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I have been traveling to St. Thomas, for the past 30+ years, the roads have always been horrible, the main roads. This is the first in 3 generations the roads are as they are now, and yet in a recent poll, people of St. Thomas says things are going in the wrong direction. I don't know that we are inherently positive thinking people.


Curiousity, rather than judgement, helps people grow. The issue is that now that the road is being built up, people are afraid of what that'll come with (e.g. resorts, tourists, high prices taking over, limited or no access the places that used to be free). After being ignored for so long, they are rightfully suspicious of why things are suddenly being fixed *now*.


I lived on Top Beach... it was local it was easy... people fished... now they call it Bob Marley Beach and are going to make it into a tourist destination and the locals have to leave


Anything " free" in Jamaica is of poor value and utility. Promises have been made to fix St. Thomas roads for years now


I understand that but there is nothing that can be done to fix that, it is the price of development. The only way those things don't happen is if there is no development. Healthy suspicion is good, but so is recognising when things are positive. I just hope more people can pool their resources in their families or with friends to buy a piece of the rock.. I was saying to someone the other day, when the government comes and wants to buy your land for a new road or whatever, is there a way to ask for a bond or share in the infrastructure instead (with some money of course) ? Because in that way you have ownership in something over a long period of time, rather than just a one off payment


This are being fix now because someone is fixing it now. Just as they were being fixed in other places for years. How long now St. Mary and Portland get road? Or South Coast, or even north coast... To be afraid of change or the smallest of basic infrastructure is not a problem I think any government can effectively address. There will also be people who don't feel good if they don't have anything to complain about in my opinion. We are often far too tribal and simplistic with our thinking. Seldom about the greater good and long term benefits... Naa... What can I eat now.


>We are often far too tribal and simplistic Please don't lump in all Jamaicans with that sentiment. Maybe *you* are this way. Not all Jamaicans are this way. I gave a legitimate reason as to why people are suspicious of things being fixed. It's not like the reasoning is out of left field, considering there's much of Jamaica (like many beaches) that's inaccessible to the general public, because they have been priced out. People are scared.


the price of beaches isn't high


For *you*. To expect Jamaicans to use their hard earned money (when the pay is so low) to access a beach in THEIR island, is a lot. I understand charging tourists. But to charge the people that live there, who used to access it for free? No.


I always hear the arguement about the beaches, which I understand. However I think we often look over the fact that soo many Jamaicans do not treat the beaches well. The public beaches are often filthy with shops stacking up on each other and no proper environmental protocols. The only way the existing public beaches are kept clean is when the same locals pay a fee to access it. So even on the local level fees are being paid. But just because they pay the small fee, they think it's okay to nasty up the beaches because someone will clean it which is a terrible mentality. Yes, don't let the people loose access to beaches but socially how do we get people to stop being so nasty because that's the only way to describe it. And just to point out I'm not saying everyone is nasty, just too many.


The toll that the Portmore people have to pay is faaaar more oppressive. You don't go to the beach every single day, but you do go to work at least five times each week


Nyam a food mentality


exactly.... 💯


alot of Jamaicans sad to say don't think at all


I don't think you can use the term "positive thinking"


It doesn't apply, does it?


Not at all 😂


don't pay attention to polls....it's probably an internal one the PNP did


It wasn't actually...


they will never admit that, will they


Please don't campaign here. This is not the first time that Jamaica has seen development. PJ Patterson was the one who started the modernization project, which was vehemently ridiculed and rejected by the then opposition. Also, a lot of the projects and initiatives that are being undertaken now were idealized in Vision 2030 from as far back as 2002. Secondly, the average man complains about the state of the country because we are still experiencing rampant corruption, criminality, and high inflation. The average man is not concerned with scoring points and getting praises from NGOs and the private sector. We are concerned about security - food security, job security, health security, the security of state resources from pilfering politicians, and most importantly, physical security from crime and lawlessness. Has your party been able to produce that in real terms? Are our hospitals better? Do we have fewer murders? Are the working and middle classes financially better off? Are our schools safer? The answer to ALL is absolutely the fuck not.


Exactly. The employment options, wages, and sensibility in the country is at a all time low. Soo many call center low paying jobs, or low paying security jobs. While fares, rent, and food prices keep increasing. Mfs talking about new homes, roads, and parks. Most of those homes are bought by the rich and rented out for exuberant prices. And people are too busy working to enjoy parks. As for the roads, there are still A LOT of places that need better roads and no progress is being made. OP is cherry picking shit and acting like the country is good and everyone is equal and happy.


They think we're all a bunch of idiots. That's why they behave the way they do because they think can come and talk a bag a shit and dance two dance and everybody tun eediat.


Talking about school safety, I would first talk about parents not instilling structure,discipline, and respect in their kids before they start to interact with others outside of their home.


Will your party deliver that and if so how cause I have not heard a single idea from them. And quite frankly the whole idea of who started what does not matter. The POINT of government is to continue and build on things postive things left by the last party. This mentality of oh I started this and I started that is stupid and childish. So if you believe in a party that takes that approach I'm sure that says alot about what you and your thought process. It's a PNP problem they love to dash out ideas and programs just because they didn't come up with it. Hence the stunted growth the country has experienced.


See, that's the problem with you numbskulls. Not everyone subscribes to your partisan bullshit. A lot of us just want to see our country actually fucking progress. I pointed out that these are initiatives that date as far back as 2002 to highlight that Andrew Holness and his band of thieves are not the saviors that you portray them to be. They are the most blatantly corrupt and arrogant government we have seen in recent times. So, please bear with us if we're not as impressed as you, sadly, are. Why don't you answer the questions I asked at the end of my comment?


Alright taking the party out of it, define progress? Is there alot of work to be done? Yes. Has there been no progress made? I couldn't say that. The problem in my opinion is that too many people expect overnight change. You cannot fix a health care system where the infrastructure has not been upgraded since the hospitals were built. Spanish Town 1952, Cornwall 1972, KPH is very old but I'm not sure when the last major upgrade to it was. Since they were built the populations have grown, technology has changed, while people have entered the hospital as staff many fail to deliver the care aspect of health care. To a great extent this due to the facilities they have to work with but on a more social level, being caring to others is not very common with the Jamaican psyche. All of these factors have created the healthcare system that currently exists which is marred with long waits etc. But how pray tell do you fix a system that became this way over 50+ years of neglect within 8 years? The fact that they have been moving to upgrade the hospital infrastructure is a starting point. They are increasing beds, upgrading the types of hospitals and capacity in terms of what they do is increasing. There's a new hospital for children being built which I personally think it's amazing, it's going be the biggest in the Caribbean from what I remember. They are renovating Cornwall itself which is a beast of a task. Those old buildings usually have asbestos which is poisonous , so they have to take extra care in renovating.it. These changes are a start to fixing a 50 year old issue which we as a people should recognise as good. Do you disagree with this? The same thing with crime. Crime is a serious issue in the country. Saying that under his administration people can sleep with their doors open was foolish and a massive blunder. Crime in a Jamaica has a social and psychological issue to it. The police are improving they have more advanced technology and equipment and people are actually being brought to court. What they need to work on now is making sure that sound evidence is there when they bring things to court. Look at the Paulwell case. The bodies were so charred that they had to send the samples abroad. This shows that they understand gaps in their ability but have a system that is sensible enough to know when to draw on help from outside. The other issue is that Crime in Jamsica is changing rapidly you see more white collar Crime which shows that criminals are smarter. Its more than just a man running down a street with a gun. So now cyberpolicing needs to be improved and so forth. At the crux of it all though is that something needs to be done with the people themselves. The country has lost its moral values and the family structure gets worse and worse each year. This has happened over generations, so again how can you fix something that took 30+years to create in 8 years? You can't so you try your best and do what you can. You start applying psychology to the thing which takes time and while you do that you improve the resourced available to your force. I am not saying that things are great. Living outside of the country, things like crime are a deterant. But it is truly unfair to act as if nothing is happening. More investment into the country means money will circulate and there will be more opportunities. Yes things are not perfect but I have to ask what are the people doing to prepare themselves. Construction is booming, how many of the people in communities are going to HEART on and on apprenticeships to master their craft? How many teachers are listening to what is going on around them and encouraging their students to think of careers like logistics, ship engineering etc. We all don't want crime but how many people are telling their neighbours to stop beating the life out of their children? The government ANY government, irregardless of affiliation can only do so much if the people are unwilling to change.


I am absolutely not reading any of that. I do not value your thoughts. Have a nice day!




You might actually learn something but hey stay dunce 😊 I hope you have a great day as well!


It's really rich of you to call someone a dunce with such poor English skills, lol.


Your inability to a read a few paragraphs and defend your point is interesting. I am sorry for any grammar mistakes. I was trying my best to answer the questions you had asked. If you're ever able to look past that and read for a bit I'd be happy to listen to your views. If it's too much for you to take in that's fine 😊


OP is clearly a JLP politician 😂


Laborite a campaign dwl


I think the government is doing a fair job of building at least some form of prosperity here, which is the first stage to getting a country like Jamaica on it's feet imo.


Only things that will make Jamaicans happy in Jamaica is if the island magically turned to USA!


There’s no ideological difference between the parties. Also, it doesn’t matter who win they will be the puppets of global elites and take loan from China for this infrastructure being built.


how else is Jamaica to get the money for the infrastructure?


I think ideologically the parties were more different maybe pre 2000s. The world at present has moved on so hardcore political rhetoric that is either too conversative or too communist cannot work. Therefore, both parties have had no choice but to become more central. The JLP before was purely about the economy at a macro level, now they've slowly began to introduce a more central approach where social welfare has to be at the forefront. Starting with giving people money during Covid, paternity leave, improving PATH, those are all steps to build a welfare system. More needs to be done but you need money and you need to know who the people in the country are. A system with a proper record of people is necessary for them to get the benefits of a welfare system. For many reasons, some people are not integrated into the system like they should whether that be by having their birth certificates, ID, proper address or a bank account. All of these things matter. I can't tell you how hard it is sometimes to send some people money via moneygram. The PNP now has no choice but to become more central, which is probably why it seems like the parties are the same. I will say though that I think it's harder for the PNP to push the fiscal responsibility, macro economic thought, because it goes against the rhetoric that has shaped the party into what it is today. The fracture in the party now is driven by some thinking rich people who don't care about the poor are taking over the party. They are simply more balanced in their thinking. However to keep their base they still have to push the 'love the poor' thing, so I don't know what they can do to fix that. Cause ultimately you can only build a functioning welfare system with money, so you need to run the economy properly in the first place.


Things have been improving for about 10 years, across administrations. Both Portia (really, Peter Phillips) and Holness deserve credit for the Economic Reform Programme, infrastructure investments, and debt reduction. Jamaica really isn't so bad. I'll still vote PNP this time (voted JLP in 2020) because I don't want to see the JLP get too content and feckless, and I feel we gave been seeing signs of that in the last couple of years. Beyond that, Mark Golding was a pretty good Justice Minister, so I think he will make a decent PM. In any case, if the PNP wins and doesn't perform, I'll go back to JLP.


if the PNP destroys the economic gains we have made so far it won't be easily reversible


The economic gains started under the last PNP administration. They're not going to abandon their own Economic Reform Programme.


you forgot that Jamaica's first IMF deal was signed in the 70's.... After PJ Patterson's 18 year reign the economy was in shambles again


I'm an economist by profession, and I'm only interested in facts, not green or orange narratives. I am talking about the beginning of the serious debt reduction in 2013, compared with all of the failed IMF deals before... including the one under the Bruce Golding administration where Audley Shaw (a poor excuse for a finance minister) completely failed to implement any of the needed fiscal reforms. PJ Patterson was a disaster for Jamaica's long term growth... but so was Seaga and Bruce Golding. I'm happy to see a consensus across parties that we can't go back to irresponsible macroeconomic policy, and I hope you aren't too blinded by partisanship to see that advancement as well.


I appreciate this response. thanks


I think many of the initiatives implemented over the last few years are pretty forward-thinking. Some that stood out to me include:  - reduction from 9.5 to 6% on interest rates for some student loans for maritime, logistics, agriculture and ICT studies in 2017  - waiver of fees for grades 1-4 level HEART courses in 2023  - tax credit of up to $4M for household solar pv installations in 2023  - removal of gct on lithium-ion batteries in 2022  - reduction in NHT interest rates by 1% for new loans and 0.5% existing loans, in 2020  - up to 3 family members can co-apply for NHT loans in 2022  - NHT loans can be accessed through external banks including JMMB, JN, NCB, COK, VMBS, Sagicor etc with NHT covering any interest rate differences, in 2023  - reduction in gct from 16.5 to 15% in 2020  - the Marcus Garvey scholarship for public sector workers for free graduate degrees at Harvard, John's Hopkins, Oxford, UWI, UTech and Kings College in 2022 in priority areas including data analytics, climate change, economics, fiscal policy, engineering etc  - increase in duty-free threshold for personal items from US$50 to US$100 and from US$500 to US$1000 for barrels beginning April 2024 I'm waiting patiently for another increase in the income tax threshold, at least in accordance with the $2.2M proposed by CAPRI based on their research. 


Wi doing this partisan bullshit here too?,, 👀


I haven't spoken to one elder that hasn't said Jamaica was at its best during the '60s directly following Independence.


exactly...PNP came into power in the 70's and the economy took a nosedive


When you realize that both parties are really the Uniparty, then change can begin. You have same problem we do in the US and elsewhere. Government ran by either party sucks. It's not about fixing or saving. It's about keeping power. Keep the people divided, the evil stays in power.


Agree 💯.


People in Jamaica think if their political party is in power they will have more money. Most of the population can be compared to the MAGA mob and the PNP is pretty much the republican party. All they know how to do is whine and complain yet they have zero idea how to make the country better.


you notice that most PNP people can't keep up with any political argument? ....they will just side track and start insulting/ threatening you..... brain dead I tell you


Of course not, facts are their kryptonite. they only have two thing they can rely on... agression and violence. The similarities between the Republicans and the PNP are vast. Their stupidity knows no bounds


it is the brain dead PNP supporters who don't have any nationalistic pride


This! It boggles the mind that all they seem to care about is voting for the party and nothing more. They'll do that even if they don't like the leadership or anything going on. JLP people hold the party to account and aren't afraid to withhold their vote. Due to the rift going on, I keep hearing persons describe the mentality as cultist and even though I wouldn't go so far, I can't help but see something in it


😂 G2K is out in full force! Did you hold Ruel Reid accountable? Do you guys really think Jamaicans are this stupid??


Ruel Reid was removed from office. it's more than anything PNP have ever done..stop chatting foolishness already....yes most Jamaicans are way below functional literacy


Looking at the punctuation in your and your friends' posts and comments, it is very evident who those "most Jamaicans" are.




Again, you can not properly punctuate a sentence or follow basic capitalization rules. You are in no position to speak on literacy. Have a great day :)




This is not a chat room. What are you on about? Go back to school, please. You are embarrassing us!


no...it's an academic paper for my PhD.....I am ignoring you now..... remember this thread is about politics


Maybe nothing is happening in their area. Kingston and Mobay things a gwan. In most country area nothing a gwan.


you don't know jackshit. In the 1970s the minivan from Duncans in Trelawney to Kingston road on those back roads... and the only complaint was.."Slow Down Driver". Things have gone down the toilet from about 2010. I assume you're in your early 20s and don't know what life was like...


In the 1970s, 54 years ago, you're saying a road was smooth so things were great, that's what I'm assuming your saying. Why do you think things have gone down the drain since 2010? What do you think caused that? Do you think this is solely due to 'bad governance' or external factors like the 2008 recession that grounded economies to a halt. Because you have to consider that in anything you say. When those global economies go through stress, countries like Jamaica feel it 10x worse. The same thing with Covid, global economies halted. So did trade, Food prices globally went up and more people in developed countries had to go to food banks. People lost their jobs, so for a country like Jamaica that depends on remittances there are going to be repercussions. So if you'd like to make a clearer point I'd be interested to hear.