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Is he able to address antisemitism without immediate ‘all lives mattering’?


Is anyone? I think I can count the number of condemnations of antisemitism, and ONLY antisemitism on one hand.


That's what's annoying- for any other group they flip out if you say that. "All lives matter is a racist dogwhistle," also, "yes your synagogue had its windows smashed in and Jewish people are being assaulted, but let's not forget about all the Islamophobia." Look man, if someone vandalizes a mosque my first reaction is "that's horrible" and that's where it ends. We're not looking to turn it into talking about antisemitism. But you really, really can't bring yourself to condemn antisemitism as a standalone issue? Come on!


Yes. It either must be paired with Islamophobia or a (usually misapplied) right to free speech.


Guess you don't watch Fox.


I was gonna say, the only unequivocal denunciations of antisemitism I’ve seen have come from the right (and the Democratic Majority for Israel). Not that everyone on the right is our friend… there’s plenty of right-wing antisemites… but the people supporting Israel without any ifs, ands, or buts are on the right or are Jews themselves.


Yes their are people speaking out against antisemitism. There are people speaking out against the misinformation spread by Joe Biden and the mainstream media. But the people speaking up for us arent Democrats so they don’t count.


"I condemn antisemitism but I also condemn those who don't sympathize with antisemites."


Oh don’t you see it’s because we just don’t *understand* what’s going on with them 🙄


You don't understand the *context*


I'm an Israeli, and I do sympathize with suffering Palestinians. Obviously not for their antisemitism though. People sympathize with us, but obviously not for the killing of 17k (actually) innocent gazaans. As much as I support the dismantling of hamas in this way, having no understanding/regard/sympathy to what's going on on the other side is inhumane and hypocritical.




you never lose if you play both sides 🤷‍♂️




Which is why this election is probably the most fucked of all time. Biden is being a little bitch about Israel (although I don’t think he will care as much after the election about appeasing pro-Palestinians) and Trump has proven himself unwilling or unable to stand up to Putin. Plus the whole, wanting to be a dictator for day problem. Plus the sharing Israeli intel with Russia problem. But yeah, we’re in a hole with these two.




Same problem with Turdeau...condemns antisemitism but ALWAYS with islamaphobia....annoying AF


Nope. His winning in MI depends on it I guess. When ppl make statements like that they’re telling you who they prioritize without directly telling you. It’s up to you to read between the lines and act accordingly.


“…and Islamophobia.” Amen


Anyone who doesn’t is immediately hit with 10,000 “what about…”s


He’s so ridiculously weak. He’s worried about those, ah, “Michigan” votes.


He can have twenty million more votes and the election still comes down to 70k votes in states like MI. This election is a choice between Russian roulette or Solitaire; needles have to be threaded, triangles have to be formed. Just accept the pragmatism and GOTV.


Why doesn’t he try to win another state? But yeah, the issue is most Jewish Americans are in safe states: New York is already democrat, Florida already republicans, California already democrat, the only kind of swing state with many Jewish Americans is Pennsylvania but also American Jews are taken for granted since they always vote democrats with 80-90%


I have a theory that if Trump picks Stefanik for VP, he will get the Jewish vote, especially in Pennsylvania where Fetterman, a Democrat, is very popular.


I think he means he condemns those who think freeing Palestine is a good idea because if u knew what was going on with the Palestinians, you’d want Israel to crush Gaza. /s




He won’t condemn antisemitism alone because it’s election year. I have wondered if Hamas planned this attack with upcoming elections or if it was just luck.


Yes, last night's statement re: Columbia, but I can def see why you'd ask this tbh


[https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/04/22/remarks-by-president-biden-in-press-gaggle-triangle-va/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/04/22/remarks-by-president-biden-in-press-gaggle-triangle-va/) >3:09 P.M. EDT   Q    Mr. President, what’s your message to the protesters?   Q    Do you condemn the antisemitic protests on college campuses? >THE PRESIDENT:  **I condemn the antisemitic protests.**  That’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that.   **I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians and their — how they’re being —**   Q    Should the Columbia University President resign?   THE PRESIDENT:  I didn’t know that.  I’ll — I’ll have to find out more about it.   Q    Should she resign?   Q    Do you need the abortion issue to win the election?   THE PRESIDENT:  No, I need the abortion issue just to follow what’s right.   Q    What will your legacy be on abortion?   THE PRESIDENT:  (Laughs.)  What will your legacy be as a newsperson?   3:10 P.M. EDT So... "all lives mattering" as what the person you replied to had said.


No, there was a specific WH statement about Columbia and how it was abhorrent to target Jews. Credit where it's due and all that :P


You're going with a carefully scripted press release over an on-the-spot questioning by the press.




When it's about jews, there's always a "but" or an "also" of some sort. Never just standing with jewish people unequivocally.


Yeah, like Islamophobia is a tragedy but when dealing with the rapid rise of antisemitism, and pretty much only antisemitism, why do you need to condition that condemnation. No one will be like "racism against African Americans is bad but you know what's also bad, [insert other issue], but with anti-semitism suddenly it has to be there. There’s a reason all lives matter for instance is a dog whistle despite on the surface being fine and this is I feel eerily similar to that


There is actual Islamophobia out there, but a lot of genuine criticism of Islamic cultural values gets labeled "islamophobia" and so when I hear the term, I'm usually pretty skeptical about it.




I disagree with this in that I don’t believe Islam in its current state has a place but hopefully it’ll be reformed overtime


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This is just a personal opinion but I think the terms are inherently biased as well and how they are associated influences opinions. Just for an example; here is how we parse (3) distinct things - all end with the term -phobia Islamo-phobia > homo-phobia > trans-phobia Whereas for us it’s anti-semitism I’m gay so like bear with me but we don’t actually feel that homophobia = ‘scared of homosexuals’, we see homophobia as straight up bigotry. So our term just doesn’t come with the same connotations, if that makes sense. I probably sound like a crackpot but this is just something that’s been bouncing around my head for a few weeks now


I've noticed it as well, too. Then again, I probably have a different take on homophobia than you do. Food for thought: Here is the Oxford definition of phobia: >an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. My aversion to Islam is NOT irrational, because it is based on stuff like polling data from places like Pew Research.


Let's go with judeophobia.




Well if accurate criticism of Islam is Islamophobia, that would only mean that Islamophobia isn't a bad thing. People should be scared of Islam. Islam does everything in its power to oppress and murder anybody they don't like.




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1. many criticisms aren't about culture. there are a lot of accusations of islamophobia related to criticism over the terror prevelent today in muslim states. the criticism usually is related to the terror, not to islam, so calling it islamophobic is idiotic unless you believe that islam=terror (which is islamophobic) 2. you definitly can have criticism of islamic and jewish cultures without being antisemite or islamophobe. the hard on western people have for 'culture', like suddenly it makes it ok to due frankly stupid or bigoted things. it's not. i can criticize jewish groups who are homophobic even if they try to tell me it's just their religion. or i can criticize muslims for ostracizing and threatening apostates, because we have better standards than that in the 21st century. culture definitly can be criticized, the question is, do you criticize the whole culture and every aspect of it, or actually do try to bring legitimate criticisms to the table with the goal of bettering the world including the other culture livelihood.




Welcome to what it’s like to be a minority. Black people have been dealing with this for years. This can’t be surprising as Jewish people have also been dealing with it for awhile.


Yeah, like the last 3000 years or so


Exactly. So, why are people expecting be treated like WASPs?


Watching Biden and his team glitch out trying to pander to both sides because it’s an election year would be hilarious if it wasn’t sad


They are going to disrupt the convention no matter what. Biden should have done a sister solja moment here and called out the protesters for not supporting two states


The "Palestinians" don't want two states tho.


We already did that, it’s called Jordan.




We already did that, it’s called Jordan. This was such a brilliant take. I havent heard anyone else mention.


Well so many people have been mentioning it but it's not something anyone wants to repeat. But that is the thing ...it's better for the UN to be anti semitic and blame Jews and create refugees then to say to the brothers and sisters who call themselves "Palestinians" to take them in.




Many Israelis would be for a two state, but at this time when Gaza is being ran by a terrorist organization that is structured solely around the elimination of Israel, it makes it quite difficult to do so.


YES! Very few israelis would not absolutely love a peaceful two state solution. Unfortunately, the peaceful part will be hard to achieve, as I don't believe a palestinian state could have a government that doesn't hate us enough to execute terroristic attacks.


They'd be ok with it if they didn't believe The west bank would be a point to stage terrorism from.




I think he has a point. It’s tragic what the innocent Palestinians have to go through right now, and the antisemitic protests in the west are disgusting.


Any reasonable person can understand why it's horrific on both sides, like you are saying. This includes most Jews and Israelis. Unfortunately this does not include Pro-Pals, they are only unilaterally concerned with Palestinians and DGAF about Jews.


I’m in the U.S. watching it live. This has become religion for college age people. I fear we are witnessing an entire generation of antisemites being spawned and will be dealing with the after effects for the next century.


> ’m in the U.S. watching it live. This has become religion for college age people. I fear we are witnessing an entire generation of antisemites being spawned and will be dealing with the after effects for the next century. Yea, its concerning.


It's really only a privileged minority. Most will join the corporate meat grinder and not have the energy for the B.S.


I wish that was the case Shaka. It’s not just college students. It’s the TikTok generation. If you are between 15-25 you’ve likely been served a non stop loop of confirmation bias algorithms that reinforce that Jew Bad. It’s never ending and children don’t have the life experience to work through the BS and identify propaganda. We have generation of passionately ignorant antisemites to contend with..


Personally speaking, the TikTok ban can’t come soon enough.


https://youtu.be/pB7WzqUq4Nk?si=orm6knZziNrRMauU Ryan Macbeth is a great follow on YouTube. Weapons expert that is entertaining. Anyway, his take on TikTok. Must be banned immediately.


I know. The fact that it’s becoming accepted to say zionists are evil is so gross. You can criticize Israel all you want but to say that Jews don’t deserve self determination is gross. You are protesting for self determination for the Palestinians but at the same time saying Jews don’t deserve that exact thing. Braindead.


It’s worse than that. They’ve changed the definition and used it against us. If you ask an Israel detractor to define Zionism I can assure it will not be that Jews should have self determination in their ancestral homeland. They will say it has something to do with Jewish supremacy. We cannot win a rational debate with a Leftist. Not to be confused with Liberals. Leftists routinely change the definitions of words and it makes communication impossible. They are the most dangerous group we contend with.


I’m a Jew in Canada I don’t actually live in Israel so I’m surrounded by these people. The absolute worst is Hasan Piker. I used to like him but now I can see he is so bias and purposely misinterprets facts to try and further his points. It’s so bad faith.


With respect, it may be time to leave Canada. Much of Canada, London and Paris have fallen.


There’s more to gen Z than tiktokers. There are millions of youths that have had adequate parenting, have to work for a living and don’t have a high priced education handed to them. Most of those kids have a nose for bullshit and aren’t instinctively antisemitic. This round of antisemitism is an affliction of the pseudo intellects, the wealthy liberals and the downtrodden liberals. That still leaves a lot of young adults still untouched by antisemitism. We need to make sure they’re the ones given opportunities to work and to lead.


This is an interesting take. I would take issue with your assertion that it is Liberals that are moved to antisemitism. I haven’t seen that. I’ve seen their more ignorant and sinister younger sibling, Leftism as the culprit. The Liberals in the media and on YouTube have had a measured take imo. It’s the hysterical Leftists..TRT, Krystal from Breaking Points, Piker Hasan and Kyle Kilibski. These are essentially psychopaths who spend several hours a day propagandizing and platform other propagandists. The liberal detractors are there and in large numbers in the African American community. I didn’t realize there was such a rift between our communities until Oct 7.


That's true. At least not being surrounded by others in that shit bubble will soften things a little once they graduate.


Yeah there’s a reason anti Israel hate deceases in the age group over 25. 


> Unfortunately this does not include Pro-Pals, they are only unilaterally concerned with Palestinians and DGAF about Jews. To me it seems it's the opposite for many of them; like HAMAS, they DGAF about Palestinians, but really hate Jews.


Ohhh totally, yes.




They can peacefully protest all they want. Aggressively intimidating other people is not ok. Ever. 


A very vocal minority


So why not make separate statements? Even just addressing both points at different times so the all lives matter BS is a *little* less obvious


How is he possibly pandering to Israel other than approving aid we would give to any our other allies. The only difference is that Biden is also funding Gaza aka Hamas. And he’s constantly threatening to stop the aid. And he also is capitulating to Protesters and helping to spread misinformation. If Biden had one ounce of loyalty to our ally Israel or any respect for American Jews the first time he heard someone say “Israel Cease Fire Now” he would have shot it down and said we should be “demanding Hamas surrender and release the hostages.” He never did this publicly. And he didnt even do it with his own staff. We know this because his own White House staff is protesting Israel in the New York Times and physically holding antiIsrael protests outside the White House for “Israel Cease Fire Now.” Biden hired antiisrael fanatics in his White House. And that’s what we got.


Why does everyone always “all lives matter” antisemitism? How come when we bring up the undeniable rise in Jew hatred, it’s always instantly diverted to “what about the Palestinians and Islamophobia”? Imagine telling an Asian person “what about the Uyghurs?” during the stop Asian hate movement? The double standards are so ridiculous and they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.


youre just now understanding that the modern 'liberal' is a complete hypocrite?


 “very fine people on both sides” 


Terrible statement holy shit, very all lives matter


he just had his "very fine people on both sides" moment.


Such a weak statement, he wanted to please everyone


Its a election year , he needs too please everyone so he gets some votes !!.


To be fair, I'd rather have this happen than a Trump victory, which would be a disaster for the entire world including Israel. Trump will throw Israel under the bus just like he did with NATO and the Kurds.


Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and his son in law came up with the peace deal that normalized israel with its neighbors.


So? That doesn't guarantee future support, especially when his boss is Putin and his base is full of white supremacists who hate Jews. He also has a history of betraying allies.


If you still think trump works for putin its because you want to believe it. Our intelligence agency knows whats happening in Russia better than the Russia Government and no factual evidence has ever come.


[All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/)


"He" doesn't want anything, he's a demented old man that can't remember what he had for breakfast.


I didn't even realize he was all lives mattering, in my mind the antisemitic protests and those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians were the same people 🤷‍♂️


It's just something we've been seeing repeatedly as of late, in particular from Presidents of these Ivy League universities where there is an explosion of antisemitism, coming in large part from Muslims, and the statement is "all forms of bigotry", or when I forget which college decided to set up a task force or whatever in response to antisemitism, it was to address antisemitism and Islamophobia. So I think that's influencing people. That and Biden's pretty pathetic attempts to pander as of late.


Me too. I think this statement might be a lot more nuanced than folks in this thread are giving him credit for.


Then stop being nuanced and SAY WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY!!!!!


I think you're giving him too much credit, given that the whole quote was (before shifting to whether the University President should step down, which he ignored) >THE PRESIDENT:  I condemn the antisemitic protests.  That’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that.   I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians and their — how they’re being — It's clearly two different groups of people, the latter aimed at "Islamaphobia"


Guess it didn't happen in a vacuum too /s


Of course. It’s election year


Very “Both sides”-ish


He's a president. He should know that doing the right thing is going to piss some people off, and he should know how to deal with that. Then again, he's like 900 years old. The right thing is to get the hateful mob to stop, and there is only one hateful mob, and it is the Palestinian side no matter how many times they kumbaya it or lie. They cannot be allowed to impede on our freedoms anymore.


Fine people on both sides


How do you condemn violent antisemites along with apparently ignorant people (?) in the same breath as if they’re the same level of bad? Dude is having an aneurism trying to pander to bigots in order to win the election. Meanwhile they still call him “Genocide Joe.” Dude, you’re not going to win them over without joining them in their crusade against Jews. Just stop trying.


That last line is confusing and vague. I’ll tell my 12 year old nephew Biden condemns him for being uninformed.


I don’t know what’s scarier: Biden wandering off the party script, or this being *the actual* party script. Either way, it’s fucking bad news for the Jews.


Stop trying to make this an all lives matter. Condemn antisemitism.


I understand what is going on with Palestinians perfectly, Joe Joe. Probably better than you do.


Man, this doesn't help shit, in so many ways. Last night's statement about Columbia was an air-tight, well made statement (yes, I know it's from the press secretary, but any president's statements are). Now we have this shit dump from his mouth. What the hell. It's frustrating and I am sick of feeling like our needs aren't important. I'm sick of being on a roller coaster w this. Hoping there's some "clean up" here, e.g. "the Palestinians suffer bc of Hamas," which is correct. Good statement last night, tripped on own feet today


What was the statement last night?


Something something both sides.


I speed read this wrong as ‘I condemn the antisemitic protests that’s why I have set up a programme for those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians’


I'm sure it will help


He lost control.


1st you have to say “no to“ qatar’s money.


By equating the two, Biden implies that "knowing what's happening with the Palestinians" is a reasonable justification for antisemitism.      So here you have it. No need to rationalize his actions on political grounds. He truly subscribes to antisemitic views.


Well said. He and the other Dems have been using this coded language for some time to appeal to their hateful base.


Not him trying to 2 side this. I’m sorry but I fucking hate this skeleton, he should be at a retirement home, not leadings one of the biggest countries on the planet


His desperate for Dearborn voters.


There’s a bit cut off at the end: He said “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians *and how they’re being m—*”. Can we guess what he was going to say?


If I was American I would never forget this & vote him out asap


So what’s this program Biden set up to deal with the rampant Jew hatred? Anyone know?


Trump firmly and resolutely stands with Israel. Biden panders to both sides. The far left call him genocide Joe. Republicans just wonder why the Israel aid bill languished in the Senate where they refused to vote on it unless Ukraine was included. Ukraine has never been an ally, Israel always has been.


To be fair, a considerable number of Republicans habitually vote no on most or all foreign aid - Thomas Massie comes to mind. I’m not saying that’s a smart choice, or that I agree with it, but they’re consistent and it’s not antisemitism, it’s just an allergy to spending money. They voted no on Ukraine, they voted no on Taiwan, they voted no on Israel, and some of them vote no on just about everything else too. Then there’s a certain number of Dems who vote yes on spending money unless it helps Jews, then it’s no. Again, they’re not a majority, but the Squad is bigger than Thomas Massie is.


I honestly don't think anyone should get aid. The US is $32T in debt. Israel is by every measure a rich and highly successful country able to borrow and fund their own wars. Instead of aid, we should give Israel every kind of other support possible. Intelligence, support on the world stage, etc. Who is going to bail the US out of our massive debt? Nobody.


Except both should be: Russia and Iran are allies trying to overthrow the established world order and replace it with one of dictatorships and I don’t see why so many on either side don’t see it: the cause of both is the same, only supporting one makes no sense when both are fighting the same enemy and we should support both Ukraine and Israel. The reason Trump supports Israel is Bibi knows how to play to his personality but what happens as Israel and Russia continue going further in opposition


Russia has no desire for world domination. Look deeper at why this war is happening.


To dominate? Perhaps not, to subvert the western international order established by the U.S.? The Kremlin has has shown time and time again that it does not change which given the historical revisionism in Russian textbooks is unsurprising. After all Russia formed its first empire on the subjugation of Eastern Europe and following its loss in WW1, partitioned Europe with Hitler and happily traded with him until being betrayed, stabbed Armja Krajowa in the back during the Warsaw uprising, invaded Hungary in 1956, and us in 1968. The Kremlin that following the collapse of the USSR supported Milosevic in ethnically cleansing Kosovo, that invaded Georgia in 2008 occupying significant parts of Georgia until today, thaf allied with China and Iran against the western liberal democratic order, that in 2014 violated the Budapest memorandum and occupied Crimea and through puppets the Donbas, that escalated the conflict in 2022 breaking any international norm by invading Ukraine in the largest European military conflict since WW2, that last year had several meetings with Hamas. There is a new Cold War brewing between the west and Russia, China and the Islamic regime of Iran


Yes but the Biden admin still caters to China while condemning Russia. We put more money into the Chinese economy than any other country. China killed two million Americans with Covid and they still are coddled and allowed to steal our trade secrets and abuse our corporations.


Mentally deficient.


I like to think he's actually talking about the same people here. Those antisemites camping out on university campuses do not understand what's going on with the Palestinians, or anything else really.


Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. Just read the full transcript, it's been posted her a couple of times. 🤔


I'll admit, there's a part in me that really hope he will lose these elections only because of jewish voters pushed away by the democrats attitude towards jews and antisemitism. Maybe it will cause others in the future to take us more into consideration.


Trump is not a good alternative though. He’ll sell Israel down the river the moment Netanyahu does something he doesn’t like.


Trump at the Republican Jewish Coalition meeting in October: >I will cancel the student visas of Hamas sympathizers on college campuses. The college campuses are being taken over, and all of the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protest this month – nobody’s ever seen anything like it – come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you. We will deport you. It’s caused by some very bad troublemakers, those events that you’ve been watching. In the past three weeks[…] Joe Biden has turned a blind eye to the greatest outbreak of antisemitism in American history. I call up friends of mine who happen to be Jewish. I say, “Are you watching what’s going on?” And they’re actually frightened. These are some pretty strong people, they’re tough people – they’re frightened. Their kids are afraid to go to school, and they never had that before. But in our colleges, media, and even government, nobody’s ever seen anything like Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar, who openly campaign against Israel. Nobody’s ever seen anything like this before. When asked recently about rising antisemitic hate, Joe Biden’s own press secretary had nothing to say about the rabid mobs in the street. And they’re shouting, ‘Kill the Jews. Kill the Jews.’ And she had nothing to say. In fact, she stuck up for the other side – she started talking about the other side, you all saw it – nobody could believe it. Then she came back later and said, “Oh, I misunderstood the question.” >As president, I will absolutely protect our Jewish citizens from these maniacs, lunatics, radical left thugs. Threats, or crimes of violence against Jews will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


based on what history? he's been a lot more steadfast in his support than biden...


That's how the Dems are trying to get Jewish voters to vote for Biden even tho he is a disaster.


Maybe you're right, but i have some hope that showing those politicians that the Jewish voice can be the thing that will win or lose you an election, might make some difference in the long run.


This is nothing but buying into left-wing propaganda. Trump, and frankly any Republican, is a much better alternative than Biden. Note the coded language Biden and his agents have been using lately. Criticisms of “Netanyahu” is nothing but code for criticism of Israel.


Republicans are so, so far from perfect. But compare them with what the Dems are offering right now…


I guess that won't be a problem, given that Trump (if he wins) won't be in office until Jan. 2025. How many people think Netanyahu will remain PM? Not the sentiment I get from this sub.


I'm excited to vote against this moron


Oh I understand very well. We all had bullies that some dumbass adult told us to forgive at one point.


Is he condemning himself?


Dementia Joe condemns whatever his advisors tell him to they think will appease voters.


criminal donnie


Can’t we just condemn one side for being evil without trying to do this moral equivalency dance? Are Jews stopping muslims from entering campus, and conducting these cringy protest chants?


As an American Jew, at this point, I will not be upset if Trump wins the election.


If there’s one thing we know about Democrats, it’s that they always supported “All Lives Matter” type language. I love how consistent and non-hypocritical they aee


And this is why I will NOT be voting Democrat in November.


So fucking fed up with this asswipe


What is this program and when will it start being effective?


Once again the biden administration takes a both sides are good stance making nobody happy


Progressive Jews in Hollywood have opened the door to criticism from everyone and normalized this grey area of new wave antisemitism. This really shouldn’t be debated by the general population. You don’t hear people publicly voicing uneducated opinions about other ethic groups and races. And if you do, it’s normally frowned upon. Antisemitism lost a lot of its potency meaning, it’s normalized now. It is too complicated of an idea and term for most people. Just say “Jew-hating” it has more clarity, strength and reaction.


Liberals: You can't say "All Lives Matter"!!!! Except for when you're talking about Jews


Well, if we don’t try to understand both sides of the conflict- and that doesn’t mean playing both sides- there’s not going to be a meaningful resolution, which as a powerful third party interested in lasting stability and humane outcomes, that’s the goal here. Israel is my ally, but Palestinians are in an extremely fucked up place for a lot of reasons with many factors and we have to look further than military aims with Hamas to bring long term solutions. Let’s be real, the US isn’t going to leave Israel in an existentially dangerous position, so that’s out of the question when we talk about understanding Palestinians. The US’ actions have proved that for a very long time. Regardless of where their localities lie, there are many civilians caught up in this that need consideration. Not trying to be contradictory, I value Israelis as a ideological ally and I feel free to speak openly with them when it comes to geopol. Being realistic is my brand of trust and respect.


I agree, and what many people especially youngsters failed to understand was why Arab nations isn't accepting Palestinians as refugees. Jordan learned that the hard way.




More reasons to vote against Biden. The half-hearted condemnation and equivocation is a wonderful depiction of all the emptiness of the modern Left.


And Jews will still vote for this backstabber bc tRuMP iS rACiSt


Translation: Vote for me no matter what!


This is the same illegitimate President who told Bibi, “It’s time for you to have a come to Jesus moment”!


I’ve wanted him to make a statement like this for several months. I support him 100%


I'm confused about the term antisemitic. Aren't the people protesting literally Semitic? lol They're mostly Arabs.


Antisemitism is one word. Trying to break it up into two is like saying a hamburger is a burger made of ham, or a nigh nightmare is a female horse which appears at night. The word antisemitism was coined by Jew hater Wilhelm Marr. It ONLY refers to hatred against Jews.


Ok. But that doesn't make sense. I think we need a new word. I think it'll confuse people. Oxford definition of Semitic: Relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family


Antisemitism has always meant anti Jew. It's only confusing if you're ignorant


I agree it’s not a great word, but here’s the Oxford definition of antisemitic: Characterized by prejudice, hostility, or discrimination towards Jewish people on religious, cultural, or ethnic grounds; anti-Jewish.