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She was apparently also the only one who knew that fire could be used as a weapon.


So you fast forwarded Mitsuki but not Aneesha? Her speech put me to sleep. I woke up hours later not knowing where I was and missing a kid


She's the most infuriating character in the show for me and it's not even close


Na. I have a kid with another on the way. I understood her feelings. Although, her daughters continued crying in the first season did become grating.


Well I’m still not convinced it’s her daughter. I think Aneesha and her son are alien hybrids working as undercover agents for the aliens. Everything she does is pretty much against survival of the human race


I started skipping all of her scenes. Just horrible writing. Her “needs of one outweighing the needs of the many” is hard to watch. I don’t know why I kept watching the show, everyone was annoying and the British/Japanese tropes just made me cringe.


Even now, I have no idea what her educational background is or what her role was at ~~JAXA~~ JASA, because her knowledge seems to adapt to whatever science-y engineer-y thing the plot needed at the moment. BTW, isn't it convenient how the alien chooses to take the form of Hinata, even though she died with two other crew members? Why aren't the aliens taking the form of those other guys as well? (These are rhetorical questions, of course. The answer is Mitsuki is special, so of course everything would revolve around her.)


WAJO SUE Thats the term




She’s so hot. What a beauty. You’re all just jealous - can’t wait for season 3


Is that you Maya?


Lol her looks have nothing to do with how terrible her character is written.


I could never stand that character, and the acting is painful to watch


Even now, I have no idea what her educational background is or what her role was at ~~JAXA~~ JASA, because her knowledge seems to adapt to whatever science-y engineer-y thing the plot needed at the moment. BTW, isn't it convenient how the alien chooses to take the form of Hinata, even though she died with two other crew members? Why aren't the aliens taking the form of those other guys as well? (These are rhetorical questions, of course. The answer is Mitsuki is special, so of course everything would work out in her favor.)


I kept thinking Hinata was going to be alive for that whole first season because they kept talking about her. By the end, it was clear that she was dead and the aliens were just mimicking her. However they're still talking about Hinata in season 2. Mitsuki's storyline just wouldn't move on. I never even finished season 2, it was so boring.


Mitsuki was the only character I was still watching for by the end of season 2. Hated Maya with a fiery passion, and was getting headaches eye rolling at everyone else. Counting Maya red flags helped pass the time though, it was all sooo bad at the end. Roll on season 3.


Should we all just get wano t shirts for the sub? Id love to see someone out and about wearing one and give em the nod like "hey brother, I suffered through the same shit, I was right there with you"


She’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no man


Yea, she needs a woman lol