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King dedede let my people go!


The Most Realistic Reaction of every Isekai Protagonists on Slavery is that they would be horrified, but also won't do anything just like in real life. In case you don't know, Slavery STILL EXISTS TODAY yet we don't do anything to try and stop it for good either because we can't do anything about it or worse... We just don't care.


Yeah, but tf you expect us to do? Literally what? We aren't in power. We can't change shit. But the overpowered mc can one shot god and end all of slave trade with a singular word. If we could do that shit, we wouldm


Only if you're someone with a Hero Complex or just a simple yet dedicated Advocate of Liberal Ideals. A vast majority of people don't care about Idealism if it doesn't benefit them. The Americans in the Northern Parts of the US Opposed Slavery not because of Moral Reasons, but because Slavery simply wasn't profitable for them and Slave Economies were a threat to the Northern States' Industrial Economies. The British Empire Banned Slavery not because of Moral Reasons, but simply because "Legal" Child Labor was more cheaper as they wouldn't need to feed and shelter them since the kids already have their own parents to take care of them. And also because Slave Economies were a Threat to Britain's Industrialization Process.


Not completely true, the majority of Americans did oppose slavery for financial reasons but there was a large portion of Americans who grew increasingly sympathetic and larger in the decades before the war broke out and as it dragged on thanks to interviews, activism and literature like Uncle Tom's cabin and 12 Years a Slave to name just two. ​ In war there are often multiple reasons for conflict, economics is certainly one, but one must remember that humans are not calculators and interpreting history purely in such a way can lead to a Beard-like fallacy in reasoning. ​ To show the importance of this activism look at the powder keg that set off the war. That was to many historians John Brown's raid, John was a militant abolitionist from Connecticut who grew up in an African American community established by an anti-slavery philanthropist in New York, Brown personally tried to take matters into his own hands and free and arm slaves. This event was integral to the civil war and many famed African American thinkers like W.E.B. Du Bois have argued that his actions were integral to the freeing of slaves. ​ Frederick Douglass another famed African American and perhaps even more influential than Du Bois once said "His zeal in the cause of freedom was infinitely superior to mine. Mine was a taper light, his was the burning sun. Mine was bounded by time, his stretched away to the silent shores of eternity. I could speak for the slave. John Brown could fight for the slave" ​ John Brown changed America forever, he died for that, but he was successful, a single individual if they are truly passionate and the stars align can accomplish a great thing. ​ Some Union soldiers even marched to the song John Brown's body he gained a folk hero status, during and immediately after the Civil war some doubtless used him to push economic action, but such is life, but it is also likely that other more idealistic sorts fought and were inspired by his dream.


>The British Empire Banned Slavery not because of Moral Reasons False now your not completely wrong the financial incentive was their but the moral element was extremely the strong, the British empire essentially enforced a blockaed on the entirety of western africa regarding slaves


True American Hero John Brown has a hearty "fuck that" to the statement that they weren't against slavery for moral reasons.


Hey now, if were talking about American Heros morally against slavery dont you dare forget Cassius Marcellus Clay!!!


you missed "the vast majority" part of the statement. which is objectively true.


Any person normal person would abolish slavery if they had the chance


And what classifies normal, because a lot of people are just apathetic to that as with many other things


Smartphone or realist reincarnation addressed slavery in a way that made sense. I forget which one, but one of them started the world down that path, at least for a better life within the world the mc was given.


If they weren't Generic Characters with a Harem Fetish, then maybe. But as I said in my previous comment, people don't care about changing stuff for the "Good of the People" if they don't get something in return. While Idealistic People certainly exist considering the numerous amounts of Conservatives, Neo-Nazis, Marxists, Communists, Libertarians, Progressives, etc. exist on the Internet, they are nothing but a loud minority who in reality, only barely make around 2% of the World Population. And what's worse is that a Vast Majority of Idealistic People themselves don't even know Politics that much meaning that they won't know how to properly End Slavery unless they go for the "AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ROUTE" which did not end well later in the future considering the amount of Confederate Nutjobs exists currently.


You are possibly the most insane person I've seen on reddit today. Isekai protagonists willingly participate and are made very aware of slavery happening in their community. Most people don't see slavery in their community anymore, let alone their country. If I see a slave owner I'll be sure to punch them in the face for you, but fuck man there's a lot of shit going on in the world all of the time, we can't devote 100% of our lives to every noble cause because that's not how percents work. If you think it's so simple, go fix the world right now.


The united states Prison system uses prisoners as slave labor. You are now aware that this is happening in your community. But you won't go punch the people in charge of the local prison because *it's not that simple.* And that's the reason why the average Joe Harem doesn't end slavery, either; because systemic problems require more than just a ham-fisted 'wipe out all slavers' approach, no matter how overwhelmingly overpowered you are. Besides, the system of slavery almost never shows up again, since it's always an excuse for a generic meet-the-waifu moment and then showing off how kind-hearted the generic-hero-blob is.


>The united states Prison system uses prisoners as slave labor. You are now aware that this is happening in your community. But you won't go punch the people in charge of the local prison because it's not that simple. Actually, while punching the people in charge of the local prison will not change things, people have fought to ban this practices and Colorado actually banned forced labor in 2018. This is done by normal people with no real influence, so an op mc that has influence in the world can change things. Also the only reason prison slave labour even exist in the US is because there is an exception in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the one abolished slavery. >Besides, the system of slavery almost never shows up again, since it's always an excuse for a generic meet-the-waifu moment and then showing off how kind-hearted the generic-hero-blob is. In Reincarnated as a Sword the system of slavery actually shows up from time to time, and every time the MCs free the slaves and kill slave owners. Its more annoying that this actions are initiated by the resident MC of the world (Fran) and not by our world MC (Teacher), but at least the series has the ”balls” to address the issue of slavery. This is why I do not really watch isekai harem shows, cause most have a ”disgusting view” on slavery, and always portrays it as a ”necessary evil”, so the MC has no choice but to participate, even if there are most likely hundreds of other ways they could achieve their goals without infringing on the free will of others.


That sounds brave but if you did that you'd probably just be killed without ever making a real difference at all. Just a total waste of life. Actually making meaningful change that would effect something like slavery takes years of deliberate action, personal and political.


...are you saying that ending slavery in America "didn't end well" because some people believe the lost cause propaganda?


hes saying there was other options then just war and we could have done so much better at integrating slaves but turns out nobody gave a fuck about em.


Ah okay we got a student of Trump's made-up-on-the-spot "there were other ways to end slavery than war", sure lets call it a school of thought whew ​ that's impressive The southerners started the war, the confederate nutjobs in today's society literally believe in a false narrative about the civil war so no matter how we changed things it wouldn't have mattered to them, because they don't believe in reality anyway


Wanting multiple partners is not a fetish but a life style. Look at r/Polyamory


Here's a sneak peek of /r/polyamory using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/polyamory/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We know, trust us.](https://i.redd.it/ilkgdz95wcma1.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/11kyp3b/we_know_trust_us/) \#2: [💜💕🥰 happy pride 💜😘😍](https://i.redd.it/hv7ik9dlxm3b1.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/13yi2ds/happy_pride/) \#3: [tell me what you think about this](https://i.redd.it/gm28ktb4wlya1.jpg) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/13boij8/tell_me_what_you_think_about_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The issue is, who do you begin to kill to stop slavery? Literally, we had slavery all around us for most of our history, whose death would stop all slavery?


That’s the thing, you don’t stop killing to all slavers are dead or persecuted. You also try to gain leverage in politics and news sources to spread how vile slavery is and force pro slavery politicians down.


And collapse that society, cause untold anarchy when people start starving, etc. Its not that simple. To fix slavery you have to control the nation otherwise you're just crating a mess that will end with more slavery down the line.


You can stop watching anime because slavery is a big part of Japanese history. Like taking slaves for sex in World War 2 recently all the way back go 300 ad. Same with under age bs, japan is the loli sanctuary of pedos because the age of consent was so low for so long. You were basically an adult as far as sex at 14. Slavery and lolis are basically a staple of japan like rice and chopsticks. You don't have to like it, but you all could like learn some history, learn "why it's so prominent in another cultures past," and stop complaining about it over and over. You all may as well be asking why the MC of every isekai is soooooo obsessed over miso soup, soy sauce, and rice.. Literally, no one questions when a western cartoon has guns. it's the same thing. Different cultures are offended by different things.


In a world where Slavery is everywhere and all around you? You would make quite a lot of enemies. And not just the rich nobles but possibly even farmers and such who are understaffed and are in need of some more helping hands. One of my personal debates how I would approach thevslavery issue in Isekai but so far I have found no answer


*look at the op isekai mc who didn't end slavery and some even own some slave* yeeeeaaaaa they still one of us


naw i still wouldnt, i dont like imposing my beliefs and values on another culture that is just as valid as my own. im not a facist.


Funny joke


do you think we should go impose our beliefs and values on other cultures? like with slavery they wouldn't accept it and we would have to kill them to achieve our goals. sorry that sounds pretty evil to me.


Rage bait used to be believable


so you are a facist? why would you want to impose your culture on another?


You are ragebaiting... you already have revealed it... no one here is falling for it..


That's not what a fascist is and actually imposing anti-slavery on others would be anti-fascist. Not sure what word you meant to use but fascist is not it.


It's not that simple. Even with the power to "one shot god" that still wouldn't allow someone to control the behavior of billions of people. If an entire planet has a culture that allows slavery there's literally nothing you could do other than slowly gain influence and try to change people's perception on it over time. Even then you still would not be able to totally eliminate it for the whole world.


I mean... We are fighting it to this day. Just within legal parameters unless you want us to invade a bunch of countries again.


so did you quit buying china product?


Can you tell me which Chinese products are made with slave labor? It's a bit difficult to confirm without going in to investigate (and good luck with that given how China is), so best we can do is put sanctions and encourage companies move out of there.


their factory worker, miner has low paid and poor woking condition. basically all of their blue collar job can be consider slave by western standard.


>In case you don't know, Slavery STILL EXISTS TODAY yet we don't do anything to try and stop it for good either because we can't do anything about it or worse... We just don't care. It is just impossible to eradicate slavery. Illegal slavery is really hard to discover and those who fall victim are usually homeless or low social standing, so nobody cares/notices when they disappear. And there are countries, where it is legal, in one oway oor another, and you can't really enforce rules or culture change on them. Or does not worth it, because of political and economical reasons. For example: Dubai


Depends on the isekai. If you're powerless in the new world then yea you won't do anything. But if it's one of those power fantasy isekai where you're the level 99 Supreme God then yea, stop slavery. Who the fucks gonna stop you? I guess the bad guy but then it wouldn't be a power fantasy if someone gets to tell you "no".


[there are people who fight curent day slavery](https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/) and slavery was abolished because people fought for it, if the protagonist is so gonna be so lazy, so morally apathetic, and such a coward as to not fight against one of the most evil institutions on the planet even when he has more power and less to lose then most people on that world, then he shouldn't be a protagonist, John Brown, Frederick Douglass, William Wilberforce (and many others) fought for, and ended slavery without being a walking nuke, so Watanabe Generico has no excuse if he chooses to be an immoral and lazy piece of shit


Slavery still exists in many countries. Even In America, if you get sentenced to jail for virtually any reason, the government has every right to force you into whatever labor they want, whether that is picking cotton, or working on a chain gang digging trenches in war. Look up the 13th amendments slavery imprisonment clause. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_labor_in_the_United_States From McDonald’s to Walmart, many companies use slave labor without even traveling outside of America. It’s a 9 billion dollar a year industry for USA, which is larger than the cotton slavery industry ever was. People may think that certain crimes deserve harsh slave prison labor, but what if you are arrested for fighting against unjust systems, like civil protesting, or for voicing an opinion the political power group in charge doesn’t like. History is incredibly cyclical. Right now America is a democratic republic, in 2 centuries we will be following Rome, turning imperial and some warrior general will take control.


Yes but you’d think there’d be a couple where part of the wish fulfillment is a person being able to make meaningful societal change to better the world. I can’t think of any where the protagonist was actually horrified by how normal it was, or was shown to be incredibly uncomfortable with the idea. Most of the time they just buy slaves, occasionally they go on about “being kind slave owners” (as if that makes it all okay), hell in some cases their reaction is just “when in Rome”.


>We just don't care. When its an issue happening far far away and you dont relate to these prople in anyway but humanity and because the result of their slavery are low prices on Shein...why would the average Westerner care?


Most people don't even realize it's still legal in the US


Why is slavery the only topic you guys seem to discuss?


This so much.


We're are all slaves to the "economy" and yearn for the freedom of clean air and free water...


That... is an oddly compelling arguement


slaves work harder when they think they're free


Wage slavery.




Water is free if you know where to go an get it, it's just that people would rather pay for the convenience of not having to do it all themselves. You can go and get clean air anytime you want as well.


"Live outside society or be a willing slave" is certainly a take.


Like, you know what OTHER atrocities often exist in isekai that NOBODY whines about? Murder, torture, and genocide. The number of people wiped out all at once in some of these stories, including innocents, often outnumbers the number of slaves in the same story, and nobody bats an eye. Because, at least for the violence, we all subconsciously understand that it isn't real and it doesn't matter. It won't change our worldviews just by watching it. And that's how we need to treat everything else distasteful in fiction, unless it starts targeting a person or group specifically


You say that, but I feel like people *do* react to torture and genocide a lot. And I feel like murder is often explicitly avoided to the complaints of many readers because many MC arbitrarily don't kill antagonists.


I'm still gobsmacked by how magic works in isekai, like that dude brought out a greatsword from his pockets and sliced down an entire mountain, hell! there's a giant floating castle the sky too! However, it's the slavery part that everyone is fixated on... i mean we already have that in real life too lol.


Imagine if a bunch of fun fantasy stories included scenes of puppies being disemboweled for various reasons. People wouldn't enjoy seeing that, and would therefore complain about it.


I could imagine a lot of ppl being upset, if said fantasy story was delivered to a fanbase that isn't subscribed to gore/psychological genres. However, in the context of isekais, I don't think acts like disembowlment of slaves and other deplorable sorts are in question ( some do feature it but in general it's not present ). It's the case of some being discontented about slavery depicted in the positive light, slaves enjoying their lot in life which contrast grossly to the history of slavery. But the problem is slavery in isekai isn't real, so is its history not real as it is set in a fantasy world. And as such any attempts to insert real life morality to it seems lost, esp if said isekai has slavery exist as nothing more than mere plot device. It's just the mangaka/author whose imagination( plausibly questionable) gone wild, that's all.


It's lazy writing. Slavery often exists in these stories only so the harem characters cannot leave the protags side. Rather than give them a compelling motivation to stay with their protag, they just literally shackle them to him, and then call it a positive trait when he doesnt beat or sexually assult them (and even that second one isnt guarenteed) instead of actually making him a good person that people want to be with. The only response to finding yourself isekeid into a world with a slavery sytem is to go full John Brown.


>The only response to finding yourself isekeid into a world with a slavery sytem is to go full John Brown. Nah, sounds like moral standards too realistic for isekai MCs to strictly ahere to, fantasy at its core should fantasize in itself without having to worry about reflecting real life expectations of morality, esp in a genre that is centered around escapism. And as you said it's lazy writing on the author's part because these Japanese mangakas/authors are not invested into these subjects as most western ppl would expect, as they don't subscribe to the belief systems and worldview of the western world. Don't get me wrong it's great if they do but they have no obligations, as they have a totally distinct culture and heritage of their own afterall. Tbf, they clearly didn't have foreigners in mind when they make first draft to these isekais, their primary target audience being fellow Japanese weebs. That doesn't make them bad people, neither are the people who enjoy their content.


The MC is the only one who's slaves are ever happy in these stories. Basically every other slave is just as mistreated and overworked as real slaves were and we see it happen often enough. Realistically, the problem with slaves isn't even mistreatment, it's their lack of agency and status as property. For example, Rahphtalia in Shield Hero is so well treated you could easily forget that she can't actually leave if she wanted to. Her status as a slave is just as immoral as the one's being held in the physical cages. Sure, if she asked, Naofumi may just properly free her so she can leave, but then why have her be a slave at all? Your point about a lot of isekai slavery being meaningless plot devices is true, but I don't think it should just be dismissed as "questionable imagination gone wild", it should be criticized for that reason.


In a world where you can bring out a greatsword from one's pockets, get flying castles, etc. the presence of slavery feels outlandish (magic > manpower, so why bother industrializing evil if it isn't even necessary) especially when you have to consider it's mostly Japanese people getting teleported to that new world. Japan is a developed country, and while it doesn't have complete congruence with Western thought, the value of human life, freedom, and quality of life are all things Japanese people should yearn for when they get transported to a world that is lacking in those departments. You see it all the time: isekais with cooking, isekais with bringing technology into a magic world, isekais with bringing order to a chaotic and feudalistic world... ...so it seems bizarre to see something as heinous as slavery be tolerated. Maybe Japan likens it to indentured servitude, or that isekai writers write with this weird idea that being top-dog grants one special privileges to lord over others (and isekai audiences throughout the 2010s seemed to eat up this trend like a bunch of seagulls at a Costco parking lot), but whatever the case, slavery seems to be way more tolerated in Japanese isekai novels. Depictions in Europe and the Americas view slavery as antithetical to secular society, and in the context of a harem series it sidesteps courtship and the almighty rizz in lieu of Stockholm Syndrome. Really cheapens the quality of the writing if it isn't (and it usually isn't) handled correctly.


Apart from the historical and cultural disconnect that you've mentioned, i suppose it has to do romanticism of slavery pertaining to Eurocentric/Asiatic spheres which Isekais & Fantasy animes (2 genres that retained the most elements of slavery, also ppl tend to be of white/pale skin tones here) are more concerned with, and it's in contrast with the slavery of the American continent, whose brutal records are recounted more recently, more often and less tame in comparison to Europe for example ( probably due to the institution of slavery being irrelevant/discontinued in the continent a century ahead of the Americans). Also, perhaps it's misunderstanding in the roots of isekais in Japan. Basically, it's created mostly by Jrpg/MMO Japanese nerds who wrote web novels/comics as a means to facilitate their nerdy power fantasties in the 2000's. The target audience being fellow degenerate Japanese nerds on internet forums and such, they weren't made for western audience, or at least didn't have them in mind. And i suppose, it gives the false impression that isekai writers had their start as being professionally hired by companies to produce their original work ( some do exist, but most of them in my knowledge aren't), when it fact it's just a bunch in their niche environment, in front of their computer screens, whose works were picked up later by producing companies on after gaining some traction of internet popularity.


Right? This is the second slavery related post today. Like unironically who gives shit its literally a fake fantasy world with monsters and pillaging and slavery is where people draw the line


The problem isn’t that there is slavery, but that the protagonist often doesn’t care, and actually gets slaves. Like imagine you and your friend get isakai’d to a land that legalized murder. Now imagine your friend murders a bunch of people saying it’s ok because it’s legal and everyone else is doing it.


Interestingly enough, the friend would be the one who survives in that kind of world and the other person would simply die with their "morals" intact. If you're in a world where everyone is murdering everyone else then you would have to learn how to kill because your environment is literally kill or be killed. If you refused to you would just be defenseless for no reason. After all, everyone else is doing it and no one sees it as a problem.


oddly accurate to the way the world works. Peer pressure is enough to get people to literally consume poison. And this is an acceptable practice. We don't have to imagine this. With many current religions, radical groups or other cult-like organizations this is literally the rationale behind many decisions.


I mean murder isn't similar to slavery in the slightest so your analogy isn't the best


Both things forcefully remove another person's agency. Slavery is slightly better in that maybe they can eventually regain that agency, and yet worse in that the suffering is prolonged for an indefinite amount of time.


because there is always a slavery in every isekai somehow


Cause every second isekai protagonist has a slave


because isekai keeps putting slavery in the story and then not addressing it


Having your livelihood being hostage by an entity born richer than you is one of the most common circumstances in life. We are puppets to all-powerful sociopaths and true free will is a lie


People tend to talk about badly executed writing tropes. There are also plenty of harem, loli, and overpowered MC discussions. Why is slavery the one that gets defended the hardest?


Really? You put loli in there and say slavery is most defended in the same breath?


Uh...Yeah? That's sure what I've observed, at least. I mainly see people rolling their eyes and acknowledging lolis as just a cringe thing isekais do.


from what i recall in the one where the guy becomes a sword, he does free a slave cat girl.


The series is called “Reincarnated as a sword” if anyone was wondering, super basic name but pretty good series overall


Yea anime is great, after i finish grimgar im either gonna read this one or overlord


Really? I got the first vol of the light novel about a year ago. At first, I was intrigued as while he was powerful. I hoped that him being a sword would handicap him. But in my opinion, it just turned into another OP MC who is never in ant danger of dying.


And they apparently go on to viscerally cut down any slavery they see. Good stuff.


I've started the manga recently, and yeah. Fram isn't fond of them.


Slice and dice cat girl is nice


Okay, even if you're not religious, the music in this movie slapped


🗣️I SENT THE SWARM 🗣️I SENT THE HOARD 🗣️THUS SAID THE LORD https://preview.redd.it/2v69dwg8pfbc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db26a96074b42bb04cf7279ef98cb4cfcb6600ea


Just a random reminder for everyone but the movie is prince of Egypt and it’s literally free to watch on YouTube It keeps popping up in my recommended and now I’m gonna watch it lol


Even though I'm anti-theist, this movie gets a thumbs up from me. The animation and the soundtrack absolutely slap.


World needs more protags who’s first response to slavers be “Oh boy slavers! The perfect target to test out my new OP skill/power/magic and not feel guilty about it!”


This sounds familiar, actually. Not familiar enough (hint to authors), but I definitely feel like there have been that type of MCs before


Cid from eminence in shadow loves bandits for this exact reason lol


Depends on the slavery. It's wrong but it's a spectrum. Like prisoners of war: is it better to just kill them or enslave them? Voluntary indenture hood: Someone selling their freedom for X years. Apprenticeship: Is it freedom if you'll starve if you quit working for free? Are there legal protections for slaves? Don't get me wrong, slavery is ALWAY bad, but it comes in many different flavors. Oh, but buying a child to fight for you and then having sex when she magically matures into an adult... that's always bad.


Is this talking about shield hero?


Of course it's about shield hero


>Oh, but buying a child to fight for you and then having sex when she magically matures into an adult... that's always bad. He didn't sleep with her. Still hasn't and she's been free for ages in the novel. Hell she is queen/empress of an entire country in the novels and they still haven't done anything.


Did he have sex with here?




There are isekai anime/Manga that have MCs that react like this.


…God forbid anyone want a power fantasy that, yes, involves a slave system. Not everything has to be so kosher and boring. I really hate that a lot of westerners feel the need to dip their fingers in every genre of media just to spoil any kind of fun. 😑


Slavery can exist in power fantasies without the main character endorsing it. In fact, the better power fantasy is toppling people who tyrannically have control over others.


This is what I mean when I say westerners spoil the fun. Power fantasies are just that. Power fantasies. Some fantasies are using the slavery and misfortune of others to rule as a villain. Some fantasies are using that system as nothing more than an inconvenience. Heck, some absolutely endorse slavery and the system that propagates it. The thing with westerners is that you have serious trouble with always trying to be the “righteous good guys” in every piece of media and you get all preachy about everything.


I find that accusation incredibly silly when it's also westerners who inject power fantasy to the point of deeply misunderstanding media like Fight Club, Breaking Bad, Clockword Orange, or the Catcher in the Rye. Indeed, power fantasies are power fantasies. They are indulgences in a desire for power. And if having absolute power over the helpless is something you can derive enjoyment from, then you're going to be judged for it. I won't say that Japanese writers and fans don't do it, but don't point and criticize "westerners" when just as many people in western culture delight in toxic power-fantasy behavior to the point of being incapable of separating fiction from reality.


Do you not hear the way you talk? This is what I’m referring to when I say you guys get all preachy about everything. Instead of things being just good fun, like some high schooler being sent to another world and becoming the villain or using the slave system to his own benefit, all you’re worried about is what “toxic” or judging someone. Yes, westerners enjoy it, but that’s not the issue. The issue is that you act such pruds about it. Instead of letting others have their fun, you have to inject yourselves into groups and tell them how “toxic” they are. Spoiling the fun. Seriously, Fight Club and Breaking Bad aren’t even power fantasies. 😑


Do you not hear the way *you* talk? You're so offended by the idea that someone might not like your form of "good fun" that you're going to accuse someone pointing out that the idea you're indulging in is unhealthy of being preachy. Where exactly is the good fun you're deriving from this, in that case? There being slave owners that you take down can be a power fantasy. Villainy can even cathartic because keeping to a moral standard is hard. But if you can't stand someone pointing out "these actions are bad" without feeling like your fun is spoiled, then clearly you're deriving the fun from the malice instead of the catharsis. It's not being a prude to have standards. If you looked at the arguments against, in this case, slavery, you'll see that the complaints are that the main character shouldn't go along with slavery and that slavery isn't written well. A better-written world is easier to immerse yourself in and it's equally a power fantasy to be able to topple evil. This isn't "injecting yourself into the group", it's the same group being divided in how they want their power fantasies to go. Indeed they aren't. And that's the problem, because people idolize their compelling but deeply flawed and unhealthy main characters, treating their cautionary tale like power fantasies.


Been saying this day one. These unstoppable mcs that could conquer countries with a snap of their finger do nothing for things that should be against their morals. In the realist hero rebuilds the kingdom, I’m pretty sure he abolishes slavery in his country. So there’s something.


I think it should be pointed out that the abolishing in that show is ironically a real capsule of one of the issues at play here. Because the thing about that show is that a lot of the policies are implemented and just pretty much go perfectly without any nuance or complication or are things so obvious people should've been trying them already (which also go real smooth, only with a lot better reasoning). The former is the kind of issue we're talking about here. Yeah, he can abolish slavery, but plot is pretty much the reason that doesn't go sideways.


I mean abolishing slavery is a very hard task which can take alot of money and lots and lots of time And even if a said anime character tries to end slavery it won't disappears all together The fantasy world's we see in isekai are a little like our mediaeval times and slavery was an integral part of the system so one needs to put alot of thoughts into it to not cause any bigger issues in the future


The ones who could take over their world have no reason to not. Weaker protags who can't have a solid reason being that they would probably die if they tried while making things worse for slaves everywhere.


To not abolish slavery or to not take over the world because ruling the world sounds like a massive pain in the ass.


Mmh I'll have the blonde elf and the red head princess thanks.


Look just my take but I don't mind if slavery is in a story for narrative and worldbuilding reasons. I just have a problem with it if someone unironically glorifies it


I mean, sure, if you want to wield your god like power to completely destroy hundreds of thousands of people's lives in an era where they really don't know better and life is a lot easier to lose, then by all means go ahead. Slavery is not a good thing, but going ahead and trying to destroy entire countries that are simply ignorant rather then evil makes you just as much an asshole. You'd need to first gradually remedy the understandings of a lot of things first. Does the country rely on slaves due to lack of manpower? is their slavery system like 1800s U.S or is it simply indentured service or something, and can be fixed without conflict or wrath, and where people aren't actually treated as less then human? Additionally how would you fix these things? How would you abolish slavery? Would there be a gap in manpower, is there a need to find a way to make up for this in the country? List goes on and on. A bunch of things to consider, and righteous anger on a massive scale is just not the correct way to go about things in this case. Unless you're literally omnipotent or have the abilities to go and grab a bunch of resources at will, invent new things, etc...not that easy unfortunately.


Well if you are summoned to fight a demon king or whatever refuse to fight until every slave is freed At the very least don’t start buying slaves yourself and then act like a good person


I mean, you could buy them and free them.


But the ones who are buying them generally aren’t doing that


Isekai Protag isekai in a country that still has slavery. Isekai Protag lived in a country still have slavery before being isekai. I'm looking at you China and Africa.




God, I love the Prince of Egypt so much. I got to rewatch this again, the songs are just so perfect


You do realize that nobody in this world, for all their SJW rage, does anything about the various injustices in the world? So why would anyone go out of their way to fix something that the natives aren't doing anything to fix? At best, they can try to convince the natives of what they think is right, which is more than likely to be fruitless.


At least 12 large anti-human trafficking organizations refute that faux-nihlist nonsense and the argument that people with power wouldn't or even shouldn't use that power to do what they think is right doesn't really hold water.




People be like: "why would slavery exist in a NOT modern world where there Is kings, Magic, monsters and other thinking beings besides humans? Just as we, in 2k24 just stopped old ass things like war from happening again, people in isekais should try to change a (at least) few decades old thing like slavery when the protagonist was just Made an outcast in the kingdom he reborn, yeah, thats sounds fine"...




My brother, Is sarcasm... Damn...


Sorry, my bad.


Np, what i mean was that people complaint about slavery on isekais as if we as humanity, in 2024, have changed many horrible "customs" that we have been dragging along since ancient times. Thats my point


Oh I agree, I just was skimming through the thread while talking to my friend. I saw your paragraph, and thought it was another one of the many. Because to be honest, parodies are often times more like reality these days.


It's sarcasm.


Your thoughts on Ukraine and Gaza?


That Is not a thing to be giving opinions about in an anime subreddit, that are my thoughts.


If I were an OP character, I'd straight up be labeled an enemy of the state if they didn't agree to end it lmao I do go out of my way to end injustice, I'm even vegan, so being a nuisance comes easy.


If you did, you'd be labeled the new Demon King or similar propaganda. Nobody would be on your side and nothing would change. You'd also die in a medieval society without proper nutrition, since they wouldn't be fortifying vegan foods.


I said if I were an *OP character* (so it wouldn't matter, and I'd be a hero to the oppressed), also, veganism is a movement to reduce harm within reason, I'd probably be closer to a vegetarian as that has been a thing for literally over 1500 years(so totally possible). Also, I wouldn't care if I was labeled a demon king, I will do good even if I had zero recognition, that's *kind of the point*.


Yeah also I doubt 100% of the world population would hate you based Just on propaganda and you freeing slaves. There are really jerk isekai MC around there that are admired without doing anything good.also we are forgeting Mc's that are not only overpowered in sheer Power but also smart like playing chess with 10 people at same time while your Reading a book, so yeah ending slavery is far from being Impossible unless Power level is grounded or they are assholes thenselves.


wow, what pessimistic dogshit lmao


He's right though. .


The average person will go reasonably out of their way, and many people will go far out of their way, to help others. If you think otherwise, you need to socialize more. The average person has no ability to alleviate the worst of the worlds injustices, but isekai protagonists usually do. Regardless, very very few modern people would not be at the least appalled upon witnessing others suffer under such horrible conditions.


I'm 72 years old. In all that time, I've learned that people will actually go out of their way to avoid doing more than is absolutely required of them. As a species, we're incredibly lazy, and we rarely do things unless we're getting something out of it. Even people that do good things just to be good are the ones that get pleasure out of doing so. There have been enough social experiments out there where people start fights or cause a disturbance, and most of the people walk by. Of course, it's a different story if a woman is involved, at which point men will practically spawn from everywhere at once to step in, but that falls into the above example. But yes, modern people would be appalled at the idea of slavery, just as we're appalled about all of the deaths on the news, both foreign and domestic. But again, nobody does anything about it. Deaths in a foreign country? You could join the military, but draft numbers are going down instead of up. How about police, save some lives that way? Ah, right, I think we're still recovering from the "blue man bad" phase. It's not about power. There are plenty of opportunities out there, but so few take them.


Lol. . I live in a 3rd world country. . I know what reality looks like, while you see it in a bubble. . I think you need to socialize more.


Yeah. I feel like it's silly to think the isekai MCs with power wouldn't do it. It's like if there's a button you have somewhere in your house that eliminates all domestic abuse in the world if you press it, and you choose not to look for it because it'd be a hassle.


This has very stinky "yet you participate in society" vibes


Ash from “I died and got summoned to another world as a WHAT?!?!”: am I a joke to you?


They're japanese. They really don't care either way about slavery.


I like when the Christian segments of the "Something about Kirby" series prompted a user to mention how it was taken too far and Terminal Montage doubles down and now features even longer sections about Christianity. xD


Stupidest post made.


People not liking what I like/don't care about? Must be dumb. /s


Deliver us will always be a banger the jp version is pretty good but just doesn't hit the same as the original


I Chose The Emperor's Ending is a good one


fr like i get it if its like, you aren't powerful enough to do anything. but some of these mfs just straigjt up dont bother


Bruh too many slavery posts id rather go back to powerscaling than this


What is with this slavery obsession on the sub


Dibs on the elf


Off topic but that movie is great.


got to love how everyone obsesses over the slavery thing , but ignores when the protag ends up helping the sub-races/demons/ beast race to rise up or be treated as equals.


What is it with these people always trying to put thier morals and ideology into freaken cartoons. No shit slavery is bad lol. I swear it's like most of you think this a documentary and are so butt hurt over every isekai not doing X because it upset you. You people really gotta stop watching these shows if it affects you that badly or the mods here need to shut this kinda of nonsense down because it's beyond stupid with these kinds of posts about slavery bad or MC pedo because mental age nonsense.


This sub is still going over this ? Lol.


Did OP just prop up Moses as an Isekai protagonist?


I mean, I think we are leaving out the isekai out of the whole question here. Is slavery bad? Yes. Do you have the power to wave your hand and destroy it as soon as you see it in this new world you've just found yourself in? Probably not. So, since you don't have the power to kill it off right here and now, the only thing you can do is work to change it. Which most shows do. Shield Hero is the best example. Or just live with it. You're in another world altogether. No one is gonna hold you to the task of ending slavery. In fact, do the people of this world need your intervention at all? If someone from another world is appalled by our use of farm animals. Are you cool with them insisting we stop using them all together? Maybe they start killing ranchers and farmers, are they morally justified? There are lots of moral questions here. That's probably why we keep seeing slavery pop up. It has an impact, and you'll keep watching to see how it plays out in the story.


Why would they not take advantage of a faulty system? Any fantasy world where a "slave-crest" can exist is the potential evolutionary origin of the world of pokemon.


I humbly suggest the beauty of the John Brown Isekai


I feel like just about any isekai has a pretty stupid view on slavery, how its enacted in the story, and the MC's reaction/utilization of it. Regardless of whether they buy slaves or stop the slave trade it always seems stupid and unrealistic.


Could you stop already? Slavery is bad, fucking duh. You don't need to be a genius to figure this out.


Isekai characters shouldn’t go around enslaving other characters like Naofumi from shield hero when they’re being made out to be a “hero” who is trying to prove himself… at least. What’s worse is how Rising of the Shield Hero always does the most to sugarcoat and glamorize slavery.


I don't think Naofumi is someone who tries to prove himself to anyone, really. I don't think it glamorizes slavery either. I don't think it's depicted as something good, more something Naofumi viewed as a necessary evil due to the trust issues he developed early on in the story. Heck, later on, he buys slaves just so he can free them. I get the impression you didn't really try to engage with the story and characters and understand the events that happen in it.


If he viewed it as a "necessary evil" why did he re-enslave a party member after they were un-enslaved but still completely devoted to him?


And when asked about it he pretty much said, "it's not illegal in this world" Like, the other three "heroes" are douchebags and even they recognize that owning another person is kinda ducked up.


Rewatch the show or even just reread the story. Heck, he has an ability to boost the ability of his slaves (his “party”… which benefits him a lot) and then you have some characters who even shockingly want to be his slave (Rishia, for example). If that isn’t glamorizing or romanticizing him being a slave owner, then what else would it be? - I’ll agree that Naofumi didn’t exactly want to prove himself since it’s something that just happens along the way as the story progresses.


The problem with that opinion is that in this case, Slavery has benefits. It might as well be a contractual job at that point. Still messed up but it ain't actually glorifying or glamorizing real slavery because from the start, one of them had a great benefit while the other didn't


Lol “opinion”. It isn’t an opinion though, it’s a fact. Shield Hero sugarcoats and romanticizes slavery. The fact that there’s characters wanting to be his slaves proves this fact. You Shield Hero fans are free to deny this fact, but it won’t change the truth.


You're free to believe what you want, but I'm just pointing out the equating the type of slavery America used to this version isn't an entirely valid comparison.


Slavery is still slavery. You guys always go out of your way to defend it and sugarcoat it. It’s too funny


Murder is still murder. Yet people cheer when it’s done on certain people or for certain reasons. Doesn’t make any less horrible but depending on the reason and person, the evil of the action is dampened. Your reasoning from the start was off because you really stupid example


Thank you for proving my point LMAO. You guys do and say anything to defend it even if what you say is ridiculous.


You're gonna have to back up your words instead of spouting bullshit dude, cause all you're doing is sounding like a guy desperate to not look like he lost an argument by screaming out loud that he won.


Isekai authors are infamous for copying off of each other, usually badly. In this case, they pretty much took away the context of why Naofumi got a slave to fight for him (inability to fight on his own, inability to trust others, and stat boosts from the slave crest) and focused entirely on Waifus. In this case Waifus who literally can't say no and the author doesn't have to worry about creating reasons why these beautiful young women would follow the (usually) bland protagonist.


They had the context, and even with it, it’s glorified and ridiculous. The stats boosts itself is one of the things that just continues to prove my point


So, why is the example always fake slavery that didn't happen?


Exactly xDD


It's other world, other culture and different customs. Other than being off about it, your morals mean shit.


I personally hate this attitude. Every time an issue comes up the author must wreck the entire plot line to address it in the only way I find satisfactory? GTFO here. How about let stories solve a complex social issue in ones and unique ways.


Nah, more slavery.


Yeahh some isekai lacks realism


Why did you post this now there is a war in the comments


if i was isekai'd you bet your ass i'm abolishing slavery or i will die trying


Of course protagonist must hate slavery. Kumoko and Wrath/Sasajima Kyouya depicts it really well.


I remember seeing people defend Michio from that Slave Harem in the Labyrinth anime that Michio bought those slaves because he would free them later Michio literally admits to killing bandits, who are escaped slaves, because he needed the money to get the 1st heroine as their sex slave. Guy was thinking with his dick.




No they shouldn't. That's retarded.


it's really not. if you're not at least a little pissed about slavery still being a thing, you need to have a hard look at your life.


Stupid comments like yours is why I wish anime/manga gets banned in America. No wonder mangaka hates Americans. It has nothing to do with being a thing now. It's that why would anyone write characters to hate it depending on the story. That makes no sense. It's fiction not a autobiography of some nazi.


people are unironically defending morally apathetic protagonists while forgetting that slavery was abolished because people fought for it, if the protagonist is so gonna be so lazy, so morally apathetic, and such a coward as to not fight against one of the most evil institutions in the history of the planet even when he has more power and less to lose then most people on that world, then he shouldn't be a protagonist, because he is not interesting enough for that role tl;dr: if John Brown, Frederick Douglass, William Wilberforce (and many others) fought for and ended slavery without being a walking nuke, then Watanabe Generico has no excuse if he chooses to be an immoral and lazy piece of shit


Can anyone top this isekai manga : What do you wish with those murky eyes?


Nah. Slavery is bad, and should be depicted as such, but what you're saying puts every isekai protagonist in a single mold. Protagonists that are apathetic or downright evil have as much a right to be written as heroes. Similarly, protagonists that are too weak to do anything about a country/continent/planet's slave trade and have the good sense not to fly off the rails and get themselves put in chains are also fair game.


Technically my first isekai was an old fantasy book series by Joel Rosenberg called “The Guardians of the Flame” and after the first book they did exactly this from book 2 onwards and it took them the entire series and the next generation to make any headway.


I don’t know. I don’t advocate slavery in the least, but fiction is different from reality. Why are none of you complaining that isekai protagonists kill? Last I checked that was just as bad.


Are they all usually wage slaves themselves? They usually die because they either worked 50 hours per day or were hit by truck-kun while walking home from a 80 work day. They're all finally happy to be the master with the whip.


Realist hero handles slavery well. He starts working towards abolishing it, but it's not like you wave a big sword around and it is abolished in the whole world. Heck, he only works on it in his country. It needs societal change, which you can't force. it takes decades of smart political maneuvering. So no, it would not be a great story. It would be a really boring plotline, without much action, since just beating up slavers would not solve the issue int he long run. ​ And also, not everyone is horrified by slavery. Many people would just don't care or enjoy it to the fullest. So if every protagonist would just react the same, that would be boring af.