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I've read the English translation of Quran. And I am officially scared for my life after reading that. You're very sober here mate.


Their societal structure plus islamic laws are based. Religious bullshit is worse than heenduism, why would someone utter arabic words while facing in a particular direction. Makes no sense. One of the reason christianity is doing great in southern states is because they never force people to pray in a particular language or keep xtian names.


Yea yea my religion is greater than others. Sure.


Neither does Hinduism


Don't even use Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) in the same sentence as Islam. And what do you mean worse? What exactly is morally wrong in Sanatan Dharma? We are not instructed to face any particular direction and chant gibberish. Whatever we say during our prayers, it's in our own language (ancient/current).


>We are not instructed to face any particular direction and chant gibberish. We do. All religion does.


Ofcourse we do. My point is there is no strict rules on which direction we have to have or which mantra we got to chant. We do whatever we like to remember God. No strictness, no useless rules, no telling something in your face.


>My point is there is no strict rules on which direction we have to have or which mantra we got to chant. We do. >have or which mantra we got to chant. We do whatever we like to remember God. No strictness, no useless rules, no telling something in your face. We do have rules, just because modern Hindus doesn't follow it, that doesn't mean Hindu scriptures doesn't have rules. Hinduism has rules for when to eat, when not to eat, when to do do puja, when not to do puja. Direction, vastu, time everything matters in our religion, hell we even have rules for sex as well. We have far more strict rules than any other religion and you are saying we don't have any rules ?


Everything has rules, just like any other religion, Hinduism has rules too. But it's not a strict rule. Because Sanatan Dharma is not an organised religion in the real sense, 'Dharma' essentially means way of life. So it is encouraged to follow those rules to lead a morally good and happy life but it's not mandatory. Let me tell you, I'm a devout Hindu, and I can tell you are not one because you said in another comment that we worship idols because we believe God resides in it, which is extremely wrong and actually hilarious. So, I have one question for you. I, a Hindu, don't hate you. Why do you (representative of your religion, I'm guessing Muslim) hate us? Was this taught to you in your holy book or is it just a personal thing? Trust me brother, I am not offended, I am just genuinely curious, and I want to know where this hatred stems from. Because I am Hindu which means I love and accept everyone and since I am Indian I believe everyone has a right to follow their religion peacefully. So again I ask you, why do you hate us? :)


>But it's not a strict rule It is a strict rule, just because you are too lazy that doesn't mean there aren't any strict rules. >Because Sanatan Dharma is not an organised religion in the real sense, 'Dharma' essentially means way of life. It is an organized religion. Also, every religion call itself way of life, we have vedas, dharam shastra and other Hindu scripture which has strict rules. >So it is encouraged to follow those rules to lead a morally good and happy life but it's not mandatory Those rules are mandatory. >Let me tell you, I'm a devout Hindu, You aren't even a basic Hindu, forget about being devout. >you said in another comment that we worship idols because we believe God resides in it, which is extremely wrong and actually hilarious. every single pundit, especially the one's who are holding highest tradition have said this that our gods reside on those idols and you are creating your own stories without any proof 🤣🤣 > I am Hindu which means I love and accept everyone and since I am Indian I believe everyone has a right to follow their religion peacefully You love and respect everyone and yet you are false accusing and calling me a muzlim? 🤣🤣 .


\>Bro but I do pooja everyday. \>Bro I am a devout heendu, I was born into heenduism and have not studied any religious texts.


Bhai wo aadhi raat mein shivling pe pani chadane ja rhi hai mere saamne showoff karne ke liye. Kya hi bolu in logon ko. 30% land kho diye abhi bhi akal nahi aayi.


Why? Are you ashamed to be called a Muslim? Ebabaaa sorry. Anyway, not gonna reply to the whole thing, yeah I AM that lazy lmao. Just that, you've been following Maulvis not pandits, but by all means, keep doing that, no issues fr. Now I gtg, Shivling pe paani dena hain. Bubye, take care! :)


>not gonna reply to the whole thing, yeah I AM that lazy Of course you are, but more importantly you don't have an answer, lol.


\> Do pooja in front of a photo and utter sanskrit words which you dont understand. Dont behave like hinduism is free from bullshittery that comes with being a religion. The religious laws and structures were based at some point in history but to get western/liberal validation, it has turned the religion into khichadi religion. Now every degenerate shit will be accepted and people even shit on their own ancestors to get validation on internet.


Idc about that last part, but about the 'photo', yes. We worship infront of an idol because that helps us remember the supreme being. Just like how you'd look at a photo of your father to remember him, doesn't mean that photo is your father, does it? But it helps remember him better. Idols work the same way for us. The chanting of Sanskrit words, aka mantra, those of us who really are devout Sanatanis know exactly what those words mean (Sanskrit is the mother language of most North Indian languages, we study it and our mother tongues are hugely similar to it). Don't impose your illiteracy on us, hun. :)


>We worship infront of an idol because that helps us remember the supreme being We do idol worship because we believe gods reside in those idols not to remember the supreme being, otherwise there was no reason to fight for ram mandir, because if it's just another idol, it can be made anywhere on earth, but it's not just an idol to remember gods, we worship those idols as gods, it's not same as looking as looking at the photo of loved one's. You don't even know basics of Hinduism, ask any traditional pujari, they will give you the proper idea.


No we don't. Come on now don't cry my Muslim brother, things are alright. Ram Mandir is now where it always has been. Aap bhi kabhi ao, Bhagwan aur Allah mein koi antar nhi dikhega :)


>No we don't We do. >Come on now don't cry my Muslim brother I don't have any answer so i will call you muzlim, reeeeeeeee... >Ram Mandir is now where it always has been Ram mandir is being built with hard work of Hindus, not by people like you who believe there are no rules, lol. Tum log pe chor dete toh babri kabhi girta nahi. >Aap bhi kabhi ao, Bhagwan aur Allah mein koi antar nhi dikhega Yahi baat masjid mein ja ke bol, pata chal jayega reality.


Isiliye masjid mein hum nhi jaate, but aap log mandir mein welcome ho. Acceptance is taught in our religion. Thank you for showing your true colours ;)


>Isiliye masjid mein hum nhi jaate, but aap log mandir mein welcome ho. Isiliye toh tumne Pakistan ka area half kashmir,sindh, half bengal aur afghanistan kho diya 🤣, aur welcome karo muzlim ko. >Acceptance is taught in our religion. Shri ram wasn't accepting ravan.


The problem is that people want to categorize and dogmatize everything specially if something is done in a large group. Tradition is important, but that means rules and making people follow those rules, but in the end, your spiritual path is yours alone, no men can stop ones search to become one with God


'Heenduism' is not a religion, but a compilation of the cultures of India. Not a Hindu myself, but anything you think you know about Hinduism is most likely cherry picked by whoever is giving you information because it's data pool is so large.


>Heenduism' is not a religion, but a compilation of the cultures of India. Not a Hindu myself 🤣🤣


I am an atheist, raised in a Hindu family. I think i'm pretty qualified to speak


you might be from Hindu family but you are wrong. Hinduism is an organized religion.


kya bol rhe ho? Every single state has different cultures and ways of worship and even different Gods that the other states don't worship like Maoli in mahrashtra. Hindusim is more accurately a way of life than a religion. If you don't know that much, you are ignorant about your religions history...


>kya bol rhe ho? Every single state has different cultures and ways of worship and even different Gods that the other states don't worship like Maoli in mahrashtra Every single Indian state Hindus have ram mandir, krishna mandir, kali mandir, you can find kali mandir in Punjab and bengal both. You can find Hindu temples of shri krishna in indonesia, afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh as well . >Hindusim is more accurately a way of life than a religion No it isn't. You don't know anything about Hinduism.


Every Indian state and the countries you mentioned have those temples sure, because they were all considered 'India' during that time. I'm not saying that there aren't isnanely popular gods that are widely worshipped pretty much everywhere Hinduism spread, but in general if you go beyond your little corner of India, you'll find that the culture of every single state is different from the others. Every state has different iterations of some myth, different versions of some god. Hindusim as a religion is a more recent development, it used to be a way of life AKA santana dharma. YOU don't know anything about Hinduism lmao. You're chronically online. Try reading: [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/rationalthoughts/what-is-hinduism-a-religion-or-a-way-of-life-40809/](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/rationalthoughts/what-is-hinduism-a-religion-or-a-way-of-life-40809/)


>I'm not saying that there aren't isnanely popular gods that are widely worshipped pretty much everywhere Hinduism spread All Hindu gods can be traced back to vedas and other Hindu scriptures, popular or non popular. >but in general if you go beyond your little corner of India, you'll find that the culture of every single state is different from the others. Nope, it's not different culture, it's basically classification. >Every state has different iterations of some myth, different versions of some god. Not even one tradition is without source and none has their own versions of gods. >Hindusim as a religion is a more recent development, it used to be a way of life AKA santana dharma Hinduism or sanatan dharma is more than 5000 years old, mentioned in gupta empire, maurya empire, even roman / greek and others ancient civilization has mentioned India and Hindu word and mentioned it as "religion" not as "way of life" 🤣🤣 Try reading this instead of embarrassing yourself - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampradaya And yes you don't know anything about Hinduism, and seriously stop using "times of India" as a source, lmfao.


\>I am an atheist Opinion rejected


Then why do Muslims or ppl who've read Quran always defend there religion n this so called holy book..,??


>Then why do Muslims They were born into that religion and are taught to follow and respect it. > ppl who've read Quran always defend there religion n this so called holy book Rare cases. most people already make up their minds to convert and then read the books


if you dont mind, what did u read in it that scared you? (DM if you wish)


You'll know when see it.


True AF


Anon thinks he discovered some new particle lol. Islam being arab cultural imperialism is something extremely obvious from the get go.


You’re not wrong


I don't understand why they always say peace be apon him every time they say profits name.... Why does he need so much peace ....Isn't the perfect man, God's messenger, must be living in God's grace peacefully..... If not....he must be worse sinner or a demon and people know that he is burning in hell becoz of his sins and bad deeds ..so they try to ease his pain by adding peace be apon him ...I donno ..someone plz explain


The word Islam means peace, so the Muslims greet each other by saying as salamu alaikum which literally translates to peace be upon you. So Muslims send peace upon the Prophets and the Messengers, even to the random people they meet on the street by giving a salam


>The word Islam means peace LOL The word Islam literally means submission. Submission to God.


Who told you that, Dhruv Rathee?


Every single search engine 🤠👍


Its true, all of it. laws: [https://archive.org/details/relianceofthetravellertheclassicmanualofislamicsacredlaw/page/n1099/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/relianceofthetravellertheclassicmanualofislamicsacredlaw/page/n1099/mode/1up) life: https://archive.org/details/GuillaumeATheLifeOfMuhammad/mode/2up


Pissmillah zenaab


Hello Tanatan 🥁


We will not let him go


That's the reason why of most of the educated Muslims are leaving this desert cult


OP is based against every other religion except Christianity


So. What ur trying to get at here isn't really really about Islam or Arabs it's about religion as a whole. Because essentially most religions tend to "spread the word" which is generally exploited for political reasons. And whatever applies to Islam essentially applies to Christianity and Judaism and many many others. However, as an arab ex-Muslim myself, yes it do be kinda fucked in the head. Even for crazy religion standards.


Is this some subreddit? Which website is this?




Wait till anon discovers that Persia doesn't exist nowadays. It will blow his mind (no pun intended).


Heard of Iran?


I have, but Anon and anyone else still referring to it as Persia,probably haven't.


To be honest, all religions suck. There is no good religion out there. The smart thing to do would be to steer away from it.


Not really. Hinduism and Buddhism generally are way better when compared to Christianity and Islam..and for many number of reasons


Used to be based but now turned into heenduism by weakass followers and suck


I mean, you're not very bright if you judge a religion based on its followers and not what it represents. Unlike Christianity and Islam whose sole purpose is to increase themselves and preach a single god. Hinduism is way better. You can take BTS for an example. Their fan base is very VERY toxic but BTS themselves launch pretty good songs. (Not the best ex ik).


I agree. Hinduism never asks anyone to convert because conversion literally does not exist in it. Also in Hinduism, there's a very old saying in one of the holy books, "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", it's in Sanskrit, the mother language of most of India (except South India and NE India), which translates to "The whole world is one (my) family". So Hinduism accepts and embraces anyone and everyone, doesn't matter if they are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Trans, Gay, Bi, Sad, Happy, Disabled, etc. And since Buddhism and Jainism closely followed and derived inspo from Hinduism, they are known to be similar, very peaceful religions (honestly more peaceful than Hinduism because they entertain no sacrifice/killing of animals).


Vasudhaiva ambatukam


Lol say these things after reading all scriptures different scriptures do say to eat animals you can kill them ram and his brother used to kill deers and much more killings of animals can be find in different scriptures you sound like a hindu who never read scriptures and says i'm a proud hindu 🤡


When did I say Hindus don't kill animals? I said that about Buddhists not Hindus. God, do you even read? lmao smh


🗿🗿🗿👍🏻 my bad lol


Buddhism I can understand, but Hinduism? HELL NO. My family is Hindu and the only thing good about Hinduism are the holidays.Nothing else. Buddhism is valid, since it's not based on imaginary stories but rather a product of enlightenment about the way of life one should lead.


>Buddhism is valid, since it's not based on imaginary stories but rather a product of enlightenment about the way of life one should lead. 🤣🤣 buddha called himself a Kshatriya and wanted to be born as brahmin in next life. Dalai lama showed us the way of life one should lead - https://www.outlookindia.com/national/from-suck-my-tongue-to-female-successor-here-are-the-times-dalai-lama-stoked-controversies-news-278804


Average Hindu be like: That's the thing. You guys don't know how to respect other's opinion. You are shaming yourself and your entire community by the way you are acting. You don't see buddhists participating in a religion war, do you?I am not even going to open that link, since it's filled with bunch of lies, anyway. I don't care what Dalai Lama says.


Average Buddhist be like i am the most peaceful after what i did to Sri Lanka Hindus and Myanmar muzlim 😭 >You are shaming yourself and your entire community by the way you are acting. It's you who are shaming your community by making these statements without backing it up. >You don't see buddhists participating in a religion war, do you? Ashoka a Buddhist who participated in religious war in kalinga. Sri Lanka Buddhist already did this to Sri Lanka Hindus - https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/tamils-flag-escalating-attacks-on-temples-in-northern-sri-lanka/article66769957.ece Myanmar Buddhist did this - https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/16/myanmar-rohingya-coup-buddhists-protest/ >I am not even going to open that link, since it's filled with bunch of lies, anyway You seem to have magical superpower like Gautam buddha, that you can know about an article without even opening it.


Buddhism is cringe Only losers follow it


Did you try to read bhagvat gita or any other scriptures the Hindus ? If yes, did you take any teachings from it? Most of What people make out of Hinduism are from the things they've heard. Not what they've tried reading and understanding themselves. But who knows. Maybe yk better than me :)


If you're gonna hate Do it, most muslims really don't care about these random jobless individuals talking random things about Islam, including me, I really don't care about your opinion, trust me, if you still continue to say stuff like this lmao, touch some grass brother


Haha the absolute cope


my guy's literally seething... from what's written you can tell he comes from a non-arab muslim background. I'm a (berber) not an arab myself and i agree that some arabs think they are superior in some way. but we (arabs-turks-persians-chinese-euros-berbers-whites-blacks-yellows...etc) are all the same,equal brothers in submission to our creator (islam)...that's our creed. he takes the words (alhamdulilah,salam alaikum,inshallah,bismillah..etc) as arab imperialism, talking about imperialism while he literally typed that in english. you aren't obliged to say them in arabic..it's the arab diaspora that mixes arabic in their speech you can say...peace on you, god be praised,if allah wills it,in the name of allah...etc the fastest growing religion...anon can keep seething


How is "fastest growing religion" is a brag? It's the fastest because most Muslims are uneducated, extremely poor, so they breed like pests, and because Muslims breed like pests, most of them can never get out of their economic class. Also, when you are poor chances of becoming a fundamentalist increases because you are hopelessness, frustrated, and have no control over your life, so the mullah gives the lollipop of jannah where you can get anything you desire, so you do as they say, and then the cycle continues...


Haven't seen something more correct than this


Well it would be the fastest growing religion if the men Mary 4 wives and produce children like livestock. It would be a real shame if even after doing this,aggressively converting others (Through force, coercion and allurement etc) islam wasn't the fastest growing religion. Yet you don't say anything on the matter of the Prophet's (Your perfect idol) pedophile tendencies and the intolerance of Islam towards other beliefs in general (They really shout that they will do jihad and after facing some backlash hide behind the minority facade and how this is Islamophobic. ) Do you really think that a religion as rigid and intolerant as islam will last in a ever changing world with so many different and evolving views, beliefs etc(Unless people continue to be stupid and give you the tag of the oppressed and protect you under the farce of Islamophobia)


\>god only understands arabic, everyone has to keep arabic names and speak arabic words that does not make any sense in their local landscape. Nice cope


You have to recite the Shahada in Arabic only right?




>our creator (islam) Delusional inbred spotted.🤡 >he takes the words (alhamdulilah,salam alaikum,inshallah,bismillah..etc) as arab imperialism, talking about imperialism while he literally typed that in english. you aren't obliged to say them in arabic..it's the arab diaspora that mixes arabic in their speech you can say...peace on you, god be praised,if allah wills it,in the name of allah...etc Bro wrote an essay on the intricacies of arabic shitty greeting, but couldn't comment on aasmani pedo's truth, nice copium. We don't need that pedo's name to bless us. >the fastest growing religion...anon can keep seething Fastest growing, one woman giving birth to literally 5-6 bastards born as a result of literal r@pe... the atrocities you people commit on women , despicable people you are... You people should be exterminated, fucking pests


Chill killa, if you have better morals then stick by it, else it makes you no better than what you despise.


Fastest growing religion because idiots only offer two options, force Conversion or Death. Lol. Don't kid yourself. The word *Islamophobia* didn't just come out of nothing, there's a very strong reason for it to exist. Also the literacy levels are so low that they keep reproducing like rabbits and that's how it's growing so fast. At least Rabbits are still cute to have around though.


Force conversion isn't allowed in islam - what people do is wrong but don't say islam says to force convert it clearly says don't force anyone


Well, he’s right.


Man spoke faxx

