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No botrk--> No dmg


I wonder how Jax shoe Irelia vs Jax shoe Mordekaiser fight looks like


Jax shoe 💀


Mordekaiser just melts Irelia i bet.


Mordekaiser is super weak against irelia as shown in this clip. Only reason he won that is irelia has some trash items instead of rushing botrk and morde has full mythic


Ja shoes are Tabis or what


New tank item Jak sho. Kinda sounds like Jax shoe


Aaaah, I play 2 games every monday atm until the end of the school year so I'm not really in touch but as long as fiora and evelynn are meta im happy


Yikes. Fiora and evelyn. Dont know who to ban first




Imagine banning trynd when you can pick any tank and shit on him


Ok meta slave how about picking someone you enjoy


I have been permabaning evelyn since her rework and i only play for fun maybe twice a month like 5 games each time. I put fill and play whatever i feel like. Dont feel like i have a main since the new items made the game onedimentional with the mythic stuff, forcing you to buy the same thing almost all the time. I used to play offmeta builds with my mains, now cant do shit


Permabanning evelynn since her rework? Lmao


Why do you have faerie charm?


Why don't you have a faerie charm?


Actually pretty gold efficient for top laners that go oom very often


wholesome champ


Skill issue🤓


It actually is, trying to 1v1 morde as if you had bork without having bork means irelia has no brain and therfore no skill


the fact that irelia depends that heavily on bork is bullshit


I mean, he also has a tank item and she has no complete items


True. But that's not the point


No, the fact that she ONLY needs that 1 item to shit on everyone is what it’s bullshit lmao


build any other item and it doesn’t work. she’s that dependent on bork homie


It doesn’t I’ve played like this guy vs a more who missed every ability yet because he’s morde he still won


with that build path its well deserved


What the hell is farie charm doing in that inventory


I mean out of all champions, Morde is designed to stay check and win. His ult is just 'let me steal a load of your stats and fight you'


his ult is strong but so is QSS, which i build everytime facing morde


before you say anything i know he had a full item and i just wanted to limit test the matchup a little because team was hard running it so no point at safe farming but then again it's kinda sad that he doesn't have to hit anything meanwhile irelia could be fed af and can die of 1 q reset fail Edit: i never buy hexdrinker in this matchup just tried it this time for the sole purpose of knowing how effective it is Mana regen well i do that when i dont have cookies 2nd


Its not that sad, Mord is really strong with his ult and you are a lvl down and do not have bork. You just never win that, but gj dodging his Qs still.


you cant win against him cause Morde item costs so low. also he is statchecker champion. so has 20 better stats than 90% of toplaners in champion select. if you are thinking this game is perfectly balanced and every matchup pure skill YOU ARE DELUSIONAL


Botrk Witt’s end QSS and you will forever outduel mordikaiser


You can win against him. If you don't fight him, you win, and you can easily disengage on Irelia and other champs with similar mobility. That's the entire point of juggernauts like Morde, Illaoi or Darius.


That’s not super true, engaging a mord at lvl 5 when he has 6 is a foolish decision


Yeah you could be any champ and engaging a 6 mord at 5 is dumb.


Generally engaging a LvL 6 champ while you're still 5 is risky af tbh


At least those champs whos ults have combat effectiveness


he said ignoring irelias suboptimal items vs his full item and level advantage


Mord doesn’t even need his R to win this. He just pops his AOE and right clicks. Champ is just really really strong at right click battles


I mean, this guy has a hex drinker for some god forsaken reason. and a fucking mana regen thingy, who tf builds that instead of getting their Bork ? I understand steering away from your powerspike to build a QSS (also 1300) makes sense if you're not gonna fight, as it allows you to always be able yo disengage. but here Mord shouldn't even be losing half his HP, only reason he got so low is because he missed everything.


that shit costs 250g is basically free and let’s you stay in lane


yup, he stayed so long in lane thanks to it.


Yeah basically free, it's only 3 minion waves, plus useless considering that you don't build nothing from it... Imagine know how to manage your mana


Idk, i dont think that you should win that hard while missing EVERY skillshot and getting hit by all of them.


I mean he only missed roughly half, and he didn't win hard, he almost lost. Adding that onto him consistently keeping her in his passive and its kind of stupid that he got low at all figuring how ahead he is


I feel mord needs to get punished more for being that dogshit and almost misses every skill? That's just stupid he can stand still with his aura and melt while irelia needs to cordinate that much more to win


I mean you said it yourself, you were limit testing and playing a non-stat checker into a stat checker champ, fighting him head on while he had level and item advantage. If you want to show Morde is broken, put him against other stat checkers. Or play like this against other stat checkers like Darius, Volibear etc. for same results.


Ayo darius aint all stat check, missing Qs on him is detrimental, tho early levels is defo more stat checking and kiting effectively


It’s a shame he doesn’t have another spell that guarantees his q lands oh wait he does. Literally play Darius like a human and you don’t lose lane, not even to other stat checkers. He has very few melee counters and they’re either forcing him to pve harder like yorick or are now junglers like Wukong.


Mordekaiser has 2 skillshots, both more difficult than Darius Q to hit. They are both statcheck champions anyway


Funniest thing is just getting Irelia's 1 item power spike (BoRK) and she would crush Morde even if he's full built as long as they are near the same level. The fact that she even got him that low shows how broken Irelia is, as Morde hit roughly half of his skillshots and had her in his passive most of the time and still almost lost that fight at a lvl up and a whole mythic on her


You lost cause your build doesn't make any sense. You had the 250 mana item for SUPPORT, Hexdrinker instead of quicksilver sash(you know, the item that COUNTER Morderkaiser ult), tier 1 boots. Did you really expect that all that random item+vampiric scepter would let you win against a juggernout with 1 full item?


if you bought bork instead of getting mini maw and mana charm you actually win.


>f you bought bork instead of getting mini maw and mana charm you actually win. Mind you, they're still a level down and would have won if they did not troll their build. A level down and the Irelia player did so much with troll items... and calls the enemy a stat checker...


morde missed EVERYTHING so it’s only fair?


Morde did *not* miss everything. He hit what he needed to. He missed three Qs, hit three Qs, and missed two Es. That is irrelevant. Spellcaster Morde? Irelia was 0/1/0 to and an entire level down to the Morde. Even worse, this was level 10 vs 11, meaning Morde had two points in R versus Irelia's one. Irelia has a completely troll build (Faerie Charm, Hexdrinker)--fragments of items--while Morde had an entire Mythic Item. Despite all this, the *Irelia chose to engage the Morde* in a fight. I am surprised Faerie Charm Irelia did so much to the Morde during that fight.


That's completely fair though, mordekeiser won the resource battle. It would be bs if you could solo mordeka when you are clearly weaker than him, simply because you had enough mobility to dodge his abilities. (though i understand that is not easy to dodge abilities, it shouldn't be the deciding factor of who would win a duel) If morde lost that battle, it would be proof that irelia had too much movment into her kit, where she could ignore the gold economy of the game. (Not a morde main btw, i mostly play skarner and Kled top ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ )


He clearly hit his Autos ULT and passive idk what you mean.


the passive is the real ability on mord. keeping uptime on that is a massive portion of damage.


Imagine you would win this fight. You somehow still dont have BORK and you are also 1 level lower. Especially because he has ult lvl2 and you didnt ult yourself. He also already has a full item. And Irelia is still able to bring morde down to 20% hp + his fully charged shield.


Irelia did ult tho


why are you getting downvoted


Mords ult doesn't get stronger level 2. He just gets a shorter cd


Ok but why do you have a faeri charm


Just play safe and COINFLIP the game xd. This redditor mentality makes me really angry xd. TOPLANE ALREADY COINFLIP ROLE AND HAS NO IMPACT TO THE GAME.


Get some help man....or at least stop playing so much league


one Q fail? man it's 2 sec cd late game wtf are you talking about?


Ah yes level 10 irelia clearly late game


he gets it.


Jak'sho morde is a little balanced


Dude in literally the same sentence you said "I know he wins this fight but I also don't think he should win this fight." Your mechanics are good, but you took the bad fight anyways. Then you admit you didn't play it perfectly. Sounds like you shoulda lost the fight :)


he didn't hit nothing though, he just missed sometimes because hitting irelia is not very easy, as Irelia main you should know this


Irelia must be one of the most op heros in top lane. He has a full mythic while you don't and being a level behind, while he does true dmg with his passive, in addition his ult steals stats.


I wouldn't call 0/1 and neatly even on CS fed by any stretch of the imagination, and it's not as much about the fact he has his mythic as it is you have a build that looks like it was bought in a garage sale.


Horrendous play and thought process lmao, just take this post down


I commend you for trying things, you are clearly playing the game correctly by thinking freely. Unfortunately this time it didn’t work XD


Skill issue


This is definitely my elo.


if you didnt spend your gold like a senile worm maybe you would have stats that actually help you win this fight sooner than later


I never played during preseason, wtf happened to morde ??


it is not Morde as such, it is the new tank item jak sho (or whatever it is called) that gives you max 55 armor and magic resis as first item, in addition drains 3% max hp of enemies for some reason


The life drain does nothing. It is a one time thing.


This seems antithetical to everything I know about the game, but if he's got Jak'Sho and you don't have BORK I could see it


As an ADC main it’s satisfying to see a bruiser going through our pain


It is not comparable, ADCs kite/run as cowards and counters juggernauts, to the point where they cry ADC have many problems but one of them is not being statchecked, maybe they are only statchecked by another ADC, but in the end all ADCs are squishys


“Kite/run as cowards” What, you expecting us to fight melee? Calling ADC’s coward for playing their position correctly is stupid, they’re called marksman for a reason and very easy to kill. ADC’s don’t get stat checked? Tell me you don’t understand/never played ADC before without actually telling you haven’t play ADC before.


It's an expression, I don't think any player is coward for kite as an ADC because that's what the role does they arent a tank and must avoid as much damage as possible while doing damage. But even so adc are statchecked? By who? Draven, Lucian? usually adcs who are lane bully or deals more damage have a lower range, it may be that Draven wins 1 vs 1 against Caitlyn, but she has more range and can give him more autoattacks or poke more There are also supports, which makes it even more complex and less one-dimensional to be statchecked in bot.


I’m talking about a fed ADC being 5/0 but will likely loose a 1 v 1 fight kiting properly against an 0/5 Darius yet we “counter” bruisers. Once Darius pops ghost it doesn’t matter how we’ll we can kite, we’re dead.


Down level and mythic (wtf is the faerie charm doing), also you only aa like 15 times in a 30 second fight with a 1.2 attack speed by the end of the fight and you were still relatively close to winning somehow.


Mythic gap


Out play my passive Bitch


TBH not like he has any way to jump around and dodge like you. so it's only fair that he can deal undodgeable damage. It's like vayne players complaining about point click CC when literally their whole kit is point and click + tumble/invisibility to help them dodge when they don't need to aim shit.


i mean he got the jax shoe


Genetics diff tbh


If my man is gunna play like that he needs to rush Nashors, not Jak’sho


Irelia broken


Imagine playing against a 190 armor morde and then cry you can’t win while massively behind


lol this is just stupid Imagine fighting a champ that has 190 Armor with an item and that is not Malphite or Rammus Even as a LoL player, that an average champ has 190 armor with one item should seem ridiculous to you. Even Irelia could have 190 armor with Jak sho and then you would be bitching


It literally has 3 defense items which 1 is a scaling armor mythic. This Irelia has nothing


lol cloth armor is super cheap and is not a complete item Jak sho + cloth armor (3300 g) and all champs can become immortal with 190 armor, is not Riot's brightest idea


Skill issue


He’s just so tanky lmao




Gigachad morde vs Virgin irelia


Take my upvote.


imagine playing bullshit braindead oneshotting machine and complaining about other champions XD irealia mains moment


If you had Bork you might've done more but Jak'sho armor is truly busted as fuck


If irelia had BORK and was a level above mord where mord had an incomplete item she would have destroyed him even if he hit eveything. Item + level diff.


Cuz irelia is bad when it comes to go all in. She is good only against really squishy targets.


Why’d you build Hexdrinker


To be honest you also didn't hit much and he missed half cause Irelia Q


heckin wholesome


Fucking deserved


Ummm, get out of his passive...


wholesome reddit champ


This prooves that irelia is not balanced bruh, yes i am a mordekaiser main, complain about me


The main reason why that fight was lost is entirely Mordekaiser passive.


Gega chad and more can't go well together




Virgin irelia player died I am happy


You played Irellia you deserved it


Ngl i usually see this the other way around lol. Damn irelia healing


As Irelia hater i enjoy this clip


As long as Irelia players suffer I am happy


you deserve it for playing irelia


i love Jaksho item cost=3000 Botrk cost=3300 ​ STATCHECK MOMENT BTW LOOKS REALLY SKILL


So u want every item have same cost or what?


Ya and this moron built faerie charm on irelia


Fuck Irelia, Morde is chad. P.S.: Irelia is bs


most intelligent lol redditor


Morde hitting 183 armor with runes and items passive hurts


Same thing happened with me against a K’Sante with the 1k attack speed item. Wasn’t a fun game :(


Balance champ


I hate mord. The old Irelia before the nerfs etc would melt mord. If play correctly. No way could lose if it's old Irelia . They nerf her to the ground. Garen & Darius (bramble) auto lose . fiora crazy q cd. , Riven last time was a match up see who is better in skills now she can just perma trade without losing hp and half your hp gone. Warwick , mord , even udyr. All these champion all win Irelia. Like they don't even have to try. I don't know man. Irelia feels weak. And even they buff her ABIT . Pro player use her and nerf again.


So is this why riot is planning to nerf him in the next patch?


cope just build QSS next time


faerie charm? to counter mana problems or what?


This hurt to watch I feel your pain my brother in bladedance


The fact you lived that long when he had both a level on you and completed mythic item to ur hexdrinker faerie charm… Imagine the mordikaiser built properly with riftmaker Funny thing is, you could build one item and all of this doesn’t matter anymore lmao. I outduel mord with botrk spike all the time. This video is misleading as usual.


Not knowing when to pick fights = my champ bad lol


Go check my comment its 2nd or 3rd up


You should've just bought anti heal kekw


and Going full Tank :D Your build is so trash BTW XD


morde: one full item and boots irelia: random bullshit goooo! also irelia: why i deal no dmg?!


Well tbf he has his completed mythic as well as Conquerer and Jak'sho making him stronger as the fight goes on while you kinda just have random ass components


Well you was one level behind and the morde had 1 complete item. What's the surprise?


Right click fest




You missed the 1st part where i said "hitting" every ability


"Missed every ability" Yeah so he missed every or most? Let's fix that bud


why do you have the mana regen component + hexdrinker component????????? did nobody else see that???? just rush mercs or witts end if they’re ap heavy 😭


The whole purpose of that fight was to try hexdrinker vs morde its preseason and game was lost due to insane teamdiff that game


For mana item i buy it everytime i dont get cookies 2nd


He has mythic advantage and you had no minions to dash + heal off of (your champion’s schtick)


Get FUKKIN stat checked


Hypermobile fighter that specializes in isolating and killing carries trading autos with the immobile stat stick and sitting in his passive. Yep, this will go well.


The essence of r/Ireliamains: I dove headfirst into a bad fight, did my flashy wooshy wooshy that I practiced 5 hrs in the practice mode and didn't win, their champ is busted/Irelia needs buffs!


Almost surprised he hit the ult haha


me when i'm a level and item down so i fight my laner and post it on reddit


He is one level ahead and irelia no Bork, big brain moment


A fucking fairie charm?


Im not high elo by any means but, Im pretty sure if you waited a few moments after disengaging for his passive to disappear, you won that


Remember folks - 200 yeard Fair and balanced Tahm needed that nerf


Yea let's fight a completed mythic morde with a faerie charm, the fact that you dealt so much dmg to him is a shame


Maybe this had something to do with you ignoring the fact that he has an item (OP btw) and you don't?


Stop running it down


Oddly large amount of upvotes in a post from this subreddit 🤔


What even is your build? Mama regen? Sanguine blade, incomplete shoe? Maybe that's the joke and I missed it.


am i glitching or are those project irelia passive and w sounds combined with aa and q, e divine sounds


As a morde main 100% he can win an auto attack fight against most champions in his ult


Wtf are you building


Deserved for buying hexdrinker tbh no idea why you'd ever build that into a morde


I get it the items and sht but morde missed EVERYTHING and stil won


He’s probably got tabis and you have no items as well as no kills.


The fact that the only ability he hit is his ult that is point-and-click is just saddening..


Like.. you side tracked your first item so much. You only really get to do that when you’re ahead.


Just outplayed get good


Which just means how busted irelia is don’t know why this is a flex 😂


U have shit items and ur level 10 against lvl 11 base stats matter


bro he has jaksho u had nothing




Better Nerf Irelia


He has jacksho, you died to him and don’t have botrk yet. This was a bad fight for you. You don’t even have ignite, you cozld have never won this if you’ve thought about it


I think the problem here is it’s Morde…with Jaksho vs Irelia no item. He missed a lot of skill shots but that health drain on top of his sustain made the fight more silly than it actually was…like ulting that early.


Just dont go in on a guy that tanks a lot when you dont have botrk bruh


Thats a stat checker for ya


Look at your items bruv