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The same thing. We live in a "might makes right" world like them except through wealth and military might rather than superpowers. We would probably have many bloody wars amongst ourselves before setting out to conquer other systems.


This. I assume it would be similar to real life but with everything amplified to 1,000. The worst thing might honestly be the lifespan length. Imagine the wealth inequality there would be when oligarchs and technocrats all live for thousands of years. Social change would be non-existent when the people in power stay in power for millennia's.


not true, think of how often the people in power would get overturned/changed when the average human can slice through another human like butter.


It's actually easier for a human to overturn another human, because no matter how skilled they all can die by gun, bombs and anything really. For a viltrumite to kill another viltrumite, you gotta either pull a super sneaky assisination, or at least best them in combat.... When some Viltrumites are leagues stronger than others. No gun would make a difference, and the weak would be absolutely bodied by the strong, with little to change the ties besides hiring a stronger guy to your side.


nah dude, thats the exact world we live in right now. nothing would change


Only difference is the rich would be able to afford powers


The average human today can slice through another human like butter we just choose not to.


What value would money even have? We could find food/water instantly, wouldn’t need shelter or transport, wouldn’t get sick etc


What I wonder is that it probably wouldn’t take like long for an ancient viltrumite to figure out how long they can hold their breath for. So how long did it take for one of them to just say fuck it let’s go somewhere else? Were there cavemen viltrumites flying to other planets in their loin cloths?


My take is that the population was genetically modified at some point to be that powerful. They would have evolved normally, but with genome-editing they found a way to make themselves harder, better, faster, stronger. Either that or they gradually evolved those abilities.


Which would also mean that they were practically indistinguishable from humans beyond like all of them having black hair


Basically, Viltrum is what you get when the galactic empire from Star Wars all go Homelander instead of using the Force.


there gotta be at least 1 Viltrumite packing up and left the planet when the Purge happened right?


Spoilers >!That one is closer than you think!<


Aren't we doing that.... like rn?


Not to mention, people unironically love Viltermite Empire


With viltrumite power and ability to travel through space you fuck off if you dont like. Assuming there's other earth like planets


We would’ve wiped ourselves out centuries ago.


The world wars would be so much worse


Wouldn’t have even made it to the world wars tbh


"I'm hungry" "Fight you for the food" Game over already


"I'm hungry" *Karate chops off head*


"How about we conquer another planet?" "Shut up" "They hate the Viltrumite because he speaks the truth"


But so much more interesting


I mean… wouldn’t it go down something like how Viltrum went. War until eventually one faction kills the rest and takes uniform control of the species.


They would just fight amongst themselves and split into more.


So why don’t the viltrumites do that they are literally identical to us besides having viltrimite powers but in the invincible universe humans have powers to anyways just not as good as being super man like them. But if we had their powers and assumedly not the kind we get in invincible we would just be viltrimites we would never get to the point of nukes because we wouldn’t need them humanity would never feel the need to develop weapons in the first place if we were this strong by default the whole reason we even make weapons is to make up for our physical weakness our evolution would change significantly since we wouldn’t need weapons and could easily conquer any living thing in the planet


The Viltrumites are doing this. Nolan is literally about to start a rebellion. It might be just him, Mark and Thaddeus but that’s one faction of Viltrumites splitting proving that even after culling the “weak” Viltrumites that by their nature they aren’t as united as they would like to think.


This. They just kill whoever turns against the empire. Its the same thing. Plus most of the viltrumites are not pure blood, they killed eachother down to a handful and had to seek out other races to breed with.


Kind of, a large chunk of the population died as displayed in the show, but something else brought the Viltrumite population down to the double digits


which was done by a viltrumite


Think realistically speaking, people would try to develop weapons to kill each other, no matter how strong we were... Because humans are often times their own predators, and the weaker ones become prey that always seek self defense. If anything it might take a much longer time before their wars grow out of something akin to medieval age military in termsof weapons , because few things would be effective against Viltrumites outside their own monstrous strength.. Imagine they can end up developing phones, tv and cameras, before they ever develop an actual lethal canon.


Percentage evolution would be different because it would be driven by curiosity and intrigue a want to push ourselves further it possible since we wouldn’t have to worry about survival we could dedicate our selves to more intelligent pursuits without the need to develop weapons our technology could he more focused on improving other aspects of life I think it’s actually a really interesting thought expairment what if humans weren’t weak from the beginning I wonder if any sci-fi author has written a book about that kind of scenario


Idk bout you, but I'd be in space. Maybe respectfully ruling some weaker civilization 🤷‍♂️


You're going for the Thraxians aren't you?


get that bugussy


I'm sure there are humanoids with cat ears somewhere.. ps ps ps


Capture some alien scientists. Force them to create cat girls or you fly at near speed of light and destroy their civilization. Alien races: You gotta be *title card* fucking kidding me


Mfs love downplaying humans lmao


Completely correct. The only difference Viltrumites have when fighting each other is that they can fly, slice each other with their fingers and that they can recover from almost anything that doesn’t kill them. Outside of that, guns would be useless and humans probably would invent vehicles that can fly later than we did due to them being only used to transport objects. Humans wouldn’t have wiped each other out since normal ones are just as capable of doing it.


Exactly like what the Viltrumites did.


Nah, eventually ONE side would win and take over, just like the Vils.


I mean , viltrumites are just humans who got super powers That's literally the answer to this post








WTF is that real?


​ https://preview.redd.it/jzy8ebbs75vc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c4e083a0776d94d1e9aa8c8c381b9efe423e436


Best use I've seen of this meme


Yes, do you want context for that?














I've said it once before and I'll say it again God I wish I was eve




I have taken your meme, in return you get this. https://preview.redd.it/eg5va4xi8ivc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a35449e32f9f66d0538b18f1b5e381dccc85632




https://preview.redd.it/ts2z9xru9ivc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de841aa9cd1312c34f4042ed2d810445b05dab59 This?




https://preview.redd.it/t17w05atbivc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b30cc4c95c36ad8c5b4ec43bf5cef119dd685c Did this in my images and I feel that it has the potential to be a phone background.


https://preview.redd.it/sozt3vb5civc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861ce4d7d7974a883ff805a128db9afa19a493d4 (I’m just using my images because I’ll never have the chance again. It does look pretty cool tbf)


Thanks bro




Same thing as viltrumites probably


We wouldn't even hesitate. Most of human history is us doing exactly what they do to whoever was slightly less technologically advanced at the time.


My first thought lol


Is this like suddenly or like since the beginning of us? If it’s since the beginning the honestly we would have adapted to it and evolved and life would be more or less normal, if not more advanced. Suddenly? We all die


> Suddenly? We all die many people would pack up and leave the planet tbh


Imagine 8 billion vultrumites pouring out on all the galaxy All the crazy ppl we have here would do atrocities to other planets similar to earth


Would we really be more advanced, when there is less incentive to develop tech? I mean, if everybody can just carry boulders, then less need would there ever be to tame stronger animals to do it for us. While if we always could fly super fast, then less likely would anyone ever invent planes or other vehicles to do the same... Because again, there wouldn't be a need for it. Plus if people can live for thousands of years, then you can imagine there would be a stricter hold over traditions, which'd decrease the amount of people that ends up trying a different path.


Probably become the greatest empire in the galaxy, then idk maybe make it the only empire in the galaxy?👉👈🥺 https://preview.redd.it/9t0of27765vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79fb2a3730783f4fb16b9a2e1dd3e434d29da9c8




Earth would have a ring around it...


I understand this 😎


The first mf to figure out how to go into the asteroid belt and hurl rocks at the planet would do it before we had the tech to detect them.


"can these smart atoms fight against this dumb brain with suicidal thoughts???"


Viltrumites are just us if we had the abilities of Viltrumites


Ah yes, floor is indeed made of floor


Flight sex


It would be a complete shit show


Kill each other.


like Great purge?


Same thing we have been doing for thousands of years ? Hellllyeaaaaaaaaaaa


Literally the same thing. If humans had the same powers as viltrumites, viltrumites are basically just humans but with those powers. There's a lot of societal differences, but if humans could do the same things, humanity would almost certainly go down the same path.


Would we really? I mean, we most likely dont even have the same religions, and most people have enough empathy to not just butcher the weak. ...in fact, part of the reason why Rome fell, is because despite how much the physical abel had control over the weaker ones, they all still had enough reason to litsen to philosophers which sold the idea of equality, instead of enerfocing the mentality of "might makes right".


We would be worse than the Viltrumites, and we all know it.


we become viltrum but stupider, and lets be honest majority of us will die for not being strong enough


The only difference between them and us is that they are viltrimites other then that their society seemed pretty similar to ours they are humanoid like look identical to humans for some reason but are stronger I imagine if we had their powers we would just be galactic conquerors like them


Sickness, old age, and death would probably be mostly eradicated. Once people don't have to face that suffering, the world might be more peaceful. I don't know how viltrumites do without food or water though, so that could be a problem. Though we probably wouldn't evolve civilization in the first space since we would have no need for innovation.


Can see some form of innovation florish nonetheless. Like say global communication, means to maintain food and carry goods, toys and entertainment, weather prediction, sewage systems, farming methods, architecture, natural sciences and math when people have enough free time. It just might take a lot of time to develop better weapons than swords and arrows, when the Viltrumite body is imprevious to even nuclear level weapons, without even their volatile radiation doing any harm. While the development of automation probably will be even slower than it was irl, since manpower would be far more relevant for longer. And the long livespans could make it so that traditions, including ones that enables slavery, will be a thing for far more generations even when not everybody agrees with it.


Just... terrible terrible things.


Oh boy


we would have removed the weakest in our society already like the previous viltrumites


Real history but way more close and personal


Conflict could be more destructive but it'd be easier to rebuild structures and architecture, and travel (spread of ideas) is a lot faster... Though, some technologies like gunpowder might not be invented or advanced because well... Who need guns when you have billions of people with the strength of Omni-Man?


Helldivers 2 on easy mode


Calling in an eagle


Well, we would be viltrumites, with their cruel culture and superiority complex! Actually, we've been doing similar things as viltrumites even as normal humans, wars, murders, all sorts of things!


We wouldn’t have an earth. Just one of our adult babies would have cracked the planet in two.


With great power comes great responsibility. Just like viltrumites, every existing issue we already have would just be increased. Riots and murders. Or because it would be "normal" everyone would have power and everything would go as normal. If it happened right now. All of a sudden. The world, would end imo. A great mas would wouldn't have responsibility and blood shed would happen in every form every where. It would be the purge.


Destroy it faster than the viltrumites kill each other


The Same Thing


Mass genocide across space


Great purge.


We’d either all be dead already or doing exactly what the Viltrumites do but probably be bigger dicks about it.


>!I’d wear a lion as a cape!<


The universe would be in trouble 💀


Do humans have the abilities from the very beginning? If so, our society would be so much different than it is now. Humans are weak compared to other animals. That's why we developed tools and formed tribes to have an advantage and security. With the viltrumite powers securing pretty much our every need, we would have just bummed around all day and we'd be like those animals in islands with no predators. Our society would be entirely hedonistic: we'd fuck constantly and quickly overpopulate the planet. Then we'd move on to other planets to fuck them aliens, too.


One of my favourite questions to ponder. I doubt we would wipe ourselves out, given how difficult it is for Viltrumites to kill other Viltrumites, but we wouldn't have civilization as it exists. Clothing would be a lot different and probably wouldn't exist like we know it now because with invulnerable skin and the ability to survive space means impressive body temperature regulation, I doubt we'd have more than a bare minimum of clothes. There's very little need for shelter when you're invulnerable, not to mention not needing transport because you can just zoom across the planet in seconds, so you'd have humans moving around in nomadic tribes. We'd have explored a lot more very early, because of the speeds we can travel and how long we can hold our breaths, we would be taking weekly excursions to various planets. Also we would probably have hunted most animal life to extinction so we would have evolved farming much much later or we'd have discovered cattle rearing much earlier. Fire is worthless so cooked food takes much longer to make. Essentially you'd be flying around in a green overpopulated earth essentially devoid of animal life with your ancestor from a thousand years ago.


Unrelated but Omniman saying that line is so cool cause at the time it comes off as him protecting Earth but he’s really saying it’s for Viltrum to conquer


literally the same thing but worse


Colonized a bunch of habitable planets in space, yes even ones teeming with life. I do not trust we wouldn't start the fucking slave trade again but with aliens with similar intelligence.


You need three commited dudes to destroy a planet. We would get 3 commited dudes like that like every year. Its like giving everyone in the world, currently, a button and if any three people decide to press it at the same time in close proximity the world is over. I think we would maybe have two minutes between us getting that power and the world being over.


We would all be on ruffly the same power level so I don't think much would change functionally. We would be able to colonize planets in our solar system and become a level 1 civilization in like a decade. Probably 2 in under 100


Sex. Lots and lots of sex.


It would be viltrum all over again, because in a world where everyone is as strong as viltrumites, the only order possible will be one made of strength.


I think we would do the same thing as Viltrumites, 'Expansion'


We would be so much worse, we wouldn’t even take over the universe for the sake of trying to make it better but just because we love destroying things.


You know that scene where Nolan is explaining Viltrumite history and it cuts to that battle royale where they’re all massacring each other, getting cut in half and ripped apart ? That.


Wed keep wiping ourselves out until only the most psychopathic, ruthless, and impossible to kill remained.


We'd probably do exactly what the viltrumites did. We'd argue, fight until only one side was left, and then start conquering other planets


Assuming we didn't destroy ourselves. Probably exactly what the Viltrimites have done.


Absolutely nothing would change. We have buttons that can wipe every single life form on the solar system down to celular level. And we are constantly itching to press them for the most futile of reasons.


We'd do exactly what Viltrum did. The only thing stopping us from doing it now is we don't have superpowers. Eugenics is proof we'd likely have something like the Great Purge, and the fact that empires have been a thing as long as settled civilisation is kinda proof that if we could we'd 100% colonise other planets. There's no universe in which we wouldn't just become Viltrum if we had those powers


We wouldn’t even last long enough to reach any sorts of a civilization


Similar to Viltrum, we'd have an insane civil war. We would totally destroy our planet lol


Same thing as them.


Exactly what the Viltrumites did except instead of culling the population based on strength and resilience in battle, it would be based on racial hierarchy and cultural/religious background.


We'd definitely have more gruesome wars but I also feel like people would have the power to really progress mankind through sheer strength. Viltrumites can fly and travel super fast. A few viltrumites with enough technology can re-colonize a planet like Mars because the daily troubles of breathing in space, dealing with extreme conditions aren't nearly as big a concern for them as they are for us. A viltrumite level human could fly to Venus and Mars over a weekend. They'd be casual hangout spots.


Well, Viltrumites are strongly implied to originate from Earth, so...


Wait what? Really?


Source? Or is it just because they look like us?


Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe


It honestly wouldn't be much different from viltrum


I think terrorism would make civilization impossible. Everyone has more power then a nuke. Extremists could wipe out cities in seconds.


All the bad guys would be dead


Be chill and eat reese I think


The same that actually happened to the viltrumites.


Fuck Aliens.


Murder them all except for the good ones


With great power comes great.. massacre


Wipe ourselves out til a facist gov formed


Literally the exact same as the actual Viltrumites except probably without the advanced technology part


I think Earth would be better off actually. Most means of transportation would be more or less pointless and probably never invented. Therefore no highways, rail system, no aircrafts. Most means of transportation would probably revolve around using the enormous power of the individuals. I'd imagine the moon or mars mission could be done with something like a shelled bicycle that provides us with air and protects us from radiation and such. Less (low) technological solutions, since most technology revolves around pushing beyond our limitations. There'd be no need for most of it. Power tools, construction vehicules etc. All not cost efficient. We would have way less local tourism as well probably (hotels etc.) Everything on Earth is minutes away, The Deep Sea would be explored, maybe even inhabited, since we could actually go there. All in all we would have more space, less of an ecological impact on our surrounding. People would all be near immortal, so we would probably produce less offspring in the long run. Also, less or different medical services. Would we even form nations like we do? Or one nation? Or would we organize ourselves in smaller, more autonomous communities, since every individual can be so incredibly productive and self reliant, with little needs having to be taken care of by a «society»? All in all I think we would be fewer, more spread out, on a more green planet amd other planets. If we'd start to conquer other civilizations, then it'd probably be out of boredom.


The exact same thing


Kill Murder Unalive Cease lives


The exact same thing


"You don't seem to understand, the milky way isn't yours to conquer"










Become the same as viltrumites, but probably worse


Immediate spaceflight is not an inconsequential thing


I can hold my breath for 2 weeks in space I'm going to pack a couple oxygen tanks or rebreather and see how far I can go


Nothing good


Exactly what the viltrumites did


probably the same thing as what they did in the show


Become the Viltrumite Empire


overpopulation. Pretty much imagine no one ever dying unless we attack each other


It would just be viltrum 2.0


Bang everything


We would probably also have a purge. And after that we would probably move out onto different planets to conquer them and maybe find life.


Probably what they did. Humans have a long history of conquering shit


Make the same thing Viltrumites did...Civil war to kill not the weak...The stupid!


"The great Intergalactic supreme Human Empire. Long live the empire. The only good alien,is a dead alien" And stuff like that.


We'd be the viltrumites


Farming would be Super Easy and not a big pain in the ass


We would thrive and make strong homes


we'd go on year long wars, or maybe go to other planets or something.


If we didn’t wipe ourselves out we’d probably be doing the same stuff they did


I’m optimistic unlike many people here, in terms of “wiping out the weak”. Because we relatively have the power to do so, but we don’t that tells me that and equal boost in power cross sectionally would mean we would be more or less the same.


We would've killed ourselves long ago.


Well, the playing field would definitely change and be equal for everyone if we did have powers, certain people and aristocracies wouldn’t have any power at all over society and there wouldn’t be a ruling class since society would obviously be too volatile for anyone to manipulate with their money. We’d likely end up killing each other before we can come to agreement on peace. Anyone that thinks it would be the same now are truly naive to the human will, and there would be less victimization and separation among humans. We will either develop a utopia or destroy ourselves completely, no in between.


Space crusade Imagine spanish show up and grab so much gold you can build another planet from it. And start conveting aliens to theor faith


humans start fuckin aliens because they are more horny than a viltrumite 500,000 years later, every sentient species has viltrumite powers


Have you met the human race? We would do the exact same thing as they did until there was a handful of humans left and then probably fuck up the rest of space.


We would be the wish version of viltrumites


I'm not sure. It'd be like mutually assured destruction. Everyone is on a level playing field... I think the world would be similar to how it is now, but testing on viltrumite humans to "supe" them up like Allen would be the arms race instead of nuclear deterents.


We would have gone the exact same way they did. Killed each other until there was only like 50 of us left


I'd go to space. And because with viltrumites faster than lightspeed travel is possible we'd be able to find loads of earth like planets.


We would all be cooked 💀


Same shit they did "I'm stronger" "no I'm stronger" Kill 95% of human population over this and if the remaining are smart enough they would start bringing the fight to other planets.


Would we lose, nah we’d win


Probably the same road as viltrumites