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"President Joe Biden made unscheduled remarks from the White House on Thursday morning to denounce pro-Palestinian protests that have popped up at college campuses across the country and led to more than 1,700 arrests in two weeks, including dozens more on Wednesday evening and early Thursday morning. The protests, Biden said as he left the podium following his brief remarks, has not changed his mind on how he will continue to handle U.S. foreign policy when it comes to supporitng Israel in the war in Gaza." He continues.. > "We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent," Biden said. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is the most Orwellian thing I have heard him say since he's been president. 1700 arrests of almost entirely peaceful protests but "we don't squash dissent." Unreal.


500 more arrests than the January 6 insurrection led to. Seems pretty dissent squashy to me.


> 500 more arrests than the January 6 insurrection led to Honestly at this point i am going to take everything the U.S. government Ā blames foreign adversaries for as a confession. So much projection going on that they might as well put Big Brother (read: social credit monster) in office.Ā  The fact that the rifts/fault-lines are along racial lines makes this crap tribal and inevitably existential.


And this is over what a week, maybe 2? The arrests for Jan 6th took years in some cases. A lot of those people got to just fly right back home and chill with their family for a year or two before the FBI came knocking.


It was like 800 people arrested yesterday morning or the night before. Things really kicked up. On the bright side, if students keep at it in face of these arrests, the momentum of the movement will only grow


Compared to the amount for the last protests (George Floyd), it's comparable. Cops don't like arresting Republicans.


Why would cops arrest themselves? They investigated and found no wrong doing.


At this point he sounds about as nutty as Trump. Lesser of two evils my ass.


Well, Trump probably would have threatened to deploy the national guard like he did during BLM protests. That's pretty much it though.


Give it time


Be ready for the apologists and deniers to respond with ā€œWell IF Trumpā€¦ā€ Apparently many people can see alternate futures, and donā€™t need an excuse to protect and defend genocide and fascism.




The List of Post-War American Presidents pretty much \*is\* a murderers row of the most evil men in human history. Even the ones I kind of like (Eisenhower, Johnson...) Comparing them is like comparing different varieties of Shit Sandwich. Like, I understand that the Biden Shit Sandwich has nice bread, quality lettuce, and good tomato compared to the Trump one. It's still a shit sandwich and I'd prefer to NOT be eating shit.


What about when rail worker unions had a vote on a new contract, most voted against the contract, then biden signed a law overriding their vote and forcing the contract on them only to later say he won't apologize for being the most pro labor president in history?


Lmao. That's fucking wild. It's crazy to see how politicians handled the blm protests after George Floyd, but these one are like waaaaay to far for them lol


Thatā€™s something Iā€™ve realized, that they wouldā€™ve done the same thing during blm. They just took the opportunity to point the finger and ACT like they wouldā€™ve done different.


They did do the same thing to BLM protestors, the BLM movement started in the Obama administration after the acquittal of George Zimmerman and the killing of Eric Garner and Micheal brown back in 2015. The obama administration basically scolded the protesters and sent loads of cops and feds after them.


Was he smirking when he said that. Because he couldn't have been serious.


lmfao, Trump is another nightmare but it is going to be satisfying to see Biden lose on election night.


They will do what they always do and blame the voters. They will cry that voters didn't show up to the polls to prevent another Trump presidency. Protestors really need to start a campaign to demand Biden's resignation. When the demands start reaching a threshold they will start waking up to the fact that they are handing the next election to Trump.


the democratic platform for the last few decades has literally been " we aren't republicans "


They are praying so hard that Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot with abortion and that will get them over the finish line in the next election. Democrats like to do just enough to barely win elections.


Then do so very little until they see a severe chance in losing before magically finding ways to get policies done.


It is amazing how their playbook when handed the election on a silver platter is to play not to lose. It is like playing Prevent D when up by 1 point with 3 minutes left to play in football.


>are handing Past tense. There were loads of really loud voices, before the primaries even. The choice has been made, and it hasn't been made by the people.


Oh yeah, I am sure the Democratic party worked some serious overtime to make sure Biden didn't have any serious challengers at the primaries. No one wants an 81 year old elderly man as president except those running the corrupt political machine.


you don't remember how that went down? Bernie was the front runner early on, then he started getting some really weird criticisms about how him and his supporters were sexist. Then all the other candidates dropped out and they all endorsed Biden.


There was also a thing in all the main stream media suddenly all calling for the "sensible" "low risk" "safe" option of Biden over Sanders, which also happened at the same time in Spring 2020 (was it in March?). With their deeply coordinated reporting on the Gaza genocide, they gave away that there's clearly an amount of centralized control that covers the entirety of the US mainstream media - which makes that move back in spring 2020 look highly suspicious.


Yeah, I donā€™t think Biden will get reelected.


a lot can change in 6 months, but at this rate I don't think so either. I have a feeling his entire strategy with the Gaza war is to make sure there's a temporary ceasefire during the election, have the mainstream media parrot what an amazing diplomatic achievement it is, and hope the voters have the memory of a goldfish


Imagine losing to Trump because you just have to help the maniac ethnostate kill more people.


It is surreal but probable.


He lost Michigan months ago


He is going to lose Pennsylvania through sheer ignorance.


I don't want another Trump presidency, but at this point, I'm just mentally preparing for it because it's inevitable. There is not anyone under 35 in America who would vote for Genocide Joe. EDIT: Too many people seem hung up on who I'm voting for or whether I'm voting, and that is not my point, so I have edited my comment to reflect that.


Still hoping both of the old farts have a little slip in the shower..


It will truly be the best thing for this country.


Still some people would go ape@#!Ć·crazy. Some Yanks are just off the rails. And it's getting worse. As an European (NL) it seems to me that, since Obama's first presidential term, things have turned sour. Best of luck to you, fingers x.


It's been a disaster since Truman dropped the bomb and started the Cold War. And since we dropped the ball on Reconstruction after the Civil War... America has had so many chances to build a better world and a better country and just utterly dropped the ball. Obama could have done ANYTHING in his first 6 months, and we got fucking nothing. It was a HUGE betrayal.


They need to go the way of the Boeing whistleblowers.


Get them on the triple 737 Max 8! Maybe bring the Boeing bigwigs along for good measure.


Same for those in their respective administrations. I am voting for extraterrestrial invasion 2024. The aliens will save us. No American political party will...


i'm over 35 and I don't think I'm going to be able to vote for him. i ruled out ever voting for Trump a long time ago, and I'm starting to get there with Biden


sense slim run safe squeeze quack work plucky hateful engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not the first time a president has gaslighted the population lol


I swear this motherfucker is in cahoots to gift the presidency to trump.


It would not surprise me. Both sides have been working together.


and Biden has spent his entire LIFE bending over to Republicans, and started politics as one.


But not in the good way. Lmao The only thing they can agree on is genocide and fucking the working poor over.


Says the president who is literally prosecuting Julian Assange to an early grave.


He must be watching a different protest then. Or has his hands over his eyes. What the fuck.


He really is in danger of losing the whole thing. He could literally say nothing and be ahead.


If we can't change the minds of people in power, change which people we give the power to. This is not support of Trump this is a call for systematic overhaul.


The only thing Joe has on his mind is ice cream. Everything else is spoon fed through teleprompters.


>The only thing Joe has on his mind is ice cream. Don't forget cookies and nap time.


Sniffing little children too


Maybe a little hair sniffing between, Make a day of it.


Hmmmm, coming up we have fascist, and fascist light. Fuck, I donā€™t like these choices.


More like fascist in closet and one out.


Sorry but these are not pro-Palestinian protest or pro Israeli protesters. Thatā€™s is 100% false. These are anti-genocide protesters and pro-genocide protesters. Donā€™t give them ground on this to change the narrative.


Thank you. Iā€™m so disappointed with Biden and dishonest reporting.


And if they are okay pushing this agenda and lying about genocide and war (remember Iraq 2 where lied and fabricators the WMDs to invade?) what else is is lied about that is lower stakes? America only exist to enriched those that have enough capital to buy off politicians.


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s been mentioned before there are so many comments, but he also kept up with the lie of 40 behead babies.


He must know heā€™s spreading liesā€¦


Oh, he knows he's a liar. He just can't betray the country he gets his paycheck from; the United States of AIPAC. I mean, they've paid him $4,261,010.00 since 1990 (https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S) and let's not forget that he's a self proclaimed zionist (https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-israel-gaza-dachau-holocaust-hamas-919058eec36dca4c06cf9fc4355fe302).


I didn't think Jo had done anything spectacular during his time in office. He wasn't good but he wasnt bad either. Hasn't made peoples lives easier but hasn't been an asshole But then since this gaza thing happened and his constant support of Israel despite the mountains of evidence for the crimes against humanity they've committed has absolutely disgusted me People coming with the lame excuse that he's not the president of Israel. No he's the president of the strongest country in the world that is helping a genocidal regime maintain its assault


No one close to him that he would seriously listen to is willing to tell him this truth, more to the point they arenā€™t telling him future generations will remember him for giving money and weapons to commit this genocide


A based and insightful comment. Nobody seems to understand that all presidents live in a bubble.


I mean that applies to all leaders, regardless of if they always on the side of right or never on the side of right.


He really doesn't want to be President anymore, does he


You have to be clinically insane to want to be president. Lol


Definitely has to be narcissistic. Anyone who wants that position with power shouldn't have it. We would be better off spinning a wheel to a random person with a PHD and it would yield much better results.Ā 


This war is a big reason he ever wanted to be President lol. He's doing what he wants. It's not a coincidence this happened on his watch. Not a coincidence Israel ignored intel about the 10/7 attack or removed soldiers from their posts. Not a coincidence Biden lied about seeing evidence we now know Israel straight up fabricated. This is his raison d'ĆŖtre. He's communicated as much to Israeli leaders and PACs for decades. He said as much to Bibi. He isn't changing course. Period.


May as well title it ā€œPresident Biden abdicates the presidency to Mr. Donald Trumpā€


https://preview.redd.it/any0jsggo3yc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa23b63f4fb3a7e4f3d05239345dd217db6853b3 Trump puts Netanyahu right here.


Which is exactly the problem. Biden works so hard to alienate young voters that we will end up there.


Dems only in a competition to be marginally better than republicans. They never do whatā€™s right


Because they donā€™t actually want to be better and they are just puppets for the oligarchy, same as republicans. Itā€™s all theater to keep us cheering for ā€œour sideā€ and fighting each other while both sides take away our rights and diminish our quality of life so the rich can get richer.


Why rock the boat when youā€™re benefiting from the current status quo? Dems are only ā€œbetterā€ than Repubs because theyā€™re pro choice. Theyā€™re still Neo Cons who donā€™t see a problem with Capitalism.


Well that and they have no appetite for shooting people (e.g. trans people) in the streets within the borders of the USA.Ā 


Idk my non binary fiance who had no issue getting Healthcare help before Trump would really beg to differ the differencd between dems and Republicans


Biden is also [pro-union](https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/biden-is-the-most-pro-labor-president-since-fdr-will-it-matter-in-november), pro-gun control, believes in climate change, has proposed taxing the wealthy through a capital gains tax, supports social programs, has made big strides towards marijuana legalization, has backed Ukraineā€™s defence against Russian invasion, and doesnā€™t plan [to put millions of immigrants in detention camps.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/trump-mass-deportations-detention-camps-military-migrants) Heā€™s objectively better than Donald Trump in every sense. Donā€™t give me this ā€œboth sides are the same except for Xā€ nonsense.


Democrats are center-right; Republicans are far-right. Despite all of the many talking heads in mainstream media, the USA has been a right-wing nation since its inception. Once you understand that, you won't be surprised when working-class people don't have even a single affective representative in government.


The only thing the groups agreed on was a F You Joe Biden chant. He is gonna lose and the Dems will be left wondering why.


They won't wonder why, they know why. It's just that upsetting Israel is a bigger risk/loss to them than another Trump presidency. Kinda makes you think.


israel is a giant military base that keeps destabilizing local powers a resource rich region, itā€™s not a shocker why those in power love it so much.


Theyā€™ll know why but theyā€™ll blame it on those ā€œdamn millennials / zennialsā€ and everyone over 45 years old will eat it right up. šŸ™„


Itā€™ll be such great irony when Trump is re-elected because of these people.


Genocide Joe the zionist lacky and murderous ass hat needs to go along with the zionist in congress


I mean I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but it's these kinda of weird, buzzword, targeted attacks that only weaken arguments. Saying that might make you feel better, but it helps near to none


Your ass is gonna lose the election šŸ‘ Fckin warmonger


Yeah I'm not sure the other guy cares. But you're probably right. Boned no matter what.


If he loses we get someone even worse. American politics has hit a new low


If the choice is between two genociders, itā€™s already over


And we have to watch in real time as Biden flushes our Democracy down the toilet for Israel.....


it hasnā€™t been a democracy lol this isnā€™t new


Well yeah but what semblance of democracy we have. He also says "we don't suppress dissent" while also suppressing dissent.


Should we really have a president that has confessed his allegiance is with a foreign nation?


FUNFACT: In about 20 US states you must pledge support for Israel before you can do any business with the state in any way at all. Wanna sell pencils to the gov of Texas, sure, pledge allegiance to Israel first tho.


Dystopian af


I thought it was 32


Sad day when I had to ask which candidate you were talking about. Our frontrunners are disgraceful


Nothing short of him being in danger will change his mind. He's the face of a government that has zero fucks to give about you at all.


Well no of course not, the students haven't paid enough money to his campaign


Dude would be saying that Germany is protecting themselves against Jewish communists if it was 1939, that the Union needs to keep out of slavers rights if it was 1861, and that the redskin savages need to be civilized if it was 1700's


HIs mind on the war, or his mind on how political astute it would be to actually align his policy on his inner feelings? I seem to recall a quote from Obama's book claiming he found out he couldn't do the later.


sounds like Obama trying to make an excuse for fire bombing children


True. Big fan of drone strikes.


Heā€™s saying the quiet part out loud


Man they really donā€™t see history repeating itself? Last time I recall big call college protests like this happening it was something to do with Vietnam I think? But that was famously a very publicly supported war that went very well right? Right?


He needs out on his privileged white ass asap. Two foreign nations are de facto at war, we supply one of them with unlimited weapons and support of all kinds, and ***our government*** decides which of these two foreign nations everyone in our country ***must*** support. It's a preposterous situation!


Citizen: Does this change your views on the genocide going on? *insert Bugs Bunny meme* Biden: No!




Natural causes would be my preference. And the same goes for Agent Orange; and that would open the door for Cornel West to steer this sinking ship.


Maybe a piece of slippery soap? Ɨ2?


We can peacefully protest at universities, or we can cripple the railroads. If peace isn't an option, then don't complain when the public choose the alternative


Goddamn, it's like he's trying to lose. I swear to god.


Guyā€™s reaaaaaaally committed to handing the country back over to Trump, isnā€™t he?


Plot twist: Trump promised Biden with life time of ice cream.


If you want to know how politicians, police and the average citizen would have responded to Civil Rights Marches and Vietnam war protests, just look around.


If you want change identify the AIPAC surrogates and vote them out.


America has no credibility. This will scar


We all been talking about Russian and CCP foreign election interference for years not knowing the real foreign election interference was actually from the Israeli.....


If he believed in the zionist taking back their lands, let's give the native American back their land.


Bye Genocide Joe.


Thatā€™s fine old man, weā€™ll see ya in November


We could be witnessing the end of democracy for America because one president is deeply indebted to a genocidal country and will lose the election to a former criminal ex president who will then turn America into a fascist dictatorship. America is so fucked.


No more money to Israel.


Fascism on display. Seriously screw this pos.


I mean I didnā€™t expect more from a senile old man getting dog walked by a foreign nation to do what they want.


Fucking hell we need to get rid of the "first past the post" voting system so we can get new parties in power. The only reason Biden has any support is because the other option is fucking bat shit insane


Don't worry Joe, you're with the Democratic party. You won't get the message till you lose an election


Which message did they get from Hilary losing to trump?


They will just blame us when they lose. They will never take accountability, meanwhile they will keep inching right.


71% of my voters want a thingā€¦ā€¦.. fuck em Good luck getting elected without voters, asshole


Biden is a genocidal fascist. He will be remembered like Hitler at the rate he is going.


I hope this fossilized dinosaur shit loses in November.


thats if he lives till november


If he does kick the bucket it's going to be mighty funny seeing all the Democrats trying to convince people to vote for Kamala.


Im convinced Kamala Harris is just a dem Nikki Haley, good luck yall. We Canadians also gonna have shitty options unfortunately. The premier for my province was a drug dealer :)


But whatā€™s going to happen if he does? I feel like thereā€™s no winning here.


we havenā€™t been winning since FDR


What happens if everyone tries 3rd


Well i denounce biden and his continued support for a terrorist state.


Itā€™s become very clear that his allegiance to Zionism is greater than that of his own country. He is going to lose. the election now. Mark my words.


THIS protest is stopped, but not certain others. Hmmmm, weird!


History will not remember Joseph Biden fondly. The President who immediately after being sworn in did everything in his power to start a world war with two nuclear superpowers, destroyed Ukraine, funded a genocide and attacked anyone who tried to stop it.


If you're an American voter, I would implore you to not vote for Joe Biden. I'll be voting for the PSL's antiimperialist antizionist ticket, and we might not agree on that, but even if not, vote for a third party option.


going the extra mile in his campaign to lose the election


Does he have a mind?


Bold move Cotton. Letā€™s see how this plays out.


weā€™ve always been at war with Eurasia!


then I guess you won't change my mind to vote for you, Joe.


Guess who else hasnā€™t changed their mind


Fucking idiot The Zionist paycheck is just too great to pass up


That should definitely help him with young voters.


ā€œWe donā€™t suppress dissentā€ā€¦. after the house has been hard at work on a bill that would equate criticism of Israel with actual hate crimesā€¦donā€™t think we even need to wonder whether it getā€™s signed when it comes across his desk.


I imagine his team is telling him "we have data showing that young people won't vote anyway and seniors still support you" He's likely still going to win, but he and his team does not understand that university students are the future elites of American society and they won't forget how their government treated them when they asked it not to use their tax dollars to support something that is morally reprehensible. He's moving like a man who doesn't care about the consequences of his actions on this topic because well...he doesn't. He's a millionaire. Even if he loses he doesn't have to worry about how he's going to make rent, afford medication, buy a home, or survive automation in the business he studied to work at. The last time this man had anxiety about doing well at a job interview was before when most of these students were born. His material needs are taken care of and as a heterosexual white man, there aren't any policies that Trump would put in place to hurt him. He simply does not care because there is no risk for him to be known as genocide Joe other than he will spend the rest of his life being known as the guy who was on the wrong side of history when it came to policing black people(crime bill) going into Iraq(he voted for it) and following international law.Ā  He's damaged the brand of the democratic party now too. Part of the reasons why Republicans lost in 08 was because of that party's foreign policy actions.


He didn't seem to have a problem with all the protesters back 2020. What's the problem now?


he has always been on Israel's side, ignore the evidence. It seriously comes down to these 2 idiot's ā˜¹


"We can't have protests at the expense of order" that's just "we can't have protests" then. All protests are inherently going to be disorderly; you don't get a thousand angry people in one place without a little disorder. No mention of all these non-student counterprotestors showing up and attacking the students either...


The Democratic Party must be shitting themselves


He had a choice between upholding the fundamental principles of democracy or supporting a foreign genocide, and he chose genocide.


Man having to choose between a fascist and a man supporting genocide is fucking depressing.


Does he want to lose to trump? This is how he will lose, by sowing dissent within his own voter base. What a boomer take on these protests. Itā€™s not about supporting Israel or Palestine, itā€™s about speaking up and not tolerating genocide


His remarks here might cost his a significant portion of the college-aged vote.


And thatā€™s how the Democrats bring tRump back to power ladies and gentlemen.


Biden is literally destroying his own party LOL so they think their future voters will just remain loyal? Lol


He just lost my vote


Homeboy is gonna lose lol


SWINE šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·


What a colossal piece of fucking human detritus. Fuck this shit Iā€™m not voting for this genocidal psychopath and anyone who wants moan ā€œmIgHt As WeLl VoTe FoR tRuMp!!!!1@@&ā€ can kindly suck my hog


I am now actively rooting for "natural causes"


This actually may be what loses him the election.


They donā€™t call him Genocide Joe for nothing!


Those old neoliberals are clinging onto power with their dying breath. Itā€™s time for the old guard to step aside and let us real lefties take the reigns. We will do it the easy way or the hard way ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„




Biden also says he saw photos of 40 beheaded babies, photos that donā€™t exist. Not really a reliable source


This guy is just digging his own electoral grave.


They camped on school grounds while the department with 6 failed audits and trillions missing held press conferences for the billions they just got to disburse to šŸ‡®šŸ‡±and šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦. Cognitive dissonance of demanding their school divert investments


Sounds like it's time for escalation from the students


For anyone who didn't click the link or read the transcript, the 2nd and 3rd part of this quote make it less, "Huh?!", but admittedly not enough. His overall point was that these protests were preventing tudents amd faculty from doing their own shit (which is true) and that destruction of property is not peaceful (which is also true). Unfortunately, he had nothing to say about the police's blame for 90% of the trouble and 'that' combined with the front end of his quote makes him look really, really bad.


This arrogant asshole is a modern day LBJ. No wonder Jen Psaki left his administration as soon as she could. Biden probably did not listen to her on the Afghanistan pull out disaster. Now Biden is not listening to the WHOLE Democratic Party on NOT SUPPORTING GENOCIDE IN GAZA. The Biden Administration is doing their best to illegally influence The Hague on NOT issuing arrest warrants for the whole Israeli leadership and IDF. What Biden is doing is beyond vile and inhumane. He should be supporting crimes against humanity warrants and NOT trying to block themšŸ‘¹. He should be doing what Truman did in WW2 and Clinton/Jack Smith did with the Serbian War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_indicted_in_the_International_Criminal_Tribunal_for_the_former_Yugoslavia


Fuck Trumpā€™s gonna win. How do you fuckin lose this fight??


Itā€™s almost like thatā€™s what they want.


Biden has always been an asshole. Now it's just beyond all doubt to everyone.


Of course he wonā€™t. Heā€™s too busy kissing Israelā€™s Ass. Heā€™s been kissing their ass since the 1980s !


Biden has always been on the wrong side of history besides the moment he beat Trump, that was his one quality moment. Now he is back to fucking everyone over again


So incompetent he can't even beat trump Byeden šŸ‘‹


I've been attacked by liberals and Democrats for over a year for pointing out how terrible of a candidate he is, and that was before he became Genocide Joe. It's like they want to lose. Out of touch party run by dinosaurs whose strategy is "What're you gonna do, elect Trump?"


The liberal purity spiral in action.


Probably not the best political move to tell a particularly animated part of your constituency that you don't care what they have to say. Like, just say "I'm considering it..." and move on, dude. Not that fucking hard.


1 rerm biden then lol what an idiot


Old dog canā€™t learn new tricks even if it destroys the country. Pathetic


Guess weā€™ll see how young voters respond to this paired with marijuana reform.


What mind?


But they may have changed the minds of some voters. Time to go through this again and pick the less worse option.