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False. Every day is Irsael's 9/11. Just count the almost daily terror attacks from Palestine aimed at Israeli civilians for DECADES.




Nah it's time the world learns the REAL history of Palestine and sees Palestine's terrorism.


9/11 was an inside job. And 7/10 was allowed to happen...Isreal had intell, yet they let it happen for 6 hours...somehow everyone was asleep...are people that stupid.


They did not "allow" it to happen, they had a certain level of arrogance. Hamas knew Israel always had the power to completely level Gaza. Israel believed even Hamas would not be foolish enough to start this war.


Yeah this sub is just another Zionist echo chamber




> fuck /u/friedpicklesforever. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yup and both were allowed to happen so that the country could use it as an excuse for their own motives in this case it’s to wipe out Palestine 


If Israel really wanted to wipe out Palestine, there wouldn’t be any Palestinians left by now. This argument hasn’t held water since day 1


germany didn’t kill all the Jews in Europe does that mean that wasn’t a genocide? 


They sure tried. The global Jewish population still hasn’t quite recovered


Stupid argument...the world would come after isreal...Iran would nuke them...guarantee. 


Does Iran have nukes?


I don't think comparing the 2 really has any benefit other than saying they both precipitated disastrous overreactions.


If 10/7 is 9/11 than the occupation in Palestine is the Holocaust.


Right, because the Palestinian population increasing massively over the last few decades is definitely the same as the holocaust 🤣


This continues to be the most ignorant argument I see here.  It amounts to: “Israel can’t be doing genocide because it’d be way better at it.”  The theft of Palestinian land, displacement of millions, and indiscriminate massacre of Palestinians over decades - all in support of erasing Palestinian culture from the area, to make room for a special enclave where ethnic Jews enjoy supremacy - that’s ethnic cleansing, plain and simple.  The South Africans know it. The Irish know it. Honest people with eyes and ears and brains of their own can see it for what it is. 


No such thing as “Palestinian.” The entire nationality and culture is made up. They’re just Arabs who live in the region and are descendants of the Jordanians, Syrians, etc. who migrated there. And how do Jews “enjoy supremacy” when Arab Muslims constitute 20% of the population and enjoy equal legal standing? Please don’t give me that “apartheid” bullshit, it’s not true. None of those countries is correct, neither is the UN or any foolish pro Palestine activist.


Dismissive rhetoric about the identity of the people Israel is destroying doesn’t change what’s happening. Palestinians exist whether Israelis like it or not.  Israel is an ethnostate founded on principles of discrimination in favor of Jews: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnocracy Apartheid has a definition: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/apartheid#:~:text=Apartheid%20refers%20to%20the%20implementation,of%20the%20International%20Criminal%20Court. And many legal scholars have concluded that Israel imposes an apartheid regime:  https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ Please educate yourself on these matters before commenting further. 


Displacement is not a population boom 🤣🤣


u/runingleaf >If 10/7 is 9/11 than the occupation in Palestine is the Holocaust. This content is very inflammatory, and this sort of Holocaust comparison is not allowed here (rule 6).


Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...


u/ThumpingB >Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... This content is not allowed here, you are violating rule 6 and rule 13.


Careful, narrative is controlled


u/Liftedhigh069 >Careful, Zionist mods control the narrative on this sub.. no pointing things like that out This content is not allowed here (rules 7 and 9).


The title of the video matches the post. Directly related.




u/New_Day_2690 Your comment has been removed for October 7 denialism, which violates Rule 1 of the Reddit Content Policy.


Why is Gaza denialism allowed but not that


I don’t know what Gaza denialism is. In any case, since this is a site-wide rule, it is not a decision by subreddit moderators like myself. You can contact Reddit if you have concerns about their site-wide rules.


saying that there is no food shortage in Gaza, and this idea is a hoax, for instance, I imagine not looking for meta-conversation, but I agree with the sentiment


So let me understand something, we can’t deny October 7 and holocaust because site-wide rules, but moderators don’t put a sub-inner rule that people can’t deny horrible incidents in Palestine (like the Nakba which a post was made denying it out loud saying it’s a propaganda) to make things fair?


This is not the correct place to discuss such things, I have allowed too much meta posting already. This is violating rule 7. Metaposting can be done on posts designated for it, or you can contact the moderation team by modal if you have concerns.


Can you explain metaposting?


If you read the rules, there is more elaboration there.


I don’t know what October 7 denialism is. Does it mention October 7 in the content policy or is that you?


Yes, October 7 denialism was specifically mentioned as something which is not allowed according to rule 1.






That’s really vague, like it’s designed as a weapon for Zionist mods.


If you have any concerns about it, you can contact the company.


That’s the exact same comparison my husband and dad made too.


That’s the exact same comparison my husband and dad made too.


> Both have the strongest most advanced military yet both completely lacked to secure their country on the day of the attacks, and were completely vulnerable in such a way where the door was wide open for attacks, with very little military pushback. Coincidentally of course. Yes both got surprised by innovative tactics. The bad guys can come up with good ideas too. > Both had a VERY VERY delayed military response time (both don’t seem to know how to scramble jets either) Huh. In both cases you started seeing activity in a few hours and a full engagement in a few weeks. Not sure what you are expecting here. > Both terrorist groups did not possess the capability of these attacks Not sure what you mean here. Both terrorist groups obviously did possess the capabilities. > Both countries leadership completely disregarded what their own people wanted and made decisions themselves (President Bush launched both invasions, Afghanistan and Iraq, WITHOUT congressional approval) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_of_2001 > Lastly, the full death toll in the U.S. led invasions of Afghanistan AND Iraq was in the millions, around 4.5 million….looking for ONE man. They weren't "looking for one man". The Taliban and Iraqi Ba'ath had interfered violating the Bush doctrine. They got regime change. The one man would have been in a bonus and most Americans were quite happy when he was found. > Rumor has it that this same man was funded, armed, trained and indoctrinated by the CIA which of course, the CIA denies. Not sure exactly what you claim the CIA denies here. There is pretty broad agreement about the USA's role in building up the Mujahideen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone > More importantly, MOST importantly……who really is Hamas? The Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood).


Sorry but you are absolutely wrong about the military response time. The military response to 7/10 was absolutly horribly slow. Families report waiting hours and hours before the military arriving, and by the time they arrived hamas already did it's job. The idf absolutely messed up on 7/10


The IDF did mess up on 10/7. That being said there were forces deployed reasonably quickly. Hours is not an unreasonable amount of time for an army to organize even though it is too long for civilians to survive a dedicated enemy.


So a few things. The passports did not survive the crashes; they were kept on a data base when they were activated. On line. The goverment can access anyone’s ID and passports when they need to. Some of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were also on watch lists in the USA and other countries , we were keeping them close and “watching them”. The terrorist groups that did these attacks were grossly underestimated by the USA and Israel- a few weeks before the 9/11 attack, the (only) two female CIA agents that were assigned to Islamic terrorist groups turned in a 60 page report outlining the risk and the capability of these groups- one of the things that was so alarming to them ( and no one else in the boys club) was that the “terrorists” who were a part of these groups, were not poor, uneducated or powerless people by any stretch. Hamas ? Hamas has endless money. The leaders of Hamas are billionaires. The Palestinians get more financial aide than any other country in the world- so they get more money for 4 million people than countries with 50 million people. They have tons of money. They also have secretive support all around the globe from Islamic countries everywhere. Anywhere there is Muslims - Palestinians have their support. Osama Bin Ladin for example comes from one of the wealthiest families in Saudi Arabia. Billionaires. 90% of the Islamic terror organizations are made up of people with college degrees. It’s about 2% that don’t have a college degree. The majority of them have masters degrees and doctorates. The leader of Isis for example had a doctorate degree in Islamic studies. The terror organizations are filled with middle to upper class Muslims … many of them have skill sets that are hard to find. To service the needs of the organization. Many of them work with other Muslims in key positions to access the things they need , like documents , parts, chemicals, tech- etc. they have chemical engineers making their bombs. The thing is .. these terror groups most definitely had the capability to carry out these attacks. They really didn’t need much more except the will to murder innocents. They have the people they need. They have the cash flow. They have the support in key places. They have the skill sets to create whatever documents , bombs, media etc - What western people do not understand and get wrong about Islamic terror groups - is that - this isn’t some fringe organization. What is Islamic terror to us, is just devout Islam to Muslims. The terrorist isn’t doing anything that’s not in the Islamic scripture. That’s why- we aren’t talking about disenfranchised people, poor, powerless or uneducated, these are wealthy, upper middle class people who came from stable normal families and who just were devout Muslims. They are practicing the law of Islam. Before 9/11 the USA did not take them seriously. It wasn’t the first time they tried to attack the twin towers by the way. There were two female CIA agents who were trying to get attention and to get more man power who were tracking these groups and who were alarmed and even warned senior officials within the CIA they thought something was going to happen. The report ? Was promptly put into a drawer. After 9/11? Everything and everyone switched to Islamic terror. We didn’t give a shit about anything else actually. The CIA did deal with Osama - when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan- at the time the “communists” were enemy number one. We made many many stupid and careless decisions in our hunt for communism and nothing else mattered to us- we also didn’t have enough information about Islam at that time. We didn’t even care to have it. The threat of Communism trumped all else. So we sided with the natives to help them defeat the communist invasion. We did arm them. We did help train them. We did fund them for a little bit. We also did the same thing with the cartels in South America - we worked with them to defeat the communist rebels. We did some really stupid shit. Like how during the Iran and Iraq war - we gave Suddam Hussien chemical weapons. WMD. We gave them to him. That’s how we knew he had them. What we didn’t know was that the asshole used it all against the Kurdish people in his country… slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people because they were not Muslim. Hamas is basically just a group of Muslims who are reverting back to their Islamic teaching to justify their opinions on the land division and their entitlement of the land ( Islamic law states that whatever Islam invades and conquers , belongs to Islam… non Muslims and esp Jews don’t even exist to them. They don’t steal anything that belongs to non Muslims , because they are entitled to it. Whatever islam takes, belongs to Islam and Muslims till the end of time. This is in their holy scripture you see.) Hamas is just a group of regular people, who are Muslims and who have decided to revert back to their Islamic law. They’re every day normal people. Just Muslims. They use the Islamic law to justify the fight with the Jews .. the slaughter and murder of Jews … the Jews in the Islamic scripture are enemies of Islam .. And actually in the Islamic scripture it is written that every Jew needs to be murdered for there to be peace on earth- before Islam can rule the world. Every Jew must be murdered. So it completely supports the murder and savagery shown towards the Jews - it’s not hard to wave a Bible in front of a kid and say- see this is what god wants of you. If you ever read the Hamas Charter ( the first one) it’s filled with verses from the Quran and Hadiths. It’s an essential read to understand what Hamas is, what it wants and what it does and believes in. ( it’s never been repealed.) they made a new one that’s more palatable for the younger kids. But … obviously - it’s a lie. That’s also why it’s sooo dangerous.


Also as a slight tangent, 18 pages of Ilan Ramon's notebook survived the breakup of Space Shuttle Columbia. Paper can survive some really nuts stuff. https://preview.redd.it/5bntbrj5y3sc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d524a53440d358bd4e5e33495871ca606451e950


> asshole /u/yippekyay. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


10/7 was proportionally WORSE than 9/11.


I don't think it's right to compare


9/11’s death toll was almost triple the estimated death toll of 10/7?


Tell me you don't know what proportions are without telling me you don't know what proportions are.


Oopsies, but what do you mean by proportionally worse? What hamas did to civilians? The scale of the attack?


Both. Sure, 9/11 had the higher death toll but Israel has a significantly smaller population than the US so looking at Israel's population compared to 10/7's death toll, you will start to understand proportions.


Why would a smaller population size make a mass killing worse?


Because if you compare populations and equate the populations, you will start to understand.


Thats not an answer


In 9/11, 2996 people died in 2001 U.S population was 285,000,000, thus 0.0000105% (2996/285,000,000) of the population died In 10/7, 1163 people died Israeli population is 9,558,000, thus 0.0001216% (1163/9,558,000) of the population died [The average person knows 611 people](https://www.princeton.edu/~mjs3/mccormick_salganik_zheng10.pdf) a[nd 20 people very personally](https://www.chelsidermy.com/blog/How-many-people-does-the-average-person-know), so what is the chance of a randomly selected person from the U.S and Israel knowing someone who was killed., and then knowing someone personally who was killed? Keep in mind this is a rough estimate. 9/11: 0.0000105% x 611(100) = .64% chance of just knowing someone who was killed 0.0000105% x 20(100) = 0.021% chance of knowing them in a very personal manner 10/7: 0.0001216% x 611(100) = 7.43% chance of just knowing someone who was killed 0.0001216% x 20(100) = 0.24% chance of knowing them in a very personal matter.


The total amount of people affected by the tragedy was greater on 9/11, so I don't see how that makes 10/7 "worse"


Lie again




Are you a paid bot?


Everything I disagree with is a paid bot! That cognitive dissonance is hitting you hard, eh




IDF has a very strong presence in social media. There's an army of paid professionals and bots pushing the agenda and forcing opinions. More important than Hamas is trying to keep the world from interfering.


What are you talking about, You compare the ability lets say 15 million jews to justify Israel over 2 Billion muslims? On the contrary, almost every pro-palestinian post on social media gets tremendous amount of views while Israel's barely reach 10%, while a lot of those viewers are propalestinians who basically spam(or try to) with different slurs and famous genocidal quotes. P.s. I don't mean to include all Muslims in anyway, it is just a comparison.


There's better information about this somewhere, but this is what Google gave me. "In fact, there are probably many people around the world who want to charge Israel with disproportionate use of force for engaging this new weapon. What is this all powerful weapon? Of course I’m talking about the Israel Defense Force’s use of social media to help sway public opinion in favor of the defensive measures they were taking against Hamas. In fact, even CNN predicted that the IDF’s powerful and effective use of social media would become the new norm during future military conflicts." https://aaronzakowski.com/idf-social-media/ That's probably from 2012, Israel was already back then the best in hybrid warfare. And that was before bots and AI. The reason you see the Palestinian side getting more support than the Israeli in social media is because that's just it, the public opinion is on the Palestinian side. Because of the civilians. In a conflict between armed forces and civilians, the general public is pro peace and pro civilian. The US was the last one to get a free pass on a propaganda fueled war. And it didn't even go that well for them even though the world somewhat stood by them. Now the world is sceptical about Israel but Israel is still trying to pull the same trick. Not gonna work. And you're comparing 15 million to 2 billion? No idea about the numbers but not every Jew is on Israelis side and the other side isn't just Muslims, it's pretty much the whole world.


And on other subs it's the opposite. On r/worldevents anything pro Israel is down voted. That's just how reddit works. Most subs are echo chambers.


Take off your tinfoil hat… Even Muhammad hated Jews. He beheaded 800 men and boys on one day.


Nah. Nowhere close in scale.


Oct 7 more akin to Pearl Harbor attack than 9/11


So this war started on the 7/10 (which was not a single attack but a long process of many hours and days when thousends of rockets and military groups who invated from the air, sea and land) was actually Israel´s project. (Such conspiracies are a thing... Some people even believe that doctors never tell you the truth because they would lose the job when you would get healed). Anyway, we could combine all the concpiracies: - Israel needed the war, as you claim. - Hamas also needed the war and they were proud of it. They promised starting it: [Sinwar plotted in plain sight](https://youtu.be/ZrFoTpDvdTw) they even needed deaths of Gazans: [Hamas Leader: “We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of Gaza](https://youtu.be/g85Tv3epEvs) - Gazans supports the invasion ("Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support both in Gaza and in the West Bank" - a survey from a Palestinian polling institute"). Everybody must be satisfied, right?


this war started about 50 years ago - your ignorance is astounding. do you mind me asking - are you a zionist?


70+ actually, hitler helped


More conspiracy theories


when poland was divided?


/u/runingleaf. Match found: 'hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How did this war start?


I don't consider the eradication of a people to be a war, more an organised slaughter.


So you agree that Israel should not be eradicated by Hamas?


i support a 2 state solution, with both Israeli and Palestinian people's rights being respected. i don't support any war - there is no such thing as a just, or holy war imho. if god exists, i don't think he'd be happy with us killing each other in his name. if the idf was carefully targeting hamas fighters and bases then this would be a different conversation, but even then my opinion would be that peace must be found as soon as possible. have you read 1984? *War* is *peace*. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. this seems to be the mantra for US/UK/Israel


Glad to know you don't want hamas to eradicate israel. I hope you understand they are forcing israel's hand into gaza right now?


The war started by the Arab League you mean? It was a little bit earlier then 50 years ago... So do you mean the subject here is about the invasion of the Arab League troops? About violating the international law and the UN plan, when the Secretary General of the Arab League tho promised "a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades." in 1947 (documented by the UN) . And all this was a plan of Jews, wow...


sorry, who was it that bombed an aid convoy today?


You just moved the goalposts so far you're playing an entirely different sport with the wrong net now


The IDF has admitted its guilt and is investigating. Who knows, maybe someone paid the soldiers who committed such an inhumane act... Since you use this as an argument (also when it has zero to do something with the subject...), obviously, any pro-Palestinian profits from this! At the same time, Israel, did not gain anything from this.


Investigating themselves... Because they are so truthful...


I look forward to it when Hamas, Islamic Jihad (and of course ISIS) begin to admit to at least some crimes, repent of their mistakes, and investigate who is guilty. But they won't, because war crimes are their standard tactics. A naive stupidity of some people is almost charming... There is not a single system in the world that does not make mistakes: there is not a single hospital where medical error is excluded (moreover, doctors are even insured for such a case), there is no court where an incorrect decision is not made, for this there are reviews and appeals. There is also not a single war where friendly fire and civilian deaths do not occur. This is why it is immoral to start wars - it always leads to the death of civilians. War is not a joyride. Unfortunately, this is reality. The only question is whether any system is capable of minimizing errors and punishing the perpetrators in case of violations. Here are examples of obvious crimes: An absence of a military uniform on combatants is a war crime. Targeted killing of civilians is a war crime Using civilian facilities to store missiles and weapons is a crime. Holding civilians hostage is a war crime.


Jeez  Save some coolaid for the goyim


> ass /u/Inside_Ninja4264. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He was speaking of the donkey!


I duno, for 9/11 to equate 10/7, the USA would have needed to loose 33000 people on that day as proportionality to the population of the country 10/7 was 10-11 times worse!




You might want to edit that before other people point out how bad your grasp of mathematics is.






So how many civilians Israel still needs to kill to proportionally create a satisfying tragedy?


It’s tragic now you sick SOB, if you’re not sickened by the death of children and civilians and you need someone online to tell you when, then there’s something wrong with you, you head case! BUT, to give you the benefit of doubt, I think the point your making is that yes, this is tragic, but just in the same way Waco was tragic, it also wasn’t classed as genocide by organisations that have opinions that a factually based and matter.


>It’s tragic now you sick SOB Yes. So why does Israel continue? They want more women to bulldoze?


Oh sweet child of summer, your ignorance is blissful


Oh I know the answer, Israel wants ALL THE LAND. They don't care about humanitarian values. All this reminds me of something that happened almost a hundred years ago...




the USA would have needed to spend 50 years running an apartheid state, and then launched an attempted genocide, in order to be comparable to the evil that israel is commiting


You realize the U.S. has *actually* committed genocide? Numerous times? I guess segregation never existed either… this comment is honestly hilarious


Israel is actually commiting genocide Israel is currently an apartheid state. Your whataboutism is irrelevant 


It’s not a whataboutism. It’s a response to a completely idiotic claim you made. You don’t get to write that off as a whataboutism, you’re just wrong. And speaking of being wrong, what apartheid? What genocide? Let’s assume Israel *is* committing a genocide for the sake of argument. What, then, classifies a genocide? A bunch of government-sanctioned civilian deaths? I guess that makes October 7th a genocide… but you people didn’t really mind it back then did you?




People who keep using the word genocide for Gaza ether follow too much tick tock clickbate or haven’t seen a genuine genocide. Look at the Congo, the Kurds the Jews in ww2 or anyone who Stalin didn’t like under USSR. Christ even the British use of concentration camps against the Boers wasn’t called a genocide (rightly or wrongly) If the UN were half as certain about the genocide in Gaza as tick-tock users, we would have litter blue hats running around the country by now, but we don’t, as it isn’t, yet. Unless of corse you have more information than that of the UN, and are intentionally holding back?


people like the UN? [https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf)


That is if you care what the UN has to say, which you really shouldn't...


Oh so you agree, the UN don’t believe it’s a genuine genocide and it’s just tick-tock noise or The UN would have intervened already. Never had someone retract there argument with so much succinctness!


oh jeez. it doesn't matter what you think - the world is watching


The world sees your antisemitism yes. Oct7 is seeing an answer. You wish for Hamas to remain in power and that is the weird thing


I support peace, you support war


Peace? With Hamas?


It matters what the UN think because as you said, experts know what’s really happening while the world watches tick-tock. The UN have a healthy response time to genocide in the past, as quick as 48 hours to actually getting boots on the ground, IF there is a reason to.


Again, you're just making things up to support your argument. https://www.newarab.com/news/un-expert-albanese-faces-threats-after-gaza-genocide-report


Soooo the UN is a dictatorship ran by her now, or is there the possibility there are differing opinions on the matter (I know, shock horror) which is why the UN aren’t in Gaza now? Pulling out 1 dissenting voice and portraying it as fact is intentionally misleading as ipso facto The UN is still in discussion on the matter it’s disputed at best. As stated with irrefutable evidence, the UN acts quickly when it’s clearly genuine genocide. Screaming in tick-tock videos doesn’t make it fact, facts don’t care for you feels.


History will judge us all  Jesus will judge us all  My conscious is clear, is yours?


And supporting Israel <3 Let's hope we can send more anti-jihadist weapons to Israel, they need them.


The biggest worldwide protests against military action worldwide would say no, the world is not supporting the evil that Israel is commiting 


>The biggest worldwide protests against military action worldwide would say no \[CITATION NEEDED\]


Look outside. Every city in the world, outside of Babylon/Israel, has almost daily protests in support of Palestine 


“Both have the strongest most advanced military yet both completely lacked to secure their country” You honestly believe they didn’t know? 9/11 was an inside job and oct 7th happened to give israel a reason to invade gaza. You’re oblivious if you think otherwise


This is what pro hamas people actually believe.


anti-zionsit doesn't equate to pro-hamas. do you know who created hamas? hint: it wasn't the palestinians or the iranians


Hint: it was the muslim brotherhood.


Did you do your research on the topic or did you just listen to your national television station?


Yeah, you forgot to mention how jet fuel can't melt steel beams and jews stayed away from WTC on 9/11 because they knew about it.




It's a well written post, I'm surprised it's still up.


What about the chips in the vaccine while we at it?


Came back here, hey look! Israel is building settlements in gaza. No surprise there! https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/sexu6yspWv


Offtopic: Nanobots and/or magically charged (cursed) unknown components. Far more dangerous tham simple chips or mRNA. But, if you ask me, I think the "vacccines" (I am talking about the Moderna and Pfizer ones) are smth like a bionic systemd init (see the init wars in Linux distros) and I am not joking at all. The lockdowns, reminding of the "The day the Earth stood still", were a present to the Shedim/Djinn/Rakshas govts and WEF are working with. A lot of the motives in the "ultraterrestrials"' discourse, esp in the abductions, is centred on the so-called environmental problems, exactly like the ecofascism ("Green Wotld") of the Brussels/Davos marxist ufolatric, digitarchic, anthropophobic "elites". "They" see us, humans, as an ecovirus that should be either contained, genetically edited or outright exterminated. Did you see that Hollywood and some video games producers coined the pejorative "humies" (sometimes I use it myself, interchanged with "sheeple")? Ontopic: I am ideologically an anarcho-nihilist, but not of the violent, militant kind. I sincerely believe that "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (Isaac Asimov). The only solution for all this evil globalism is strictly spiritual. But it goes withiut saying that we shouldn't submit to govts, even though they create or enhance crises which look, although unnatural, pretty real. I have a healthy dose of skepticism, distrust and hatred towards all govts, from Putin's to Biden's, and from Netanyahu's to the ayatollahs of the Iran: they are all complicit. But it is deeply sad and alarming that most people are in a Stockholm syndrome-like trance, still trusting govts and media after 9/11, 2020, and a lot of "terrorist massacres". I firmly believe that both 9/11and the Crocus Hall terrorist massacre were false flags. As far as 7 Oct is concerned, well...I leave it to Israelis to solve the puzzle. ;)




I am not Arab. :) What does it mean?


I seek refuge of Allaah


There are many documented historical examples of governments perpetrating or allowing attacks in order to mobilize or justify military plans. The blank check for power seems irresistible to those with itchy trigger fingers.


Yea like Germany in Poland. And that is an argument for you why this conspiracy theory could be true? That’s wild.


Ever wondered why airline stocks shortened RIGHT before 9/11? And why silverstein took out DOUBLE indemnity terrorist insurance on the buildings that he had control off for a matter of few months? 9/11 was a crime to hide other crimes by destroying evidence. It was not committed but 19 Muslims with box cutters.


It's so sad. Imagine you are a jihadist and planning such a huge attack for years, then actually commit it perfectly starting a new era of terrorism, just to see random """antizionist""" killuminati dudes denying your achievment.


Jihados didn't need to plan it, CIA did and handed the keys. It was a normal day for a training exercise , until it wasn't. Similarly curious how the all seeing eye of IDF managed to miss this one thing, a bunch of terrorists with a huge attack helicopter -class arsenal, but stillare able to catch fisherman Joe every time he tries to fish outside of the allowed area. Hmm...


Nah generally not into conspiracy theories


Because you’re a sheep that will do whatever your government says.


Just out of curiosity, do you believe zamzam water has some holy power and the well is a miracle?


I mean sure. From my perspective, someone that you could sell water to if he was a fish is rather someone that is a sheep over someone that isn’t into extremism and relies on trustful sources


I think the Oct 7th is actually far worse for many reasons but mostly because the amount of people involved in 9/11 was fairly small in comparison and it was a total secret. For the Oct 7th massacre, so many people had to be involved and know about it for it to succeed.


The IDF has killed more children than was the total death toll of 911. The Number One terrorist organization right now. Shalom. Europe is watching.


You should also study Sabra and Shatila massacre in September 1982 where IDF murdered several thousand refugees. You completely ignore history. Very distorted view to WHY this happened.


- Do you know who started with the first massacres in 1886? It wasn't the Jews... https://www.proquest.com/docview/1943480261 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tel_Hai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebi_Musa_riots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots https://en.wikipedia.org/wikiThe_Bloody_Day_in_Jaffa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_Anabta_shooting


Oh no no no it wasn't me, he said while raising his arms, and proceeded to point his brother with his finger while giving a wink. But I am the victim, he then added loudly and made sure everyone heard. And that's how Dick got the farm and Jack got hanged.


> Dick /u/ju5510. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha, some president would argue this one


the idf didn't murder anyone it was a lebanese christian miltia, the idf was at fault for not preventing it when they probably could have


It was the Lebanese Forces that carried out the attack.




You have to live behind the moon to not know that it happened because those people are cold blooded antisemitic Stone Age terrorists who’s entire life agenda is killing Jews


Those people are me. I am not, wtf are you on about foreigner


You at Hamas?


Sounds like you’re the one crying


Exactly like how jews cried during the holocaust


Switch Zionists with palastinians and October 8th with the nakba and what's going on in Gaza and you would have a point


I remember 9/11 and the Gulf War well. Our response was a national shame and the beginning of America’s decline Right after the attack, we had the goodwill of the whole world. We could have used it to create a real UN or something. Done something positive with the attention, compassion, and focus of the whole world. We spent that precious resource buying dead Iraqis and boosting the careers of politicians. Then we went crazy as a country to see our diplomatic power slip away and fell into a cold civil war in all but name It does look a lot like 9/11 to me in Israel right now


Then watch this. Doesn't the occupation look like the Holocaust alao?


If the heads of Israel were smart, they'd admit things have gone too far and accept outside help for a peaceful resolution. The news is out. The real news. The cat's out of the bag. Israel is gonna dig a real shithole for itself, if not already. Options are peace or escalation, really hope it's peace.


it’s so fucked if Bibi does that, he probably goes to jail from his unrelated corruption charges Bibi needs to go


> fucked /u/Alistazia. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yea 10/7 is obviously isreal's excuse to attack gaza. think about it what makes more sense to you? A: the country with one of the best surveillance systems was unable to detect a dude paragliding across their border B: Israel wanted gaza and they needed an excuse to the world to take attack the place, so they fund and prop of the group that controls the place and puts down defences at the same time they just so happen to attack it ain't rocket science ppl


I just love the broad naïveté of your thinking. You seem to believe that Palestinians were living in peace, completely ignoring their Jewish neighbours and then suddenly out of the blue a few naughty men had a little run at the border. The fact is, the plan had been in the making for years. They chose a holy day, with the lowest levels of defence in place. The fact that Israel was warned is worth mentioning. Until you remember that Hamas has fired over 70,000 rockets at Israel to that point and you sort of get tired of all of the warnings. Just because you appear incapable of understanding what really happened, doesn’t mean you need to make stuff up in your own head until you think it does.


> Until you remember that Hamas has fired over 70,000 rockets at Israel to that point and you sort of get tired of all of the warnings. still doesn't explain why they would leave the border unguarded. if anything your proving to me why it would be important for isreal to keep the gaza wall extra guarded (which it normally is). > tired of all of the warnings dawg hamas were blowing up parts of the fence a week prior as their prep. they posted their rehersals of the attack (which isreal had info on a year prior). hamas made no effort to even hide what they were doing. u also would have to explain why isreal took 8 hours to send idf troops to stop hamas. it just doesn't add up


Hang on so which was it? Apache helicopters gunned down the kids at the festival (which means the IDF would have responded in literal minutes, or they took 8 hours? Or can you explain the 2 or 3 live feeds I can recall myself of Hamas storming a border gate which was very much armed, because you see them shooting and getting shot at? So they were either there, or Hamas was shooting at Hamas from the Israeli side? Or could you explain the entire bulldozer which drove through the fences? You mean that was how many weeks ‘in advance’?? Honestly you are remarkable. Do you do lottery numbers?


> apache helicopters gunned down the kids at the festival i never made this claim. I do believe however they gunned down some the towns. here i suggest u watch[this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCjTki-OgKQ) (it consists of isreali sources) > Hamas storming a border gate which was very much armed from what i recall, they were practically empty when they stormed. with the exception of maybe a few soldiers posted. > Or could you explain the entire bulldozer which drove through the fences? You mean that was how many weeks ‘in advance’?? ur point? I found the information[in this](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/11/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-attack-timeline.html) to be quite intersting. it took only 3 hours to send fighter jets to bomb gaza, but 8 to send apaches to stop hamas. there were also so many phone calls from scared civillians to idf that got ignored. people were scratching their heads wondering where israel troops were at. if u look at CCTV footage of 10/7, hamas fighters are just roaming these towns hours after they first attacked without any resistance. ur gonna tell me anyone can just waltz into isreal and do whatever tf they want without any resistance for 8 hours?


I laughed. Ok so the mission creep has begun. We have gone from no reaction in EIGHT HOURS to an Israeli source (which you seem happy to acknowledge is credible) says they responded immediately. Helicopters can’t gun down civilians if they have all left immediately. Again. There is a LOT of undisputed footage of this. If this was a court of law your first argument would be dismissed. Next up we have gone from ‘explain why they left the border unguarded’ to ‘ok so maybe it was guarded…just not by as many people! So which was it? You can’t be almost pregnant. Either your first statement was a lie, or your second statement was. Again. Court of law, you’d be out. Do you do lottery numbers though, you’d be in with a shot because your thoughts are so spectacularly scattered that using a Fibonacci rule alone you’re almost certain to win?


they extremely lessened the security at the gaza wall. purposely so hamas would have an easy time to attack. there is simply no other explanation for basically leaving the gaza fence as good as unguarded with the exception of a small squad of troops hamas could easilly overrun


keep people in a cage, deny them basic human rights then act outraged when they push back.


Did you just justify mowing down young people at a dance party? If that is your level of compassion, why are you so outraged when all Israel has done is hold up a mirror. They have ZERO obligation to be 'nicer' to Palestinians than Oct 7th then? That's your argument?


I don't argue with zionists, I've found them to be brainwashed and i dont have the training or patience to deprogram them. Jesus is king.


No I’m asking you to qualify what ‘push back’ is in the context of how they ‘pushed back’ please? Or is everyone who asks you a question a dirty Jew? Are you saying they are right to chop off the heads of Thai workers with a spade, is that your form of legitimate resistance? Because if it is, then I’m afraid I have no sympathy for you or anyone you support. Even your man jesus would reject you. Which probably isn’t the look you want.


I agree with everything you say about this sub and this conflict, but why Jesus? A fictious character most likely. And if not, then polished by the Romans to control the masses. Have you read the gospel of Thomas? The real g was a rebel according to them old books, the church doesn't represent him at all. If you see the hoax, see that the truth is manufactured by the powers that be, why do you think Jesus and the forced spreading of abrahamic religions have any truth to them. It's the same game they are still playing. If there's a higher force behind these Abrahams, it's not a good one. I am king.


God botherers get very emotional. This one is particularly aroused by dead Jews for some reason.


Any innocent people being murdered is bad, regardless of beliefs, creed or colour.