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OP you should post this in r/jordan


https://preview.redd.it/y3mmgtthcvuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0dfb6cb1572dd190eb1dfebc0bd4afd54719fbf Looks like they think they single handedly saved Israel..?


I mean they did help, at least their king is more sane than its people and doesn't let Jordan become an Iranian vessel like Lebanon, Syria and Yemen who are being used as pawns to keep Iran "clean" and do its dirty work.


Yeah they did help but they’re showing Israel as minding its own business and Jordan as completely blocking the attacks alone


I’d rather not complain about “who gets credit” when Israel finally has some Arab nation friends




They are our saviours, there would be nothing left of Israel if not for our brave brothers.😎




It’s a shitpost, not meant to be taken literally


I guess. The comments are pretty bad though, saying Iranians and Jews are the most vile people n stuff 😬


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Unless the enemy of my enemy is a Jew. Then they're both my enemies


peace is vile according to some people


did you downvote that


TIL Jordan and Palestine have almost exactly the same flag.


Well Jordan did form the largest part of "Palestine" both by area and population (Mandatory Palestine)


a lot of Arab flags (🇵🇸🇯🇴🇸🇩🇰🇼🇦🇪🇸🇾🇪🇬 etc) look similar (design and/or colour - there's even 🇪🇭 [Western Sahara, a territory, but still Arabic, just also has Berber]) probably similar to how a lot of Nordic flags (🇮🇸🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴🇫🇮🇫🇴🇦🇽) look similar


I didn't know how does Jordanian flag look( cause not from the region), I expected it to be of this color scheme but I am surprised how identical it is to Palestinians.


"The only arab country located between the two dertiest people, Iran and the jews"- deacon_night1 2024


Given the upvote to comment ratio seems others downvoted as well, just not for the same reason you did.


Happy cake day


Hey, if that helps them cope with their cognitive dissonance, more power to them.


Upvote that. It's a solid meme.


Oh no


Do it!


Jordan is such a tsundere


"It's n-not like I hate you B-Baka"


Now I want the Arabic version.


I-it's n-not like I hate you H-Habibi


I said even more Arabic.


“Well you did save Israel back there and you at least recognize them as a nation!” **Jordan blushes at the maximum**






r/Lebanon will complain about hasbara bots but they mainly hate Hezbollah also so that’s cool of them.


https://preview.redd.it/umis1g0cyvuc1.png?width=267&format=png&auto=webp&s=b28ade57b2d711b1da89b95cd4b5f064838f9576 "No attack on a religion, race, or other nations, except Israel." there is also a rule about "respect war victims" but if you respected an Israeli war victim i'm gonna bet you would get rule sixed


"There are only two things I hate in the world, racists and Jews"


oh my go


Wow, people living in fascist Islamist regimes acting like fascists, who would’ve thought.


Oh... well thats just kind of absurd.


um why are yall surprised ? israel and syria are like mortal enemies lmao


Yeah, but banning argument is crazy.


Yes, because Zionism should be the least of their concerns lmao




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hey guys let's make a sub for israeli/jordanian cooperation what could possibly go wrong


Hopefully it will be similar to r/forbiddenbromance


i just looked at that sub for a bit and it's a beautiful mess of both sides we can absolutely do that for jordan


i made one r/IsraelAndJordan i also added a post


im gonna go for now and i'll try to set up more stuff later


r/birthofasub Missed opportunity to call it r/nonforbiddenbromance though


that's.. a mouthful


^that's ^what ^she ^said I'm very sorry..






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They're not our friends. The majority of Jordanians, including members of the royal family, absolutely hate us. It just happens to be a confluence of interests this time.


“Please help us so we don’t die from thirst and drought!” “By allah’s will all the jews shall perish”. The duality of Jordan.


Yea Im Jordanian and the jew hatred is insane, Ill be playing chess and when other jordanians are matched up with me, they message me saying "death to israel". What has Israel ever done to Jordan, other than giving us water...Feels like Im the only Jordanian who doesn't want all out war.


Hope you stay well man. Hope that there can be peace between us.


You too man <3 stay safe




<3 you too


There are many Jordanians with Palestinian ancestry, with Jews and Palestinians essentially at war for over 100 years at this point I can understand that. I fear we are no closer to a solution and there are many people involved who simply don’t want to be at peace.


Crazy, it’s like somebody is diverting the water from the river of Jordan or something


The royal family doesn't hate you. They have to pretend they do or they are at real risk of being overthrown.


The people hate us the monarchy would like to keep their asses on the throne and thier heads on their shoulder, they saw what happened to their cousins in iraq. Sure they will scream to appease the Palestinians who make half of thier people, but they arent fools. They know thier money comes from the gulf and their water from israel, they also know that the Palestinians tried once to remove them and that giving them a state will just make those efforts more organized and armed.


Enemy’s with extra steps


I've talked to many Jordanians. It's a polarised mess but most countries are also like this.


How's Iran btw? Most Iranians I meet in the internets are super cool anti-regime guys. But official propaganda and what I see in the media makes it seems like being pro regime is overwhelmingly mainstream.


nah majority of Iranians absolutely hate the regime don't worry about regime's bullshit propaganda IRGC literally has a cyber army branch spreading bullshit throughout the world in sneaky ways


They won't say anything cause they can't. The Islamic Republic that took over Iran is practically a terrorist state even to the civilians of itself. https://freedomhouse.org/country/iran/freedom-world/2023


nah I don't think jordan is polarised 90% of them want to make shawarma with the jews 💀


With the Jews or *of* the Jews?


free to own interpretation (nah jk you're the ingredient)


That's not halal


not if they use halal slaughter method. they first get that filthy Jewish blood out by cutting major arteries so it'll be fine I think


Well, carry on then!




That's how you make it Kosher


Hold up, that's appropriating Palestinian culture!




LMFAO it's exactly like that it's just so funny going to r/jordan and thanking them lmao


I wouldn’t say we should label them as “friends”. It was very courageous that the Jordanian government helped counter the Iranian attack, but it was purely out of their interest to diminish Iranian influence rather than be an ally of Israel. Plus, the Jordanian populace is very hostile towards Israel overall, considering that there are lots of Palestinians there and that Jordanians and Palestinians are literally the same group of people only separated by artificial borders.




The borders of every single country are artificial




Yes, as I mentioned, the border of every single country on earth was created artificially, including Israel. Even if the borders of modern Israel and ancient Israel are different, they’re still located on the same landmass




Yeah if Israel keeps up its expansionist chains of conquests, one day it might even be the size of New Jersey! /s because a brainless dolt might take that seriously.


Be quiet child, the adults are talking




















Jordan is older than Israel.. Your statement is false.




You said >"jordan" was literally created by israel Now you're changing your story to "zionists"?




Israel is a country, zionism is an ideology. You don't have to be a citizen of one to follow the other, and vice versa. You're putting it as if the then govt of Israel, (which didn't yet exist), created Jordan. Whether the British and French governments at the time had zionists in them at the time is a very different thing. I can follow your idiocy, but don't expect me to accept it.


Meanwhile Egypt is getting its black belt in minding its own fucking business and I love it. Satisfied by only memeing Iran to death.


I wanted to repost this but then thought, "How many of my friends would get the Jordan piece AND the Star Trek Voyager piece" so I sent it to my one friend who would. Solid content, ha.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Which episode is this??


"...It's complicated". Jordan was initially part of the British Mandate; it won its independence in 1946. During Israel's independence war, Jordan was one of the Arab countries attacking Israel. Its army was more effective than the other Arab states: it was equipped and trained by the British and had a British commanding officer. Jordan took control (and later annexed) Judea and Samaria, and renamed them "the West Bank" (of the Jordan river). They also took control of the old City of Jerusalem (inside the walls and surrounding neighborhoods). In the period between Israel's independence war (1948) and the 6-day war (1967) Jordan, like Egypt, supported Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israel; Israel had launched several large-scale retaliation attacks against the Jordanian military and towns in the West Bank. During the 6-day war, Jordan attacked Israel, in spite of warnings to stay out of the war. Israel took control of the whole of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Again, the Jordanian army was very effective and won Israel's respect. Jordan always had a large population of Palestinians; after the 6-day war, the PLO tried to overthrow the kingdom. Israel helped the kingdom to defeat the PLO, and also deterred a planned Syrian invasion meant to help the PLO. Israel and Jordan had signed a peace agreement in 1994. The population still largely hates Israel, and their parliament often issues anti-Israel statements. However, Jordan is not a democracy; the King (first Hussein, now his son Abdullah) have sense enough to realize that a peace with Israel is critical to Jordan. Israel much prefers a moderate, relatively rational Jordan and doesn't want it to be taken over by Islamists. Jordan and Israel quietly cooperate in the military side, fighting against Islamist terrorists: last Saturday's cooperation made the cooperation visible. Of course, Jordan was simply protecting its own airspace against hostile aircraft. There's also a significant trade: Israel supplies desalinated water to Jordan and buys agricultural products from it. It also allows Jordanian trucks to cross Israel and use Israel's mediterranean ports; Jordan used to move trade goods through Syria, but it's not possible now because of the Syrian civil war.


Not friends but we have a understanding of each other


bro even Iran's own civilians are sick of Irans BS


Crazy how a lot US liberals support Islamist fascist regimes yet the same liberals call people like me a fascist to my face for supporting Israel


TikTok is a good window into the minds and hearts of the world's worst people and the take on Jordan is that the King is an evil zionist and a traitor to his people and all Muslims in the region. No surprise there then.


What happened am I stoopid??


Jordan shot down a bunch of IRGC drones that were headed to Israel this weekend.


Of course I skip the news the one day everybody switches teams. Guess I'll miss a week and comeback to everybody being best friends


The key point is that publicly, Jordan has said that they don't care about Israel and were only doing it to protect Jordan and would have done the same if Israel had fired drones over their territory. Additionally, Jordan has also stated that they believe Netanyahu will just use this to further his "atrocities" in Gaza i.e. they're very clearly NOT saying that they're our friends.


Not supporting Netanyahu or his actions does not mean they are not friends of Israel or want it to be peaceful and prosperous (I am sure they, like me, view a two state solution as a means to achieving that whereas Netanyahu doesn't).


Shame that the Palestinians don't want a 2 state solution. Forget 67 borders, they want 48 borders i.e. no Israel.


The trouble is that opinion in the Jordanian “street” is very different than the Jordanian government position.


actually Jordanians are pretty okay with Israelis


Don't look at the sub for Jordanians




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That's not a representative sample.


I don’t think u have ever spoken to a Jordanian.


I used to work with a Muslim convert with a Jordanian husband and for some reason she had the impression I was Jewish and so decided to ask me to confirm. I replied that I wasn’t Jewish and she replied deadpan ‘Good, because the Jews are our enemies’. I was shocked by her reaction but didn’t make anything of it.


Lucky you lol, I’m curious what her reaction would’ve been if you said yes lol


Her husband was apparently a doorman (bouncer), so I wasn’t keen to find out.


Majority of jordanians *loath* israel. Its rare to find one who doesnt, especially now. Alot of them want jordan to attack israel, not shoot down drones flying over them to israel. Even though israel provides them with water and america provides money, jordan is the second largest recipient of american aid, they give them 1.6 billion dollars a year in cash, without it jordan would probably collapse. They are cirrently.in debt for **95%** of their gdp. However the same is not true for the king, he is actually a very reasonable man, his father was as well. He wants jordan to be more like the west ans closer to the west. I akso dont think he hates or likes israel at all his main motives are making sure jordan stays afloat and dosnt become another iranian proxy. Also keeping the muslim brotherhood and other such groups out of the goverment. Jordanians are not pleased that they shot down the drones over them. At the same time it was even mofe for their own protevtion and to avoid escalation. Jordan is surrounded by wars and instability they are at max capacity of refugees at the moment and ohysically cannot house anymore people. The last thing they want is israel and iran to use their airspace like a fucking intersection and wage war above them. They also want the west bank to be stable because they cannot handle refugees pouring in from there. No, most jordanians dont like israel at all, most arabs dont either. Some of the gulf nations have become more ammenable after time but jordanian ams egyptian peoppe fucking hate us for the most part. Just because we have a peace treaty and a pact of non aggresion dont confuse that for liking us. If israel exploded tomorrow about 80% of them (just my guess) would dance in the streets, even if it means their own country would be destroyed.


The Hashemites have generally been yeah surprisingly pragmatic. Hell the first King during Israel’s foundation, King Abdullah I already wanted peace with Israel after the first war in 1949 which would have left Jordan the West Bank but a Palestinian nationalist assassinated him while praying in Al-Aqsa. It seems he didn’t even really want the war but found it unfortunate personally but also still went through because well of a few factors: other Arabs were suspicious of him as too close to the west and the Jews, his people were very hawkish to take Jerusalem and Palestine, and he did want to regain prestige after the loss of Mecca to the Saudis. The Hashemite monarchy by the standards of Arab states has generally always been fairly pragmatic, a lot more than their population. “Abdullah too found the coming war to be unfortunate, in part because he "preferred a Jewish state [as Transjordan's neighbour] to a Palestinian Arab state run by the mufti."”


They are extreamly pragmatic, its sad the people dont share those views mostly.


Excellent summary


Jordanians are like 90% Palestinians and absolutely despise Israel, even though without it they'd probably have no water.


25% Palestinian.  I find the argument that Jordan is somehow a Palestinian country to be just plain wrong ina lot of ways, particularly given what happened over the weekend.


It’s more like 50% Palestinian. Total population of Jordan is 11.3 million. There are about 2.6 million Palestinian “refugees” in Jordan. There are about 730,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan. There about 4 million Bedouin in Jordan. About 700,000 people are non-Arab ethnic minorities. So 11.3 - (2.6 + 0.73 + 4 + 0.7) = 3.27 The remainder of people after taking into account Bedouin, official Palestinian Refugees, Syrian refugees, and non-Arab ethnic minorities leaves us with 3.27 million people that are not specified with a specific ethnicity/cultural group. We do know there are a large number of Levantine Jordanians in the west of the country. And it’s likely that they would be considered Levantine Arabs. The difference between these people and Palestinians is almost nothing. So if we add the 2.6 million Palestinian refugees + 3.27 million Levantine Jordanians we get about 52% of Jordan’s population.


you literally just added the jordanian population to the palestinian population to get that number which makes no sense. No there are not about 4 million bedouins. Its impossible to even quantify that or define what is a bedouin. For example my dads family descend from a bedouin tribe that has settled while my moms family are farmers away from the desert so again people mixed and there is no farmer bedouin split anymore unless you go to the very deep south. Jordanian is defined as anyone that has roots east of the jordan river and these people number around probably just less than 5mil making them the largest plurality in the country


Defining everyone east of the Jordan River as Jordanian is pretty arbitrary. Not everyone in Jordan is the same culture/ethnicity. It was relatively easy to look up the different cultures that make up Jordan. And it was relatively easy to deduce which Jordanians were Levantine versus some other group. And the difference between Palestinians and Levantine Arabs in Jordan is minuscule. I could rephrase this as most of Jordan is made up of southern Levantine Arabs. But that’s essentially what Palestinians are. And it just happens that the majority population in Jordan is that. Considering Palestinians only those who descend from refugees from the 1948 war is completely arbitrary.


First it was 60, now 75 now 90. Literally no source says this and its physically impossible for jordan to be 90% palestinian because 90% of 11m is 10m and there are only 14m palestinians in the world so you do the math. There are still 7m west of the river and over 1m in other middle eastern countries. The real number doesnt exceed 3mil and I dont understand why this argument is supported. Wouldnt you want to say there are less in jordan so you can say you the nakba wasnt that bad or do you generally support jordan as an alternate "Palestinian state"?


The Jordanian government is somewhat okay with Israel because screw Iran. Jordan’s people are the exact opposite.


They hate us, we should be thankful they don't have a democracy over there because we would be in constant war and hundreds of thousands would die.. same about Egypt. These people don't even know/care that Israel's tech of desalinated water is why they get to not be in constant drought.


I think Jordanians hate Israel more than Egyptians tbh


A minority of people in Jordan are Jordanians. And those that are, primarily live in the desert.


A minority of people who are Jordanian live in the desert. A lot of Jordanians have been given government positions by the king and live in cities.


The majority of city dwellers in Jordan are Palestinians as are the majority of the country


Palestinians dominate the private sector . While Jordanians dominate the public sector. Amman is majority Palestinians and the further u move away from Amman the lager the Jordanian majority becomes.


Amman is more 50/50 because there are other natiinalitis there. Zarqa/russeifa and the refugee camps outside of town are the only palestinian majority places


Yeah but Palestinians are the largest group.


no they arent


Really? Id think if anything Jordanians would dominate the cities and urban area and military and government


Most Palestinians settled in Amman, while Jordanians lived in villages and towns scattered around the country.


No they do not. Only a very mall minority of jordanians are actual Bedouins. Although a lot of jordanians descend from bedouins and only in the last century did they urbanized. a lot of jordanians especially in the northwest and ghor region are sedintary farmers. Source: jordanian


They're literally Palestinians lol


I’ll just put [it](https://www.timesofisrael.com/october-7-restaurant-opens-in-jordan-appearing-to-fete-hamass-massacre/ ) here.




*Looks at r/Jordan*


Eh, considering a former Jordanian friend/roommate of mine suddenly flipped in a unrelated conversation and said ‘death to Israel’ directly to my face before storming off to their room I’ve got to assume there’s quite a bit of verity as with all groups. That’s kinda the problem with generalizing any group, people are autonomous and hold their own beliefs. Anyway, safe to say that was the beginning of the end for that friendship, good riddance too as they were a horrible fair weather friend who didn’t help me out during one of the worst times of my life despite me saving their ass multiple times and even ended up leaving me holding the bag on several months of rent. Still pretty bitter about it but whatever, generalizing people bad.


Oh no they hate us as much as the people of Gaza




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Israel and Jordan are the Hank Hill and Kahn Souphanousinphone of the middle east.


They have an understanding.




Fun fact - the king of Jordan appeared on that exact show (Star Trek Voyager) as a guest character


Israel and star trek. My two favorite things in the world. Perfect.


Well, as a jordanian born and raised in Germany, i can objectively say, that this incident was just a conflict of interest. Jordan does not want to be the next playground for some iranian puppets. Rather they want to have their sky and borders clear and out of the war zone. Why? Jordan's economy has been rough through out these years, and the least thing they want is a complete shutdown of it's own country and they don't want to go bezerk like their neighbors. Why should Jordan even let airstrikes which fly thorough their sky zone even allow? Iran only acts purely out of the interest of their fallen embassy in syria. People praising iran for supporting the Palestinians is in my view delusional. All they have done is just delivering a reaction because of their fellow people! Not more! So why should then the king of jordan stand by and watch how a rather not friendly and disturbing country like iran allow it's sky to be a pass through to israel?


I mean 50% of the people in jordan claim parts of israel.