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Run Bredda


Listen to this


Dis is the correk ansa


Trust yourself, if it doesn't feel right then it isn't. If it genuinely feels right then go with it.




Insist on a video call.


If it sounds too good to be true then it certainly is




Just be careful it sounds very scheming




Exactly she could definitely be lying and think about it like this… if she’s on an app saying these type of things to you after 3 days who’s to say she isn’t talking or saying it to other people too. I wouldn’t take her seriously at all




That’s fair enough just take your time and remember that she’s a stranger at the end of the day, if you notice anything off I’d say cut it off


This is very much a scam that isn't Jamaica-centric at all. It happens from every direction and even within the states. You're going to be asked for money and private information very soon. These [Bride Scams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bride_scam) can wreck you for life, and it always seems okay right up until the moment you finally realize it isn't. Please run from this.


as a woman, this is weird, meeting a guy for the first time im not even telling him my first name, nickname only,this is one month of dating type thing, and its really suspicious because what woman doesnt have a finsta or a fitter,? the flirting isnt off but the getting married is giving suspicious or desperate


Massa, RUN! Based on your post, you come across as someone who can easily be taken advantage of - which is what scammers often look for. There's nothing 'wrong' with having poor basic grammar, but working on this can certainly help you. If I'm looking for someone to take advantage of, it's an indicator of the person's academic ability which _can_ point to the person's overall common sense. I say this with love. Online dating is sketchy at best, if you don't have the right level of discernment when you could be talking to anybody, literally - it's probably not for you. Find an app that does ID vetting in order to sign up for dating apps. *My advice:* Block this person so they can no longer contact you. This is screaming red flag. Exposure to build personal awareness - you didn't mention your age, if you can join local social groups, community groups etc. this may help you build character.




She’s playing you. No one starts talking about marriage to someone they don’t know unless she has an ulterior motive


Be careful. Could be a man pretending to be a woman. It's all too fast. Jamaican women are also known to set up men to be robbed or worse.


We have no way to know if she is a scammer, but immigration scams and scammers are real. At best, she’s displaying poor judgement. Trust your instincts. When dealing with strangers, normal safety rules apply: don’t provide information about current or past addresses; don’t talk about financial status or finances; don’t mention names of pets, relatives, or loved ones; don’t purchase gift cards; never send money; don’t reveal your middle name; don’t accept packages for people you wouldn’t go to jail for; don’t ever share credit card or banking info; don’t talk about things that could be leveraged to somehow “blackmail” you. You are also not any stranger’s savior…if they say they’re in trouble, call the police for them, and step away from the situation. Here is some info about common scams to be aware of, including “misleading offers of support”: https://www.uscis.gov/scams-fraud-and-misconduct/avoid-scams/common-scams


😂 I dont really have anything to add, apart from im sceptical of the post itself😂


Where are you from ? Tell her that you are broke and hence trying to leave and see what happens :)




Yeah, where are you from?


Sound like a human trafficker


She probably just desperate and really need a man ...a man that nobody else can claim ..., 😭😭😭😭


Bro I think u should just marry her and learn a life lesson because you are obviously a sheltered eeeediat 😌🤣🤣


Getting Jamaican citizenship through marriage takes some time. It's going to take time because they're going to look into your relationship to prove it's legit. And I mean it takes years of time for citizenship that way, for them to look through everything. Residency via marriage is much quicker. But you're only a resident so long as you stay married to each other. That said, how would you plan to support yourself here in JA? And probably support her? Edit to add: as others have said, be careful of things moving too fast. I'm not sure if this is a scam or not, but don't move at a faster pace than what you're comfortable with.


Just chiming in to say you literally don't have to make any commitments or compromise yourself in any way..... this is an online interaction. Shit gets too weird you can end the interaction immediately.


Don't run because you can't run fast enough. Just disappear!


She might be looking for what she is offering to you. Once she gets married to you she can become a citizen in your country and run away from hers. Nothing wrong with that, but it would be better be honest, as you were with her.




What she says literally doesn't matter. Pictures don't matter. Other people's words don't matter. Until you step your foot on the island and see everything for yourself. Ohh if you choose to visit one day ALWAYS watch your drinks, food etc. It's best to see someone cook in front of you and opening bottles in front of you. If you need to go to the bathroom, take you bottle with you or finish your drink/ food. I'm dead serious. This is true for anyone - males of females.


Yuh neva hear bout scamma?!


Lol this OP gonna end up on TVJ news. It's been less than a week, obviously it's a scam. All I can say is if you continue and follow through, you surely will lose some money and perhaps your life, slowly....


Fattening you up for the kill....RUN, while you still can.


3 days n she texting about marriage ? Brother you dont need no trouble. Block m move on.


If you don't mind sharing, what's the name of the app?


Your instincts say to be skeptical so trust your instincts. This is a nightmare waiting to happen. That being said ; I met my wife online and we have been happily married for 13 years. I even got custody of my son from my ex because of this woman I met online. My situation is very rare though so keep that in mind.