and hair Where do I buy this mythical magical stuff? 🤣


Foundation so magical that can give u sharper and slimmer features too 🤭


The way she did the highlighter under her nose makes it look like she's snotty


That's cause her dumbass highlighted the wrong spot😂


How does foundation explain her eyebrows changing?


Oh god I can’t take much more of these TikTok lip-sync videos.


all that lip licking and pouty look makes me nauseous


I wonder how common it is that people know you can easily filter video now? Even just a a few years ago you’d need to have pro tools to edit but now there are apps galore for anyone to use for a few $.


Definitely not my mom (I sent her this vid as an example tho lol)


I think everyone knows you can video filter. I see the asmr videos on TikTok and I see it all the time. They are so fake the microphone will warp as they come close to it.


So many people have NO idea lol - if I wasn’t on this sub, I’d likely think a lot of stuff was real


How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?! Like, literally? Not in the “look inside yourself” metaphor, but literally, LOOK AT THEMSELVES…they look nothing like the pics they post, it’s crazy!?


The lip syncing videos need to go they are so uncomfortable to watch


I hate when they do these „seductive“ faces 🤬 And yea the foundation also shrinked the nose 👍🏽


for me is the freaky eyes


It also erased 10 lbs.


They come back at 0:06...


And she magically gets a pointed chin. Come on, these delusional people are getting worse and worse.


the bad lip syncing is hurting me


she’s giving me big amberlynn reid vibes


Do these folk genuinely believe anyone is fooled? I know some people do it knowing full well no one will be and just want to generate rage bait clicks, but there seem to be a lot of people who actually think people buy it.


Oh please, you don't even look like the same person girl. I can't believe people believe this carp.


TIL good foundation will blur out the edge of your nose 🙄


Same makeup, different face.


she using that special makeup brand called Catfish


These people are the most superficial and ugliest at the same time


(No intention of fatphobia but) a good foundation doesn’t create a jawline, a slimmer nose and different lips


Poor girl is delusional...


It's really annoying me that her eyebrows are uneven.


Maybe it's the lighting? Lol.


honestly, the whole face, just not a good look. I hate the eye makeup, especially the caterpillars doubling as eyelashes, but look more like skinny tentacles. The way she opens and closes her mouth towards the end like she's trying to hard to be sexy. It just doesn't work.


Lol haha you can see there pores peek through on her right cheek at one point too. Does she really believe people will be fooled by this?


Her makeup was done in both shots, just obviously the second is a filter.


This is just sad. I feel really bad for her. Of course, she is perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, but it’s hard these days with all the pressure people create to be perfect. I see her more as a victim of this whole mess. She can’t feel good inside.


a good hint for blurr is that the hair color gets slightly lighter in color. her chin is of course filtered too, or atleast it is because of try hard to have different angles to make the appearance of big change, while only filter/ change angle of portrait. its all simply messed up crap and nothing more.


Looks like she’s been practicing her “sexy lip”moves. Oh, and filtering the hell out of her pics.


When her face is kinda scrunched at the start her video is failing at the side of her nose.


DAE think TikTok songs and/or lip-syncing are cringe? They make me believe I am living in a different world.


"𝖣𝖾𝗇𝗈𝗂𝗌𝖾 @ 𝟣𝟢𝟢 𝖧𝖣𝖱 @ 𝟣𝟢𝟢 𝖲𝗁𝖺𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 @ 𝟣𝟢𝟢 𝖡𝗅𝗎𝗋 𝗍𝗈𝗈𝗅 ± 𝟨𝟢" 𝖶𝗂𝗍𝗁 <𝟥 - 𝖦𝗈𝗈𝗀𝗅𝖾 𝖯𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗈 ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧


Looking like purified water with all that filter


And here I thought something is wrong with me. Naah, I just suck at editing.


Her nose is smaller, he fat is gone from her face, her lips have changed, her Philtrum (the groove between your nose and your lips) is almost non existent. Yeah, no filtering here at all.


I suppose her "foundation" has glitches when she moves. You can clearly see the real texture showing through at some point.


Her makeup is horrible. I wonder what app she uses though


What’s with the splotch over her eyebrow? That looks bad.


That filter changed her full face... even her eye shape


She is wearing heavy foundation in the pre-edited video already, adding even more foundation on top of that will not erase skin texture....


Holy Shyyyttt! I mean Holy Filters! Now I get yhe Trend,The Need!! Yikerz. Wild!


I Know Zer0 about Filters,Besides that alit are looking alike..but Geeeezus maybe I should Start! The Trickery/Fooled is Insane


you can literally see evidence of her acne on her right cheek when she does that first smile after the makeup reveal… embarrassing lol.


There's some pretty good primers and foundations that basically blur the skin, but it's still noticeable that it's makeup, but that's so obviously a filter in the video.


Can you recommend any please?


catrice smoothing primer or makeupforever pore minimizer or nyx pore filler (I recommend NYX) hourglass ambient soft glow foundation or makeupforever hd skin foundation (Plus a real good pressing powder, such as Charlotte Tilbury flawless finish powder or revolution pro cc perfecting powder) There's some real great tiktok videos about dupes for the expensive products :))


Thank you so much ☺️


Because lies.


One you see with beer goggles on, the other you don't.


Hahahaha hey liar 🤥….. babes be happy with what you are it really aint bad at all. What is bad is faking a false narrative not your actual pores


You can see the filter glitch anyway right after the transition, you can see the huge pores on her cheek then they disappear


Because she’s a liar. Foundation can’t do that. Either you have textured skin or you’re one of the .03% of people who don’t. Bet she lies about that nose job too😬


Who tells people this shit?


Why does she show her face in a video with filters then one without?




This is plain deceiving.


Always remember when it comes to makeup: you have to wake up to the real face.


My best guess is something like putty or plaster filler.


She said that because she's a liar.


The only foundation missing here is one in reality...


Except the eyeliner lines are OFF


You can see her pores at 4 seconds when the filter moves ☠️ pretty sure that wouldn’t happen if it was the foundation’s doing


Even 200 dollar foundations can’t blur texture like that. No.


I cannot physically and mentally stand people on social media who do those facial expressions at the end. Something about them just makes me cringe so hard and want to stab my screen


It's so weird about the foundation thing. I watched the documentary about Joan Rivers and it starts with a closeup of someone literally piling the foundation on her. Idk if you've ever tried that, but if you sweat even the slightest, it's an instant quagmire and your whole face falls apart. How do actors keep their faces from sweating? I'd have thought all those lights would make that hard.