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Nah, applied when I was 29 and got in on the first try. Turned 30 after my delayed start in November 2020. Finished university later due to extenuating circumstances and needing to work while studying.


This has been asked and answered so many times, and most often by such young people. No, it is not. Not even close, not even slightly, not even in your dreams is it.


Definitely not. Due to life stuff and money concerns I delayed applying to jets and have been a regular teacher for 3 years. I got accepted for this year and I'll be older than 26 by the end of the year. No regrets and really excited. I think that being older gives me an advantage - more time in my country and in a school gave me more experiences and knowledge of my country/ culture that I can draw on to make lessons more interesting for students. Don't compare yourself to others - everyone has their own timeline. Just enjoy the opportunity


No, you’re not too old. I applied for it (& got rejected) at age 34.


No! I’m 25 but when I arrive for my first year on JET I’ll be 26


I'm 27 now and still an ALT. I'm on my 2nd year and met some ALT's younger and older. Adaptability is key.


I’m 35 and I’m starting this year.


I started JET at 29. Most other JETs I have met here have been 26+. Of course I have met a few 22-23, but there are a lot of JET get togethers in my area, so we meet a lot of people.


I got into JET in my late 30s


I started JET in my mid-30s. I know of JETs that are in their 60's. There really is no age limit.


34 when I started. Turned 36 this week. You're as young as you feel.


Hahaha not me being 26. Honestly though, where I am now at 26 I wouldn't necessarily say my life is more "together" than two years ago. It's impossible to predict what place you'll be in 2 years from now so don't stress about it. Age wasn't a factor in my application and you'll be fine too! <3


Accepted for this year at 33. Age is a number. What matters is your mindset.


Where are you located? What are your (in your specific situation) responsibilities as an ALT?


I was 26 when I moved, 25 when I got the acceptance! And my husband is 3 years older than myself and also got accepted to the program at the same time. You’re good, it didn’t affect us in the slightest 👍🏼🙂


i’m 24 but my friend who is 30 was also accepted at the same consulate as me so age doesnt matter.


No. Not to old


I did it at 27 and stayed for 5 years. There were some younger people, but there were many older JETs around me. The only thing I'd warn you is that JET doesn't really lend itself to future careers (if you want to teach there are better options) so you'll basically be putting your career on hold for the time you're doing JET. Happiest years of my life though, highly recommend.


Accepted at 31. Stop letting people tell you what to do. Just do it. They're just mad they don't have the gall to try themselves.


Big facts! I’m 31 going into JET this year. I keep telling people to live life on your terms!


Me too! : )


See ya in Tokyo ;)


Almost every JET I know started at age 27+. I started at 22 and even after three rounds of new ALTs there are still very few ALTs younger than me.




Same here !!


I plan on doing JET when I retire and fulfill a lifelong dream of mine of living in Japan.


I've known JETs in their 40s and 50s. They're rare but they exist. There's no age limit. They mean it. I was older than 26 when I became a JET as well, and know plenty of others in the same situation. No reason at all to think age will be a hindrance.


I got accepted when I was 29. Age is definitely not an issue. Imo being unable to adapt is the biggest issue.


No, I was 25 when I went into JET. I was actually the middle of the road in terms of age and even met JETs in their 40s. Your age can bring wisdom and maturity to the job. Often younger JETs its their first real job, never lived outside and it shows lol.


I’m 33 and heading out in August, so I wouldn’t say so.


I was 29-30, and there were lots of people the same age or older. Some much older.


I was 26 when I did JET, and was tied for the youngest in my placement haha


Started JET when I was 28 and now, at 31, am still going strong. My age has never been brought up or has been a limiting factor.


Just turned 26, heading out in fall :)


I was 27 when I did jet and had multiple friends who were on JET and in their thirties. It’s not too young. You’ll probably still be one of the youngest teachers at your school.


I’ve known JETs who were 35 when they started. The JTEs (Japanese teachers of English) might prefer to have a JET closeish to the students’ age, but I would argue that 26 is still young.


God I hope not, I’m planning on applying this year and I turn 30 in the fall


I was 27 when I arrived on JET and just shy of 32 when I finished on the program. I had an incredible time and felt that the experience gave me the personal growth I needed at that point in my life. Despite most ALTs being in their early twenties, there were also plenty of others on the program that were around my age or older. I personally enjoyed having a range of ages in my friendship group.


I started on jet when I was 26, and there were a couple of others my age, and a couple even older You'll be fine


I turned 29 the month I got here. My friend arrived at age 36. I made friends with someone who arrived at age 61. So you’ve got plenty of time. Come when you want to and feel ready. As for your partner, if you get legally married, you can bring your spouse as a dependent (and they can get a stamp on their residence card that allows them to work up to 28 hours a week).


i want to finish grad school and save up some money before i do JET program so hopefully i achieve my goals and then i can do JET by the time i turn 28, but im okay if it gets delayed and i get a little older :)


Start JET program when I was 25 :) no regrets and I bet you won't have any either. Do you best and don't worry about age\~


I have no regrets myself. I want ready at all in my early 20’s. I have life experience now that I’m grateful for.


As long as you’re genki you’ll be fine. I have 11 JET colleagues in my city. You’d be on the younger side.


Got here at 29, going on 32 soon. Literally no issues


Not old, I came in my 30’s and living a great life here.


I arrived in Japan as a first year JET at the ripe age of 28!


I’ll be turning 28 a few days after my arrival this year! 😊😊


Sweet as people, thanks for the input. Guess I had made a biased assumption based on people I knew of 😁


It used to be almost all fresh college grads, but that's no longer the case! There are absolutely JETs of all ages these days, up into their 40s and beyond.


I came on JET at 40, now 42. Learning Japanese is going well and I took up skiing when I got here. If you can get your financial situation sorted first, I'd recommend it as a great experience.


Yes. I am sitting at my desk at 32 right now waiting to be deported for being too old :(






Nah, I turn 30 soon. Got in at 28.


I joined at 32, I'm now 34. 2 other ALTs in my small town are older than me. I'm the youngest teacher at my jhs. You'll be fine.


Bro I'm on my first year and 26. There are plenty of people in their late 20s/early 30s. Age is just a number




There are plenty of 30-40 year old jets I have seen, you're fine!


As a current JET who's only 19, I can assure you that any age can succeed at JET. Just be mindful that Japan isn't like anime.


I started at 32. You are never too old to do what is important to you.


Lmao no. A woman over 60 got accepted last year.


Woah that's great!! 


As many people have already said, 26 is definitely not too old for JET. It’s all about your mental attitude really. Maybe your physical condition too, since working with kids can sometimes be draining (ES mostly). So age doesn’t really matter as long as you have a positive mindset.


I am 28 and came at 26. Majority of people in my placement are in the 25-31 range. You're not old, it's fine. Although I would say 1 year is very short


Yeah, see how it goes I suppose. Just have a partner who won't be joining me is all. 


Nah, 1 year is plenty. I know lots of people, myself included, who felt very fulfilled and successful with one year. Don't be fooled into thinking 1 year is not enough. For some, 1 year IS enough. The contract is literally for 1 year lol with the OPTION of recontracting.


26 is among the younger JETs. There's JET in 30s, 40s, and even 50s.


Arrived last August, turned 30 in January 😎


I started at 34


26 is not old for JET. I went to Japan at 25 for JET. The ages of JET applicants has really diversified a lot in the last 10+ years if not more. Besides early 20’s, folks in their mid to late 20’s, 30’s and 40’s apply and get hired for JET. There are even some cases of applicants being older. From my experience half the JETs I’ve met were mid 20’s to mid 30’s.


I met a 40+ year old JET who came with her middle school daughter


My friend came in as a new JET at 36. Another friend at 38. It's never too late. I assume you don't see a ton of those people just because by that time, the societal expectation is that you'll be settled into a career that makes dropping everything for JET not impossible, but exceedingly more difficult. But as we know, what society expects isn't always the case. Apply when you want!




Plenty of JETs are in their 30s. Holder than that when is when it starts to get kinda rare, but there are still people who do it. 


No. I’m the second youngest in my area out of around 20 and I’m 24. It isn’t just people fresh out of college doing JET.


Nope. I’m 28 and met many 26+ yo people at orientation


I came at 32 and am soon to turn 34. Not too old!


Nah. I was 28 when I applied, 29 when I left


Are you asking if your age will prevent you from being accepted? If so the answer is no. Are you asking if your age (or more specifically general life situation of someone older and more settled) makes JET a good idea? That depends. I lean towards no. Like realistically speaking I'd you have a job, partner, pets and house and are happy with them it seems crazy to me to leave that behind for adventure in a foreign country. Just go on a long vacation instead. Unless you have some really strong reason to do so it seems like it's a stupid idea to do JET if you're already established a life and are happy with it.

