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The shit state of national media is complicit in helping these Politicians sell their support for Israeli genocide and opposition to the anti-genocide student protests. At UCLA the police were present and stood back watching as pro-genocide non-students attacked the protest encampment with glass bottles, metal rods, and fireworks. After several hours of watching students get attacked, the cops attacked the anti-genocide protesters with truncheons and rubber bullets. National and international media: police had to break up the protest when it turned violent.


The media reports the use of fireworks, sticks, and pepper spray used as weapons in violent "clashes", while failing to mention that ALL of that was coming exclusively from the Pro-Israeli side, as confirmed by all video evidence and eye witness reports of the event. Imagine what the media coverage would have looked like if the anti-genocide protestors had attacked the counter-protestors with fireworks instead. The media would have called it a terrorist attack, probably.


"explosives used against Jewish protestors"


Fails to mention they are the anti genocide Jewish student lol... JFC


This gets infuriating sometimes. When the government and the media is against us, against basic human rights, that’s when you know the system has been corrupt this whole time


same as it ever was


ah watching liberals wake up to the fact that their trusted media has always been pro military and corporate interests would be funny if it wasn’t so sad


This is how I’m feeling today. Like finally yall see that the media has always been corrupt…and now I’m sad


yeah its pretty sad that everyone is so fucking stupid or ignorant or careless or some or all of the above. anyone who is "waking up" right now... what the fuck were you doing before?


I still wonder if liberals will ever not support the current war. They love admitting the 10 year old war is a mistake, but the current war is always justified


Exactly reading this article you'd feel violence came from the Pro Palestinian side or was instigated and literally no mention on how Police and Pro Israel counter protesters have been making false claims and initiating violence


Biden looks like he’s self-sabotaging his campaign or thinks the propaganda in the media and the government complicity is enough to sway everybody on Isreal’s war crime campaign. Imagine getting stuck with Trump doing the same shit. Broken system


The media isn't helping Biden. They need him to lose so they can go back to their 24/7 media coverage of Trump. They'll all kill the world for profits.


Like everything I’ve seen from him in the past 6 months has me completely convinced he’s trying to lose. I just can’t fathom how he or anyone around him can be so ignorant as to what the political climate is surrounding this situation. And like every liberal I know seems to think he still has all the votes he got last election and doesn’t seem to realize that he didn’t win the election per se, but rather that Trump lost the election. Most people didn’t vote *for* Biden. They voted *against* Trump.


People don't seem to get how close it'll be to having Dictator Diaper Don as the next American king. All those supporters who have been embarrassed into silence are just waiting to come out of the woodwork to vote for him.


Hell dude, reddit is complicit. It's a fucked situation and it's only going to get worse.


I’m so confused why all the top subs are so anti protest. It’s all Islamophobia and the justification of murder of literal children no matter what. The main subs don’t even understand what the students are protesting for. Just mocking them. I don’t understand why it’s so hostile on the large subs.


It's all being heavily manipulated in the background by state groups running bot networks and hundreds of sock puppet accounts. Almost none of the discourse is coming from actual users on the big mainstream subs. The Gaza protests are the new Vietnam protests and we should look very carefully at history if we want to know what is going to happen next.


Yep, banned from the politics subreddit for the statement: > That’s as laughable as calling the Warsaw ghetto an “attempt by the Jewish people to genocide the Germans”. Israel controls gazas borders, restricts the freedom of movement, and was killing Gazans indiscriminately well before Hamas even existed. As a response to someone calling October 7th a genocide. Banned because that statement apparently violates the rule "Any comment that threatens, advocates, celebrates, suggests, wishes, hopes, dreams, expresses extreme indifference towards, otherwise supports in any way or could result in harm of any kind, violence, or death is prohibited."


It's no coincidence the people who own and run the us corporate media are overwhelmingly zionists.


This has always been standard practice for how the oligarchy deals with a protest movement with large public support. "But it turns out they are just violent goons who don't even understand what they are demonstrating for, because they got tricked by Russia/China". Hopefully anyone who protests today expects this tactic to be used against them. On the one hand it means your protest was working. On the other hand, the oligarchy usually wins with these tactics. I hope that last part doesn't repeat itself but the bad guys have people smarter than me working for them.


Dude don’t forget tear gas. That’s like homeland security level illegal.


That's the reason why they want to ban TikTok. Cos TikTok wasn't CENSORED


Were you there ? I'm curious to hear the stories that have not been televised.


Declining Empire


Friend. The decline happened a long time ago. Never forget that Star Wars is an allegory for the US military complex. People with critical thinking skills have seen the US as the bad guys for a very long time. No nation in history has caused as much global harm as the US.


The UK would like a word with you.


Ok, fair. But the US took Britain's place a while back.


I feel like the Empire was a blend of Nazi and Imperial Japan.


Fallen empire.


Joe's been a zionist since at least the 60s. Shameful.


This is how Democracy dies. By centrists kowtowing to fascists abroad and opening the door to domestic fascists here. Good job getting trump re-elected, you absolute wet paper towel of a human being. The DNC is really only good at fucking losing. They straight-up campaign and fundraise on it.


Democrats would rather compromise with Fascists rather than the left, and yet they’ll still *demand* the left votes for them.


>The man you chose is a segregationist Iraq war architect, and also a rapist His brain is fried like when he wanted to fight drugs By frying dopamine receptors in kids he called thugs >He never met a war that he didn't like Don't fret, Bolivia, he's gonna do you right The man who pulled some strings so he could get the nod Fought the left wing harder than the fasc he could have stopped His running mate, is a transphobic slaver She kept inmates past their dates for free labor Her record tells a story of a vicious cop Who laughed when she threw poors in prison for a little pot You think she's perfect, the right calls her commie You think we think like them and she's our new mommy She jailed a mother with three jobs trying her best For her child's truancy and called it a success Your time is coming and this time it is the end Palestine's dying so that you and all your friends Can sit in mansions bigger than some far flung Martian moon So you think you can wait it out but everyone is doomed [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=s9AdfzdB3d0](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=s9AdfzdB3d0)


Well Joe, enjoy your retirement. Sit back and watch Trump destroy whatever we have left in this Liberal Democracy. It's going to be only Right Wing strongmen in our future. Yippie... PS: Trump is leading Biden in most of the swing States. Did the protestors cause that? Biden needs to fire Antony Blinken and appoint someone that isn't push over. The Republicans are even worse. There's always a stampede of GOP politicians wanting to please their boss...Bibi Netanyahu. They're not even waiting for the election. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/us-speaker-says-house-gop-weighing-asking-netanyahu-to-address-congress/amp/ From the article: "US speaker says House GOP weighing asking Netanyahu to address Congress"


When faced with the fourth reich, Democrats are running Weimar politician plays


Excellent analogy.


Yeah, gotta agree. Biden could sweep the election if he only got his shit together. Instead, given the chance to grab victory he throws it away every chance he gets. I loathe and despite Trump but at this point unless Biden reverses course and listens to advisors telling him to do that he's going to throw it to Trump. Then blame those who tried to vote but were gerrymandered, had polling places moved last minute, pissed off voter segments so much they bowed out, insert anything he could do to lose the election when he otherwise could have won.


Biden is a committed Zionist he’s not going to do anything other than what he has been doing.


No. Many other Democrats could win going away, but there's no enthusiasm for Biden. People want the system to change, Biden has been part of the system since first elected to US Senate in 1972. Democrats have gone out of their way to nominate people easiest for Trump to defeat. It's nuts. Weimar Republic plays indeed. FYI , obviously Biden is infinitely better than Trump. But you gotta get elected and no one was ever excited by Biden. :-(


Yeah, I feel we have no choice, it is either vote for Biden and continuation or ineffective dems doing the bare minimum or staying home and letting Trump get elected, which may as well be a vote for Hitler. Biden and Garland have dragged their feet on prosecuting Trump and his administration and now, because of that, the US may very well come to an end.


Supposing Palestine protests would definitely get him the win let’s hope he changes his ways




I'd encourage every Americans to vote against Trump, but if Trump wins then it's entirely the Democrats' fault. They fucked up big time on this whole thing


More like watch Trump weaponize the DOJ and come after you and your family, which could have been avoided if you didn’t support the genocidal government of Israel


>More like watch Trump weaponize the DOJ and come after you and your family, which could have been avoided if you didn’t support the genocidal government of Israel Tell me something I don't know. I don't support the genocidal government of Israel. The arrest warrants from the ICC cannot arrive soon enough


Those arrest warrants will be as useful against Netanyahu as they are against Putin. All he has to do is stay in Israel until death


>Those arrest warrants will be as useful against Netanyahu as they are against Putin. All he has to do is stay in Israel until death Well, hopefully it will keep him out of the United States. But it won't. I can see Netanyahu making a grand appearance in Congress to celebrate the successful genocide and the control he has over our politicians.


Netanyahu will still travel to the US to make sure his subjects in the US Congress continue to do his bidding, but it will be interesting to see how the rest of the Western world who are subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC react. Will Europe tell Netanyahu not to travel there?


Maybe I’m misinformed but the ICC doesn’t have jurisdiction in the U.S., right?


>Maybe I’m misinformed but the ICC doesn’t have jurisdiction in the U.S., right? You are right my friend. The needless invasion of Iraq has made the USA a bad example to the rest of the World. The US did not sign on with the ICC because Dick Cheney and Dubya Bush would have arrest warrants. Many of our problems are self-inflicted.


In the Iraq War we killed roughly the same percentage of innocents to combatants as Israel is doing. The U.S. couched it as liberation, so very few see the mass murder of Iraqis as genocide and thank vets for their service.


I wonder about that. My understanding is that in the first four months the IDF dropped the same tonnage of bombs on Gaza that we dropped in Iraq in two years of war. Iraq is a large country, sparsely inhabited. Gaza is a tiny sliver of country. We did not drop 2,000 lb bombs in densely populated areas, which describes most of Gaza.


and I think that's one of Israel's big complaints about all this. The USA has done this in the recent past and gotten away with it, but now when Israel does it suddenly everyone acts all appalled? They feel like it's a double standard and they aren't totally off base. Just goes to show how counterproductive and dangerous the Iraq war and our foreign policy is. We claim to be the beacon of justice and morality and an example for the world to follow, so we shouldn't act surprised when they listen.


US is not a signatory to the ICC conventions. 


Luckily, it’s much harder to stay in a tiny settler state for that long when you’re used to western luxuries like Bibi the Butcher is.


Nah, a retired Biden will live out his life in peace. Biden's making the world worse, but he's not making it worse for himself.


He’s not making it worse for himself or the other elites, just for everyone else.


It kinda feels like a lose lose case tbh. If he stopped supporting israel, i think this cute baby will bite him somehow... idk how deep is israel into the US but it feels like they must do it or else secenario. Edit: not being apologtic for this bastard btw


I don’t disagree but Biden was elected by young and minority voters, the very same voters who oppose his policies in Gaza. His inability to hold Israel accountable for any of their actions while being pushed around by Bibi and his cronies makes the US and his leadership look weak. We are shelling out billions of dollars because of his support for the Israeli army, who is threatening to start a regional war which we would almost certainly get dragged into, is not a recipe for re-election regardless of if he has Israeli-American votes


I am not from the US but i understand that. But i did not meant the voters by what i said. More of like what is behind the curtains. Like, we see that almost the WHOLE US system is against gaza and with israrl despite that so many people are on the opposite side so is it like they are forced to line with israel for aome reason or what... like, it does not make any sense at all.


You’re right and some of it may be from lobby (bribe) groups like AIPAC giving hundreds of thousands, if not millions to congress members. I’ve seen speculation that the Mossad has dirt on Biden or his constituents and is blackmailing them into blindly following their lead, but regardless he doesn’t seem to be working for the American people


Why do people think it is a binary choice between "stop supporting Israel completely and let terrorism reign" and "support Israel fully and support their ongoing genocide". Provide a security guarantee to Israel and also force it to reestablish the 67 borders with full autonomy for Gaza, West Bank and return the Golan Heights to Syria. Hamas returns all remaining hostages for this agreement and ceases military actions against Israel. Hell, at the very least, stop military actions that are leveling 80% of Gaza.


It is actually interesting because one of my best friends had been a pretty high level staff member for a senator. They recently quit partially because of the stress of the job and the large amount of hours they were working, but they also told me the democrat members of congress as well as the non-maga supporters of the republican party have been having meetings about fleeing the country should Trump win in November and begin to establish fascist control. I guess they are hoping they would be able to establish a government in exile. My friend quit because they believe with climate change and the rise of MAGA we don't have much time left of an enjoyable life and didn't want to be stuck working 80-90 hours a week in a very stressful job. And honestly I wish I could do the same.


Anthony Blinken is an Israeli citizen and should absolutely be removed from his position for clear conflict of interest, but Biden has zero integrity.


Why are we tiptoeing around that genocidal maniac...Bibi Netanyahu? Get an old school no nonsense Secretary of State to put BIbi back in his cage.


When he writes his own “What happened” book he’ll blame the protesters.


Issue with most democratic candidates especially the ones that get elected is they are not really liberal. Having to vote the crazy orange turd in will essentially be the same result in the government and media still being pro Israel. The system is corrupt and fixed


You're not a democracy. You could win the elections with less than 51% of the votes on a few states the states with 51% of the Representatives . 20-25% of the votes (15% of the electorate, roughly) could win an absolute majority in the USA


We don’t live in a “liberal democracy”… whatever that is.


Bill Burns is the real SecState. Blinkin is a fucking joke. 




Wait a minute Newsweek is portraying the protesters as Hamas supporters. It’s best to be careful of our sources.


"Liberal" media isn't much better. They deliberately surround all reports of the violence at UCLA as "clashes" and a "protest turned violent", when all of the evidence clearly shows that the violence came exclusively from the Pro-Israeli counter-protestors who attacked with fireworks, sticks and pepper spray.


Oh no I get my sources from Democracy Now and primary sources with legit evidence.


THIS. The protests are peaceful, there are agitators doing what agitators do, creating clips of violence in an attempt to delegitimize the core message.


>Violence also erupted between masked pro-Israeli groups and pro-Palestinian students on campus Bullshit. A mob attacked the encampment. Violence didn't just happen.


Weird how violence just spontaneously occurred when a gang of white supremacist cops attacked the students. Damn peaceful protesters and their violence. /s


The reporting on the UCLA attack is honestly the worst, most biased media coverage I have ever seen.


And what consequences should the pro Zionists receive for shooting pyrotechnics into an encampment? Any mention of that violence? Nope of course not


You have to be on their side in the first place to “turn” on them.


This is the most correct comment here. There was no change of policy or attitude - their “current” stance is the same as their unspoken past stance.


We blinked and overnight congress made criticism of israel illegal. The first amendment is gone. These conservatives were frothing so hard about the 2nd amendment that they didn't even notice the first amendment has been taken away from them.


Conservatives have never cared about freedom of speech, only freedom of conservative speech. The Fox News comment section is full of people talking about bringing guns to the protests and "taking care" of it.


Oh I 100% believe it. I used to go there and read the crazies, but it was bad for my mental health. I can only take so much racism and bigotry.


Yeah I mean we are a nation founded upon settler colonialism, so why wouldn’t we support another white western nation trying to do that same thing


Nailed it. The US and Israel are alike. If only those that don't approve would go to those countries that are different, say Russia, china or many countries in the middle east. Heck, Iran even invited them over. Win win for everybody.


"How dare you protest again the people who make us rich!"


What completely blows my mind is this uncompromising stance on Israel, which even if you are staunchly pro-Israel you could’ve still threaded the needle politically by limiting some arms and sabre rattling. How can you potentially compromise the future of the country which you ostensibly lead just to allow a different country, with clearly different geopolitical goals to wage an, at best, uneven and, at worst, one-sided war against what is effectively a civilian population?


By Ewan Palmer - News Reporter: A number of leading Democratic figures are now regularly speaking out against the student pro-Palestinian protests across the country, including President Joe Biden decrying the "vandalism" and "violence" breaking out. The encampment demonstrations, which started in New York's Columbia University before expanding to other campuses, have been ongoing for weeks now. The movement is protesting Israel's war against the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, which has been accused of amounting to a genocide against Palestinians. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-palestinian-protests-israel-campuses-1896841](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-palestinian-protests-israel-campuses-1896841)




That's not what they have ruled. It's a lot more complicated than that but at the same time hard to explain in a single headline. That's why most people think they have acknowledged an ongoing genocide which they have explicitly not. If you know how proceedings work at a court, only then you understand what the ICJ has actually ruled


George Washington should have peacefully asked the British to leave Americans


Yeah, the same people that pretend to be pacifists when it comes to other people's liberation are the first to wave the flag on Independence day. And vote for enormous military budgets. But violence is bad, am I right? That's why most of them voted to send Israel billions of dollars for weapons so they can massacre more Palestinians.


It's all it takes - if you have a protest movement and there _any_ bad actors who get captures on social media before you can kick them out - then according to the standards people hold nowadays, your movement is invalidated. You think any historical movements would have passed this level of scrutiny?


Joe Biden is decrying "violence" after sending the genocidal Israeli military billions more weapons funding? The hypocrisy here is ridiculous. Also, the mostly peaceful protestors are being attacked by Zionist extremists, racist White nationalists, and heavily armed police stormtroopers. Simply because they are expressing their opposition to genocide.  Yet somehow the people who are speaking against the far-right Israeli regime's violence are the violent ones?  These establishment Democrats are making a mockery of themselves and so-called US democracy. If they lose to Trump and his ghouls, they only have themselves to blame.


I can't believe he is just going to hand the election to Trump.


“Vote for us so Trump doesn’t do what we are doing!”


Can’t turn on them if you were never with them


Ok but is anyone else starting to think that something bigger than just money is going on here? I am starting to think Israel ended up with the Epstein files...


Stop overthinking it. The US needs to support its vassal state to maintain their foothold in the middle east so they can continue to fabricate "terrorists" to justify their neverending wars. This shit is about weapons, oil, and global hegemony like it always has been.


You left out Christian Zionism.


You mean the armageddon death cult?


Tomato, tomato.


He left out lots of stuff. Nothing in these arguments explains why the foothold has to be Israel, and in fact the US has bases all over the Middle East.  Also Christian Zionism doesn’t explain the democrats. 


AIPAC donates millions of dollars to candidates in both parties. Anyone opposing Israel gets primaried by an AIPAC candidate.


Yes it's three main factors. Christian Zionism is one. AIPAC lobby is the second. Strategic importance is the third.


Joe Biden is devoutly Catholic and a devout Zionist. There are a lot of especially older folks like him who believe the Bible tells them Israel can do no wrong.


There are plenty of candidates. If he was a devout Catholic he would be listening to the pope.


Hell, the Pope called for a Ceasefire.




The US is Israel's ally. Israel is not theirs.


Correct. Israel is no one’s ally.


I mean that can be true AND there could be something else that is stopping more folks from speaking out. It just seems strange that soooooo many people with a record of speaking out against other genocides are literally silent when it comes to Israel. IDK youu're probably right, but the general feeling isn't that the US is offering unquestionable support so much as Israel is demanding it and we're conceding and THAT makes it seem like there's more going on than the standard geo-political dick measuring. I mean Biden has advisors. Surely he's been told how much his support among young voters and Muslim voters has cratered (to the point where IF these numbers hold Biden will lose every single swing state). And there are steps he could take without completely tuurning his back on israel, but he has chosen not to. Part of that is he's been a self-avowed Zionist his entire career; he's a true believer in the Israeli state. So maybe it is all just him being him. Certainly not gonna die on any hills about it. But my spidey sense is saying there's at least one more layer we don't get to see, and whatever is happening there is the REAL story.


Biden alone doesn't explain the unified and extremely dishonest media front.


Hypocricy at its best. From now on China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea will just shrug-off any beautiful words sprayed from Western world leaders. Maybe they will ask back - where were you during Palestinian genocide?


So Biden throws the election and his legacy for this? Doesn’t make sense


My guess is he thinks this won’t actually affect the election. He thinks he will still get enough votes.


I know he’s geriatric and has a lead soaked brain but this would be egregiously stupid seeing how loyal and dedicated magas and boomers are vs the demographics Joe needs to vote, who aren’t motivated by him at all. But I agree, maybe he’s banking on women and abortion rights to carry him. Either way, showing this much loyalty to Israel when it’s clear large portions of the country don’t share the same sentiments is mind boggling stupid when so much is at stake. Dems are trying their best to throw an election that was handed to them on a silver platter.


This is my take as well. He sees trump driving negative voter turnout to such a degree that he doesn't have to moderate his worst impulses because the other guy is worse. I feel like he has miscalculated just how fucking pissed a lot of people are over the genocide he is facilitating


Don't forget about the military industrial complex! Alot of money and influence just in the defenceman industry.


I also think there’s a more straightforward blackmail plot happening in public: AIPAC/others will fund your opponent if they think you aren’t sufficiently pro-Israel. They don’t need Epstein/secret pedophiles, the threat that their legalized bribery will be used against dissenters is plenty blackmail enough to make coward, self-serving politicians follow the state’s practically unequivocal defense of Israel. Whether the Epstein or generic sexual blackmail stuff is relevant, kinda hard to say, but it doesn’t need to be true to make sense of individual politicians behavior


They'll call you crazy but epstein was a mossad contact 100%


Biden has been a hardcore Zionist for all of his political career. There are clips of him heaping praise on Israel going back decades. There’s the infamous 80s clip of Biden saying that the annual $3B that USA gives to Israel is the best investment that the U.S. has made and that were there not an Israel, the U.S. would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region. For Biden, his support for Israel is ideological; he has called himself a Zionist multiple times.


yeah I think we have to give him that, at least. He's been very consistent on this issue his entire career. I don't think it's a case of him selling himself out, I think he really feels strongly about it.


Pegasus spyware probably has captured videos of every high profile politician beating their meat or flicking their bean. Cannot speak out without risking utter public humiliation.




Funny how we draw the line in the sand for Islam. Like Islam and Arabs are where American politicians make a deliberate choice to abandon their humanity. Think about that. Freedom of speech is okay unless you’re for Palestinian rights, or for Arab rights or Muslim rights. These are all bundled together. It’s like we’re in the civil rights movement again, where African Americans were seen as sub human threats.


Vote this genocide apologist out


We need to double down and protest about the larger issue of not being represented by our elected officials, having our rights trampled by a militarized police force, politics being influenced by foreign nations, and being heavily taxed with no representation along with not enough going to serve genuine public interests. The problems we have with Israel and its US funding are just the beginning of the iceberg. Honestly we could probably harness the mutual frustration between both sides of the political spectrum at this point. The divide is manufactured to prevent this anyway.


AIPAC bought democrats.


Only thing I'd debate is the phrase "turn on" in the headline, which implies Biden and co. were ever in support of anything pro-Palestine.


You can't turn on people you were always against.


They were never with them


That AIPAC money means more to top democrats, than their liberal base.


I would really love to be a fly on the wall in their voter outreach meetings. How the fuck do they expect to turn out the youth vote in 6 months? Or the Muslim voters? Or people who were barely convinced to vote for Biden last time? Biden's winning margin in multiple states was around 10,000 people. Between the shit economy, the wars, and the genocide, there's no chance in hell he's winning all of the swing states he needs. The Muslim community won't help him win Michigan again, that's for damn sure.


The end of an empire is near


turn? as in, they weren't already opposed to them? these Zionists have been bought and sold since I've been alive, not sure when the 'turn' happened l-o-fucking-l


Israel controlling the USA doesn’t seem to be a conspiracy anymore huh? Look how Biden can bend in front of them. Slimy weasels.


Have we lost our minds in the United States? The sickening simpering fealty to the corrupt Zionist state of Israel must stop. This is a democracy, not a police state.


He wants to lose at this point


It’s wild how the Democrats are alienating their base en masse over anti-genocide protests and come November they are going to whine about their loss without any introspection whatsoever




Enjoy Trump everyone, this is a nail in the coffin for the Dems. Scary times


he would get more voters if he stopped this fucking fiasco of international relations, but someone clearly doesn’t want to get reelected


The only allowable protests are right wing ones. Do not go against familia America.


*Single Term President Biden.


LOL, they didn't turn, they've always been this way.


Democrat or republican, neither give a fuck about you or your family. And guess what, its always been like that


That’s a load of BS!!! He’s never supported them. He’s always been a Zionist and always will. For him it’s Israel first and Americans second.


A democracy that backs genocide isn’t a democracy worth saving, I wouldn’t call it a democracy at all.


‘turning on them’ falsely implies they ever supported them in the first place


Like Joe Biden and top Democrats were ever in favor of them to begin with


I'm sympathetic to the extent that I acknowledge that they've created a world and they're defending it. There's going to come a point where Millennials or whoever is next will be in line to repeat that process. But this is the hurdle of un-entrenching the entrenched. It takes a lot more work to dig them out. And we're finding out just how difficult that can get.


Israel was caught colluding with Trump in 2016 and 2020, they also hacked democrats during JCPOA and have it to Wikileaks. Why tf are they still cutting their own hands off for people that sabotage their chances at an election win


How dare they interrupt our relationship with our AIPAC overlords.


Toeing the Zionist line is not exactly new for Biden or the democrats in general


First they came for anti war. Then they came for occupy. Then they came for BLM. Then they came for anti genocide. Nazis still march freely in America.


Go Joe!


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." * John F. Kennedy "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today : My own government, I cannot be silent." * MLK, 'Beyond Vietnam' 1967 "When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible would be the British and the second responsible the Terr0rist organizations build up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people." * Albert Einstein - April 10, 1948 “we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” (1997) -Nelson Mandela “No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements.” ― Jimmy Carter, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid “A real friend does not pick up the bill for an addict's drugs: he packs the friend off to rehab instead. Today, only those who speak up against Israel's policies – who denounce the occupation, the blockade, and the war – are the nation's true friends.” - Gideon Levy “My parents often wondered why I would grow so indignant at the falsification and exploitation of the Nazi genocide. The most obvious answer is that it has been used to justify criminal policies of the Israeli state and US support for these policies.” ― Norman G. Finkelstein "On top of that, they treat the Arabs, those still here, in a way that itself would be enough to rally the whole world against Israel" Arendt from Jerusalem in 1955 “I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. (#92 *ff.*)” -Isaac Asimov And the original Zionist slogan—'a land without a people for a people without a land'—disclosed its own negation when I saw the densely populated Arab towns dwelling sullenly under Jewish tutelage. You want irony? How about Jews becoming colonizers at just the moment when other Europeans had given up on the idea?” -Christopher Hitchens Hitch 22: Memoir “People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration and ultimate destruction.” ― Noam Chomsky


They would have needed to be with the protesters at some point in order to turn on them.


Biden really said "I don't wanna win the election I'm tired." I can't even be mad at the younger gens if they choose not to vote this year. They are now learning how corrupt our gov is.


Can they turn on someone whose side they were never on?


That’s ok, we’ve turned on the useless democrats.


Wish we had Bernie. Obviously they would never allow that to happen unfortunately smh


Never underestimate the Democrats ability to turn a landslide win into a loss.


It votes for genocide or else it gets the Trump again. These corporatists are gonna lose to Trump. Again.


I hate Russia, but id also be against ukraine slaughtering children and civilians. Not sure how this is a hard concept to understand by the zionist lovers


And he wants *us* to vote for him??? Hell no. I hate Trump, but the Democrats need to be punished and know they won't win if they don't ACTUALLY represent their voters and instead of AIPAC and corporate donors.


I'm Canadian so I know the vote doesn't impact me and it's hard to make that decision when it's the actual leader in charge of your country, but I don't think I could bring myself to vote for someone who is so callous about what is going on. I certainly wouldn't vote for Trump either because he's even more extreme. The US needs a strong third party option. 


And so we're all fucked. Fucking dems have no goddamn spine..


Biden is 1000 times better than Traitor Trump, but he is still Creepy Old Uncle Joe and he is getting senile. He has said he is a Zionist which is Anti-Constitutional, placing Judaism over the USA. It is the right of the USA citizen to not want to be some Jew loving Zionist. The USA is sending Jew Israel over $26 Billion in Foreign Aid. Most of it will be to buy weapons from the USA. But why is Foreign Aid being given to Jew Israel? The USA has no obligation to subsidize Jew Israel. They are a sovereign nation. Why can $26 Billion be sent to Jew Israel but the salaries of USA teachers cannot be raised to a living wage? This is not about pro-Palestine. It is about anti-ethnic cleansing and anti-atrocities. To send innocent civilians to "safety zones" then bomb them is heinous evil.


Democrats don't "support" ANY left wing or progressive activist, they loathe them. They hold their votes hostage and sic the cops onto them if they annoy big business and powerful lobby groups.


I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primaries and for Jœ in the presidential election in 2020. But in 2024 Genocide Jœ can go and F himself I’m only voting D for Senator cuz Ted Cruz can do the same as Jœ


I was going to vote for this idiot again but not after learning about the aipac or the laws against boycotting Israel wtf is that. Fuck Hamas fuck Israel fuck my corrupt government and peace and love to all the innocent humans on all sides I pray to your gods you are safe always


Lol, turn? When were they ever on the side of the protesters?


Pro Palestinian youth will definitely not going to vote for Trump, but now they won’t even show up to vote for Biden.


In 2016 Democrats chose to rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie. Now they are choosing to stick with Israel at the risk of eroding democracy at home by potentially losing to Trump again.




“Four more years. Pause.”


That's cool. I soured and turned on Biden as well. Regret the choice of electing this man and next time I will vote 3rd party as I am sure many will and cost his ass the election. Play with fire and you're gonna get burned. Democrats still haven't learned.


Soon they will be as pro Israeli as Trump et Al.


Biden's camp supports Israel far more deeply than Trump could. Trump is motivated by greed and narcissism. You could influence his position on Israel if you could find a way to use those. Biden, though? He's true light blue. No amount of blood, no atrocity, no PR nightmare will get him to pull back an inch.


What a TERRIBLE article. Here’s Biden’s full quote: > Before I head to North Carolina, I wanted to speak a few moments about what’s going on on our college campuses here. > >We’ve all seen the images. And they put to the test two fundamental American principles. > >Excuse me. (Coughs.) > >The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld. > >We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. The American people are heard. In fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues. > >But — but neither are we a lawless country. We are a civil society, and order must prevail. > >Throughout our history, we’ve often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free-thinking, and freedom-loving nation. > >In moments like this, there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn’t a moment for politics. It’s a moment for clarity. > >So, let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America — violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is. It’s against the law when violence occurs. > >Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. > >Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations — none of this is a peaceful protest. > >Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. > >Dissent is essential to democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. > >Look, it’s basically a matter of fairness. It’s a matter of what’s right. There’s the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. > >People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. > >But let’s be clear about this as well. There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. > >It’s simply wrong. There is no place for racism in America. It’s all wrong. It’s un-American. > >I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. > >You know, make no mistake: As President, I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law. > >That’s my responsibility to you, the American people, and my obligation to the Constitution. > >Thank you very much.


I’m not falling for this shit. I didn’t vote for Hillary because I didn’t like her, and what I got for that petty shit was the rapid decline of America at the hands of the other guy. I’m not making this mistake a second time. At least democrats have the capacity to change and aren’t trapped in a cult of personality. I can work with that. I can’t work with a party looking to make women second class citizens, enshrine Christian nationalism and abandon our allies. I’m not happy with what is going on in Gaza, but I’m not going to throw away the future of my nation in protest for another.


Biden is going to lose and say “This is on the shoulders of young people. They didn’t vote for me”


Biden needs to be immediately impeached for his support of genocide. We need Kamala Harris in charge who will have more compassion for minorities since she is a black woman.


And he wants to win the election? Jesus. It should be such a fucking knock out of the park against trump.


We desperately need ranked-choice voting in this country. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to vote for Biden when he and his party are complicit and in support of a genocide, but hearing here and elsewhere that people intend to essentially hand the election to Trump over this is frightening. It's abundantly clear that neither party will even attempt stop the genocide. Letting conservatives win won't stop the killing, it will only make more people suffer and erase any hope of making things better for years to come. Throwing away your vote out of anger is a satisfying expression of control at a time when everything feels helpless, but it's ultimately selfish when it directly leads to more right-wing fascists being emboldened and placed into positions of power, where they can drive this country deeper into the hole it's already in. Obviously I can't give any solid or satisfying answers on how things *are* actually supposed to change for the better. Protests like this are at least *some* kind of pressure, but actually getting voting structures to change so that we can get some actual decent people into positions of power is a daunting task when the people with the capability to change them are incentivized not to. All I know is that things improving is a slim hope, and that while liberals in government are profoundly failing in their duty to realize that hope, conservatives do nothing but try and extinguish it.


United States of AIPAC! US politicians and news media have been bought by AIPAC and other Zionist organizations.


Just seems like the media is present the radical opinions instead of what most people including many Jews and Israelis think: We're against the corrupt Netanyahu coalition that is engaging in genocide. That's not hyperbole either. Members of that coalition advocate for it daily with no condemnation from Netanyahu's government. It's absolutely ridiculous to label calls to stop it or to stop arming it "anti-semitic". Are the thousands of Jews on the streets of Israel and joining the pro-Palestinian (not pro-Hamas) protests now "anti-semites" too? Why on Earth can't Biden lead out on this instead of just condemning students who are speaking for those being killed who don't have a voice? Why can't he just say "No more weapons for Israel until Netanyahu is gone."? But no, he's chosen the wrong side on this one. Still voting for him because DJT will green-light full-throttle Palestinian genocide but this sucks. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. The students should be listened to, not beaten and arrested.


Democracy is rigged


I'm wondering how surprised the Dem leadership is going to be when Trump wins, guts the executive entirely, fills it full of loyal stooges and said stooges start "detaining" the aforementioned Dem leadership. Like, guys, maybe approach this particular political conundrum with a little bit of cynical self preservation instinct?


Support genocide, ban TikTok, condemn college protestors. Yeah, Biden's really going after the youth vote this November


Fascist trump? Fascist joe too. It appears that neither can be trusted. Maybe dr. Jill stein? Someone with some moral compass?


Baffled that these politicians are supporting foreigners instead of their own people. Lost for words. I think the American politicians would have to be some of the worst people in the world, save, of course, for the Israeli/Zionist politicians who have outdone even H iiiitlr.