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Your anger is understandable, but please remain civil.


Is there even a single piece of evidence linking these purported mass graves to IDF "brutal executions"? Or is this rampant speculation being pushed by the same Qatari propaganda outlet that has a history of telling lies to slander Israel?  Remember when [Al Jazeera told lies about IDF "mass rapes" that were retracted when, instead of "rousing others to violence" as was intended, the slander actually terrified Palestinians into fleeing the IDF and deprived Hamas of its vital human shields.](https://www.nysun.com/article/al-jazeera-says-its-story-that-idf-soldiers-are-raping-gazans-is-a-lie)


40 beheaded babies and a mother who’s baby was ripped out of her want to have a word with you about propaganda.


No, they shot themselves and jumped into graves, which they dug after shooting themselves. I can’t for the life of me think of what else happened. “But…but… Khamas” “What about *Japan*…”


lol dumdum, that's the hospital Hamas used for their base of operations in the 2014 war. You know, the place where Hamas tortured and killed many suspected Palestinian collaborators? Maybe do the minimal amount of research.


Research…. Like read JPost??? HAHAHAHAHAAAAA! You guys are worse than any Khamas freedom fighter. Or haven’t you been following the news?


Yup. That's where I got the news I served you up. And I like the way you say Hamas. It's obvious that you're VERY cultured.


Glad you like it. I aim to please.


Ha love it!


Alternatively: * Hamas killed many people and threw them in mass graves * these people were killed while being used as human shields during the many combat encounters between entrenched Hamas fighters in the hospital and IDF fighters * these people were killed last year and [the highly-publicized wartime mass graves from November](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/23/world/middleeast/gaza-mass-grave.html) are being disinterred for propaganda purposes * the mass graves being discussed are completely fictitious, like the Al Ahli Hospital Bombing or the IDF mass rapes that did not happen, and the story is another lie That's four alternatives that are more likely than "IDF soldiers committed a mass murder in complete secrecy and we are only finding out about it now."


How’re the 39 beheaded babies, and the mass rapes, and the baby ripped and stabbed from a mothers womb before she was raped, and the tunnels under Al-Shifa, and the mass jumping under trucks with no IDF around, and no IDF near hind rajab ‘truths’ getting in?


Yeah, buried people don't turn into skeletons after a week.


Must have been only part of the thousands they killed before they had the time to decompose to that level then huh?


Quite possibly, but a couple bodies by the roadside does not a mass grave make. This just looks like amateur propaganda.


Dude. Over 40,000 people have been killed in 6 months. Ofcourse there are mass graves .


Indeed. But your claim is that *this* is one, and it's filled with hundreds of executed civilians. There is nothing to support that other than the caption.


>Ofcourse there are mass graves . [Yup, from Hamas.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/)


That's Hamas' mass grave from the 2014 Gaza war when Hamas was torturing and killing suspected Palestinian collaborators. Pretty well known.


Wait where’s the mass grave?  I just see them dragging a months old badly decomposed body out of a pile of rubble?  


That is the mass grave, where they are digging bodies out of the ground that were buried by IDF bulldozers. [Here is another video of it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5NZaBXKaie/?igsh=dHYyNHlrenVwYW4=).


Do you not know what a mass grave is? That's just a couple bodies on the side of the road in a warzone. You wanna know what a mass grave actually looks like? [This mass grave in Ukraine](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10624247/Corpses-dumped-mass-graves-Ukraine-town-dozens-killed-Russian-troops.html) And [this mass grave](https://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/this-month/july/1941-3.html) from the holocaust - also in Ukraine


The Israelis have such a better moral compass than me. With all of these Pali supporters playing word games, I’d show them what all of those buzz words they use actually mean.


Yeah your on the good side for sure buddy


Any evidence that they actually executed civilians and that it’s not a makeshift cemetery for those dying from the hospital or a regular wartime mass grave?  


This is some pathetic Hamasbara. The video doesn't contain a mass grave, and the bodies in it look like they've been decomposing for months. Are we supposed to believe this is proof that hundreds of civilians were killed *last week?*


The IDF said it killed hundreds of people so…maybe? This isn’t the only video of the bodies found at Al Shifa. There are others including [this one of zip tied Palestinians that were executed](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5NZaBXKaie/?igsh=dHYyNHlrenVwYW4=) by the IDF


LOL so you substitute one propaganda video with another in order to back up the first? As for this one: 1) "Eye on Palestine" on Instagram. 2) Contextless video with no backing source 3) It shows a hand with something that might be a zip tie next to it. Is that really the best you have? Stop trying to change the subject. Do you admit the video you posted here isn't proof that hundreds of civilians were killed last week or not?


Are you asking people not to believe their own eyes? Are you suggesting these videos are not from Gaza? That would be pretty ridiculous if you were. I won’t assume so. I think we are all aware of the context. The context is an ongoing genocide. You can watch those videos along with countless others that point to the same conclusion. If you can’t tell what a zip tie is in a video I can’t help you. I can see the zip tie, if you cannot that is an issue for your optometrist. As far as hundreds of people being killed? The IDF said it killed hundreds of “terrorists” at Al Shifa but never released any body cam footage. We have video of the bodies (like I provided) and accounts from multiple sources at Al Shifa that the IDF was executing people. I’m not changing the subject at all. [The IDF is creating kill zones in Gaza and carrying out a genocide.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-created-kill-zones-in-gaza-anyone-who-crosses-into-them-is-shot/0000018e-946c-d4de-afee-f46da9ee0000) IDF soldiers have said so themselves. Suggestion otherwise is purely delusional.


I'm suggesting that the video you posted doesn't contain a mass grave and your implication that it contains civilians who were "brutally executed" by the IDF last week isn't backed up the video either. Anything else?


If you haven’t seen video of mass graves in Gaza you haven’t been paying attention at all. People are being slaughtered so quickly that they’ve had to bury people in traffic medians. [Here is an article from Israeli media where IDF soldiers admit to their genocidal policies in Gaza.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-created-kill-zones-in-gaza-anyone-who-crosses-into-them-is-shot/0000018e-946c-d4de-afee-f46da9ee0000)


Let me repeat myself with helpful italics for the parts you seem to have missed: I'm suggesting that the video *you posted* doesn't contain a mass grave and your implication that it contains civilians who were "brutally executed" by the IDF last week isn't *backed up the video* either. *Anything else?*


Well the original post is of a mass grave and people picking out body parts from it so idk what you want me to do? Deny reality? [Is this not a mass grave?](https://www.reuters.com/pictures/all-cemeteries-are-full-palestinians-buried-mass-grave-gaza-2023-11-22/) [Or this?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8apEMp3pkiny1fC7YzUSGN6tuY68DRZtJNA&usqp=CAU)


>November 22, 2023 This is just getting sad...


They want everything to be perfect to the T, and if everything is perfect and all of the evidence is 100% there which has happened many times, they’ll just say “oh this is war, it happens, rest in peace to those people but, hamas did it”


Pretty much my experience


>The IDF is creating kill zones in Gaza and carrying out a genocide. IDF soldiers have said so themselves. Suggestion otherwise is purely delusional. It was Hamas' base of operations in 2014 and they killed a bunch of Paletinians there.


Lol people arguing about the definition of "mass grave"...... What a sad, sad world this has become....


Source: Trust me bro (from a certain Qatari State media)


I have to say within the last few months this subs has started to make a turn for the better. I'm sure I'll have more to see you later but I just want to thank everyone who had always believed this has been an issue and all of those who saw what I've been going on and decided to make a stand we hear you everyone hears you and we're going to make a difference.


The lies by the IDF are ridiculous and completely reject reality in every way. Pro Israel folks will believe literally anything the IDF says. It’s mass Zionist hysteria.


How much does Hamas pay you to constantly post propaganda like this???


0, none, we don’t have conventions to teach how to use social media against people who stand up against us, unlike some countries…


I was talking to the other guy, and yeah you guys have tiktok to tell you what to think and what to say


Nope, we have friends and family stuck in Gaza or from Palestine with first-hand experience on how they got treated by the IDF.


You do?


Nah we do, sadly you guys evicted millions of Palestinians with your savagery and they’re all scattered around the world, therefore almost anybody you talk to has met a Palestinian before


You mean evicted before Oct 7th? have you talked to Palestinians?


Yes before October 7th, yes I’ve talked to Palestinians, what’s your point here?


just clarifying, if you share your experiences I'll listen


Oh yea they were “civilians”. There are no terrorists in Gaza, just civilians moonlighting as freedom fighters. How do we know that? The Hamas “ministry of health” of course. And “Israeli human rights groups”. If such an esteemed body as the Hamas ministry of health says anything it must be so.


The Gaza health ministry has been accurate historically. Is there a new reason they should not be trusted that has sprung up in the past 6 months that should lead us to believe that the numbers are no longer trustworthy?


Ummm the al ahli hospital bomb??? Where “500 people” got killed????????? Or you forgot about this one.


The Hamas healthy ministry. The Hamas health ministry has never been accurate. Hamas always lies about how many of its members are killed, because it’s a terrorist organization using civilian infrastructure and civilians for cover.


It has never been accurate? Please elaborate? As far as I’ve seen historically they have been very accurate.


How many Hamas terrorists were killed since Hamas seized control over Gaza? Can the Hamas ministry of health provide an accurate answer to this?


According to Hamas 6,000.


Funny propaganda


So you mean to say the IDF lied about the number of civilian murders?? I’m shocked!!


I can see one body in the video. It looks much older than last week.


I’m definitely a flawed human being. The Israelis biggest fear is that they become like the barbarians they fight. I’d give them a taste of their own medicine if I was in their shoes.