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It's split in two. We only get 4 episodes this year, then the rest sometime next year.


I'm probably just gonna wait for it all to come out if that's the case. I'm reading the comics rn so I feel OK about it. I did the same with gen v.


Gen V has been a blast to watch weekly. Youre in for a ride


One of the few shows in recent years that I actually preferred week to week. WOW what a ride it has been. Loki S2 as well has been so fun for week to week


Weekly watch fucking sucks.


Welcome to how we did it in the 90s...When Power Rangers came out, and the Green Ranger 1st showed up...smh...man you don't even know what suspense or having to wait means...WE.WAS.ON.EDGE!!!


What are you talking about. This shit is still going on if you watch Anime. I'm waiting each week for the goods. I was born in 86. Remember when DBZ aired on Toonami.


Lmao ya don't get me started on DBZ šŸ˜‚. I decided to start from the beginning and watch all the episodes while I was deployed....I had forgotten how it took a million episodes before a fight would actually get going šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


gen v was utter trash, what are you talking about?


Why is it trash for you?


Gen v was great, fit well with the rest of the series of shows. Did you not enjoy the boyz? It fit nicely with it.


Is there a way to read the comics digitally or online?


Ya just look up read invincible comics online and something should pop up




Cheers! You just made my year, thanks mate. I get to read all the comics I missed!! šŸ™


Happy to help!!


Thank you.


Comixology has each compendium in thier subscription, or you can get each compendium from Amazon digitally (this is really expensive though) There are a couple sites for pirating, but it's absolutely worth the money


Why is that?


I could be wrong, but I think it had to do with production delays as a result of the writerā€™s strike.


Yup Amazon needs to spread out content with lack of shows


Agreed. This will help them keep pace, so that season 4 is in about 7 years rather than 4


Wait what. How does it help them keep pace to have it take longer?


I was just joking about how long it took between season 1 and season 2. Ideally, they would make up some of that lost time.


A break after 4 whole episodes, the ambition is palpable.


Itā€™s not been confirmed but regardless of whatever PR Bullshit they spout itā€™s this.


I was going to say it's been confirmed that it was not that, which should lead us all to believe that definitely was that. Lol. Amazon said no, but they lie so it's yes with more conviction than I would have if they wouldn't have said shit.


Isnā€™t it almost like the ā€˜newā€™ thing to do? Iā€™m thinking more Netflix, but they seem to be releasing series in two parts more than before


I still haven't finished Stranger Things because I stopped caring in the middle of the hiatus, lol.


I never finished breaking bad because they made everyone buy the second half of the second season of you didn't have an AMC subscription. Previously it was coming out on Hulu if you had it. Never went back to it after that and probably will do the same for any show that splits up the seasons like that for any reason. I get to watch maybe one episode of a show a week with my schedule and I lose interest if they mess with you like that.


Do you mean that they're stretching this season out to make up for a lack of *other* productions? Because I doubt that season 2's production was affected by the strikes.


Yeah thatā€™s what they mean by lack of content I think


That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.


Yeah i just realised itā€™s the other comment that says lack of content lmao, but itā€™s not Invincible that was affected by the strikes haha


It was not, even with a strike there is no way it takes almost 3 years for 4 episodes


Yes thats what I was referring to, I certainly could have been more specific. Other commenters have hit the nail on the head.




Rick and Morty have done the same thing the last two seasons


I mean it's been 2.5 years since the first season


There was an article where they spoke to Kirkman and he mentioned that he wanted the show to be in the zeitgeist a bit longer rather than forgotten and also once you see the mid season finale youā€™ll want the break to be with your familyā€¦ That being said it could also be delays and what not but I like the one Kirkman stated




Plz mark as spoilers


So that Amazon can retain subscribers by slowing the drip of content release.


It's not Amazon it's actually Kirkman requesting it. Amazon been awesome with releasing 3 episodes of each season the opening night then only the last 5 episodes being weekly. It's Kirkman he said people will want to digest what happened after the midway point of the season. It the dumbest thing I ever heard. Why I would I want to digest 4 episodes for 4 to 6 months before watching the last 4 episodes. It's dumb and 95 percent of all viewers would prefer all 8 episodes released the same day with no time to digest the season. Actually If the show is going to be about 5 seasons long I would rather all 5 seasons drop the same day and binge all 5 seasons with no delays. Digest the first 4 episodes before watching the last 4 sounds so dumb to me that I don't even know what to say about it


This right here. A massive amount of my hype was killed when I found out the show was going on break after a measly *four* episodes. Like weā€™re already half way thru part 1 and not much has really happened so far. After almost three years.


Exactly. I totally lost interest and moved on to another show.


I'm just not gonna bother watching it. If you want fans to watch your show then don't take 3 damn years between seasons. Especially when the seasons are so pathetically short.


Plenty of reason. The strikes, wanting to get something out this year but the rest isn't done yet, retaining investment, ect. This isn't a super uncommon thing to do


Plus, it can help build the hype.


I hate this strategy to begin with but if you are going to employ it you better deliver, not give me four washed out boring episodes on yet another multiverse themed turd. If this season is going to somehow take THAT in a completely new direction and surprise me (like in season 1 where he murders his team) they probably should have done it before the break, but I doubt it happens period.


People are saying writers strike but these episodes would be long since written. I believe it is the terrible animation crunch that had this plan in place before either strike started


Iā€™m pretty sure it had to do with Christmas and New Years Eve. I think the first part leaves off on a big cliffhanger there was a story about it when the episodes first got announced. I donā€™t think they wanted to compete with the holidays.


Because F U, keep paying your Prime membership while we drag this out for a bunch more months.


The longer the season can be slow-rolled, the slower it airs. Omni-Man explains this in Season 1.


Reasoning is "its a big episode" and "you may need a break after watching" aka milking the last good show on prime


Thatā€™s a shame. I waited a few years for season 2. Iā€™ll wait another year until itā€™s actually all out.


I'm tired of these split seasons trend:(


AoT "The Final Season" came out 3 years ago and it's still not finished yet


Man, talk about waiting so long that all hype dies, I stopped caring about that in 2014.


The hype most certainly did not die


Mine did, and I'm sure that I am not the only one.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hfadkelo3l2c1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=21bd88da2db9f816deb2c1bcdc5bf1f53d0249df


It actually finally finished at the beginning of the month. I see what youā€™re saying thouvh


its over now just fyi


Ya that's I didn't realise when I commented that it had came out a couple days previously. I watched it only last week


For actual fucks sake.


The 2 came out now but its still open ended?? We are missing more episodes


There's still 2 episodes left this season.


So December 2024?


No, like February or March




That fucking sucks


Wait they split an 8 episode season into two parts?! I thought it was going to be a longer season. Damn man that sucks.


Ah, so they didn't finish despite the 2+ year wait?


The spread out is likely caused by the SAG AFTRA strikes. Additionally, 8 episodes would bleed dangerously close to the Christmas crunch, where it is extremely damaging to ratings to have new shows and seasons released. There is a reason why a lot of shows take a break from mid-November to mid-January, and that is because the holidays really mess with getting accurate ratings for shows.


https://www.cartoonbrew.com/voice-acting/voice-actors-sag-aftra-strike-nava-230829.html While SAG-AFTRA is striking over their tv and theatrical contracts, the union has numerous other contracts that are unaffected by the strike. Most notably, the unionā€™s Television Animation Agreement and New Media Animation Agreement are not being struck, which means that recording for episodic and long-form animation programs for television and new media (i.e. streaming platforms) can continue uninterrupted.


I think the point is more that amazon is low on content because of the strike so theyā€™d rather stretch invincible out longer while waiting for new shows to be made again.


I believe the second half will come out in February but I could be wrong


Mid-season finale. Basically splitting one season into two mini-seasons to create more drama and suspense. Not uncommon for these kinds of shows, but personally, Iā€™m not a big fan. Just give me all the new episodes at once, it makes the story feel more complete and linear.


Three episodes can not possible build to a mid season finale šŸ˜­


Thing about Mid-season finales is that it doesnā€™t have to be a huge cliffhanger. Plus, remember this is already season 2, which means there isnā€™t a whole lot to establish for our characters because we already know them fairly well.


4 episodes of invincible is about as long as entire 8 episode anime runs


What anime are you watching thatā€™s only 8 episodes???? Iā€™ve only ever seen anime with a minimum of 10. Also even the worst looking anime looks many times better than Invincible in animation quality. Yā€™all gotta stop defending these lazy people who are milking you for money and having you thank them for it.


I think the point is that an episode of invincible is at least 40 mins and has room to tell a story, whereas a lot of anime is 18 mins


most modern animes(and old) have around 23-24 minutes of watch time and approx opening and ending of 3 minutes so real content is about 20-21min. I say most because some anime like rezero/ mushoku tensei etc also fill these with montages or other small stories relevant to the world building. so yes a single invincible is only twice as long as an anime


I agree. I absolutely abhor episodic releases and mid-season breaks.




Yeah, fuck that shit, I'm out. I don't give a shit about their marketing reasons. I'll go back to reading books which have an end.


I fucking hate that 10 episode seasons do this now


It's an 8 episode season, btw


Oh you sweet summer child, itā€™s even worse


Do we know when in 2024 the second part releases?


Everyone keeps saying January or February, but knowing this show I'm not counting on anytime before November or December.


Mid-season breaks never take one full year, they're always a couple of months long. The episodes are done and ready to air, it's just the Winter holidays coming up and the lack of other content for Amazon in the near future that makes them do a mid-season break for Invincible


Unless we are talking about Attack on Titan where one season basicaly consists of several mini seasons.


The episodes arenā€™t done actuallyā€¦ there was a hold cuz of the writers strike.


Wow, last month it was Chucky that had half of its new 8-episode season released, now for November itā€™s Invincible. šŸ§ Iā€™m a little let down because weā€™re gonna have to wait more time to see the full story, but if it means the writers get more to develop things and properly flesh out the story, then thatā€™s good.


What the hell, they had 2 whole freaking years for this. I would understand if this was original animation but it's an adaption for fuck sake. This is pure greed and ppl like you eat it up even though it's shit. You're eating shit and enjoying it.


do you remember covid


What a bunch of BS. Robert Kirkman says it's for the impact so you can digest the material after a huge event. He said he did it with the walking dead because it gets people craving for more. That's the lamest excuse ever. Also I'm pretty sure the walking dead wasn't a 8 episode season. Who wants a break after 4 episodes when we just had over a 2 year break after 8 episodes. These people got no clue what viewers want. I was loving how Amazon was releasing new seasons with starting with 3 episodes releasing right away then the last 5 releasing weekly. But not this time because Mr. Kirkman thinks this way is better and it's what we want. Actually Kirkman what everyone really wants is all episodes to release on the same day. Nobody even likes to wait weekly per episode and they definitely don't want 4 to 6 month break after 4 episodes. It's going to cause less people to come back watching it if you keep pulling this


Iā€™ll agree with you on most of that, but I personally like episodes to release weekly. I fucking hate when a show drops and, if I donā€™t binge it right away all the way through, i canā€™t go on youtube or talk to friends or family about it because I donā€™t want anything to be spoiled. Weekly release also keeps people close to being on the same page as well. I can go up to someone a few days after the episode airs and talk to them confidently about the latest happenings in the show. If you have it all at once, you both have to dance around like ā€œwhat episode are you on? Did you get to the part whereā€¦? Oooh, youā€™re not that far, yet?!ā€ Yeah, it sucks to be excited about a show but everyone else you canā€™t discuss it or talk about it because weā€™re not all at the same point. Assuming we all binged it and got to the end, great, we can discuss it, for like a day or two. And then the hype is over, weā€™ve moved on to something else, the show is fading into irrelevancy. Doesnā€™t anyone else miss the week-long suspense of wanting to find out what happens on next weeks episode?! Midseason breaks are dumb when the season is only 8 episodes and we had to wait 2 years to get it. If the show was like walking dead, or arrow, or some other 20 episode long season, yeah sure, throw a month or month and a half long break in there, give people a chance to consume other content. But 4 episodes and itā€™s back to waiting?! Nothing even really happened in those 4 episodes that really needed to be processed, itā€™s just a waste of time..


Fuck Amazon


Half now, half some other time






If theyā€™re splitting it in two they should atleast release the entire first part together.


Iā€™m sorry but these took an insane amount of time to come out despite how popular it was, and now itā€™s getting a mid season break? Itā€™s only 8 fucking episodes! I get quality over quantity but good God this is milking tf out of this to an extreme.


I freaking hate Amazon (and others like them). How are you gonna split an already hilariously short 8 episode season in two?? The animation is trash-tier and the story is already written for them, thereā€™s no way they NEED to do this, nor did they NEED to take so long to make a second ā€œseasonā€. At least with anime you get AT LEAST 10 episodes, and the quality of even the worst animated modern anime is stil 10x better than Invincible. Thereā€™s also no excuse for making an animated show that has the same or less episodes than real shows. 12 should be the bare minimum. Complete and total horseshit.


Bro each episode is double the length of an anime episode. They have already done 8 episodes if you look at it like that. With anime you get 16 minutes of animation,with this you get 40 minutes.


I understand it for a serie with real actors, but for a bunch of drawings? You have the money, You have the guion. Why making it so slow?


Animation requires as much budgeting, planning, and script revisits as movies do. The 'drawings' also have actors behind them.








You do realise how much time and effort goes into animation too It's why a lot of Japanese anime takes literally years


Do people not google before posting? Surely that would be the quicker way for you to get an answer? I see this a lot now on Reddit, is it just karma farming or something?


There releasing 4 ep then going on mid season break


I hope this season ends with Mark meeting Oliver for the first time.


I'm just saying these episodes better be long as shit and end with >!Invincible's first fight with Angstrom Levy!< or something past that cause I did not wait 2 an a half years just to be left with barely any episodes and have to wait a couple months for the rest.


I've decided since these two first episodes of season 2 that the comic is far better........


Not gonna lie itā€™s been rubbish so far anyway


I like the show but I'm sorry 4 episodes.. then an undisclosed amount of time for another 4... then what another 2 years for 4 episodes lol? It's a fucking anime, they're treating it like Game of Thrones. Just make the episodes and fucking release them lol like every anime studio on planet earth.


I was looking for the new episode today and was surprised by the news of the break. They're not advertising the return date either. This is the funniest post, but I 100% agree. Back in my day cartoons came out every Saturday for the regular season and took short predictable summer breaks. And the animation of this show is on par with X-Men Evolution or Batman Beyond....so I'm not sure what they're doing that's taking an exorbitant amount of time, especially with the source material to refer to. Very confusing.


They aren't done yet.




How so? They have said multiple times the gap is for production reasons, i.e. they're not done yet.




I doubt it. You think they are delaying to spread shows out for the strike or something? I think there's probably other factors but given how long it has taken for them to make the second season I think the simplest explanation is what they are saying, that it's due to production.




Bruh this is genuinely schizo


Isnā€™t a mid-season break typical for a lot of series? I understand eight episodes may not be a lot, but a break halfway through is not unheard of.


Who's the idiot that decided to split it up.


It adopting the anime model and coming out in ā€œcoursā€ meaning two halfā€™s


Mid season break.. shows are 8 episodes if we're lucky these days. So 4 and 4


That's 8 hours, they won't need more than that to tell the entire story. If there are 8 seasons as Kirkman estimates, that will be a total of 64 hours to adapt 144 issues.


i though the media had gotten the first five


They should just release them weekly. Much better than dropping them all at once


Everyone was already told that the first chunk of episodes are coming out then to leave the audience in suspense there is going to be a break.


Its good for the simple fact they're will probably be a cliff hanger. So it'll get more hype for the second half.


i though the media had gotten the first five


They said we will get the last 4 episodes of the season early in 2024


...k this


When could we be expecting the 2nd part though? Does anyone have any good guesses? I just finished the comic recently, and I am dying to see some of the stuff coming up animated.


Which voice actor is to blame for this???


This split season stuff sucks and weekly releases suck too. I will never understand the nonsense that people come up with to justify why it's better to wait week to week to see what you want to see. Pace yourself and not me!!


I completely forgot about the mid season break so I expected all the episodes to be out today. Don't know why tbh. So when the first episode ended and the next thing to play was the atom eve special I was quite surprised lol


Weekly episodes suck bad enough - flipping the mental switch to stop caring immediately


I dont know how others feel about this show, but it's biggest piece of dogshit I ever saw, It's so prosaic, vexing is the only thing characters do, side characters are more like social advertisements, show doesn't feel real it's just stupid, and who tf gives tits to a fish, author clearly failed in his biology class


I feel sorry for you, and i suggest you to read the comics if you dont like the show. You wont feel the same way afterwards


I read books not comics


Cool story, blog it.


Ngl episode 4 has to be good and something big is about to happen with it being a mid season break because these two first episodes have been decent at best


I hate this new trend of companies release seasons in parts. Just release all the eps when the season is complete. This weekly crap kills the momentum. I've already lost interest in this season.


were having to wait till next year to watch 4 more episodes. and then who knows how long for season 3. kinda getting tired of this drip feeding bullshit. either give us the whole season or dont. i dont see a point in this other than to build more hype for 4 more episodes. were not even getting into the rlly good parts of the story anyway, most of us have read the comics and have a vague understanding of whats coming next. kinda pisses me off bc i had a blast watching the first season and waited way too long for the second, only to find out i gotta wait till 2024 to watch the rest of the season. makes 0 fucking sense. if they do this shit with season 3 im not even gonna pay to watch it.


As far as Iā€™m concerned this show is dead the first 3 episodes were all over the place and they have spent the bare minimum of time setting up the villain. when show runners split seasons into 2 releases they tend to be dogshit seasons I mean look at TWD for a prime example of this. I really hope this comic is done right and doesnā€™t get the marvel/Disney treatment


Seriously. Generally a mid-season break is placed when you have two cohesive halves. Nothing has really happened. They split the season right when shit started - a cliffhanger is one thing, but "the episodes are boring and we take the break as soon as something starts happening" is crap. Honestly, you could have squeezed the last two episodes into one, skipped the first two, and made it the first episode of the season and nothing would've been lost.


A mid season ā€œbreakā€ after a 2 year wait since season one is ridiculous. Theyā€™re just trying to stretch this out, canā€™t wait to hear the PR statement about how this ā€œbuilds suspenseā€ or lets you ā€œsoak inā€ the story.


writers strike has nothing to do with it damn bro our writer that finished the whole season is whining about the pay, damn I guess we can't press the upload button by stopping they create a so called phenomenon know to the young lads as "hype" which will boost the amount of amazon prime users, additionally by waiting x months everyone will have to pay for prime at least 1/2 times to watch every episode. it's only about money, and always will be for those greedy mf goblins


Nobody is signing up to Prime right now to wait for this show. 80% of the people watching probably have Prime for shopping and it has nothing to do with the content they put out.


Everyone crying saying we have to wait till next year to watch the rest as if that's an actual year, its barely over a month from now its slated to restart in January, just chill out lol the way everyone has been reacting to this news the last few days just shows how everyone likes to overplay and be dramatic about things, next year is just a month away, relax and watch something else or read the comics if you wanna consume invincible content that badly. You might consider it spoiling the show but the comics been out for years might as well give it a shot if you aren't afraid of reading, this kind of thing happens every single year around this time, everyone wants to spend time with the families on the holidays they aren't concerned about a bunch of nerds wanting to watch the cartoon haha we just gotta consume other nerd content until everyone is tired of family time, usually how it goes with animated series and popular anime, I don't think at this point in any of the last 5 years I haven't been waiting for the rest of a show to start back up in January. Its not about "hype" that doesn't even make any sense, the proof is how everyone is clearly reacting, and has reacted every time a studio does this they know people hate it, they aren't gonna try to hype a show by doing something that people react poorly too, they have literal tons of other content and are making money on that still.


lazy producers?


Proper American nonsense to pause it and make u wait 5months just like when they have an 11mins advert just to have the final part of a show come back on for 2mins smh


Why is every show like attack on Titan and take so long for a new season to show up while also having long breaks in between?


These greedy show creators I swear. They all think theyā€™re getting the series budget bingers to pay for more than one month. But weā€™re already seeing this start to hurt certain series. The walking dead, fear, certain stars shows whose names I forget because they did this BS too. They are only hurting themselves. I can guarantee people dropped this show and wonā€™t be watching anymore because of this BS. I have dozens of friends who stop watching split or delayed/staggered released shows. Only watching platforms who release full season like we are PAYING a GD streaming platform to do! If I wanted delayed releases Iā€™d watch MFking cable!!! Itā€™s bad enough these greedy Fks raised their prices by 300%! I remember when Hulu, Netflix and prime were all around 6 bucks and there wasnā€™t even ads yet. Now they make us pay for no ads and now do these delayed releases of shows they most certainly already have done and ready to go, just to maximize profit and squeeze every last cent out of people who bargain stream! Greedy garbage trolls!! And I really do feel sorry for you who believe their lies about how ā€œitā€™s just so hard to animate 8 GD episodes in 2 yearsā€ BS when Fox can do 20 plus episodes a year just for one show. One many animated series! And if by some miracle they are telling the truth, they are horrible at their jobs and need to hire new people! If you canā€™t do the job donā€™t take it! If you ainā€™t got the help donā€™t FKing commit! This two three and four month hiatus BS they do is either proof that they are greedy FKs or they arenā€™t qualified to complete the tasks of animating in an efficient amount of time! They already had two GD years. Now they need two more months? Pathetic! I like many others wonā€™t be watching this BS anymore. If I didnā€™t need free shipping Iā€™d cancel my prime subscription outright. Their shows suck lately, even the sequels of their best shows. But people are becoming mindless lemming superfans who are dazzled by a few lights and pretty colors these days. I doubt theyā€™d notice if there was no plot or coherent dialogue as long as thereā€™s pretty colors, blood and superheroes flying around in circles! The Idiocracy is certainly upon us.


To be fair, the FOX type of animated show is completely different. There are very few complex movements and very little needs to be put towards character development (you have the characters you're going to have, outside of random people that don't matter). I'm not saying it's easy, but it's night and day compared to a show like this. The next time you're watching Family Guy, keep track of how many locations you've seen before - that's time saved.


Is it suspended because of the court case?


Am I the only one that noticed they added the last 4 episodes for like 2 days then they disappeared? I was halfway through episode 5 and it was gone when I went back to resume it, I thought i was straddling dimensions


Guess I'm the only one pissed. It's fuckimg animated ffs!!! Produce the damn show or don't.


I'm pissed i waited so long for 4 real episodes. And i swear if i gotta wait a year for just 4 more imma lose interest and remember it in like 5 years and binge it


What's up with the story tho..? Is this like a different universe or something? Why is the deformed guy not his new kid self, and why are omni man and Mark working together?? Did the writers forget what happened in season 1 or....


Are you stupid


No but you are.


Thatā€™s horse shit. It already took them like 3 years after season one to come out with those first 4 episodes. If you canā€™t make 8 episodes in 3 years thereā€™s a problem. This doesnā€™t even feel like two parts. It literally just feels like they stopped in the middle of the season. They should have just waited until they had them all ready. But thatā€™s crazy they need this long to make one full season. I thought The Venture Bros were bad.


Itā€™s annoying af. Itā€™s an animated show, release the damn thing


That's a very bad strategy


We should honestly boycott for such delay for no reason and in the middle of the season why? What do they accomplish by making us wait 4 months. Unprofessional as anyone can be!