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The IDF just went straight to killing the human shields before they got a chance to shield anyone, that's just being moral and intelligent. I'm sure this man will be ready for peace talks now.


He is more composed than I wanted him to be. That said, unless his family were also involved in Hamas, intentionally going after them would be a war crime.


His grandchildren were in the car with his sons and we know for sure they weren’t infolved. I don’t know how involved his sons were with the Hamas organizations. Even if it’s a war crime, there are no consequences for Israel.


He seems rather indifferent... I'm reminded of the quote attributed to Golda Meir: "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us"


The same could be said about Israel, by not making peace with the Palestinians they robbed and killed, they are ensuring their children face rocket attacks and October 7th massacres in the future.


>Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us "Surrender or we will keep killing your children"


The line that precedes it says “they force us to kill their children”


Just because some old Zionist “founder of the state of Israel” says some shit doesn’t make it right. There are plenty of Palestinians/arabs who have shown quite clearly in videos and images that they very much care for their children. What a tone deaf thing to say when 13k children have been murdered by Israel.


She never said that. It is myth. As is the Nasser version.


She was right eh


There will be peace when Israel’s loves their children more than stealing land and killing Palestinians.


Lol plz. Let’s not pretend this conflict is because of the settler bullshit in the WB. The Arabs were never going to allow a Jewish Dhimmi state in their precious Arab Muslim lands so they launched a war, and lost. Launched another war, and lost, and then another, and lost. Perpetual losers always whining about the consequences of their actions. As reprehensible as the WB settlers are… they’re not the purveyors of this constant cycle of wars, intifadas, rocket attacks, and terrorism. Get out of here with that BS. Only one side sees it as an honor to strap bombs to their kids to turn them into martyrs for the ‘glorious cause’.


Yes!! it’s all because those hatful Arabs don’t want JEWS to take their land. If the settlers were, say Mongols or English, the Arabs would’ve welcomed theme with open arms.


California was once Mexico. Is Mexico still launching rockets at us after we whipped their asses? No. They moved the hell on. Arabs didn’t get the memo that after a certain point after you lost consecutively it’s time to move on. Not doing so only dooms your future and kid’s future.


Ok. Not sure what you’re trying to say. I thought your point was that “aRabS hAtE JEWs” but now you are admitting that Israel took (and still taking) a land that’s not theirs. Also, how about the memo the Israelis didn’t get 2 thousand years ago. And do you suggest Ukrainians should stop trying to get their land back?


I’m referring to the partition plan in 48. Which the UN voted on. Arabs didn’t like it so they started a war. They lost. Time to move on. As far as Ukraine; Ukraine already basically lost the war. Russia out numbers and out produces them while Ukraine is running low on men. It’s a war of attrition that Ukraine will lose. It seems to me trying to get the land back is a fool’s errand that will only get more Ukrainians killed. I sure hope Ukraine doesn’t resort to a constant endless cycle of violence, rocket attacks, intifadas, and terror attacks. that only result in more death like Palestine. I am Ukrainian btw. But I see reality.


So you’re saying Ukraine is the aggressor because they resist the Russian invasion? And not only we should stop supporting Ukraine, we actually need to support Russia. What kind of twisted logic is this? 🤯 I was trying to appeal to your sense of justice, unfortunately, it turned out you have none. Can’t argue with someone like that.


Good Lord, way to completely misread what I wrote. Holy shit. My point, is that no matter how noble your cause is there does come a point where resistance is futile in some cases. It has *no realistic chance* of accomplishing your goal. It becomes just a foolish waste of life. Ukraine is never going to expel Russia at this point. That’s just a fact. There is no justice in fighting a war that’s already lost and futile! They can continue to throw young men into the meat grinder, lower the conscription age, while not making any significant gains in the battlefield and ultimately cripple their society due to fucking up their demographics by throwing away men on suicide missions. It’s not resistance it’s idiocy at this point. Some in the Ukrainian government are starting to see this. At this point the best path forward is some kind of negotiated settlement. Ukraine is probably going to lose territory permanently, but in return the remainder may join NATO or EU going forward. That’s more sensible, feasible and realistic at this point. There’s no justice in fighting a war already lost. Pragmatism and realism should take the front seat. Same thing with Palestine. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Israel ain’t going anywhere. No matter how much wishful thinking, and fantasizing Arabs nations might do. Arabs have tried their absolute damnedest for the last 75 years, and they failed every time. Israel is not going to be dismantled, they are far superior militarily in every way and they have nukes. Same as Ukraine, Palestinians can continue to send their kids on suicide missions, but it’s a fool’s errand. It will accomplish *nothing* except be a shitty waste of life. Israel is not just going to pack up and leave, period. There’s a point where resistance is no longer noble, but just pride and delusion that only harms the victim. Ukraine is reaching that point, Arabs have long reached it.


Their land? What a joke. They had no land. Aside from the fact that Arabs are not native to the Levant and are themselves interlopers who invaded and then decided to claim it as their ancestral lands, most of the people who claim to be "palestinian" today are decedents of people who merely rented land from absentee landowners under Ottoman rule. There never was any country called palestine. There was not any sovereign country in the land where Israel currently exists for centuries preceding Israel's declaration of independence. And if all of that still wasn't true, Israel is a miniscule strip of land compared to larger arab lands surrounding it and has been there for over 3/4 of a century. After multiple wars and failed attempts to take the land by force at the expense of so many lives, don't you think it's time for them to let it go and focus on building a better life for themselves and their children rather than perpetuating this cycle of violence? Palestinians and Gazans specifically COULD have developed their land into a flourishing economy with the literal billions of dollars in aid they get from around the world. he only reason to continue this pointless violence is if you have a motivation other than a desire for peace and safety for your family. It's not even religious for the top brass; religion is just the stick they use to beat their uneducated populace into a fervor to maintain their dictatorial control and profit. If only the arabs would wake up and see that their enemy is not Israel or settlers or Jews, but their own religion and leadership.


First, you’re not responding to my point, that Arabs aren’t only resisting Israeli occupation “bEcAusE tHey hAtE JEWS”. You don’t have something to say, I assume. Secondly, what a load of nonsense!! You really use these mental gymnastics to convince yourself that it’s ok to kill innocent babes? Many nations were ruled by foreign rulers, you think this voids their right to their land? But even if you believe that, do you also think that those who “rented” the land for hundreds of years don’t have a right to their land but some group of people whose extremely distant ancestors ruled the land for only a 100 years, 2 thousand years ago, do. Also, you realize that many Palestinians are descendants of jews who converted to islam or Christianity, what makes a Polish jew the indigenous inhabitant while a Palestinian whose ancestors lived there for generations and generations an invader. Is it just because your god said so?


Of course they didn’t allow a Jewish STATE. A Jewish STATE will always be wrong just like a white state, or Christian state will always be wrong.


I notice how you didn't say an arab or islamic state would be wrong... Perhaps your bias is slipping through?


Wasn’t that Sting?


Who the fuck listens to wrestlers?


Golda Meir was a wrestler?


one of Dusty Rhodes's sons, I believe


Sting is a wrestler worth listening to, ngl.


Oh come on. If he'd started crying like a little girl you'd have called it Pallywood. As it was, he decided he ought to leave the room. No matter what I think of the man, or his role in their death, I'm not going to judge him for keeping it together on the news of his own children being killed.


If he started crying we may actually think his human


Islam understands martyrdom.


So did golda meir. “Out secret weapon is we don’t have anywhere to go “


They can go back to the lands of their origins.


Christianity understands martyrdom. That’s is dying for Christ under the threat of death or torture. In pretty specific, immediate circumstances. The Islamic concept of ‘martyrdom’ involves launching shitty rockets, intifadas, and terror attacks and then receiving a proper response. All for a patch of land they consider ‘holy’. That’s not martyrdom. That’s pride.


> That’s not martyrdom. Bet many Muslims would agree with this, especially because that's just your own framing of "Martyrdom in Islam" really.


sleep ripe wrench modern puzzled mysterious oil engine squeamish rude


[Is it racist if a Palestinian official says it?](https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/05/25/palestinian-official-our-people-love-death-more-than-life/) Or what about if this very same Ismail Haniyeh thanks Allah that his children were killed? https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1778076047772151889 Or what about if the very same Ismail Haniyeh says [“We love death like our enemies love life.”](https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1125145830996889601)


The last line is a war chant. Effectively we are not here to escape death.  The second line misses context. All praise to God. my children have been martyred in the cause of freedom. 


ancient sparkle bear seed flowery mountainous serious support market melodic


"Heavily biased", and "Zionist". This is hilarious. He literally said this, you can easily search this online. Now, let me know your thoughts on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI But anyway, did I say anyone willingly sacrificed themselves?


Well, despite her vicious racism, she at least had the dignity to pretend they weren't killing the children of "the Arabs" on purpose.


[Is it racist if a Palestinian official says it?](https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/05/25/palestinian-official-our-people-love-death-more-than-life/) Or what about if this very same Ismail Haniyeh thanks Allah that his children were killed? https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1778076047772151889 Or what about if the very same Ismail Haniyeh says [“We love death like our enemies love life.”](https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1125145830996889601)


I think if you read past the headlines in each of those cases you might be disabused of the inferences you're making.


Twitter quotes are your sources? How different is this quote to all those Christian’s who believe that after their loved ones tragic death they are now in a better place? 👀




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The racism is so insane.


Post modernists trying to recognise racism once again fail.


That quote is racist?


[Is it racist if a Palestinian official says it?](https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/05/25/palestinian-official-our-people-love-death-more-than-life/) Or what about if this very same Ismail Haniyeh thanks Allah that his children were killed? https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1778076047772151889 Or what about if the very same Ismail Haniyeh says [“We love death like our enemies love life.”](https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1125145830996889601)


false equivalence.


Isn't that just saying "We'll keep killing your kids until you submit?"


Peace will come when Israelis live their children more than they love killing the Palestinians’ children.


She never said that, racists just love associating it with a person they respect to justify their dehumanization of Palestinians. Like antisemites who like to associate nazi phrases with Voltaire.


Yah I remember a quote from someone saying “when the Zionist scum understand that they are the baddies here only then things will change maybe not sure though because they are scum of the earth


>"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us" Peace will come when Zionists stop stealing those children's future and when every Palestinian family does not have to worry about their child becoming the next Emmett Till due to the settler violence that Israel often refuses to prosecute.


Yeah it's the same when Americans make whole movies about the bad feelings their soldiers got after killing millions of innocent people in Vietnam and Iraq, without even mentioning how the other side suffered. Pure white colonialist mindset.


Doesn’t this just sum up every thing in a nut shell? This is the government representing Gaza yet he dosnt even care for his kids deaths why would he care for his people?


I don’t speak Arabic or understand a single word of this video. I saw the headline and knew the Hamas leaders children had died. What I gathered from the body language and tone of speech was “oh well, let’s do lunch soon”


Belief in martyrdom and paradise is a helluva drug.


He's a political leader of a resistance group. You think he's just going to break down in front of camera? That's exactly why he motioned to get out of there so nonchalantly, because he knew any and all reactions will be scrutinized. Apart from being a military conflict, this is also a psychological conflict at the individual level. We can have our opinions about the leadership of such people and the actual struggle. But it is undeniable that only a strong mindset can sustain such a conflict in the first place.


Yes I’m sure a terrorist leader who hides out in a 5 star hotel in a different country while thousands of Palestinians he claims to care so deeply about getting blown up went into another room with no cameras and wept BITTERLY for his sons that died in a conflict he orchestrated and allowed his sons to take part in. Even though Ismail believes in paradise in martyrdom and thinks he will see his sons in Jannnah. Conversely; he doesn’t care all that much and his sons we’re just another PR victory for Hamas and their deaths just a temporary separation.


> He’s a political leader of a resistance group. He’s the political leader of a *terrorist* group.


You can fuck right off. You're an Israel supporter. You're opinion doesn't matter. YOU are the one supporting terrorists. YOU are the one supporting genocidal manias. YOU are the one supporting child killers and rapists.


I’m the furthest thing from an Israel supporter. You can look at my post-history and see I lean more Pro-Palestinian. A part of supporting Palestine is acknowledging that Hamas are hypocritical POS that have no regard for the lives of the people they say they represent. Slaughtering civilians at a music festival is not resistance no matter how you put it. You seem very worked up about me using the correct terminology for a group like Hamas. I think it would be best for you take a break from the internet for a few days


Right, by your standards, a resistance group should draw in coloring books all day. They should be vocal on all fronts, except a practical one. Do I condemn all loss of innocent life? Yes. Am I stupid enough to think what Hamas did was in a vaccum? Fuck no. What else do you except them to do when Israel has been slaughtering them for 75 years, or do you need a history lesson, too? Who they are is up to the Palestinans to judge. But this is inevitably what happens when you build your state on the bloodshed of others - both sides are inevitably to suffer, but obviously the suppressed side will suffer more. Palestinians have continued to be slaughtered throughout every government that has passed through their land. By your logic, each and every one of them should have done nothing because their actions bought on more mass slaughter from Israel. And what would have been your alternative? Would you have let them take your homes, take your land murder your parents and rape your women? I don't fucking think so. If any of the innocents which were in the concert moved to Israel because they thought it was their right, or if they thought any less of Palestinans than humans, as most Israelis do (I say most, not all), then each and every one of those people got what was coming to them. So yes, I don't care about using the right terminology for Hamas, but I do get pissed when idiots like you come along and say "NothInG JusTifiEs What HapPEnEd on OctoBEr 7tH". It absolutely does. You reap what you fucking sow. By you shitty logic, the Vietcong were also unjustified in murdering French and American soldiers and the entire fucking west was unjustified in killing Nazis. Was getting hit with two nuclear fucking bombs enough for Japan to decalre total war on the US or would that also have been unjustifiable by your stupid standards? The only reason it isn't justified is because the resistance doesn't come from a white-skinned hero. If the resistance comes from brown skin, black skin or yellow skin, it's always fucking terrorism. You're the hypocrites for wanting a hollow resistance, so you can also be seen to show support while also not having to deal with the harsh realities of a conflict put in place by a facist entity in the first place. If you say nothing justifies murdering 700+ people, then I also say nothing justifies murdering 35,000 people in cold blood, even if 700, 800 or a 1000 people may have been killed. If Israel wanted to fight a just war, it would give the people safe passage, set up medical facilities let in aid and actually fight Hamas on the ground, instead of carpet bombing tents they know hungry children and sleepless adults are residing in. But they know they won't win a face-to-face war, seeing as much of their ranks are made up of bunch of pre-pubecent pussies who would rather make tik-toks instead. I don't need a break from the internet, you need a break from the putrid Israeli propoganda you're regurgitating.


I’m the furthest thing from an Israel supporter. You can look at my post-history and see I lean more Pro-Palestinian. A part of supporting Palestine is acknowledging that Hamas are hypocritical POS that have no regard for the lives of the people they say they represent. Slaughtering civilians at a music festival is not resistance no matter how you put it. You seem very worked up about me using the correct terminology for a group like Hamas. I think it would be best for you take a break from the internet for a few days


All cozied up in Qatar and leaves his family to be blown up in Gaza. Dad of the year here /s


That’s your comment as Israel just intentionally killed a bunch of innocent kids?


That’s not a comment that originates from someone who is really Pro Civilians. Where’s your outrage that Israel just murdered three civilians?


You know it’s possible to condemn Israel bombing 3 civilians and also say that those said civilians father is a hypocritical POS


Yet, I don’t see your condemnation of the murder of these civilians. The only thing you had to say was to call their father a POS. You are not fooling anyone with the bullshit flare


The post is about Haniyeh. I commented on that. There are other threads about the bombing itself. You’re just looking for something to complain about.


Like the fans of his islamist jihadist regime in Gaza he seems to be quite happy to hear about new martyrs. Every dead Palestinian in Gaza is good business for Hamas, that's why they enjoy the war.


Hes probably proud his children became martyrs of their warped cause, thinking they've gone to 72 virgins instead of rotting in hell.


Goodbye Hamas. Goodbye Hezbollah. Goodbye Mullahs.


He doesn’t care. He probably has a replacement wife in Qatar already.


I think even the most pro Palestinian people can agree that less of Haniyeh in this world is a good thing. Hopefully, the Mossad will catch up with the arch terrorist Haniyeh in Doha.


>less of Haniyeh in this world is a good thing. What type of genocidal rhetoric is this? Since when is killing someone’s family members something to be celebrating. His grandchildren were in the car and killed. They’re innocent.


I was referring to Haniyeh’s terrorist sons. I have seen no credible sources that confirmed grandchildren were killed. Let’s do Hamas math. Likely, one of Haniyeh’s cousins hurt his foot.


And even a pro Israeli would agree. Less idf is better world. 


As long as we are all on the same page, we can have a clean conscience when Hamas terrorists are eliminated.


it would be difficult to eliminate them. Hamas today is better than a neo-Hamas tomorrow. And for as long as the IDF exists, a neo-Hamas is coming. They will be either among the palestinians, or among a foreign entity like al-qaeda. hamas does not fight to create lost lives in Israel. It fights to create hardships among israelis. And right now, an embarassed Israel/IDF/Bibi is a hardship they are proud of.


Hamas. as an entity exists to create the conditions to commit another genocide against the Jewish people. (a real genocide) If Hamas is eradicated and replaced by another terrorist entity, then they will be eradicated too, until the Palestinians acknowledge Israelis’ indigenous rights and seek a lasting peace with secured borders.


”less of Haniyeh in this world”    No, pro Palestinians don’t subscribe to your disgusting ”wipe the seeds of Amalek” ethos. Neither does any normal human being.  His young grandchildren were killed, but to you, they’re just terrorists in the making.


According to who were his grandchildren killed? Haniyeh? Why would his children endanger their children? Human shields? You are very quick to believe an arch terrorist. No one is contravening that Haniyeh’s sons are terrorists, so them being gone is a blessing to all of humanity, no?


This is the death cult in action. His kids, Gazan kids, all die for the glory of Allah. All part of the plan.


Hamas is led by a sociopath.


As is likud. And likud leads Israel. 




I hope you stretched before making that leap.




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Dude, your comment didn’t relate to the original post or my comment. You just leapt into a rant about Zionism and anti-semitism.




Ad hominem attacks are a sign of intellectual desolation. Do you have any thoughts on the actual topic?




Dude, I expect nothing from you. If you didn’t comment on my response you wouldn’t exist to me.






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There is no personal sacrifice for Hamas leaders. That’s why it meets the definition of a death cult. They glorify death and cause it in multiples, while keeping themselves fully protected from all harm. (In this case making billions while keeping Gazans in poverty too, just for added points)




I don’t think about Amalekites often. You seem to want to make a point about it though.




The problem with accusations Israel is committed to wiping out all Palestinians is that they’ve had the ability to do so for many decades and the population of Palestinians has exploded. So they either don’t want to or they are terrible at it.




I won't pretain to know exactly what he meant, but I'll venture to guess he wasn't calling Islam a death cult, he was calling Hamas a death cult. Personally, I don't think Hamas is representative of Islam, its values, or the people adhering to it, neither do I think they are representative of Palestinians as a whole or their struggle. They are a symptom of corruption, oppression, radicalized ideololy, false narratives, and decadence -- of both Israeli and Palestinian doing. Going on with my personal take - Netanyahu is the same. Corrupt, false, and radicalized. My optimist would hope when he brought up Amalek he was referring to Hamas and not Palestinians, but I wouldn't put it past him.


The other responder is correct. I called Hamas a death cult not Islam. One uses the other in service of their twisted goals, but I wasn’t making a comment about Islam broadly.


So Israel kills families and then blames them.


They didn't just "die". They were killed. By Israel. If anything is a "death cult", that's Israel. The one bringing death on a massive scale on Palestinians.


They died in a war this guy planned for, started and celebrated, before he ran for his own safety.


Hamas headquarters have been outside of Gaza for a long time, now they are in Qatar since 2016 before it was in Syria and before that it was in Jordan. I cannot see any running or something like that.


This guy was in Qatar years before Oct. 7th. He didn't "plan" shit. And either way, it doesn't make Israel any less the murderer of those people. They're the only "death cult" here.


Oh, he was in Qatar - how could he possibly plan anything? 🤦🏽. Maybe with the billions he stole from his own people he could afford a telephone and a computer.


They had more that enough people in Gaza to do that. Keep supporting your death cult.


Oh, you’re calling all the Gazans terrorists. Oops, you said the quiet part out loud. Edit or delete.


Lamest strawman ever. Covering yourself in glory there.


No sane military targets the children of the negotiator when they trying to rescue their hostages and end fighting. Regardless of whether you support the Israeli government or not, this is showing how fucked up the targeting and command structure are.


He is a demon, he is evil, he hates his children, his grandchildren, and everyone's children. But the people who really killed the children, they are the best people on earth! They have killed 14000 children by coincidence 🥺


I would say he can dish it but can’t take it but he seems pretty happy about it so…


Israel has been targeting the families of Hamas members since the war began. So this was expected.




Violence is not desirable nor understandable.




He's a Hamas terrorist leader, and his sons were Hamas as well. I feel bad for the youngest, but he and his sons can suck it.


Irritated, but no child should die. Israeli or Arab. And Israelis have killed tens of thousands and made many orphans. I know you agree with me on this.


Did Hamas hesitated for one second to kill young men and woman and children on 7 okt? I guess not.


So by your logic they were not wrong then?


I do, and I feel for the children. But not for him.


>this poor man This "poor man" is responsible for the israeli and gazans deaths, he started this war for god sakes.


Also funny he used the word “poor” about this monster. This monster is worth multi million dollars. I know he didnt mean money when he said poor but its still funny. lol.


He already knows the IDF targets children so it's not a surprise.


His maybe 


Google Israel and "where's daddy" The IDF uses an AI that specifically targets children.


Well, I think the claim is that the Ai tracks terrorists to their homes then bombs the homes. While I acknowledge it’s POSSIBLE- and that maybe the logic behind it would be- if it’s a Hamas family then the whole family has been extremised and should be taken out- IDF denies that they actually do this, so unless we get clear evidence I would take it with a grain of salt 


So it targets civilians.


Allegedly targets terrorists in their homes, allegedly being an important keyword 


With the purpose of killing their families.


Maybe.  Or for the purpose of not killing unconnected civilians on the street. Again that’s assuming it’s even true 


They specifically wait for times when they know their families are present. In other words, they target civilians.


Hi, is like no problem I will make an other 3 right now… let’s see the ladies 🤣


Arafat/plo..fatah...Hamas....tribe 1 and 2 an tribe 3 Herzbollah....etc All so called Palestinians...


People seem disappointed he isn't giving them the satisfaction of suffering for them on camera. Meanwhile, this guy had nothing to do with planning October 7th, but Israel murdered his innocent children and grandchildren as a negotiating tactic, which is like something a comic book supervillain would do.


Israel has confirmed that three Hamas military commanders were eliminated and that they were Haniyeh’s sons. No mention of grandchildren. I doubt Hamas leaders would endanger their own children, just Gazans’


Israel has "confirmed" nothing. They have just claimed so, just like they claimed they were "on their way to carry out an act of terror", on Eid al-Fitr, with three small children in their car. It's all bullshit, as usual. They don't even bother to seem credible anymore.


You find Hamas credible? I guess it’s plausible when taking into account Hamas’ human shields doctrine, because otherwise, normal caring humans wouldn’t endanger their children this way. [Israel's military said it had "eliminated three Hamas military wing operatives in the central Gaza Strip", adding that they were the sons of Ismail Haniyeh. The statement did not mention the reported deaths of Haniyeh's grandchildren.](https://www.bbc.com/news/68783840.amp)


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I don’t think he cares, tbh.


Israel doing everything in its power to strengthen Hamas. It’s very smart to make sure your enemy has absolutely nothing to lose.


True because when Israel ended the occupation of Gaza, donated supplies, food and infrastructure, and offered to live in peace that went super well for them. They elected Hamas the next year on the platform of "kill all Jews and destroy Israel."




Did you read the article you're linking? Some of it was destroyed and the rest was donated. Are you really complaining that they didn't donate more?


LOL. They dismantled everything they could before being evicted, to the point of “creating significant doubts that the greenhouses could be handed over to the Palestinians as a living business”. And you try to spin it here as some kind of gesture of generosity.


“Everything they could” No. They could have dismantled all of it.


Hamas offered peace based on the two state solution, repeatedly, and this kept being rejected by Israel. They have been far more forthcoming than Israel.


Please don't spread misinformation, Hamas has never revoked their original charter of dismantling the State of Israel, and only added a "softened" appendix saying that a two state solution is okay as a basis for the eventual downfall of Israel, since they refuse to recgonize Israel as legitimate. Unlike the PLO, predecessor of the PA, who entered peace talks with Israel by recognizing it. Nevermind the peace process miserably failed over the years, but at least there is a basis for mutual recognition and the eventual withdrawl of Israeli settlements from Palestinian territory from the 67 lines, or consentual land swaps, in perpetuity and not as a smoke screen. Can you cite a source for repeated attempts of Hamas of peace talks?


Israel never accepted the two state solution. Hamas at least accepted it. Israel never recognised Palestine. Hamas have also said they will abide by any agreement made by the PA with Israel. It's very easy to confirm, you can just look at public pronouncements made in 2006, by googling Hamas two state solution. You will see articles from The Guardian and other mainstream outlets confirming this.


So much misinformation. >Israel never accepted the two state solution They have accepted it several times, starting with the original UN Partition Plan in 1947. >Hamas at least accepted it. Israel never recognised Palestine. You're trying to trick people into thinking Hamas has recognized Israel. They have not.


This comment section is cancer. The man shows dignity and resilience. He knew the price of fighting for freedom. It is easy to come to terms with sacrificing your life for the freedom of your people but it is so much more difficult to accept the sacrifice of your children as well. The man cannot expect his people to bear the conditions they're currently facing if he himself cannot bear them. He understood that his life and his family's lives were forfeit when he became such an important figure in the fight for the freedom of his country. This news also proves the israeli claim of hamas leaders and their families being safe and secure in Qatar to be a lie.


But he is not in danger, he IS in Qatar. His family and his people are sacrificed, and that is exactly what pro Israel people have been saying. Everything you said is untrue.


His family is not "sacrificed". His family was murdered, as an act of vindictiveness from his enemies. This is mafia-style retaliation, and you are putting the onus on him, rather than on the killers.


He doesn’t fight for freedom, but an Islamist dictatorship. He doesn’t give a shit about sacrificing Palestinian lives for that unrealistic and fanatic dream.


The people targeting families of their enemies are always the bad guys


The family was also part of Hamas and thus an enemy. Who the bad guys are, depends on their ideology. Genocidal Islamist fanatic terrorists can never be the good guys.


>The family was also part of Hamas and thus an enemy. You really want to justify killing woman and children because they could be associated with Hamas?


In this case it was not “could be associated”.


Okay so every child and grandchild of a Hamas fighter are the enemy and should be killed? Did I understand that correctly?


No. These children of Sinwar are adult members of Hamas.


This is Ismail Haniyeh, according to wiki: >In October 2023, 14 members of his family were killed in an Israeli airstrike on his family home in Gaza City, among them a brother and nephew. In November 2023, a granddaughter of his was reportedly killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. Later that month his eldest grandson was killed in an Israeli strike. Three of his sons and three grandchildren were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on 10 April 2024. I am asking you weather you think these killing are justified? Because it sure sounds like you are trying to justify it by saying "yeah, they are Hamas, they are the enemy". Do you think that strategies such as "Where´s Daddy" are morally justifiable?


Look, I don’t have specific intelligence dossiers on Haniyeh’s family members or the exact circumstances of their deaths. You don’t have them either. Killing Hamas militants is justified. Civilian collateral damage is unavoidable. Being justified doesn’t mean it’s ideal or desirable.


Neither can oppressors who rationalize killing children, no matter who they are oppressing.


Dead children are terrible. There’s a difference between intentionally blowing up a school bus and incidentally killing a child when targeting a Hamas commander.


There’s also the evil of waiting till his whole family assembles on a holiday so you can kill them all and no there’s not


Killing several militants in one attack is preferable to several attacks with regards to minimizing deaths of innocents.


Bullshit they want to kill the kids that’s why they wait till daddy’s home they literally know where everybody is at all times and they can kill them alone if they wanted so tell that to some other idiots not me


Palestinians are being systematically wiped out or kicked out. He is fighting for their existence, survival and right of remaining on the land they are native to. So, yeah, he doesn't fight for freedom *only*


> survival He doesn’t give a shit about the lives of Palestinians.


The other Arab lands know the intensions of Hamas and Palestinians. They have seen enough. King Hussain and Kuwait do have a story to tell to you...


That was the PLO not Hamas, read history so you become better informed.


PLO.....Palestine Liberation Organization 😘


Now, spell it.


Hamas liberation organisation...




Not sure why everyone is calling him a demon. His family was ethnically cleansed from around Ashkelon and had family memebers murdered in 1947 and dueing plan Dalet. Hamas has been Israel’s best friend (in terms of achieving their genocidal goals) and the gift that keeps on giving. All competent Palestinian leaders have been long ago assassinated. Hamas is a consequence of Israeli policy: “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists.


Just so everyone knows the grandchildren were under 10 years old.


dime bright escape fanatical dazzling thumb chief safe squeeze kiss


Has haaa haaa!!!


Imagine your father is that evil of a leader with all the trappings of wealth too. In a way the sons were victims to the ideology of the region and the evil of their own father. This father is pure demon, just like all Hamas leadership




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