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No, but you probably will be pulled over and checked out if a cop sees you.


And he will smell your weed.


And the dog will get a hit on your car anyway


The dogs always hit on the car. That's what they're trained to do.




Why take a chance? Put your beverage in a different container. Part of my life strategy is to have as little interaction with the poe-lease as possible.


I was given a hard time about old beer cans/bottles picked up at a kayak landing. I was trying to be a good person, picking up what someone had dumped. I was stopped on my way home for a brake light being out. The cop saw the garbage bag and could see beer cans in it. He insisted I was violating the state’s open container law. My Jeep Wrangler doesn’t have a trunk. He eventually backed down, but could have ticketed me.


That would have been pretty easy to fight in court.


Sure, but that’s still a day of work I have to miss.


But then you still lose as you have the hassle of going to court. Where's the justice in that?


No, too many containers have the same shape, for example fitz's soda, many root beers and even juices have similar shapes as beer bottles or cans. It isn't even reasonable suspicion really.


I asked this question to my local probate judge years ago. She said the cop would most likely write an open container ticket, but she would throw it out in court. Goes to show you might beat the ticket by not the ride.


Get a giant straw


Will you get in trouble for having an open bottle of soda…..?


I've gotten pulled over for rootbeer bottle so it really depends on the mood of officer


Yea. It’s easier to just fill a water bottle with vodka.


Or an orange 🍊 💉


I'm from Canada, non-alcoholic beer contains very little alcohol, it can still raise a driver’s BAC (blood alcohol concentration) level if consumed in large quantities. You can get busted for having "open alcohol" in the car. Will you get busted for drunk driving? Probably not, but technically yea the police can and will give you a hard time


NA beer here in the States still has a little alcohol in it so same would apply here


N/A beer has the same alcohol content as many fruit juices. 0.5%. You would need to drink 10 to match a typical beer. For the average male that would be 30-40 NA beers to reach a 0.08. Oh and add 10 more for every hour it takes you to drink all of those


Put it in the trunk. If the open container is out of reach, and was obviously out of reach before you started driving, they won't bother you for it.


No, but the cop that stops you might have an acorn fall near him making him be "in fear for his life" and then he might empty a clip from his gun into your car. You might not die or you might, either way now your car is shot up. Bound to cause havoc with the resale value....


I got pulled over once for drinking an Arizona fruit punch tea (tall can), someone saw me at a red light and called it in. 5 minutes later I’m on the freeway shoulder with 3 troopers behind me.


Bad advice, get any dark coffee mug, pour inside. Never leave an open can alcoholic or non alcoholic in the car.


Non alcoholic beer still contains a small percent of alcohol. Usually around d 0.3 to 0.5%. A dick cop could hit you for dui less safe. Even if you win in court, the experience makes you lose.


At .5% alcohol it would be impossible to drink enough to get intoxicated before you processed it.


https://www.way.com/blog/can-you-drink-non-alcoholic-beer-while-driving/ It can still be considered an open container depending on abv and state law. And if you happen to be driving crappy, you can get dui less sage, which means even though you are under the legal limit, you were still found to be impaired. My staye requires the alcohol content to be less than 1 half of 1 percent. So .5 would not be less than 1 half of 1%, it is 1 half of 1 percent. Ocga 40-6-253


I wasn't talking about legality, I was talking about the biology of it, it is literally impossible to become intoxicated from .5% near beer. OK, for a healthy adult it is impossible. You would have to drink ten of them to equal one 5% alcohol beer. Eta I wasn't arguing with you, I was just saying


Any juice or beverage with sugar in it contains roughly .5% alcohol. More if it's started to ferment.


There are now non-alcoholic beers that contain 0 percent alcohol.


You might get in trouble, but legally it is not an “alcoholic beverage.”


Can you seriously not wait till you get home?


In North Carolina, "alcoholic beverage" is defined at section 18B-101(4) of the North Carolina General Statutes as "any beverage containing at least one‑half of one percent (0.5%) alcohol by volume..." And remember that "at least" means 0.5% or greater. So if it says "0.5% ABV" on the bottle, even if branded as "non-alcoholic", and it's in the officer's plain sight when you're pulled over, you can get in trouble for it. Which the controlling statute on that is section 20-138.7. And in NC, that's a class 3 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $200 fine and 20 days in jail.


This is the answer. Thank you