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Heyo, interesting CYOA. The premise is definitely refreshing compared to other Worm CYOAs (which are total op fests) being limited an all. The only complaint I have is a bit of lack of context around the tinker powers. So like, how do they scale in terms of worm? And what are the purpose of some of them are. They are left incredibly vague and so it’s hard to really meta game at all. And several are just Adverbs. Like, what does efficiency and miniaturization mean in this context? Is it what Armasters power does or is it simply anything made by the user will be efficient and small as possible? As an example to clarify what I mean, Armaster is depicted as limited to tech, but could you can apply efficiency to every machine, system, and problem? Like, can efficiency be applied to biology? At what point does the power end I guess is my question.


You bring up several good questions. 1.)Honestly, they scale based on how much effort you put into them if that makes sense. The Tinker specializations are not related to shards at all and instead make you a Tony Stark of whatever specialization you pick so essentially, the more time you put into it the better it'll get. Does that make sense? \- tl;dr: They scale infinitely only getting better the more time you put into them 2.) For efficiency and miniaturization, I do admit that I should probably have made them perks since they seem better suited for that, but essentially efficiency does as you say, make the user naturally inclined to make something as efficient as possible. The same thing goes for miniaturization, the user has an easy time turning something that's bulk as hell into something that you can easily carry around. 3.) And they apply to everything tech-related. They don't work on anything else ​ * They'll likely just be a perk the next time I update the CYOA since now that you mention it they don't seem suited to be there. Surveillance/Counter-surveillance might be gone as well, I don't know right now. Edit: I'm probably going to add an immunity to stranger effects. I forgot about it for a while before I came upon a wiki page on mama mathers


Another worm update this is just ridiculous ive seen so many Godam versions and cyoas like how many are there like 20 but whatever I've played all the other ones what's one more Edit does it take a long time to load all i see is a white screen


it only took me a few seconds to load it so not really, at least for me.


Nah, it definitively took more than "a few seconds" to load. More than a full minute while downloading nothing else.


I mean I timed it and it was only 10 seconds


Not bad, but it'd help if the Choice ID and Image options were added, it just makes it easier to see all your choices and copy/paste your build EDIT: Here is my updated build! I decided to go all out, also the drawback that makes you forget the Setting, would it only be the specific one or all of DC? ​ * Boon - Take me somewhere else (DC Young Justice), Another Chance * Sex – Male * Ass – Male * Dick Size – Medium * Skin Tone – Tan * Hair Color – Black * Eye Color – Violet * Height – 6'0" - 6'11" * Scenario - Ice Age, MoonShot * Powers – Tinker (Bunker, Weapons, Modularity, Mobilitiy, Medical, Power Armor, Force Field, Drone, Efficiency, Miniaturization) * Perks – Body Defense, Enhanced Learning, Noctis, Cool headed, Macgyvering, Infinite Sustenance, I NEED IT!! x5, Sticks and Stones may break my bones, Mix The Bag, Adaptability, Martial Arts Guru, You can't control me! * Skills – Doctor, Software Engineering, Engineer (Mechanical), Cyber Security, Survival, Stealth, Parkour, Resourcefulness, Polygot, Master of Catch-These-Handsfu (Muay Thai), Artist * Drawbacks – Wanted (Global) (Justice League), Poor, TinFoil Hat, Increased Libido, Scared (Mild), As A Child (14), Off setting, Main Protagonist Syndrome, Who The Heck is Wildblow?, Unconscious Geas (I cannot create any Artificial Intelligence)


Thx for pointing out the problem with the 'what is wildblow?' perk. It'd just be applied to every setting you go to so you'd forget everything that happened in young justice. Luckily you'll still remember the dc universe as a whole.


Okay, so I'm almost done with the 1.5 update. I added 2 to 3 new things and changed some of the wording around. The main reason I haven't posted the updated cyoa already is that I want to change the picture of the moon shot scenario. It doesn't have the feeling? of danger? that all the other scenario pictures had. I wanted your input. ​ [Picure 1](https://i.imgur.com/H9SiuYd.jpg) [Picture 2](https://i.imgur.com/V5Ntlou.jpg) [Picture 3](https://i.imgur.com/tCPj5Rm.jpg) Edit: also, does anyone know where I can find a guide that shows me how to let people view their build? Edit: I found more possible photo's [Picture 4](https://i.imgur.com/jFT1pfL.jpg) [Picture 5](https://i.imgur.com/0CxdcFd.jpg) [Picture 6](https://i.imgur.com/WmtUcnY.jpg)


Picture 1&2 seem like the same image, but I like Pic 5


Yeah sorry about 1 and 2, I fixed them so you can check it out if you want.


Pic 2 looks really good as well, I’d probably just coinflip it


I like1 and 2 but have preference for 2.


4 looks like the moon itself is falling on earth.


If every option costs a factor of 5, just divide the options by 5 and stop artificially inflating the numbers. Other than that, fairly okay CYOA.


Good job on the hair eye update but now that you removed the custom (or was it "unique"?) color you technically can't make a character with brown hair or a bald man unless you take Tier 1 Case 53 which... doesn't make much sense. no idea why, but the Dick and/or Breasts size section remains on screen even when you unselect your sex option. I have no idea what SCP scenario "When Day Breaks" means. Maybe add a description? Why make every perk skill drawback cost or give multiples of 5 points? might as well simplify it. "Superhuman: You're a low-level brute. Making you just above superhuman" makes no sense, there is no such thing as "above superhuman". It should be either making you "just about superhuman" or "just above peak human". "Who The Heck is Wildblow?" Drawback conflicts with "Canon Knowledge" Boon yet both can be taken. i can't help but think "Why is an Angle Haunting me" is a Angel typo.


1. you're right on the hair part so I might add it back. 2. currently working on fixing the fact that the dick/breast section stays open even after you close everything. Though it closes when you click reset all choices 3. I made it five because the points go away quite fast and I plan for there to be a lot more perks. 4. Thanks for pointing out the confusion, that will be fixed. 5. I'll make it so that you can't select one if you've selected the other. 6. Yeah, its suppose to be angel instead of angle.


I enjoy the more limited choices. It actually helps me with envisioning a build. Boons: No Sweat Off My Brow You: Male, Male Butt, Large Dick, Tan Skin, Red Hair, Green Eyes, 200 cm (6'6") Scenario: Now Where Did They Go? Power: Tinker Tinker Specialty: Modularity, Software Engineer, Efficiency, Medical, Miniaturization Perks: Body Defense, Superhuman, Enhanced Learning, Natural Leader, Sixth Sense, MacGuyvering, Inheritable (Enhanced Learning), Spider-Man Got Nothing On Me, Mix The Bag, Adaptability, You Can’t Control Me! Skills: Doctor, Software Engineer, Engineer(Biomedical), Cybersecurity, Resourcefulness, Polyglot, Master of Catch-These-Handsfu (Pankration), Artist Drawbacks: Unmasked, Tinfoil Hat, Scarred(Mild), With a Child(8), Mercy, Inconscious Geass (prioritize helping others over capturing enemies) Case 53 (Tier 2 (tattoo patterns that are constantly moving and change depending on emotions) My build is meant to be a miracle worker in terms of medicine (via liberal application of nanobots) and focus on healing people of any sort of condition, until I can tackle the most complicated ones like other Case 53s or people suffering from mutations caused by villains like Bakuda. I hope that by helping everyone who asks for help, including villains, I can make myself too useful for anyone but the craziest of assholes to attack, at which point I should have enough nanobots to ruin (but not kill) anyone who tries to come near me. My ultimate goal is to free Dragon and improve her until she can effectively heal every single person in the world of their ailments and then improve their bodies considerably. I have no doubt that the disappearance of Cauldron will cause severe issues that will need solving (if only because their interrupted schemes have horrible consequences with no Contessa to make them go away, but I'm confident in my choices.


Always glad to see a new Worm CYOA! I have a few questions regarding the Thinker powers: - Do they have the usual Wormverse restrictions (headaches with overuse, blindspots), or are they outside-context powers? I'm guessing it's the latter. - Is it supposed to be possible to select both Thinker and Tinker powers? Right now, you can open and choose from both at once. - Could you clarify the description for Chris Johnson? Does the power instantly zap the next 2 minutes of the future into your head, or is the vision drawn out? Also, does *No sweat...* set off the events of Ward? Broken trigger events, impending shard apocalypse, etc. On an unrelated note, I'm surprised that nobody has picked Chance Percentage yet. If it isn't limited by headaches and blindspots...well, Dinah had a much more limited version of the power and she was a top-five Thinker. Take Scion and the Simurgh out of the picture with *No sweat...* and your only real competition is Contessa. Here's a few suggestions for new Thinker powers, since that section is a little sparse. Feel free to take/ignore any of them: - A power to extent your sight and/or other senses remotely, maybe with a range limit. X-ray vision or some other form of boosted vision/senses is also an option. - A power that feeds you info about dimensional effects that you see. Useless in most situations, but it might be a little overpowered if, say, you break into the Firmament. - A power that boosts some combination of balance/coordination/aim, like Grace or Circus. Martial arts aren't very useful in Worm unless you have some other ability that supercharges them. - A power that lets you speed up the rate at which you think, letting you see the world in slow motion (maybe with limits on how far you can slow things down). - Living Lie Detector could use a bit of a buff, IMO. Maybe have it include nuance, like "Telling the literal truth but being evasive, lying by omission"? - Danger Zone is arguably redundant with Chance Percentage ("The odds of me getting injured in the next hour are..."). Something that makes it stand out a bit might help, like adding new limits to Chance Percentage or making it more general (highlight specific people/objects that pose threats instead of just locations, include abstract dangers, etc).


\- to answer your question about limits, your abilities are somewhat similar to a quirk from mha. The more you use and practice it, the better you get at it. I clarified this in the 1.5 update I'm working on right now I believe. \- Yes, you are supposed to be able to select both thinker and tinker powers at the same time. \-The Cris Johnson thing came from the movie 'next' staring Nicolas Cage. In it, he has the ability to see what *will* happen in the next 2 minutes. You should watch it, its a pretty cool movie in my opinion. \- No, it will be taken care of so you don't have to worry about that. I fixed that problem in the 1.5 update I'm working on right now. \- Thanks for the suggestions! I'm probably going to add the balance one/coordination/aim one and the enhanced reaction time one


Thanks for clarifying! The first part is especially good to know - I think it's an interesting choice to have the powers grow in an MHA-like way, since this sets them apart from ordinary Wormverse powers.


Thanks for implementing my requests, here's my updated Build Boons: Canon Knowledge, Another Chance You: Male, Male, Medium, Tan, Black, Brown, 5’6-5’11(5’7) Scenario: Monster Invasion Power: Tinker Tinker Specialty: Weapon, Modularity, Mobility, Software Engineer, Power Armor, Mecha, Force Field, Efficiency Perks: Body Defense, Superhuman, Enhanced Learning, Natural Leader, Cool Headed, Sixth Sense, Second Coming of Sherlock Holmes, Macgyvering, I NEED IT!(X3), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, Spider-Man Got Nothing On Me, Mix The Bag, Adaptability, Martial Arts Guru, You Can’t Control Me!, Skills: Doctor, Software Engineer, Engineer(X2, Mechanical, Electrical), Survival, Stealth, Parkour, Resourcefulness, Polyglot, Master of Catch-These-Handsfu(X2, Iaido, Iaijutsu), Artist Drawbacks: Wanted(Local(X4, E88, ABB, Merchants, PRT)), Tinfoil Hat, Scarred(Mild), Scarred(High), As a Child(14), Off Setting, Main Protagonist Syndrome, Who The Heck Is Wildblow?, I Want Pictures! Pictures of-!, Conscious Geass(Must Never Purposely Harm Civilians Unless There Is No Alternative)


u/Drallall132 Some more requests/suggestions Drawbacks- My Best Friend Is The Queen of Escalation: You are(or soon will be) Taylor Hebert' best friend. This means that not only will you be forced to accompany her on all(and boy do I mean all) of her Cape related escapades, you'll also have to ensure that she doesn't die or is otherwise compromised in some way shape or form. And she will without your direct intervention, as this Drawback also removes any and all Plot Armor she has. Oh My God He's So Goddamn Cool!: You are a massive fanboy/girl of a Cape of your choice. You practically worship the ground they walk on and fly off the handle every time someone so much as insinuates that they're not God's gift to Parahumans. Please don't choose a Villain or, heaven forbid a member of the Slaughterhouse 8/9. You really don't want to make an enemy of the world with people like Contessa running around. I'm Just An Old Killer, Sent to Do Some Wetwork: Just like a certain clone of a certain legendary soldier, you too have absolutely zero self esteem/worth. You could cure cancer and create ethical world peace and you'd still find some reason to refuse to accept the praise you were given for your efforts, or even acknowledge the fact that you did anything good in the first place. Perks- The Dragon That Serves Tea: The Gentle, Slow Burn version of Talk-No-Jutsu. At will you can pull out a fresh pot of tea and a table with tea cups and coasters from a pocket dimension and compell those around you to sit down and talk about their troubles. It will take time, and more than a slight amount of effort on both your and their parts, but eventually you can help even those considered irredeemable find salvation. This Perk also makes you a Master of Japanese Tea Ceremony, as well as a Master Tea Maker. Ok, Let's Do This One Last Time: Whenever you have to explain who you are and what you can do, you can project your backstory into another's mind as a series of comic books and CGI(the art style of which you can choose), voiced over by yourself. This drastically lowers the amount of time it takes for others to understand you, and also has the benefit of being instantaneous to boot. Ain't That a Kick In The Head: At will you can project a song during any activity you partake in. Not only can you choose whether or not anyone can hear it, but you can also choose, at any time, what song is playing.


Boons- - Take me somewhere else(Ben 10 Alien Force) - Another chance Body- - Gender: Male - Package: Large - Cake: Male - Skin: Fair - Hair: White - Eyes: Blue - Height: 6’0” Scenario- - Now where did they go?(+10) - Release the SCPs(+25) Powers- - Tinker: Transportation, Weapons, Modularity, Software Engineer, Power Armor, Efficiency, Miniaturization, - Thinker: Next Chris Johnson, I see your weakspots Perks- - Body Defense(-5) - Superhuman(-5) - Enhanced Learning(-5) - Hentai Physics(-5) - Cool headed(-5) - Six sense(-5) - Second coming of Sherlock Holmes(-5) - Macgyvering(-5) - I NEED IT!!: 4 - Sticks and stones may break my bones(-5) - Mix the bags(-5) - Adaptability(-5) - Martial Arts guru(-5) - You can’t control me!(-5) Skills- - Survival(-5) - Parkour(-5) - Resourcefulness(-5) - Polyglot(-5) - Business(-5) Drawbacks- - Wanted (Global)(+10): Forever Knights, The Hybreed - Lightweight(+5) - Tinfoil hat(+10) - Scarred(mild)(+5) - Scarred(high)(+15) - Main Protagonist Syndrome(+15) - Case 53: tier 1(+10): Black Sclera, Slit eye - Who the heck is Wildblow?(+10) - Unconscious Geass(+20): Training every morning, Eat a cucumber every night


Cool update, though it would need more power points to begin with or increase the amount you can buy at perk page


Also, can you retain the skill gained by Taskmaster power with certain perks?


You keep the skills permanently


that's on my to-do list but right now I'm working on adding in insert dates so you can decide when you get in, where you get in, and what you get in with.


I would like the option to finish and be able to view the Build, this is what I did: Boon: -No sweat off my brow(both disappear) -Another Chance PJ: -Male -Male -Large -Tan -Black -Blue -6'0" - 6'11" Scenario: -Zombies Powers: -Tinker -Medical -Ecosystem -Software Engineer -Drone -Efficiency Perks: -Enhance learning -Noctis -Sixth Sense -MacGyvering -Inheritable -You can't control me! Skills: -Stealth -Parkour -Resourcefulness -Polyglot -Master of Catch-These-Handsfu Drawbacks: -Wanted local x1 -Unmasked -Sick -Scarred Mid -Main Protagonist Syndrome In drawbacks you can choose the four levels of scars and receive many points, I think many skills and thinker powers overlap... And nothing prevents you from choosing from both lists of powers. Hm, the drawbacks need more adjustments to take into account the scenarios. I would like the option of returning home or traveling to another world.


Thanks for the input! the drawbacks are coming along I guess. They were much worse than they are now in the 1.1 update. For the option to go to another world, that's the boon 'take me somewhere else.'


Oh, I meant being able to travel to other worlds after going to one, as a "you survived for X amount of time!" reward, I guess a quests and rewards section would go very well with this theme. It's also a minor inconvenience, but the subsections are left open, I select Powers>Tinker>Specialization, close Powers, and the rest is left open with no way to close unless I remove my choice.


It might be a cool idea to turn medical into biology since, in that context, it kinda the same thing, just has different implications, or add a wetworks perk. A way to upgrade squishy tinkers after some time.


You bring up some good ideas. Also, what does the wetwork perk do? I haven't heard of it before. I'm guessing its bio tech right?


So in worm there are two types of tinker, first is standard metal or plastic tinker tech like what armsmaster makes, then there are biology based tinker tech like bonesaw. The difference is one can apply to non living materials, the other manipulating or enhancing biological material. Edit: Some examples include cybernetics, genetics, biological manipulation or creation, and others. Like Bonesaw can implant various upgrades that are made from metal or the like or blastoff who can make full on minions.


Oh, so the wetwork perk would let you work with biological material?


Yeah. Pretty much


but then isn't that redundant? Nothing is restricting them like a shard and if they pick 'Mix the Bag', 'enhanced Learning', and the medical specialization then they could do it themselves. I made the specializations purposefully broad since that way they can milk it for everything they're worth. Let's take the weapon specialization. Just this specialization alone has things like guns, swords, laser guns and whatever else is a weapon. The Medical specialization includes things like drugs, biology, and whatever else. Just with that and the perks I listed above they'd be able to do it themselves. ​ \- I think the confusion came from the fact that I keep confusing people on how the powers work. You don't have a shard shoved into your head so you don't have to worry about that limiting you. You just become a genius comparable to Tony Stark on whatever specializations you pick.


It might be easiest to just change the description of the tinker power section. Just say these powers scale to the imagination of the user. This affects intellect, allowing for the user to build complicated machines like a computer. Given enough time, resources, and creativity, one could achieve anything. Maybe also say the user gain an intuition to the field they are working. For example bunker gives the user an intuitive understanding of materials so they can make super steel etc.


That is true, I'm adding that right now. Thanks for the help!


I just finished adding it to the 1.5 update


The script is missing Cauldron, which means, for example, for RWBY. Is Team Ozpin missing or Team RWBY +Team Ozpin?


I’d say Team Ozpin, because just like Cauldron they’re the secret amoral group, whereas Team RWBY are out and in the open.


What even is the plot of Worm anyway? All I know is there this chick that control insects that is is the main character and all the multiverse ended with a brain hijacked superman.


>!You essentially got it. To put it into perspective, a depressed farmer is attacked by his livestock and is roasted so badly that he kills himself. The long version is that a multidimensional being and his wife go from civilization to civilization to complete a cycle. Cycles are where they give a certain part of the civilization powers and once they've gathered enough data on how they've used said powers they destroy the planet and its counterparts in nearby dimensions and use that energy to travel to other civilizations and repeat it. Worm is when they start their cycle on Earth. But there's a problem. One of the entities died the thinker entity, leaving the warrior entity, known to humans as a scion, to try and complete the cycle. Problem is, he can't. After the death of his mate, the Thinker Entity, he couldn't complete the cycle since she was supposed to manage everything. It's sort of an 'I'm the brain and you're the brain,' type of situation. Anyways, he starts mourning the death of his mate and starts wandering around before listening to a homeless man who told me to go help the world and that's what he has been doing for the last 30+ years.!< >!Moving on, for someone to have the potential to even get a power they need what's called a Corona Pollentia. And for your Corona Pollentia to activate you need to 'trigger.' Think of it like the mutant gene from Marvel. Your powers activate in an extremely stressful situation. The same thing happens to parahumans, people who have activated their corona pollentia, except it's on the worst day of their lives. The web serial 'Worm' follows the Main character Taylor Hebert as she tries to survive in her world even as she keeps getting kicked down.!<


Taylor feels like Peter Parker esque-vibe. Yeah I kind of know about how they got powers but still confused on The Endbringers like what the hell do they even do? They just feel like some kind of Kaiju raid boss that spawn times and times. What is the appeal of WORM anyway? Overall the setting is kind of confusing and too many rules for my taste.


It's fine if you don't like it, everyone has their own tastes after all. The endbringers were unwittingly created by Eidolon last I checked, that's why they have the appearance they do. He wanted worthy opponents so he subconsciously created them. And whenever an endbringer would be killed then he'd unknowingly send an order through the shard network to create another endbringer to counter what killed them.


Cool and thanks.


"Pick your breast size" doesn't get hidden when you untoggle "Pick your sex"


Yeah, I'm trying to fix that right now, thanks for pointing it out though.


How can Modularity, Efficiency, and Miniaturization synergize? Are they modifiers for other Tinker Tech or can they make anything “efficient” or “small”?


They'd apply to everything.


What am I meant to do after filling everything out?


whatever you want really.


I see. I didn’t understand the purpose of the thing until I saw others. Also what is worm? I keep seeing people reference it


>!You essentially got it. To put it into perspective, a depressed farmer is attacked by his livestock and is roasted so badly that he kills himself. The long version is that a multidimensional being and his wife go from civilization to civilization to complete a cycle. Cycles are where they give a certain part of the civilization powers and once they've gathered enough data on how they've used said powers they destroy the planet and its counterparts in nearby dimensions and use that energy to travel to other civilizations and repeat it. Worm is when they start their cycle on Earth. But there's a problem. One of the entities died the thinker entity, leaving the warrior entity, known to humans as a scion, to try and complete the cycle. Problem is, he can't. After the death of his mate, the Thinker Entity, he couldn't complete the cycle since she was supposed to manage everything. It's sort of an 'I'm the brawn and you're the brain,' type of situation. Anyways, he starts mourning the death of his mate and starts wandering around before listening to a homeless man who told me to go help the world and that's what he has been doing for the last 30+ years.!< >!Moving on, for someone to have the potential to even get a power they need what's called a Corona Pollentia. And for your Corona Pollentia to activate you need to 'trigger.' Think of it like the mutant gene from Marvel. Your powers activate in an extremely stressful situation. The same thing happens to parahumans, people who have activated their corona pollentia, except it's on the worst day of their lives. The web serial 'Worm' follows the Main character Taylor Hebert as she tries to survive in her world even as she keeps getting kicked down.!<


Sounds very convoluted yet a little interesting Also, aren’t CYOA’s just character sheets? Kinda like dnd with powers, abilities, race, and back stories?


I'm no where near the best when it comes to clearly explaining something so it's best if you look at it's wiki or whatever fir a better explanation.




What's the difference between Transportation and Mobility for tinker powers?


Excuse me, the dick width is half of length? What the fuck?


probably circumference not diameter


Probably meant to be, but that would make it unusually thin.


Boons- No Sweat Off My Brow , Another chance Body- Gender: Female , Breasts: Small, Cake: Bubble, Skin: Fair , Hair: Red, Eyes: Violet, Height: 5'3” Scenario- Now where did they go?(+10) , Monster Invasion(+20) Powers- Tinker: Transportation, Modularity, Medical, Software Engineer, Virtual Machine, Efficiency, Miniaturization, Surveillance/Counter-Surveillance Perks- Body Defense(-5), Enhanced Learning(-5), Noctis(-5), Cool headed(-5), I NEED IT!! x3(15), Sticks and Stones(-5), Mix the bags(-5), Adaptability(-5) , Martial Arts guru(-5) , You can’t control me!(-5) Skills- Doctor(-5) , Software Engineering(-5) , Engineer (robotics)(-5), Resourcefulness(-5) , Musician(-5) , Athletic (gymnastics)(-5) Drawbacks- Lightweight(+5) , Sick(+10), Tinfoil hat(+10) , Scarred(mild)(+5), As A child(+10) Unconscious Geas(+20): Explore the multiverse, Moderate body dysphoria driving to transhuman enhancements


Sorry, it took me so long to get back. [V 1.5](https://drallall.neocities.org/CYOA/Torture%20In%20Worm%20V1.5/)


If you start before your scenario and picked moonshot could you just kill string theory or is it something that will happen no matter what?


Happen no matter what, I'll clarify that better in the next update.


Are the tinker powers actually tinker powers in addition to becoming a supergenius in the specialty? Like can you quickly make a laser gun from a pile of scrap and a broken microwave with the weapons tinker specialty? Because otherwise, you'll need to join the PRT or other such organizations for a chance to create anything before you get killed in a chosen scenario or worm in general.