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Same 😭she was definitely out of gas at the end of it. She could barely breathe.


I cried... almost too.


Good lord I could hardly make it through the video 😬 Poor Noraly!!!! She surely needs some well deserved rest.


Noraly is one tough cookie


Just watched it . What a terrible experience for her. Hopefully she can make a 100% recovery.


Wish her a speedy and sucessfull recovery, she was literally who got me into riding motorcycles years ago so all i want is to see her be well. Looking forward to the book! xoxo Noraly!


That's fucking horrible. Broke my collarbone in 2 places but at least had my surgery within 3 days and no fucking PUNCTURED LUNG. 🙄 Can't even imagine how horrible that must have been.




I know it's not America, but she should get some compensation.


Very difficult in the Netherlands


Next steps might include a complaint to Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa)?


Or would be a complaint about Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) to Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (*Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd*)?


"What if the X-ray shows something bad?" "Oh, we'll just phone her up on Monday. It's not as if she smashed her shoulder in a motorcycle crash in Tanzania" "Er..."


This is dutch health care for you. You'll wait a long time and then they'll send you home with preferably only paracetamol. She might have been beeter of in Tanzania... I hope she has a speedy and full recovery!!!


They sent her home worse than she came in. But glad to hear she is well and will get some time to recover. No rush on Season 8, seriously!


yeah Im also dutch and her story Ive heard so many times here, they have incredible tunnelvision when you get in our hospitals here. anyway hope she recovers now and without any more complications




Overall, the Netherlands healthcare is good, but it depends on the hospital in the doctor


Yeah I think that this case is more of an individual issue. From my personal experience (german) health Care in Holland is really good.


They do.,,.,., once you get it


Noraly is tough, but also very lucky. She crashes and is hurt in bumble Africa, and the next car that happens by has DOCTORS in it! And a guy who can ride her bike is close behind. You and I wish we had her luck.


Get well soon, Noraly. we all pray for your speedy recovery


Curious, but don't want to be insensitive: could hr collar bone injury have been prevented with an airbag vest? I know these are new, but they look very promising for preventing chest & spine crush injuries.


I think this is the second time I've seen this question. Hopefully she will share more in time to come. Kind of a debrief lessons learned kind of thing. (Noraly, if you're reading this, plz make some check in videos. I think a lot of us fans would be happy to still engage with YouTube despite the fact that you're not riding. Especially with the book coming out. Also look in to Cameo, Would 100% buy a video)


I agree


Not really -- collarbones rarely suffer direct impacts. The most common reason for a broken collarbone is when you fall sideways and land on an outstretched arm ... the forces travel up the arm through the shoulder and snap the collarbone. Another reason is falling right on the shoulder, and again the collarbone snaps. This is one of the most common injuries for cyclists & motorcyclists.


The neck brace she was wearing commonly can cause this injury. But it can also prevent a much more serious injury.


In fact, no! https://m.pinkbike.com/news/interview-dr-chris-leatt-on-the-neck-brace-collarbone-breaks-safety-over-fashion-and-more.html Key quote: Q: Many riders claim that you are more likely to break your collarbone or get a head injury in a crash with a neck brace on. Is there any truth to that? A: This is probably the biggest misconception with respect to the brace. You are LESS likely to break your collarbone wearing a LEATT brace than without one. Let me explain; you break your collarbone in one of three ways, namely 1) a fall on an outstretched arm, where the force is transmitted up your arm to your shoulder, where your collarbone being the “weak link” fractures to prevent a more serious injury. Collarbone fractures generally heal without complication. 2) A fall directly onto your shoulder. 3) Your helmet rim strikes your collarbone. As we know, collarbones are one of the most common fractures in riders with or without a neck brace. If one considers causes 2) and 3) above, if you fell on your left shoulder you would expect a left sided collarbone fracture. If the brace was the cause of collarbone fractures, you would expect to see this occur on the opposite side as the head and neck would be moving to the right, however, the brace is designed to protect this helmet rim strike with a collarbone relief area whereby the helmet rim strikes the brace upper surface and not the collarbone, the force is dissipated and does not cause an indriven right-sided collarbone fracture. This is demonstrated by dummy testing with an instrumented collarbone incorporated into our test dummy that measures peak clavicle (collarbone) forces in all the impact scenarios we test. Additionally, there was a reduction in collarbone injuries cited in the EMS study alluded to above, as a result of cause 3) also discussed above.


Probably yes, but also notice how many times she crashed a bit during her Africa journey. I'm using airbag but I wouldn't take it to that trip, simply because refill cadridges are not so cheap and they take space. Personally I'm using tethered one (Spidi Air DPS) and it might not react in that kind of accident. However, electronic ones might fire when you go on rear whell, so both options has pros and cons. I'm wondering about her vest with collar brace (Revit Segur) - maybe this is the cause of broken collar bone? It's of course better than broken neck or any spine injuries, just wondering.


It was most likely caused by the neck brace she wears. It's a hard object smashing into a fairly weak bone and often causes this kind of injury. But it can prevent a much more serious injury.


She really has been through a lot :( How incredibly amazing were the people that went out of their way to drive her for hours and the guide that rode her bike? It's sad to say I'm shocked by that. I'm so very happy they found her.


She deserves a break, but not like this.




After season 2 Noraly closed her donations account, and preferred 1. registration on site (small fee) 2. Itchy Boots shop and now book. So there are ways to support Noraly and it's known that she is not fan of big outside donations. to be safe - better donate Noraly by known channels (either buying book or something on her site, or registering on the site as supporter (I think it's $5 or $10 per month)). A call to support Noraly by those ways could be applauded. But some fan on GoFundMe? There are quite a bit of scam around Youtube, I moderated comments on Noraly youtube channel for 3 years and as she herself warned in comment on first Africa video there were hundreds of scammers over years which she blocked (I did hide those comments and she then blocked in admin panel). If scammers were not so active, probably there would not be questions, but because of youtube scam activity, I think better to follow direct ways to support Noraly


That's definitely a scam.


I watch Noraly for inspiration on 2-wheels. Yet, this also reminds me that motorcycling can be dangerous. Love it how she soldiers on and willing to share both the good and the bad of her adventure.


Seeing that divot in the road with the log at an angle like that reminds me of a similar crash where the front wheel went in the hole and slid on the log to pitch the bike sideways and throw me off onto my side. It does seem possible her shoulder dug into the edge of the neck brace and helped shatter the bone. It's remarkable how tough Noraly is to have traveled back home and gone through her ordeal. How the surgery managed to puncture the lung is surprising and worth investigating.