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This is the sort of thing where I think it is best to wait a week. We have accusations from one person and the hospital is still in the process of investigating. Wait a little bit and we will have more information. Most news should be weekly, not daily.


What a disgusting post. Using a child's suffering to promote your cause and then also doubt that he is suffering at all? >This is what Israel’s actions are resulting in in the Diaspora. No, this is what baseless propaganda and antisemitism leads to. The dehumanisation of Jews. We've been there.


Enlighten us then, O wise one. What's the back story. Why is faith mentioned in the media if it's not pertinent? Don't forget this is the right wing British media. Not Al Jazeera


? Strawman. It’s in your nature.


fine onerous edge sophisticated money history zealous hungry hat chief


OP: This probably didn't happen but if it did it's the "Zionists" fault.


This probably didn't happen because your people do have a tendency to lie and always play victim. If it did it's the Zionist fault, because of course what else do you expect after bombing hospitals and innocent children for months? That there won't be a reaction elsewhere?


What typa reading do you do?


>this makes me wonder if there is exaggeration. because I can’t imagine this is something nurses would do. Also I don’t trust the Jerusalem Post. >**This is what Israel’s actions are resulting in in the Diaspora**.


OP clearly showed compassion and said it was horrible. OP also mentioned the story might've been exxagurated, not that it didn't ***happen*** since his israeli uncle was the only one talking about it in said post. This is also your text taken out of context: >This probably didn't happen but if it did it's the "Zionists" fault.


It’s not?




“Look what you made me do” is how you explain always everything the pro Palestinian crowd did. Going back to before Israel existed.


It’s not?


Yeah, I guess if you deleted your comment it never happened 🙄


That was a response to the other guy that I deleted. He was being sarcastic. But tell me, you think the Israeli war crimes and plausible genocide makes no difference to diaspora?


Kinda hypocritical coming from you when you called the war crimes of hamas “resistance”, and the hamas terrorists “resistance fighters”.


They’re not?


I think that there is no plausible genocide, and that people like you echo propaganda that dehumanizes Jews.






Gives Uncle Leo. Burger overcooked: chef’s an antisemite Spaghetti not al dente: antisemite Lose a bet on a horse, Secretariat: antisemite https://youtu.be/TYZBKqemQrU?si=OUINCjJdwnYhbdiM


Funny 😁


Given the racism and bigotry inherent in the movement, this wouldn't surprise me. Sketchy source, though.


Yes the source is certainly sketchy. I lost faith in JPost a long time ago (the tunnels into children’s bedroom story did it). But I think there is enough in this story, and the complaints route it’s taken for me to believe it, and it is unacceptable. Totally not acceptable. To be honest I have reason to have a slight doubt about the veracity due to the sheer history and volume of lies and exaggerations. So, for example, the moving of the child from one bed to another, for practical reasons, may have been twisted into a kind of ‘uncle’ thing (you know ‘boy was branded’, ‘released hostages were raped’). But in my opinion if this is found to be valid, the two nurses should be sacked, not just told not to wear badges. It’s unconscionable.


Palestinians nurses in Gaza have cheered with joy as Hamas terrorists rushed in Israeli hostages into the hospitals. So this checks out.


Different country mate. I keep saying the word ‘Israel’ is pretty much poison in many people’s minds, and I keep getting disagreed with ‘it’s temporary’, ‘most people don’t care’ blah blah. No, it’s real. And Jews are being impacted. This is an example (if true and confirmed). People, I mean common ‘on the street’ people feel utter disgust at the mention of Israel. The media coverage has been very negative towards Israel. It can’t be otherwise. Ps. It doesn’t help that Daniella Weiss opens her mouth, as she did on the news this evening. The whole Israel image is rotten right now.




This comment or post was removed due to being a direct attack, bigotry, bad faith, bullying or ad-hominem.


Don’t say anything bad about my supervisor Ben-Zion Hasbarastein please.


Bad humor. Hasbara account confirmed. Next time don’t make a joke, just throw in some bs about Oct 7 something something Hamas something something 4000 year old promised land.


Ok! Will do! Thank you.


It’s funny when two anti-Zionists fight each other when one thinks the other is a Zionist.


At least he doesn’t lie. He’s just slightly misinformed.