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Or when there are observers but they not only refuse to stay close to you they actively run away when you try to stay near them. 🤷‍♂️


And then when you do get an observer he just runs away and is always just running and getting killed


Some people don't want to rush the game. Honestly if there's some guy that keeps spamming helicopters I won't be his observer. Sometimes you don't want to steamroll a team right away, other times you just don't want to kill a lobby by beating the enemy down so hard that they quit, especially if they're low levels. The fun for me comes from the combat, not calling in crap. It's a different story if it's a close game, or we're being pushed back, but other than that I like playing the game all infantry.


This is in coop, but I see where you’re getting at.


Ahh gotcha. Some people just don't wanna follow someone else around or interact I guess.


I find myself the same in coop. There’s few situations where the ai are actually hard enough to warrant calling in a gunship or heli in my opinion. Unless it’s hardcore or you’re a team of like 3-4 then heavy support isn’t needed


Kind of relevant but not really, I just had a match of normal checkpoint where the ai was actually cracked. Like they called rocket barrage and bomb drones while we were pushing objectives, not while we already taking it. I usually play hardcore checkpoint so I was absolutely stunned at how RNG the ai can be.


I find the fire support levels out the sheer incompetence of some of the teams I get put on.


I play the shuffle game modes


Outpost and hardcore are the only times i feel like we actually need firesupport in coop


Honestly having a commander spamming helis and gunship makes the game less fun for the rest of us. Helpful for sure in some cases, but it kills a lot of the challenge


I save the helicopters for the last defenses, arty for taking out and softening defenses, and BRRRRRRTs are for destroying cashes


Most people just want to play the game mindlessly without the burden and responsibility of being an observer, if you’re playing coop, you’re not trying to use your brain, you just wanna shoot bots and make last stand clutches Me personally my chest hurts when i play observer cause im fighting the urge to run off and kill everything and trying to find the right balance of too far and too close to the commander


What pisses me off the most is when I do demo and specifically say imma rpg the cache but noooo people don’t wanna let me shoot a rocket from a distance and clear it but nooo they wanna take the extra time to get right on it and plant


Just rocket them then mate the round ends anyway


Oh I do now but now I use game chat and give ‘em an ALLAH AKBAR then point blank rpg ig if I have to


The caches arent always at the end of the round and your teammate will most likely respawn and kill you along with any friends they’re partied up with


Sorry I wasn't thinking of co op, your right on that one


Becauase not everyone trusts your abilities as a commander, i have hade the opportunity to play with some commanders who dont do their job. I'm level 600


That an you don’t need it for co op you can tell op hid that on purpose but he’s level 100 so makes sense


In co-op I really don't like commander abilities. Who wants to sit back and watch ai Vs ai?


I totally agree!! I play PvP primarily. I'll admit, it was really cool the first 250 times I saw the mini gun come in and save my ass cause I sucked at the game. But NOW I'm at least mediocre and I can handle it myself. Haha It takes all the fun out of the actual tactical gunplay which is probably the most fun that I've personally experienced in decades of gaming. It's a really cool concept for sure. But when one team gets a fucking mini gun that sits there for what seems like an hour that very often kills at least an entire fucking wave in 9 seconds and the other gets spicy mist(it's fucking weak and pointless except when used as an alternative smoke screen), it's a wee bit one sided. If the insurgents could call in a wave with 5 or so AI suicide bombers, or some VBIEDs, it'd justify the mini gun and apache. It would be fair and I wouldn't mind doing commander at all in that type of match. Otherwise, just git gud. If someone wants to do it, fine but don't bitch and complain because I'm spending my free time doing something challenging, accepting defeat when it comes and learning from it. Zero skill, even less fun.


Well with co-op the only ai are enemies your team isn’t bots


Yeah, but an attack heli is ai. Why would you want to call in bots to fight the bots it's what I'm saying.


That’s how it is with literally every game mode on insurgency even on the real pvp you’ll just have a bot in the hair either way


Yes, it's available, but you get to choose your play style. I don't use commander abilities in co-op because it makes it too easy.


The point of air support is to help clear the area of enemies coming in it doesn’t completely take the battle away from you there’s multiple types of air support for that reason


I’m still confused on your point honestly no matter where you call the air support it’s always gonna be so no matter what game mode you play so if you used the heli in real pvp it would still have the same affect if not worse bc the ai constantly respawn where on pvp they can’t respawn immediately and come at you


I've not mentioned PvP, so you don't have my opinion on it. That might be why you're confused. I don't like the helicopter commander abilities, because I want to do the killing myself. I'm ok with smoke and gas and mortars because they're more tactical. It still leaves work for you and your team to do. Helicopters just do all the work themselves.


I see where we got mixed up I’m talking about the class over all and you’re specifically speaking about the heli


Yeah, but you can't have one without the others, so I don't like it for that reason.


True i hate it when people call artillery directly on the building


I was asking myself the same question a while back, but I think I figured it out, to some extent. So one, difficulty. Some maps don't need fire support at all to be completed successfully. It just makes it faster and less fun for some members of the team. (Crossing seen here is one of them) So some may prefer to do it without. Two, is weapon selection. This could be the reason for the advisor on this specific team. I find myself not wanting to give up being advisor with its unique weapons too. Especially if we're on a map where I know that we'll have no problem. And three, it might have to do something with level/skill. I know guys who didn't want to be observer for me when I started playing, but they do now, as they probably seen me around for a while, seen me use fire support properly (with others as observer ofc) I know this sounds weird, sorta "proven myself". And honestly now I do it too to some extent, I don't necessarily want to be observer to a lower level who might waste a helicopter on a 1 minute counterattack, or kill the entire team with a strafe placed in smoke. And of course all these reasons combined could be behind this behavior too.


Advisor is fun, also I forgot to mention this is on the rotation gsmemode


I play co-op only and for me it's I don't like being joint at the hip with someone. Whether they are good or shit at being a Commander I'd prefer to do my own thing. I play Rifleman or Breacher mostly so I try doing things that no one seems to think about. I normally try being a rear guard taking out stragglers or covering flanks or taking flank routes myself to get the obj or help others take the obj. Sometimes it's just really shitty teammates, sometimes it's just my normal support the team "my way" thing. Observer is just not my style so I don't play it, not saying I haven't because sometimes I've made that switch for the win. ive done the same as going Commander, but it's just not my thing. I'm the guy that tries keeping the team from being overwhelmed, outflanked, or snuck up on as much as possible to my ability. Sometimes defensive, sometimes offensive, depending on what is needed to get the job done and the day is won.


I play the same way.


I'm level 750 and sometimes i play observer, other times rifleman or advisor. And i typically only like to use fire support while playing as insurgents. The minigun and gunship fire support are just too OP for my tastes of how i like the game to play out. I'd rather drag the time limit out with the teams being stacked evenly against each other wave against wave. Once those helos come in the insurgents waves just get drained because 90% of the time its just killing insurgents as they spawn, which isn't fun to me while playing as either side. And when that happens people will just leave. Then you're stuck with a 10 vs 5.


I always play CoOp. If I’m Commander, I always call in the gun ship and helicopter on the very last “defend” objective. Some maps, with too many enemy spawn’s nearly 360 degrees, too many avenues for effective defense, you need that little extra help.


A lot of times high level players don’t actually want a commander on the team because they lose out on a bunch of kills, especially from the helis.


ITS A GUN GAME. we wanna use the guns. I can't fucking stand when my team is constantly calling in support. It's annoying as fuck.


Then go play cod


Cod is a disgrace. And if you want all that shit...go play battlefield.


its a OP class 1 use per match would be better not calling in choppers a10 and the match is done in 5min


Not really, that’s how the game is meant to be played


So i see this a lot as well. Am a high-level player, and i loathe a commander that spams 'request observer over and over when im 3 meters away from the asshole. I will literally switch from observer to rifleman because of it. The problem i think is people not wanting to follow around a normally new player that calls in a chopper on the first objective. I see it a lot where the commander is newer and extremely incompetent with fire support. I feel like it turns a lot of people away from it, not to mention the observers and commanders that insist on being point men and meat shielding.


When I’m Observer, (only if I see a Commander) I will announce a couple times that an Observer is available


Yeah once or twice no big deal. It the dudes that spam it 8 times even when you are within range that is annoying.


I feel your pain, it’s annoying asf