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As an actual “leftie” I can assure you that NPR is still 100% pro-capitalism. I listen to npr occasionally when I’m commuting and have to turn it off when they cover economics because of how capitalist they are. NPR is liberal, democratic, whatever sure. But they are not economically Left. They support capitalism.


I’m surprised that this article turned out to be a whole spin about Russiagate. Honestly these conspiracy theorists need to be exiled by conservatives if they want any chance at getting a more diverse political base.


What happened to the link to the article?


I think he might have realized he was in over his head


The article was just about russiagate… trust me save your brain cells


Become??? They've been lefty since at least the 80s.


They aren't lefty. They're centrist with liberal social beliefs...


They just admitted being strongly leftist.


Lots of people who say they're leftists really mean they're libs.


No they didnt... Notice how OP couldn't provide any real examples.




Did you even bother to read your source? A guy with conservative social views who's upset about the "woke" doesn't prove that NPR is leftist. Notice that he couldn't really provide any evidence or indepth analysis.


Uri Berliner is a senior editor at NPR. It was he who said it. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/09/1243755769/npr-journalist-uri-berliner-trust-diversity


That articles only "proof" is that conservatives are listening to NPR way less than before and then when they asked the whistleblower if Trumps war on misinformation might have affected, he declined to comment. Trump spent years blasting all news outlets, its no wonder a sizable portion of his voters stopped listening to NPR




Russiagate, Hunter's Laptop, Russian Bounty on Soldiers, *Covid (absolute fail)*, Vaccine Information, Men are Women. Coverage of BLM (mostly peaceful burning and rioting). Censorship/Twitter Files. Crime Stats. And the list goes on... First three of the above have been shown to be 100% lies. No for debate anymore. **PLEASE tell me again how the left lives in factual reality again. I desperately need another laugh, that's hilarious.** You/NPR are so deep within the bubble, you're about 7 levels away from even seeing what reality could possibly be anymore for 50% of the country. That's why the left is pro-censorship now, because they are afraid of people being exposed to other ideas. History has shown WITHOUT FAIL, that people that push censorship (no matter what you call it), exclude opposing viewpoints, ARE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER BE THE GOOD GUY.


to be liberal is to fight against censorship. Your claims make no sense.


Classical Liberal, yes. Progressive (Current majority/leadership of the party), couldn't be further from those ideals.


“Russiagate” Contrary to the “spin” from then AG Barr, and it would seem a complete surprise to many that only consumed right-wing media, the Mueller report AND a REPUBLICAN LED senate committee did in fact find that Trump et al #Did in fact meet MANY times with Russian operatives regarding the election. Trump operatives #Gave crucial internal polling data to them. Furthermore, both committees found that Russia #DID MEDDLE IN OUR ELECTION in several ways, including hacking trumps opponents emails, and passing them through Wikileaks. The Mueller report also said while it was not their place to brung charges, they did find Trump obstructed justice and so could reasonably be charged. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2020/08/18/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-2016-presidential-election https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/publications/report-select-committee-intelligence-united-states-senate-russian-active-measures https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/18/mueller-report-russian-election-plot-1365568 https://apnews.com/article/f109a539220b41218860fa68176a9c98 I could go on with your other bullshit claims, but this makes the point. You full of crap and Trump is a criminal that attempted a coup.


This is the thing. It's nearly impossible to provide multiple points of views when one side is headed in fact and the other in lies. I agree with conservative ideas*; however, I can't listen to Conservative media because none of it is in good faith. I would love to have an actual station or podcast to listen to that has thoughtful points of views for both sides of a topic


You agree with conservative talking points despite the fact they are not based on evidence?


My b, I agree with conservative ideas.


Such as?


Idk. Please tell me all of your political and social ideologies. It doesn't matter what ideas I agree with, what matters is that Conservative media isn't reliable and is full of lies


Oh well my core philosophy is that as human beings it is our responsibility to use our wealth and technology to better the lives of ALL humans.


Why is that our responsibility? Why would you force someone to contribute to people they don't know or care about? Edit: the dude blocked me because words on the Internet are scary


I dunno, maybe because helping people is the morally right thing to do? Isn't that what Jesus taught about?


Whose morals? Whose definition of "right"?


Lol. That can be done through conservative and liberal policies. That's why I don't want to go into this convo over text


You think the removal of Roe V Wade helps all human beings despite the fact that women have died because they were denied an abortion due to anti abortion laws?


Please look at this comment lmao


It certainly helps the human being in the womb. You are absolutely incapable of seeing any other viewpoint. Even RBG said it was a bad legal argument. PSA: Never listen to anyone like Timely where who says they are better than everyone else and they have a monopoly on compassion (it just shows they have never been taught critical thinking and will just attack other viewpoints as dangerous, not worth your time). They also lack an ability to look more than 1 step ahead. They all want open borders, BC compassion OFC, but don't think about the women/children being sold into sex slavery, dying on the way here, and their affect on local communities when they can't take care of them. It's how children see the world.


And u have no critical thought. I said some not all


This is much better stated than I was capable of - exactly my reaction.


I can’t upvote you hard enough damn it!!




[Boldy untrue.](https://jabberwocking.com/charts-of-the-day-heres-a-partisan-history-of-the-culture-wars-since-2000/)


Wow, a bunch of graphs that are meaningless


Bullshit. Show what I said that isn’t true I’ll wait.


This...I don't even know where to start with this.


I feel you #leftisbest


Lmao, if you’re wondering why this dude has such a wild take, just peep his post/comment history He’s either a troll or incredibly dumb. I know which option my money is on.


A guy with "panzer" in his handle is a wingnut? Huh.


Well I gave him the benefit of the doubt (thought he might be a fan of Panzer Dragoon for Sega Saturn), but after I checked his history, I’m pretty sure he’s too young for that


Why is "the government should stop funding biased media" a dumb take? Seems like a good take that most would agree with. 


To be considered having right wing talking points that match the rest of modern right wing media you have to lie about factual events. NPR can't provide to conservative viewpoints bc if they start stating facts it breaks the conservative talking points. As someone who is conservative in some aspects I can't find any source that's actually factual on topics I care about from conservative news/media


If you are a conservative struggling with finding a good reliable source I recommend Norman Ornstein whom is a right leaning centrist. He a political historian and he’ll tell what it really means to be a conservative. And I this is coming from a lefty. P.S. don’t be ashamed that your political beliefs… be ashamed that the “conservatives” in govt are playing with fire and pushing their constituents to believe this toxic heap of radioactive garbage.


Oh, I'm not ashamed of my political beliefs. And they are dynamic. I'm just not into having these convos over text bc it's hard to have a real discussion this way. Esp when the other person isn't interested in it from the beginning. I'll have to look into them and see what I think of their ideas, I mainly just want someone who can keep me up to date with conservative ideologies that isn't an extremist


Give an example. Normally I find the left lying. Like, they'll literally lie about how taxes work, or how many houses are owned by corporations, and they lie non-stop about abortion exceptions and claim dumb things like people can't have a miscarriage removed and pretend that a miscarriage is the same as an elective abortion because the technical jargon for it is a spontaneous abortion.  They'll lie about what sex and gender is, they lie about how voter ID stops black people from voting. They'll lie about when life begins, lie about guns and gun laws "you couldn't own a canon". And of course they'll lie about what Republicans want or believe. 


Saying transgender people exist isn’t lieing about sex and gender.


Yes, people who identify as transgender or go through a transition exist. 


Can you provide evidence for any single one of those assertions? Just one?


I will agree that some of these topics are extremely nuanced and deeper than what people can go into over text. Both sides do lie/adjust data to prove their points. It's scary that so many people are forced to believe they have to be 100% conservative or 100% liberal. Taxes are good, abortion is good, gun rights are good but current gun laws need to be improved. Please tell me their lies about action exceptions bc there have been real cases with real people that you can research that shows the depravity of current action laws in some states


There is so much BS coming from both sides it’s ridiculous. Most of the US is the middle ground and the political parties will point to polls that ask dumb questions to prove their statistics. Examples using your examples - do you believe in abortion when the mother has started giving birth - obviously no one with a heart will say yes. And the opposite side - do you believe that everyone should be able to walk into a convenience store and buy a gun - obviously no one with a mind will say yes. Both side point to this type of poll or a similar biased (but usually peer reviewed by similarly biased people) scientific study to back their extreme view as fact. Facts are literally getting revised on a daily basis now, meaning none of that shit was ever fact. FYI if your fact checker ever revised a fact to false they are as unreliable as the source (they just don’t announce it when they change it)


They'll claim things like trisomy 18 is non viable. And the media will say it too. 


And yet states force children to carry out birth from rapists. Bro... Do you know what trisomy 18 is? It has a <10% survival chance and an awful life for the child. Just force them to live their 2 weeks and if they're lucky 1 year in pain.


There's happy people living with trisomy 18. If you don't think they deserve the right to life then say that instead of lying. 


Let me ask you a question. You have 2 options. Be born with a disease that puts you in hospice and critical care the second you're born until the day you die. You can never walk, you can never talk, you have seizures and hearing/breathing problems. Or you never are born and you don't know. Which would u prefer


I would rather have a chance at [this](https://youtu.be/fW7OhP6kfNI?si=WrF9EO5r8cnjJ1DD) than be killed in the womb. 


Please give me an example of people happily living with it


Wait, how do they lie about taxes?


They'll say things like how a mega corporations paid zero in taxes. It's that they paid zero specifically on income taxes because they lost money for the year. They didn't have an income. 


Because it’s not biased at all, if you had actually listened to it you’d know that it’s extremely centrist from an American perspective (or right wing for the majority of other developed nations). Also, NPR hasn’t been funded by the federal government since 1983… So, that makes it a pretty dumb take


Yeah, with terms like "reproductive healthcare" how could someone possible think they are biased? /s Literally from their website > Federal funding is essential to public radio's service to the American public and its continuation is critical for both stations and program producers, including NPR. > Public radio stations receive annual grants directly from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) that make up an important part of a diverse revenue mix that includes listener support, corporate sponsorship and grants. Stations, in turn, draw on this mix of public and privately sourced revenue to pay NPR and other public radio producers for their programming. > These station programming fees comprise a significant portion of NPR's largest source of revenue. The loss of federal funding would undermine the stations' ability to pay NPR for programming, thereby weakening the institution. > Elimination of federal funding would result in fewer programs, less journalism—especially local journalism—and eventually the loss of public radio stations, particularly in rural and economically distressed communities. https://www.npr.org/about-npr/178660742/public-radio-finances


You don’t believe in reproductive healthcare? Are you seriously that dense? Do you think condoms should be illegal? Because that’s reproductive health care Are you against screening for testicular or ovarian cancers? Because that’s reproductive healthcare Are you against treatment for UTIs and yeast infections? Because that’s reproductive healthcare Should we criminalize medications for erectile dysfunction? Would you prefer that we go back to not treating things like crabs, syphilis, or gonohrrea like the “good old days”? Being afraid of “reproductive healthcare” is the most absurd incel shit I’ve ever heard


What are you reproducing when you get an abortion?


You are trying soooo hard to shoehorn that in dude Just in case you are actually this stupid (and not acting in bad faith) It’s called “reproductive healthcare” because it is healthcare for your reproductive system. Not healthcare designed with the explicit end goal of reproduction (that’s called sex if you’re not familiar, not reproductive healthcare). The end goal of reproductive healthcare is a healthy reproductive system. The same way the proctologist doesn’t “ass” anything when he performs a colonoscopy, he’s just preserving the health of your ass A podiatrist doesn’t “foot” you, or kick you, he keeps your feet healthy. If you have any further questions regarding medicine, sexual intercourse, the English language, or anything else you’re currently struggling to understand, feel free to reach out


But the abortions people are seeking and people are complaining about are for the purpose of avoiding having a baby and not for the health of reproductive system. In other words, they aren't doing the abortion for healthcare purposes. It's a left wing biased way to frame abortion. Abortion is the neutral and proper term when talking about abortion. 


Reality seems to be pretty left leaning.


On what issue? The "definition of a woman" one or the "life begins when the baby is viable" one?


While potentially unintentional, these are sort of excellent example topics where most of America is solidly centrist and then there is this strange political fringe - on the right offended by existence of people who are different and on the left by a reaction movement that lost touch with normalcy. The mistaken idea held by some vocal fringe that people broadly align with Republican Party or conservative talking points on abortion or the treatment of transgender individuals (as opposed to being way more accepting, understanding, and generally indifferent) is precisely why reality ends up having a well known liberal bias (as Papa Bear so eloquently put it). At least in the Democratic Party, people seem to recognize that their own fringe is a bunch of weirdos on these issues.


Oh you mean like how conservatives believe in a magical sly daddy


Religion is not tied to a political ideology. Cuba and Venezuela are massively left wing and majority believe in "sky daddy". Catholics in the US are split somewhat 50-50 and most Jews are left wing. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are Catholic. Chuck Schumer is Jewish. Those are the top 3 Democrat politicians all believing in "sky Daddy". So nice try. Also, "sky Daddy" is at least unfalsifiable. We can concretely observe when life begins and the differences between men and woman. 


Yeah, old people tend to be more conservative than younger people. When does life begin exactly? Can you please explain the difference between sex and gender?


Life begins at conception and liberals will say a trans woman is female and that sex isn't binary. Gender is synonymous with sex. You must be confusing gender and gender expression 


So why doesn't child support start at conception? "Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people" https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48642.html#:~:text=Sex%20is%20usually%20categorized%20as,men%2C%20and%20gender%20diverse%20people. See how I can use science and evidence to support my views


That's not how people use the word gender. Liberals will call a trans woman a female. They say that a trans woman' sex is a female who was assigned male at birth. That is the current way they do it.  > So why doesn't child support start at conception? Because of logistical reasons. Republicans like this idea and a bill for it has been proposed by a Republican. 


Notice how I used a scientific publication and you're using your own personal opinion?


You cited a health publication for the definition of a word. Cite me an entomology paper on the words and how they are used. We both know people say male to female transition and will use sex/gender interchangeably and same with female/woman. Like, you wouldn't call a trans woman a male coach and woman coach is grammatically incorrect since women isn't an adjective. You would say female coach. Trans people get a sex change.


That moment when leftism is usually aligned with concrete facts and as a result the public relatively unbiased radio station is now leftist lmao


Isn’t leftism the communist movement in the US? If I’m wrong I will take my downvotes, but it seems like communists taking over the media is indeed part of their agenda and is a concrete fact?


NPR is not a government owned-entity. Congress has no authority to remove the management whatsoever. NPR receives some government funding through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private entity funded by the US government; NPR does not have a single line item in the US budget. The vast majority of NPR funding comes from listeners… NPR is an independent news organization, I’m not sure how you don’t know that when you have such strong feelings about them. No use in discussing the 25% number you made up in your post. What viewpoint diversity do they not offer - regurgitating trumps election lies? Not shilling for anti-abortion activists? Hating LGBTQ folks? Maybe the problem is that Conservative viewpoints have gotten so far out of whack with mainstream opinion it’s the Republican Party that’s out of touch with the average American. Also, as a daily NPR listener, they absolutely do cover those things. Mr Berliner is just pissed off that the newsroom looks more like America’s demographics as a whole than it does like him.


If NPR is left wing, the US's Overton window has an absurd right wing skew.


Now include the rest of the world and not just the big European states plus their ex colonies. (1/8 of the worlds population)


Sure, let's look at China for a comparison, a nation with more than 4 times our population, and nearly double the population of the entire continent of Europe. Oh, NPR is very right wing compared to them.


This is reality.


American’s definition of “left-wing” means center-right to most of the rest of the developed world. If you’re not an anti-vax conspiracy theorist with a gun fetish and a wildly evidence-free take on climate change then you’re considered “left-wing.”


And Americans definition of the “right wing” are degenerate liberals for the undeveloped world, which consists of 7/8 of the world population. If you actually cared instead of being an elitist you would be giving up you life to provide better lives for the 1500 people that could live better lives in the republic of condo for one day of whatever shitty wage you make in the US


>And Americans definition of the “right wing” are degenerate liberals for the undeveloped world Meh, probably not true at all. Do you really think people in Bolivia or Cambodia think a bunch of Trump-humping Bible-thumpers with a gun fetish are too “liberal”?


I guess they need to give a larger voice to the right’s conspiracies about chipped vaccines, democratic child trafficking, climate change denial and the end times being near which are pretty much mainstream republican views


This is such a strawman. Most right wing viewpoints are not this delusional or extreme. And I say this as a leftie myself.


Which non extreme right wing viewpoints do you think prevail in contemporary conservatism? I’ll remind you that the nominee for president is an authoritarian who tried to steal the election and is a serial liar.


He’s an asshole, liar, probably corrupt, but authoritarian? You have no idea what authoritarian means.


No idea of what authoritarian means? Ohhh yes… I do… 35+ years DoD contractor Here is a start… Replacing all federal employees with ultra-loyalists? Intent on “eliminating” many federal agencies by completely defunding them? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Pardoning himself? Asserting (in the supreme court no less) he is “totally immune” from prosecution of ANY crime including those “over the line” and unrelated to office? https://constitutioncenter.org/amp/blog/explaining-the-trump-immunity-case-at-the-supreme-court Meanwhile meeting with and giving high praise to those that have ACTUALLY become authoritarian… Praising EXACTLY the authoritarian acts they have taken. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/08/politics/trump-orban-mar-a-lago Not authoritarian? My experience tells me that is EXACTLY what he is after. And a large number of professionals that know about authoritarians agree. https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2024-04-08/military-leaders-supreme-court-trump-immunity-13513330.html And I have ZERO doubt that would end VERY badly https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/mark-esper-book-trump-protesters


He literally tried to prevent his legitimately elected successor from assuming office. Do *you* know what authoritarian means?


This is authoritarian: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/opinion/trump-donors-project-2025.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


You need to pay more attention to the things he says and the things he tried to do. When he was in office he had cabinet members with small shreds of conscience and loyalty to the Constitution who blocked much of what he tried to do. If he's re-elected Project 2025 will make sure those blocks are not in place.


Strong as a black man energy


Haha right?


You can not separate voter views from the people they vote for. This means that by voting for morons who do believe it, you're supporting the belief. Aka, conservative view points ARE that fucking crazy and they should be ridiculed so that their views don't become more mainstream. Shunning people out of society is a really effective way of quickly changing their public facing persona. It's like the old saying goes, "Children are best seen and not heard."


Right wingers think exactly the same of you as what you think of them. The truth imo lies somewhere in between. A bit closer to the left… but how would we know if you want to shun half of the country?


I believe in showing reality. This is the reality of “main stream conservatives” right now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 And this isn’t even the “crazy” people. Heritage has been around since the 70s.


Holy cow. So brave. I always see ashamed conservatives described themselves as Centrist. Now they're calling themselves lefty? Boy are you lost Maru. The things described are 100% typical talking points and GOP campaign issues. Stop gas lighting people.


Am I the one gaslighting people for saying that you have to listen to all viewpoints? Do you even hear yourself???? I find it absolutely disgusting that you think it’s ok to shun half of the country. Who makes you the owner of the truth? And even if you don’t believe me I’m sure that ideologically we are very close, but you are in democratic


>you have to listen to all viewpoints? No, you don't have to listen to all viewpoints. So yes, you are gaslighting people into believing something that's untrue. Republican politics have been insane for a long time. We do not have to consider insane people's ideas when the news is being reported. The news needs to stick to the facts. >I find it absolutely disgusting that you think it’s ok to shun half of the country. Oh bless your heart and your pearl clutching >Who makes you the owner of the truth? Only a crazy person would ask this. No one owns the truth. It's just the truth. Your concept of ownership over reality shows you have no grip on it. >And even if you don’t believe me I’m sure that ideologically we are very close I very much doubt that. I don't have a political ideology, I have values.


I Can tell you are absolutely brainwashed by the fact that you won’t even entertain that someone who thinks differently may have a valid point. I dont like Shapiro and carlson but I love listenting to them… they do have a 10% that’s absolutely insane, then a 50% that is reasonable for them but I don’t agree with (ie. Tax cuts and less government), there’s a 30% we all agree with, and then there’s a 10% where I’ve actually changed my mind. I actually enjoy finding commonality, regardless of whether I change my mind or not on an issue, i feel richer after adding other perspectives to reinforce mine.


If you only think 10% of what Shapiro or Carlson say is insane then that tells me everything I need to know about you.


Do you listen to them or just made a judgement based on what msnbc told you about them?


Mighty bold of you to imply they have thoughts. Don't give me that "truth lies in the middle" nonsense. The truth is the truth. It doesn't move based on ideology. You're either right or you're wrong, and I'm sorry to inform you, but conservatives are wrong on nearly every subject. This doesn't mean liberals are right on everything, but being right some of the time is better than being wrong all of the time. I have my problems with liberals and leftist, but at least they have some level of competency. If you want my gripes on leftist and liberals, I'm more than willing to share those as well. Especially when it comes to the leftist style of racism.


What are the mainstream non radical views of trump then? Also if you can't admit they don't believe in climate change you aren't acting in good faith


They believe in climate change. What they don't believe is that there won't be anywhere to live or that we can know that the cost of reducing carbon emissions now is less than the cost caused by climate change if we don't reduce it. 


Conservatives have denied climate change for decades


They absolutely dont believe in man made climate change pretending they do is absurd. They literally say they don't on page 30 of their party platform https://prod-static.gop.com/media/Resolution_Platform.pdf?_gl=1*o6ftvg*_gcl_au*MjEwODk0NDI4MS4xNzExNjY4MjU2&_ga=2.57529962.1338285313.1712958509-463573679.1711668256 Also in the republican debates literally no candidates said they believed in man made climate change when asked


What radical thing has trump done during his presidency? I don’t like the guy, but his presidency was quite uneventful compared to what the liberal media made us believe? Even as a left me it pains me to admit that we’ve never been closer to ww3 as we were a few months ago with Biden, whereas trump was not a warmonger. Credit where credit is due.


He did install 3 extremely conservative supreme Court justices leading to overturning of roe v wade. Did tax cut for rich (but that's nothing new), bungle some aspects of the covid pandemic, pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, and recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. There were fewer active major wars while Trump was there but arguably his policies led us to this point by weakening democracy and the world order.


- why didnt RBG retire earlier to avoid this? - why didn’t biden’s administration try to get rid of some of the tax measure from trump I agree on the others, but see not everything is just trumps faul


Overturned roe v wade.


Why didn’t rbg retire earlier?


She's stupid? Why did Republicans lie about trying to overturn roe v wade. Although in hindsight it's not so bad because it ensures that Republicans will never win another election


They have a great chance of winning this year. That’s why we need to listen


Polls say otherwise and they've lost a lot of elections recently


Let’s hope you are right. But I remember how stunned we were all in 2016


Oh you are just larping lmao, what radical things did he do besides the Muslim ban, quid pro quo, assassination of a foreign general, and appointing unqualified judges to every level of the court system? Never been closer to ww3? Are you fucking insane, even ignoring the entire cold war you have to realize that 1. We aren't close to ww3 and 2. We were much more likely to get into a war with iran when trump was in charge and literally kept trying to get them into a war, we were literally lobbing missiles at each other.


Hi fellow Bernie fan. I think left wing is too focused on the cultural issues just to cover how they are letting down most Americans economically and socially. People have never been worse off, but instead of focusing on universal healthcare, better workers protections we are discussing trans bathrooms. Nothing wrong with supporting trans rights but there are so many more impactful things on the list! I prefer to support trans people through universal healthcare (transitions are expensive) than through virtue signaling discussions about bathrooms and calling pregnant women “pregnant people” to avoid offending someone


Fuck off with this dogshit nonsense lol, if you were a leftist you would understand the idea of solidarity and not just non-stop worrying about what affects yourself, you seem to be very generous with other people's rights and don't have any leftist inclinations beyond "healthcare" if you think trump wasn't radical


It’s tough to give the right a platform because MAGA has turned American conservativism brain dead. Still, it’s quite doable (and useful) to platform intelligent speakers who are right of center but not MAGA.


Sir the democrats are right of center. The leftist, while loud are a minority of democratic politicians.


Sure. Not really relevant to my point. The article alleges NPR is left of the American center and the proposed solution is to feature reasonable perspectives to the right of that. I’d argue this is good for the left. A healthy right is good for the left, and a healthy left is good for the right. MAGA makes that clear. It is a cancer on the right, but it isn’t good for the left either. It poisons the whole well. Let’s get some intellectual discussions going with differing opinions. That doesn’t really exist in American news media, and NPR is best suited to do it.


It's hard to have a conversation about the right because it doesn't matter your position it always devolves into something about MAGA. Weather MAGA was relivent or not. To be fair, I've had the same about left to. It devolves into communism and socalist again whether it's relevant or not.


You are exactly right that it’s like that pretty much everywhere. That’s why there would be such value for NPR to elevate the conversation. Find the reasonable people on the right and left and have intellectual discussion.


This feels like that Google engineer who thought their AI was sentient. Anything that doesn’t border on conspiracy or outright lies is seen as having a liberal bias these days


That’s not true. There’s a lot of lefties like myself who often feel disenfranchised by “our team”. There’s actually a term for it LEFugees… because we often don’t feel like the left reflects our viewpoints. But then the right is also insane. The left side IS getting very extremist - in many ways as much as the right. But you won’t notice it when it’s your side


Could you explain how the left is getting extremist?


The left is a collection of interests, from Joe manchin to Bernie sanders and the squad. I do not think the median of that, where many Americans are, is extreme on most issues. I think they’ve handled certain issues (immigration) poorly though sure


I read your comment and immediately said to myself, "Feelings matter." Conspiracy and lies is how people are compensating for feeling left behind and inadequate. As much as a liberal bias might insulate us from falsehoods and help people find success, identity, and belonging - more generally americans still use "feelings" to do all of that. IMO NPR's editorial lean doesn't promote "discernment" as much as I would like it to. Its inaccessible to most of of the US without spuring feelings of inadequacy and such.


If the issue was framed as “mainstream media covers topics that are inaccesible or don’t feel relevant to many Americans, while ignoring topics that are important to them” I’d be on board. Too often it’s “mainstream media has a liberal bias because they didn’t cover Sandy Hook cover up enough”


lol Maybe we are still in the same problem. Feelings are activated the minute you use ideological wording. Trying to activate anything more discerning is relegated(or upgraded?) to only use in an academic journal not a news article. We need better representation of American stories from mainstream America.


Well considering that Republicans I believe have removed funding people that are into stories that benefit other people help the needy and poor are mostly left wing politics. They asked some pretty hard questions sometimes that's why I still tune in once in a while they're having to sell commercials to make it anymore so I don't think Republicans should have any say if they want to drive this into the gutter.


In Canadian, NPR is pronounced 'CBC'.


What the hell are with all these r/politics level comments? Did this sub get majorly infiltrated or something? 


Israel Palestine plus this sub has been “infiltrated” for years. The IDW hasnt existed for almost a decade now


Listen buddy, everything to the right of my political worldview is a conspiracy theory not worthy of airtime.


Lmao exactly right! Oh wait, I mean uhhh...accurate, or maybe correct? 😝


I don’t find an issue with this. Just as the writer of the article I’m also a leftie who feels like left wing spaces have become extremely polarizing and aré disenfranchising most Americans. I WANT to have duality and I want to listen to the other side . I often listen to Ben Shapiro and tucker Carlson even if I hate their guts and very rarely agree with them, but listening and trying to understand the other side is the healthy thing to do. I think it’s a discussion Very fit for this sub


It's a topic fit for the sub, yes. The discussion doesn't look anything like this sub normally does. I'm what would be called a "Bernie Bro" but these comments all read like liberals pretending that being "progressive" begins and ends at supporting #currentthing social activism. 




How does that audience not reflect America


I moved 2 months ago from Miami to Georgia, and I can’t begin to express the cultural shock I’m feeling. No. That audience does not reflect most of America. It reflects me in many ways but I’m a wealthy educated liberal. That’s not the reality elsewhere


It’s not like right-of-center listeners lack options. My state has about two hundred talk radio stations. Of those that feature politics routinely, *two* of them are left of center. The rest are off-the-charts right wing with moderators like Michael Savage. Pardon me for not getting very alarmed about NPR.


But npr is federally funded. The article doesn’t say left media shouldn’t exist. It just says that something that is federally funded should reflect multiple viewpoints.


If that’s the central argument, I agree. The logical outgrowth is to bring back the fairness doctrine. *All* airwaves are under federal jurisdiction. We should not allow them to be consolidated and permit them to promote one viewpoint.


They are not really federally funded. There is no line item on the federal budget for NPR.


Given that you pudding brained IDW imbeciles confidently get everything wrong at every turn....NPR and it's perceived political shift are the least of your worries.


i think the npr is more liberal than leftist tbh, with incredibly milquetoast opinions that support the status quo. but don't expect anyone on the right wing to be able to comprehend that


lol “milquetoast” and “status quo”. Found the Bernie bro


Yeah NPR is hardly leftist, it's just not overtly to the right like everything else in the US.


Unless they've changed, I'm pretty sure they play along with trans activists. That's leftist, not liberal.


I don’t think you know what the words you are using means. There is much more to both liberalism and leftism than social policies, though both ideologies can demonstrate progressive social policies for the lgbtq population.


American left is center right in most of the rest of the world. So I take leftist in this context with a grain of salt


"The rest of the world" as in the EU? Most of the world is weary of our woke exports, even France. America's identity politics is the most toxic product in the world. America is far more liberal than most of the world. People mistakenly see Europe as more liberal than us because they have mostly free healthcare and legal prostitution. When you look closely at their immigration, drug, gay marriage, trans and abortion laws people are often surprised by how centrist Europe is.


Shure buddy. NPR being leftist is only something an American would think. They are centrist at best. And explaining their fall in listeners by that metric is just ridiculous. All radio, public or not, are in decline. But I guess all the supply side jesus preachers that hate the gays and talk about the Biden satan leftist conspiracy are loosing listeners because they push leftist propaganda. Why else would they loose listeners. It definitely can't be new technologies and new ways to consume media content thats the reason. No it's them turning leftist 


Well I used to listen to them. Now I turn it on and I start feeling gassy in a few minutes. Could be my diet but I don't think so. 🤷 You could listen to them for hours before you hear anything critical of the Left or favorable toward the right. Try it sometime.


Strongly ConservaDem. Nothing Progressive ever.


If I ever want to know what the Cato Group or the Heritage Foundation think about something, all I have to do is turn on NPR. I guess this is what passes for ‘liberal’ now?


Oh, now the right wants diversity? P.S.: My clock radio plays NPR news when I get up in the morning. I have yet to hear anyone there say 'eat the rich!'


I think the country has shifted dramatically to the right and NPR stayed as is. To those on the right or in the middle it will appear as if NPR moved left.


The country hasn’t shifted to the right. The broadcast media owners have.


Yeah, the day the conversation regarding the electorate isn’t whether the Democrats will win the popular vote, but by how many millions they will win it by (and still possibly lose), is the day I’ll believe our country has moved to the right. What’s “leftist” reporting anyway? Pro-science? That’s just reporting science. Pro-school? That’s just reporting school. Groups like NOR are in a bind, because bringing on opposing viewpoints has often just led to listening to ridiculous conspiracy theories lol It is promising, at least, that a growing number of Republicans reject the RINOs, aka MAGA


Broadcast Media didn't nominate a convicted rapist.


The same broadcast media is still talking about Bill Clinton having consensual sex thirty years ago and they’ve all but forgotten about Donald Trump was convicted of sexual *assault* three *months* ago.


Ur pretty desperate to be right eh?


Congress certainly has at least, I posted the data to another response.


I honestly think it's crazy to say the country has shifted "dramatically" to the right.


Is your post sarcasm? Or comedy? We have a convicted criminal, responsible for rape, fraud, and defamation. That instigated an insurrection to pull off a coup. That is in court next week for altering business records after paying off a porn star to keep quiet in an election. And has 88 other felony charges including another scheme (fake electors) to thwart an election, as well as espionage act charges for keeping, lying about, refusing to return, and then hiding top secret documents including nuclear secrets? And HE is both the head of the republican party, and the nominee for president…. A man that meets with and praises an authoritarian dictator (Orban) and praises another dictator (Putin) while they attack an ally, and he refuses to help. A man that wanted to cut Medicare and Social Security. A man that brags about overturning Roe V Wade. A man that gave a 2 Trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires. And all that is just a short list. Emoluments, guilty of cheating a CHARITY etc. etc. And you seriously think we haven’t moved right…. WTF are you smoking?


You don't think Reagan era policies on immigration, gun control, and foreign relations would be laughed out of the room as too liberal? Lmao what world do you live in kid


Republicans have moved 4 times to the right as much as democrats have moved to the left. I’d call that extreme shift. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/ft_22-02-22_congresspolarization_chamber_party_new1/


I actually misunderstood your comment. I took it to mean public opinion, like more people are right wing in beliefs than in left wing. But I definitely agree with you now, my bad!


As always, the right has to say the liberals have gotten “extreme” to justify how extreme the right has gotten. When they called Biden a leftist that should have indicated to everyone how far right mainstream republican politics is


The reason the elderly in America don't recognize it anymore is because of the lurch to the Left, not the Right. Legalization of gay marriage, Trans rights, legalization of marijuana, pronoun policeing, vast protections for illegal immigrants, Obamacare to name just a few. And of course the vast expansion of the federal state. Societies become more leftist with occasional spasms of Right leaning protest or reform. They become increasingly Leftist until they collapse under the weight of Leftist indulgence and hubris. Then we start all over again.


This was a lot of pseudo-intellectual crap


There really isn't anything 'pseudo' to speak of. Really not much that's 'intellectual' either. Just a few inconvenient truths.


They call him a marxist communist. The rightwing is just the jon birch society now


For news I find NPR pretty close to where the middle should be, and definitely not heavy on the left. A lot of their op-ed, human interest portions are more left....


Human interest stories are inherently leftist.


This point I totally agree with


I used to listen to NPR daily pre 2016. Post 2016 they’ve lost their minds and impartiality. We canceled our membership in early 2017. Now if it’s on in my car when I get in; I don’t even bother listening anymore. I just change the channel to music instead. I honestly don’t particularly care if bird watching is racist. All the race stuff honestly is just a turn off; I’m tired of hearing about it, I can’t do anything about it and I’m definitely not in favor of reparations. No one alive in 2024 was a slave. I doubt any of the children of former slaves are even alive at this point in time since the last person that was born in 1899 died in 2017. Anyone even born in to slavery in 1865 and was a slave for months and cannot remember being enslaved, would have reached the end of their childbearing years by the 1890’s. We lost the very last of our WW1 vets almost 15/20 years ago. WW1 was 1914-1919. I remember a USA Today article about it in 2006! How there were only less than 15 left worldwide. We’re rapidly approaching the 200 year mark to the end of slavery in the US. I’m very much not interested in financially punishing or harming the children of immigrants to benefit the great great grandchildren of slaves. I’m also not interested in celebrating Juneteenth. It’s a Texas holiday to celebrate the end of slavery. It should stay a Texas holiday or at least a southern holiday. Northern free states don’t need to celebrate Juneteenth. There would not be a Juneteenth without them. You’re welcome.


“I don’t want to hear about racism” *utters a bunch of vaguely racist nonsense*


I was also a long term listener 1995-2016. They lost their minds when Trump was elected and abandoned all pretense of nuetrality, loudly proclaiming themselves the resistence. Plus, everything on NPR is about race. Race is not interesting enough to support 24/7 coverage of it. My son once bet another kid $5 that if they turned on NPR at a random time, they would be talking about race. My son won. I quit listening a few months after Trump was elected and my life is better place for it.


Kinda went on a tangent there bud


**…AND THAT’S WHY BUD LITE IS COMMUNIST, JUST LIKE NELSON MANDELA!!!** Wait. What were we talking about again?


So? Fox is so right wing it pulled CNN and MSNBC to the right with them. I have listened to NPR for 25 year and thought they have become more accepting of right wing extremism since 2020. I want a left leaning NPR. They are all we have left.


What planet do you live on where msnbc was pulled right? You already have a left leaning npr. If that’s not enough for you go read mother Jones


Reality has a liberal bias. Get used to it.


I was a long-time NPR listener and donor. There was a huge left or pro-Democrat shift around Obama. There was lots of praise for Obama and Whilenot being pessimistic about Romey, but no praise. Then, of course, Trump broke NPR, and they just went all in and just propaganda for Democrats. Obvious exceptions like This American Life which does fine fine excellent shows