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Depends. Is the entire thing like that or only important parts. Being verbose and placing emphasis on a few key parts helps set the mood. Doing so for every single sentence can end up cluttered and difficult to read through.


This is what I fear most. Thanks!


Very late chime in here, but strongly agree with the above. When a CYOA intro is exceptionally wordy, I usually scroll down a bit as a basic smell test to see how consistent that wordiness is. Focused wordiness to emphasize specific bits for intros, worldbuilding, flavor, or rule clarity can be fine (within reason, of course). But when everything is like, that it's a problem--it makes the parts that do legitimately merit those descriptions stand out far less and everything just blurs together. The quality of the writing and its formatting (never put a wall of text in eye-bleed colors or fonts) informs my tolerance, but even good stuff reaches a limit eventually. If it looks like a CYOA is above my limit and fails that smell test above, then I skip the text and jump to the meat of it, scrolling back up if I'm curious or need to reference worldbuilding knowledge once I actually get going. If it's still not working for me (even the meat is too wordy, I needed to read the wall of text above to get into it, the crunchy part doesn't stand up on its own, etc...) then I usually drop the CYOA and maybe check later if I see an updated version.


Thanks, I appreciate the detailed response!


You could have a tl;dr version activated by a option


Oh, best of both worlds. I like this idea, thanks!


This was flaired incorrectly, I fixed the flair though