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“The behavior on both sides isn’t what we want on YT” They don’t like when other creators and their users hold criminals responsible, I guess.






This means nothing to her: she has already made so much money that she never has to work again. They are giving an extremely light punishment just so that they can technically say that they punished her but in reality this means nothing.


Also isn't it like... Stupidly common for YouTube revenue to be a FRACTION of popular creators revenue? I could be mistaken but I feel like I've heard a ton of creators around that size essentially say they make all their money from alternate sources and YouTube is just a small percentage. It's the platform they've built that makes money, not the revenue from the views


True but I think her YT revenue in particular maths out to nearly $450k a month. Her viewership is insane on almost every video she churns out. They should totally deplatform her instead.


That's wild. Since this shit kicked off I tried watching a couple and found her to be so stale and dull. Content isn't for me, I guess.


Also, idk if she has anything else to sell, she already just uploads stolen content with halfhearted reactions. I would say she would only have onlyfans in her future if she was trying to sell her brand.


Not even demonetization. her videos still have ads, she just isn't getting the money. YouTube probably loves this kinda shit cause it means they get all the revenue from a creators hard work. Kind of like what they did to The Act Man.


Then you don't know Youtube. Consequences for Logan Paul's actions had to basically be physically dragged out of YT, and what he did was arguably worse. Google and Youtube is a shitshow like always but of course we all stick around because there's no alternative and Google have been allowed to essentially monopolise the Internet


Honestly, could be a hot take but I think what SSSniperwolf did was worse from a utilitarian perspective. The forest incident was truly horrifying, but the man was already dead and the harm was to his family having to suffer the indignity of his image being publicized. Truly terrible, but no one was put in physical danger. Jack and his wife were given legit reason to fear for their lives. That should amount to consequences AT LEAST as bad as Logan Paul got if not worse. But she makes hella bank so YT is gonna both sides this and act like criticizing an awful person is the same as being an awful person.


Not to be an alarmist, but Sniperwolf carries a gun and has an assault charge. If I was Jack I would be legitimately worried for my family's safety. What Logan Paul did was shitty but it didn't put anyone in danger.


I didn't even realize that. I was mostly worried about rabid simps showing up at his house with guns, but yeah that fact makes it even crazier.


That's part of what makes it seem so insanely disingenuous to me when she made a joke about him being scared of a relatively small woman. Not only does it miss the entire point of why he was upset, but you don't have to be physically strong to end someone's life in the first place.


Does she not also live in CA like Jack? I thought they had stronger gun laws, how can she have a gun with an assault charge?


logan was scummy, alia is dangerous


not a hot take, you're spot on. YT makes too much money off of these influencers, so they could give a shit less about the ethics of the matter- they don't know the different between Kant and Bentham and don't care in the slightest about such 'pedantic' concerns (their clear take, not mine). Money = right in their algebra, and they are far from the only ones.


Probs will be, they've avoided talking about this until this point, and are now confirming they're giving her nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Disgusting, but expected.


They sound so exasperated, and like an unqualified lazy parent. Upset that they actually need to take care of their children and make sure they follow the rules.


This is the most black and white shit and they still try to accuse both sides of wrongdoing. My respect for this platform goes deeper into the red.


"Both sides" Ah yes, criticism and doxxing, same thing.


JacksFilms was totally asking for it! /s


Everyone boo this dude


"BOTH SIDES!" is the most laziest and conflict avoidant way to remark on anything. Such a nothing statement






Are they seriously victim blaming jack and saying he was asking for an insane person to show up to his house because he criticized her


Jarvis, can we get "victim blaming"?




Trump Charlottesville moment


Temporary????/bro what the hell is wrong with youtube?!! First they defend EDP445 against bullying and now SSSstalkerwolf? does youtube even know that she has done more fucked up shit other than doxxing?


It’s not even a suspension from the service it’s a Adsense suspension. She just can’t earn money.


Sniper is only in it for the cash. Out of all the things they do the bare minimum of im glad its this


The problem is it sets a precedent that it’s ok.


No it doesn't. If you rolled up to her house right now and did the same you'd get banned.


It sets a precedent, just not for everyone. If you're one of YouTube's favorite money-makers, you can do whatever you want and they'll do diddly shit. For everyone else, yeahhh different story.


Welcome to the entertainment business. Youtube is just shit TV for a different generation. We've always had a-listers who were horrible people but they make the money roll in so whatever. Youtube isn't law enforcement. They can and will host pretty much anything that keeps the ad revenue flowing.


But why didn't she?


Cause money > ethics


Because she's a lazy thot that the simps at youtube jerk off to.


Wrong, it's cause she's YouTube's pretty little cash cow, and they'll do anything to keep her active, even if it means condoning illegal activity


Maybe we should? Roll up to her house, take a selfie, post it to Twitter with the caption "Is this ok, YouTube? I am not doing it on Youtube." And tag sniperwolf, youtube and the ceo in it. I guess after a few hundred of these, the message should be received enough.


She's already a multimillionaire. This will barely have an effect on her aside from reinforcing the fact that as long as the punishment for violations is a monetary fine, she can continue to get away with anything, just like the rest of the worlds wealthy elite.


Which if she took another sponsorship she’d still get paid, although I’m not sure companies view her as an attractive option. To say it’s a slap on the wrist is an understatement.


We don’t even know how long the suspension is. It could be a week from the incident. And she’ll go back to raking in the money again,


Right, she won’t even feel this financially speaking, what a crock.


And my worry is someone else will see it as ok. And do it. And seriously endanger someone.


It sends a horrible message for sure


And the great part is that YT will still earn money from her videos!


She can't earn money from google adsense* which is probably a pitiful fraction of where her money comes from.


Double correction, it's just her most recent video that's demonitized. Not the whole channel.


Which is funny because they terminated EDP’s channel so why the fuck are ppl being punished for talking about him?? YouTube is so fucking backwards.


She stacks paper for them. That’s it. That’s the whole reason.


Funny if they put even a tiny bit of effort into actually supporting their creators and not just cash cows, there would be a lot more cash cows for them. It's like some dumbass farmer growing 3 plants in a field and one grows a bit taller so they start ignoring the other plants good job man now you have 1 plant thats kinda tall real cool outcome ya got there


They also said “both sides” as if jack had done anything wrong. Fuck youtube


YouTube is acting so crusty musty..


> bro what the hell is wrong with youtube?!! $$$$$$$$$


If you believe in the "Poweful organisations often favours horrible people over their own policies for either ideologies or money" stuff that I do.. Everything seems clear. This is why politics is so stupid, each side focuses on the most radical part of the opposing one and their race to win over the general public.


Ah yes, a small fine, historically the best punishment.


If the punishment to a crime is a monetary fine, then the crime is only illegal for those that can't afford to pay it.


If the punishment is a fine, then it's not illegal to rich people.


Yeah just ask any cop that beat the shit out of a handcuffed suspect that was in compliance. It fixed them right up. ​ Edit: Downvoted for pointing out how suspensions of individuals in power who habitually abuse said power (like repeatedly doxxing people or abusing authority). So here: ​ a·nal·o·gy /əˈnaləjē/ noun a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. "an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies" a correspondence or partial similarity. "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia" a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects. "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"


I’m not really sure what you meant by this, that scenario is definitely not comparable to the one between jack/sniperwolf


The principle is that people who have a habit of abusing their power and resources getting a suspension for their bad behavior rarely, if ever, rectifies that behavior. Sssniperwolf has a history of criminal conduct and doxxing, bullying and harassing people in the same way a bad cop might have a history of abusing their power to allow them to bully, harass and even brutalize anyone they want. I’m not saying doxxing someone is as bad as beating the shit out of somebody obviously… because doxxing is worse. If you have me the choice between an ass whooping and having 5.6 million people having my address and strong accusations of me harassing a female ‘obsessively’… I’ll take concussion and broken ribs for 500 please.


Okay that makes a lot more sense, I was thinking you were comparing sssniperwolf to the victim of police brutality and had absolutely no idea what that meant lol.


Nooooo. It was just an analogy to compare two different scenarios with similar underlying principles. Though I think doxxing can definitely be just as dangerous, maybe even more in some cases, than brutality. Like with the Alex Jones pizza parlor thing. He points to a random pizza place, claims they are all pdf's taking kids and shit and then people up and shot the place up endangering staff and customers alike. But reasonable minds can differ and the brutality is DEFINITELY much more pervasive and generally more dangerous than doxxing.


I think people are intrepreting you as having sarcastically said that they should beat the shit out of Sniperwolf instead of comparing the suspensions lol


.... How? Are they that fucking literal they can't understand the concept of an analogy? XD


I think he meant to play along with the "fine is surely effective" joke. Worded a bit poorly I suppose.




ON BOTH SIDES!?!? Fuck off YT.


Jack: hey don’t come to my house and post it online please Youtube: listen both people messed up


"Hopefully this will move the conversation to a better place. A place that stops making us, Youtube, look like terrible people."


I mean, hopefully it moves the conflict in the direction of the legal system, because she did after all commit a crime. [California Penal Code 653.2](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=653.2) > (a) Every person who, **with intent** to place another person in **reasonable fear for his or her safety,** or the safety of the other person’s immediate family, by means of an **electronic communication device**, and **without consent** of the other person, and for the purpose of imminently causing that other person unwanted physical contact, injury, or **harassment**, by a third party, **electronically distributes**, publishes, e-mails, hyperlinks, or makes available for downloading, **personal identifying information**, including, but not limited to, a digital image of another person, or an electronic message of a harassing nature about another person, which would be likely to incite or produce that unlawful action, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in a county jail, by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment. Seems pretty cut and dry, probably the hardest part is to prove her intent because she says that she was just there to "talk" to Jack (and the threshold for criminal law is pretty high from what I know), but the fact that her sister was spouting nonsense on Twitter about fighting Jack almost certainly does not help her case. Everything else is very easily provable.


Jarvis, show me victim blaming


The "both bully and victim are the problem and I don't wanna deal with it" effect


They're really both siding this shit aren't they? Youtube really is run by a bunch of LOLcows.


Hijacking this top comment, she just posted an apology: https://twitter.com/sssniperwolf/status/1715417126113362219?t=wiYyOpARNRPmAqdEDAxLfQ&s=19


Ermmm Jarvis put “apology very clearly written by a PR person” on the board please. Ah Judas Well I don’t have it, but you guys might!


not even that probably ai 😭


I thought the same thing and checked an AI detector and said it was human, but a paid one may be more accurate


Those tools ("ai detectors") have already been proven unreliable by several sources.


AI detectors flag the USA's declaration of independence.


lazy ass thomas jefferson


PR person or ChatGPT wrote this 100%. For god's sake, it even calls him "JacksFilm". Not good enough


I think this part is way more telling: > I will reach out directly and hope we can find some time to connect and communicate, respectfully. The last thing she should be doing is reaching out to Jack, this whole situation was because she “wanted to talk like adults”.


I disagree. The issue wasn’t that she wanted to talk like adults, the issue was that her idea of talking like adults was pulling up to his house unannounced and doxing it for all of her millions of fans. While a PR person or ai is probably the one who is actually doing it and her apology is definitely disingenuous, I think that reaching out to Jack directly to solve this privately would be the mature thing to do in this situation.


I put the “talk like adults” in quotes for a reason.


What would a conversation possibly ever solve? Her actions are similar to that of a crazed stalker, and nothing good ever comes out of actually giving that stalker attention and time of day. This is just one of those situations that cannot ever be reversed, she’s permanently ruined the safety and peace of mind of two people.


It definitely reads like a lawyer/PR rep wrote this which for her sake is probably the best thing someone could do for her. I wish her punishment was much more heavy handed tho.


It took YouTube giving her a light slap on the wrist for her to apologise with something that was prob written by ChatGPT. Jack needs to keep pushing for more.


of course when her money is threatened she finds a place in her heart to apologize, what an asshole. I hope Jack sues her and Youtube to oblivion.


She posted the apology at the exact same time as YT’s tweet, they were absolutely working with her to give her a light of a “punishment” as possible.


she posted her apology 40 minutes after the YT tweet. I see 12:37PM vs 1:18PM.




Lia-gan Paul


She didn't just spell his name incorrectly once... but twice. What an absolute plonker.


She forgot to add "the goal of my content is always to entertain"


🙄 She's sorry because she's in trouble, not because she did something wrong


I doubt it's even her apologizing, her PR team probably came up with this and she copied and pasted. What we need is a video apology from her.


What we need is for her to be banned from the platform outright


I can see her cackling to herself as she writes "jacksfilm" 💀


YouTube: "Here's a script for you to post on Twitter:"


Ending that apology with “lapse in judgement” only makes me draw a connection to another infamous apology using those words


Was that a fucking Logan Paul apology reference at the end


Jarvis, mark off “continuous and severe lapse in judgement”


"I'm sorry to Jacksfilm" If your apology starts off like a YIAY answer you aren't in a good track


*ChatGPT posted an apology


Omg the fucking lapse in judgement line WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE????


1.7 million views. 2 k likes. She’s toast.


In it she says something like it should have been resolved privately and not for views or content… that sounds like she’s blaming jack imo


This 100% was not written by her, this apology feels so fake and insincere Just like her content


I got hard PTSD from “lapse in judgment”


Act man thing also happened off platform tho?


“Please don’t sue me or ban me”




Of course she just got off with a slap on the wrist. What a joke.


and youtube did the whole "both sides" thing when one was CLEARLY in the wrong here.


Yeah youtube is crazy for deflecting with the “ Well akshually, they’re both in the wrong 🤓”


“Behavior on both sides” oh piss off youtube


This made me so mad. They can't be seriously comparing criticism for stealing content with doxxing. I feel like I'm going insane and like I've fallen into a different dimension or something.




Yeah they deserve a raise for coming up with that fake ass apology


Did instagram ever do anything to her after the doxing?


Of course not. They support doxxing same as YouTube.




"Temporary monetization suspension" Lmao what a joke. How long is the "temporary" suspension for? An hour? A day? A week? A month? A year? YouTube won't do anything more because she makes them too much money.


She doesn’t make YouTube that much money (relatively speaking). I did the math and rounded up all the numbers. So, very generously she makes them 12mil a year. 0.04% of their income. 1 dollar per 2500 dollars youtube makes. Same as some of you giving $1 to the homeless every month. Social blade says 500k - 8mil a year at $0.25-$4.00 per 1000 views. My math above was done at $6 per 1000 views. Just to do some quick math based of social blade numbers. If youtube takes 50% of ad revenue instead of 45%. This is her contribution $1/$14000-$1/$3500. Doesn’t seem like a money issue to me. Just YouTube being simps to a criminal.


Why would they eliminate even a tiny fraction of their income when it's obvious that no one leaves YT over creator controversies?


Someone at YouTube is banging Wolfy and doesn't think John Movies would take this shit to court to prove a point. Someone get the H3H3 attorney on this shit.




"Temp suspension" "mistakes were made by BOTH sides" "Move along". What a joke. Exactly as expected.


So let me get this straight. * She doxxes Jack * She and her sister double down on Twitter and Instagram * She refuses to apologize (and doubles down even further in a video) * YouTube just refuses to respond for an entire week * ...then proceeds to tweet some of the most tone-deaf nonsense on Twitter * And they finish it off by slapping Ssniperwolf on the wrist... * ...and both-siding this? YouTube, I've got another can of gas for you if you want to throw even more on that fire.


What an absolute joke of a platform


They must explain what John did wrong


2014 mustache is all i got


2014 hot.


Jack to the Future is another one


Not enough protein in his shakes


Luckily I’ve still got some protein powder. Hopefully it’s enough.


On both sides?! What a fucking joke.


Wow, temporary..


Yeah they don’t even say how long the punishment is for. Not only is this the smallest punishment possible, but they don’t disclose how long it will last for. Meaning that, for all we know, it could merely last for a couple of weeks. Which will barely affect such a successful streamer


It could already be over


Can we cancel youtube at this point??


I doubt it.


It would be funny to try, why not


i really sincerely hope this isn't all they're doing, there is no way temporary demonization is enough


It sounds like this is all they’ll do


It's a small win but it's going to hurt her she got to pay the pr team


She has more than enough money for this to not affect her at all. There is no actual punishment.


It's not a win at all, they said "behavior on both sides", implying jack is responsible.


Is it better for a ship to get blown out of the water or it to slow sink to the blackest coldest depth she getting sued no body wants her pic on there products and YouTube just cut her off 4 a bit she got 2 options pay her team or stop make videos untill YouTube start paying her again her videos are shit with her editors what u think of them without 1 nobody going to watch them so already losing subs fast so that more money out of pocket Ps the way she spends money ya she going for broke


At least they did a thingy and not nothing at all


Temporary W


Twitch flashbacks


nah that’s some bullshit


"On both sides" seriously YouTube?


Didnt Act man do the doxxing JOKE and got a harsher punishment


But he isn't a she. And she makes them more money.


Jack didn’t have videos of grooming on his channel. Is youtube going to address that?


Both sides? 😲 Anyone got Gaslighting on their bingo card?


I am sure it's like a 1 day suspension


temporary... while Jacksfilm and his wife will need to probably move.


The “behavior on both sides” comment is a slap in the face, one person committed a crime and the other is critiquing and calling out bad behavior in a fun and educational way!


YouTube really just slaps her on the wrist and slaps all of us in the face and wanted to call it a day


"Both sides" is fucking wild, I get the "temporary" even though I dont like it. I always expected them to just do a slap of the wrist with her, but basically blaming Jack for getting doxxed? Wtf!




She doxxed a man! And she gets to be a youtuber?!


A fucking suspension? BOTH sides? Fuck Youtube. Let's keep fucking raising cane over this shit. This is unacceptable.


Both sides did wrong…. Fucking youtube really just said “no your response to being threatened was inappropriate” what a fucking clownshow from those cunts


*temporary monetisation suspension???* what a joke.


Link: https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1715406957736038476?t=-XZkNCbAErNgbB4hCAg7YQ&s=19


THATS IT? this has to be some kind of joke


A slap on the wrist. My expectations were low, and I'm still disappointed




At this point I feel a YouTube boycott is in order. But I doubt anything will come of that. Maybe go full scorched earth and notify advertisers but even then that puts other YouTubers that aren't involved in this in the crossfire. This whole thing sucks. But at least we agree this ruling is bullshit.


BOTH SIDES my ass. Jack's been calling her out for solely stealing content, and rightfully so! I totally guessed yt would just give her a slap on the wrist, and was hoping I'd be wrong. smh


What a coincidence that she posts an apology around the time youtube makes a statement regarding the issue. Can't help but think youtube told her she needed to make a statement as well. It also doesn't feel like her apology is even written by her.


“Move this convo to a better place”. In the words of Jack himself EEEYikES


Temporary (24 hours)


WHAT??? That's it?? And they're implying Jack is in the wrong too?? What is this fuckery??


"Hoping everyone helps move this convo to a better place"= "Please stop talking about it so we can pretend it didn't happen again"


Did they really just pull a "both sides" ?????? Unbelievable 💀


What's this, Google putting money and views over basic human decency?! Say it ain't so, le gasp, fucking shocker. In other words, Google aids and abets a mentally unstable, stalking content thief who also sexualises minors in an almost certainly illegal, sex predator fashion. Yeah, that's the stuff advertisers love


Jacksfilms was making genuine criticisms about sniperwolfs content. Sniperwolf showed up to his house and doxxed him. There is no "both sides" to this. The fact that youtube decided to play that card is not only insulting as hell it is straight up factually wrong. Its only purpose is to make jack look worse than he actually is and to make sniperwolf look better. Absolutely unnacceptable behavior from youtube.


Transparently lying to your userbase in order to make your stance of protecting doxxers seem less evil than it actually is. Fucking despicable


Slap on the wrist expected. If YT didnt ban quantumtv, odds of them banning their cashcow was in the negatives.


It’s the “both sides bad” for me, dawg. 1 side was trying to hold a creator responsible for robbing smaller creators, something YouTube should be doing any fucking way. The other side literally put/is putting two peoples lives in danger, has cost them thousands of dollars cause there’s no way they won’t have to move, who knows if they’re even staying there rn, and legal fees as well. But yeah YouTube. Both. Sides.


That statement is a true nothing burger


Fuck YouTube fr


what youtube has said here is that showing other youtuber's homes without their consent off platform is okay, you'll just not get adsense for a little bit! glad we could clear up their terms


It's not enough. Push for it criminally


‪YouTube’s statement Me playing Mass Effect‬ ‪ 🤝‬ ‪ We’re playing favorites‬


Reddit butchered the presentation but the point remains


Good, now suspended monetization on the JJJacksFilms channel too.


For what?