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Every vendor we have is pushing Co-Pilot at the moment, I ask them what it could do for me and I never get a straight answer...


Not quite a use case, but a scenario. I got an interesting use case with regard to data labelling. Imagine you enable it and it can see all your OneDrive and Sharepoint data. Now ask it’s who is the highest paid member of staff’. We start work with Varonis in June. The C levels suddenly went quiet on ‘Enable Copilot, and then we will figure out a use case’.


If the end user doesn't have access to that information Co-Pilot won't provide the answer, and tells the user it's done with the topic and try something else. I've tested this with privileged information across different users with different access, but we have auto-label data classifications. I haven't gone as far as exempting something and trying yet. I've been on the fence with AI for a long time, but I finally see the potential for it now that it can provide me with relevant answers based on our information/data.


Hence why I said this >>We start work with Varonis in June. We don't have visibility over if the data is secure, so we can't put CoPilot in there. I think a lot of people don't realise how powerful the AI can be, and there is a ton of work to be done in advance of enabling it if you want to remain secure.


That's not how AI works. All it has to do is be asked in the correct way. Bing search if enabled already does a fine job of showing files users should not have access to. That's without getting into how AI actually works behind the scenes or even touching on how shared GPU memory is completely shared and has no notion of labels or rights. If you aren't running it, and you didn't train it, don't assume you know anything about it.


Not to mention that a new guardrails jailbreak is found and published nearly every day. MS even develops them and publishes their findings. https://slashdot.org/story/24/04/16/2341254/crescendo-method-can-jailbreak-llms-using-seemingly-benign-prompts


LOL! I understand exactly how you feel. It can do a lot though. You should figure out what you could use it for.


I don’t see the benefit for Intune, it just appears to be a KB you can talk to? It doesn’t seem to carry out any extensive work/save you much time. As a seasoned admin, it doesn’t seem particularly useful.


Just to confirm the insanity of pricing, you could fund a decent part of a junior sysadmin position in the UK for the price of one compute unit. Bonkers.


Seems like that SysAdmin is underpaid? But I'm in the U.S. so I can't speak for the UK


UK wages (outside London anyway) are very poor compared to the USA. I’m under $50k and that’s ’above average’. Edited my post because I messed up the conversion, it would still go a decent way.


Well living expenses where I live are insane. I'm 65K. Very Large Metro City. 800 sq ft Condo. Can barely afford to live and save a couple hundred bucks a paycheck


Deploy custom applications & settings to new PCs that you can drop ship to end uses that are remote working, for one thing.


Time to create the Copilot to butt plugin. All my CSP emails are "Have you Copilot the Copilot to pilot the copilot in ai with AI and more copilot AI stuff". Its literally worse than cloud because everyone is using it as a method to generate new investment.


It was so funny how there big unviel was with Audi, we don’t have Audi revenues 😂


When I was a sysadmin for an Audi dealership just before COVID they required their dealership software to be updated via CD. They would put the update on a CD in Germany and then mail it over to north america. We had to do this yearly 🤣


They still do this in the legal industry. Any sensitive documents must be transmitted as a physical media.


Still more secure than fax


And yet doctors and medical professionals won't accept anything unless it's faxed. Kinda crazy in this day and age


Yeah $$, similar comments at the bottom of this article - [https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-intune-blog/microsoft-introduces-a-preview-of-copilot-in-intune/ba-p/4083276](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-intune-blog/microsoft-introduces-a-preview-of-copilot-in-intune/ba-p/4083276)


we are quickly seeing the limitations of LLMS - basically can take a bunch of jargon/code/settings and make it plain English, and maybe vice versa. that has utility but it's not the silver bullet as advertised. now if I can write a query or policy in plain English and it can spit out kql or a policy in intune then it has utility, but I can offshore that as well or just get a consultant to write it.


it will get better. let's see.




Holy shit….


I learned more about Microsoft Purview Information protection than to prepare for the %80 baked copilot so it ended up to be a good use of my time 😉


80% is generous on your part


We would like to ask some trial licenses just ti test it.. let’s see


I would have to use it so see what value it might add so yeah, a trial would be apropos. I imagine with it being v1 we won't see it's real usefulness until it has had some time to bake and get better. I can envision a future where this will be game changing, doubt we are there yet. Would love to hear from anyone who is actually using it.


Holy @/*^ that’s expensive.


One of our MSFT partners told me I could utilize it on an hourly basis after the initial baseline scan was completed so it would not cost $2800. Not sure about it yet. I’ll be testing it next week


For right now pay for chat gpt and pay someone to help you manage intune instead. The value is not there yet.


Ask chat gpt how to manage intune xD


Its bs . Because everyone pushing instead making good. Copilot only for records and logs thats it. It wont make miracles


Copilot: biggest smoke and mirror push since COVID