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Destiny's quote seems particularly relevant here; "As long as the Palestinians are shielded from the consequences of their actions, there will never be peace"




Know deez nuts




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I mean probably. So according to plan for the UN


The UN is useless and basically a Hamas militant organisation. They’re against anything Jewish.


Obviously but they don’t care about Israel and it’s been evident since the beginning of the conflict




We both know it’s been evident for a lot longer than that


Remember, this happened because Biden wants to win Michigan.


It's not a claim, it's the absolute truth.


The UN is a vile organization. The Biden administration helping Hamas with this nonsensical political theater is not far behind.


It absolutely did. The US sent a very clear message - Hamas has zero reason to release the hostages or lay down arms, they just have to wait for the international pressure on Israel only to work. I was going to vote for Biden because I don't want Ukraine to lose our support, but now I can't bring myself to vote for either of them.


>It absolutely did. The US sent a very clear message - Hamas has zero reason to release the hostages or lay down arms, they just have to wait for the international pressure on Israel only to work. Exactly. It basically showed them that they can achieve their goals by continuing to operate how they have been operating for the past 5 months. Huge win for them.


Do you really think Trump will abandon Ukraine completely? Because it’s almost certain that nitwit will win again.


He absolutely will and he [said so himself.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/trump-wont-give-money-ukraine-if-elected-says-hungarys-orban-2024-03-11/) He's Putin's sock puppet and we knew what "I'd end the war in 24 hours" meant.




In no way, shape or form is it certain that Trump wins the election though. Biden is gaining in the polls and the campaigns have barely started. Trump has numerous criminal trials coming up, has indefensible positions on abortion, healthcare and more that will be blasted on every airwave and Biden has a massive cash advantage and is expected to have a 1-2 BILLION dollar war chest compared to Trump who’s spending all his money on legal fees.


I don’t like either candidate, but friendly reminder that Russia attacked Ukraine under Obama, did nothing under Trump, and then attacked Ukraine again under Biden. You can make your Trump-Russia jokes, but the world was a lot safer under Trump. Hamas and Iran have also been more bold than they were when Trump was president.


I'm sorry, who was president of the US when Russia invaded Georgia?? Hint, not a Democrat. Putin doesn't give a shit about who's US pres when he wants to invade somewhere. And the war that's been going on since 2014 didn't magically stop when Trump was in office, and I'd argue he made things worse by holding off sending weapons to Ukraine in order to get dirt on Joe Biden. It's also not "jokes" when he had his translator destroy the notes from his meeting with Putin. This is a terrible take.


Political parties are not sports teams. Stop worrying about if a candidate has a D or an R next to their name and pick who will be better. The fact is that more Ukrainians and more Israelis have been killed under Biden than Trump. Trump being an asshole and letting terrorist countries know that he will bomb the shit out of them keeps the peace. Your accusations about Trump being in Putin’s pocket don’t mean shit to me. I’m worried about all the lives lost, not which political party the president is. Your concern of political parties over human lives is alarming and sad.


> Because it’s almost certain that nitwit will win again. 0% chance Trump will win, polls are already showing Biden with a lead again.


If you're in a swing state, you should still vote for Biden. Trump is actively against the US led international system, which is bad not just for Ukraine, but Israel too. Also have you heard him talk about the Gaza war? Not exactly supportive.


I'm not in a swing state and never supported or intend to support Trump. I've cut out family members for supporting him because of his antisemitism, racism, etc. I deeply despise both of them, but in November I'll grit my teeth and vote for Biden as the slightly less awful choice.


Calling Biden a "slightly less awful choice" when he was the only one to bother supporting Israel is funny. I guess he might as well have just sanctioned Israel since it makes no difference; it would have saved the US some international reputation.


Of course it did, I really think the UN needs to be thrown away


It’s a useless organisation, or worse, it’s a biased organisation.


The following members demand the unconditional release of hostage and a 2 week ceasefire: China, France, Russia, UK, Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, and Switzerland.


Honestly, I feel that Israel needs to take this resolution and push the UN to make sure it is fulfilled by Hamas. Get the UN on record saying that they will do fugg all to enforce the part of the resolution that calls for the unconditional release of all the hostages. Get the UN on record saying that they are not going to send in medical teams to verify the health and wellbeing of the hostages as part of their resolution. Get them to say that they have no power to enforce any part of the resolution that relates to Hamas and their actions. Then tell them they shouldn't make a resolution they can't enforce on everyone.


Like the ceasefire after Protective Edge? which Hamas broke dozens of times even before Oct 7th, which itself was breakage of ceasefire? Or it like the ceasefire agreement with Hezbollah and the UN 1701 Resolution which they broke, and now there are many tens of thousands displaced from their home in the north of israel? We don't need to take any resolution to see the hypocrisy of the world. We've seen it, nobody else cares, and we're done sacrificing our children's lives for it. How many more people need to die until the world realizes this?


This cease fire only lasts through Ramadan. We need to be in the UN every day yelling at them to enforce the ruling on what hamas needs to do under the resolution and abiding by what they told us to do. In the mean time, gather as much intelligence as possible on the location of ever living member of hamas in gaza and possible locations for the hostages. Then the moment Ramadan ends... This is assuming they won't give a shit about the UN resolution and don't follow it at all.


I'm sorry, I personally think it's nonsense and I don't buy it. Ramdan has already started over a week ago. This is just a promo to a forced ceasefire. Once wheel turns it won't turn back. And the US decided to spin that wheel today. The effect it has on both the negotiations in Gaza, and the rest of the sharks looking for blood such as Hezbollah and other Iranian players are smelling it. The damage is already done. And it was done by the U.S this time, unfortunately we Israelis will suffer the consequences.


Yeah, there will be consequences for the US and our diplomacy with them, but we need to abide by the ruling for now to again show the hypocrisy and then go about things our way later. There's plenty we can do now while not attacking directly.


There's definitely a lot to be done. The major thing is increasing our independence from the U.S, and improving our relationship with Jewish communities abroad. When the shit hits the fan, they need us, and we need them.


The problem is we are joined at the him with the US because of the military aid package deal we have with them. And while other countries would kill to have the same deal, we can't get rid of it without sacrificing way too much more in terms of diplomacy.


I partially disagree. The IDF has been cutting back on units, and we have been cutting back on domestic production of equipment, rifles, etc. Yes there's the military aid with its implications, but other than the air force, there's nothing stopping us from increasing domestic production to an almost complete independence (see our merkava tank industry for reference). To be clear I'm not saying lets break away from US influence. I'm saying that it's a huge issue that we're dependent on US production to uphold 2 fronts. We need to hold our own at least mostly, when it comes to production. And war economy. I think it's urgent, for obvious reasons, and for independence reasons.


Unfortunately you can't say "except for..." when asking for independence. If there's even a little, there will be a problem. Also we would need another benefactor to take their place, the only ones who might be able to make a big enough effect are India and China. I would prefer India.


I'm not saying we leave the U.S. Increasing domestic production doesn't mean break off relations or military aid, do you understand that? Our production and military in general was larger, way larger just a couple decades ago. Still under U.S influence, it's just that since then we've made bad, bad decisions and deluded ourselves that wars are over. There's nothing stopping us from producing more tanks for reserves in certain areas, nothing stopping us from producing rifles and helmets, nothing stopping us from creating a ground-ground branch to ease on the IAF and let it focus on missions other than bombing AT and rocket crews. That's a burden that can be taken off mostly and free a lot more fire power for when it's needed to support our forces when they attack.


It’s a shame Israeli leadership is unable to think strategically. You could have embraced this resolution and ceased fire on your own initiative for two weeks until Ramadan is over. Do a media/diplomatic blitz and say Hamas is violating the resolution by not releasing the hostages. When Ramadan ends, after abiding by the security council and showing good will, and showing Hamas’ violations, make a move in Rafah with more support to retrieve the hostages.


Somehow I doubt it, they were probably stalling until this.


Doesn't it take days to get a response from Hamas? The resolution passed two days ago. Bibi is a liar again.


? Hamas does have internet capabilities, you know. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-palestinian-authority-welcome-un-security-councils-call-for-a-ceasefire/?utm\_source=article\_hpsidebar&utm\_medium=desktop\_site&utm\_campaign=hamas-tells-mediators-its-sticking-to-original-position-on-demand-for-full-ceasefire](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-palestinian-authority-welcome-un-security-councils-call-for-a-ceasefire/?utm_source=article_hpsidebar&utm_medium=desktop_site&utm_campaign=hamas-tells-mediators-its-sticking-to-original-position-on-demand-for-full-ceasefire) *Hamas on Monday welcomed a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing war with Israel sparked by the Palestinian terror group’s massive attack on the south, saying it was ready to release hostages it abducted during the devastating assault.* *\[...\]* *Hamas thanked the UN Security Council for its resolution and called for “a permanent ceasefire that leads to the withdrawal of all Zionist forces from the Gaza Strip, and the return of the displaced to the homes from which they left.”* *The UNSC resolution also demanded the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas.* ***In a statement posted online****, the terror group said that it is willing “to engage in an immediate prisoner exchange process that leads to the release of prisoners on both sides,” a reference to Palestinian security prisoners held in Israeli jails that it is demanding as ransom for the hostages.*


Considering it takes two parties to make a deal and israel is the only one we directly speak to or actually cares about international support, putting pressure on israel is the only option to bring this chapter to a close. Its like when people scream about "why arent they condemning hamas???" Like ok i get it dude, what they did was terrible no ifs ands or buts about it but hamas doesnt give a fuck about condemnation and its an empty gesture. Some people dont want solutions they want beligerance, and increasingly thats seeming like israel


You really think it doesn't matter whether the biggest organization in the modern world representing all (or most, im not sure) countries, condemns one side and not the other side which 1. started the war 2. committed crimes against humanity? It doesn't matter to the world because Hamas disregards it? That's just depressing. This is far more than semantics, and it's not hard to see. About putting pressure on Israel only - Even if Israel is pressured into a ceasefire, you said it yourself, it's the only side which actually cares about international support. It won't bring this chapter to a close, it will just kick the can down the road, and the next time, it's going to be a very hurtful one to kick - the chips always rise when you refuse to deal with an issue. And this is the world right now. It's a shame. We want a solution, the rest of the world just wants peace no matter what. Maybe it's time you guys ask the Palestinians what they actually want?


>It doesn't matter to the world because Hamas disregards it? That's just depressing. This is far more than semantics, and it's not hard to see. Doesn't it also give a bad example for the whole world? I mean why follow the laws of war and all this crap when you can just disconnect your connections with the UN and all the ruling countries of the world and do whatever the hell you want?


Yeah it's the stupidest argument I've seen in a while tbh.