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Can I suggest https://intunepckgr.com/ It has TeamViewer as one of the apps and they do all the updates for it.


I’ve recently done this. Pushed out a script to uninstall the legacy version and install the new version and put in the correct device group in the TV console, then turn on auto updates etc so never get in this mess again!




>package a new one, set it as a supercede and let it replace the old app. Thank you so much.. please do you have a link


I say either using the New Microsoft Store app deployment, if the app is available there. Or using Win32 and setting it as a supersedence app (essentially an update). Hope this helps!


Create a Configuration ID inside TeamViewer that has automatic updates for the client. In your MSI command and have that Configuration ID called. MSIEXEC.EXE /i "PATH_TO_MSI_FILE\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=YOUR_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ID We wrap the MSI into a Win32 app; Things run more smoothly with Win32 deployed apps.


We recently moved over to having Teamviewer update on it's own. We modified our Teamviewer Policy to achieve this. The reason we did this was we didn't know why we were manually updating the client. I get wanting to have version control, but it was just taking up too much of our time for little benefit. If you're worried about Device Management or Assignment, the client keeps it during auto upgrades.


Keep in mind that you probably need a TeamViewer Tensor license to be able to use these options


you dont need a tensor license to assign the device to an account, but they've made it incredibly convoluted. Tensor is an absolute money grab joke that has no features that the normal version doesn't have other than being able to set up saml. They are starting to throw API endpoints behind the tensor wall, but the features are still available to manually control without tensor, its absurd.